Antony dos Santos (Out)

Defensive capabilities as a winger. You're not really defending but more pressing and being correctly positioned. He'll not cope with 1v1s on the regular, knowing how to position himself with the rest of the defensive line, defending the box when the cross comes inside from the left, staying vigilant and guarding runs when the ball isn't close to him.

Defending as a winger is easy. You only really need to do the bare minimum.
Good points but these position changes have been successful before considering the likes of Valencia and Young having done so. Antony may be able to adapt his game. It’s not like the current alternatives are doing well in the duties you’ve mentioned.
personally i think any player at this top level should be able to at least do a passable job at any other position, if they are given time to train for it (minus going back to keeper or something that is just radically different). Highly doubt EtH has been working on this though with Antony, as we have heard absolutely nothing about it
If he'd cost 18p the output is still not good enough for Manchester United.

I'm sure he's ok or good in a better team, you could say that about a lot of players though. Wasn't that impressed with his World Cup performances and the Ajax games he looked like he was just keeping his head above water physically and often getting caught up, just about rolling players to get by.

In the perfect layoff passing system by a top team he could be really good around the box with disguised passes and time to shoot.

He would likely look better playing for a good team in a worse league, like at Ajax, where his link play and ball retention would be useful, but here the problem is he has no explosion and can't really see or hit a through ball. You need to be able to playmake from the wing if you're not penetrating and you can't do that with no weak foot AND no vision or ability to consistently play an eye of the needle pass in behind to a striker, #10 or opposite side winger. He's like a #10 playing on the wing but without the through balls.
He is a very limited footballer. He has a preference on how to play and that makes him very predictable and ineffective because it becomes easy to defend against.
With Garnacho bossing the right I would try him on the left, especially when Hojlund and McT are on and ask him to keep getting to the byline and pinging the crosses in.
Once defenders worked out how to play Valencia by just showing him the inside he was ineffective and was useless as a winger.
Antony is absolute shite compared to him so it would be a piece of cake to do the same to Antony on the left.
It's ridiculous, and that goal was against Newport! Let that sink in, and he celebrated as if he scored the world cup winner. How many assists in his last 42 games. It's astonishing.
We've seen him score the winner vs Barcelona since then, as well as other goals in cup games last season.

I'm assuming the stat about 1 goal since his opening 3 games is in reference to his PL numbers. That 1 goal was vs Forest last season if I'm not mistaken.
No defender can stop Antony - no defender ever needs to. He stops himself, turns around and passes back. Or stops and graciously waits with the ball for the defender to get back goal side of him.
I wonder if he can be played more centrally when Rasmus is injured. No need to get over excited guys. Just trying to make our money work and maybe increase his shop window value.
I wonder if he can be played more centrally when Rasmus is injured. No need to get over excited guys. Just trying to make our money work and maybe increase his shop window value.
The only way we could increase his value is not to play him anymore an get any footage of his time at our club removed from any platform and hope some mug will take him off our hands.
Certain people should be fired based on this transfer alone:

Certain people should be fired based on this transfer alone:

Hes the first one we should be booting out the door in the summer.

I cant imagine any new manager coming in and thinking yeah I can work with that.
Besides not being good enough for this level, he is also a terrible fit for our style of football. I think he could maybe look like a squad player, in a system where we dominated possession and played a shorter passing game with little combinations in and around the box. But in a system where we are most often dangerous on the counter, he is proving literally useless, to the point where he gets the most praise for tracking back.

The walking, talking symbol of the amateur hour management of this club.
I'm laughing that the club is open to selling him but not actively pushing him out the door. Do they really think his performance, wage, and allegations are going to passively attract buyers?
Everyone involved in this signing should be sacked with immediate effect.

He's basically our Pepe. Sancho you can still pretend was a decent idea on paper but it didn't work out but it's impossible to justify signing Antony for 90M.

The good news is that Arsenal fixed a bunch of shit on their side after the Pepe debacle. It feels like we're going to do the same after ours.
I think all the off the field stuff just absolutely finished him off and he was already lacking in confidence, also majorly lacking in any variation in his play. It’s a hard thing to come here and do well in your first season or two even without any of the above.
No defender can stop Antony - no defender ever needs to. He stops himself, turns around and passes back. Or stops and graciously waits with the ball for the defender to get back goal side of him.
It’s like he’s radio controlled by LVG
and here was me thinking Bebe was our worst signing. I'm trying to think of an English team where he'd command a starting slot.

You seriously would need to go beyond the Championship and into League 1
Where does Antony put the ball here?
He's basically our Pepe. Sancho you can still pretend was a decent idea on paper but it didn't work out but it's impossible to justify signing Antony for 90M.

The good news is that Arsenal fixed a bunch of shit on their side after the Pepe debacle. It feels like we're going to do the same after ours.

Pepe’s reputation and general narrative around him at Arsenal is truly baffling to me. He wasn’t a bad player at all, and a very good finisher, one of their best. I thought he was a fairly productive winger who has seemingly been painted as some sort of model of rubbishness for little reason. He wasn’t a presser and didn’t play intensely, but the game is well and truly gone if forwards become laughing stocks for not tracking back.
Well, we haven't had any reason to whinge about Antony for a few days, so let's dig out a clip where he should have passed instead of shooting in a game from more than a year ago where we won 4-1 and he put one in the top corner...
Well, we haven't had any reason to whinge about Antony for a few days, so let's dig out a clip where he should have passed instead of shooting in a game from more than a year ago where we won 4-1 and he put one in the top corner...
Where else but redcafe!
Screams to me a year's loan at someone like Sevilla or Valencia.
Pepe’s reputation and general narrative around him at Arsenal is truly baffling to me. He wasn’t a bad player at all, and a very good finisher, one of their best. I thought he was a fairly productive winger who has seemingly been painted as some sort of model of rubbishness for little reason. He wasn’t a presser and didn’t play intensely, but the game is well and truly gone if forwards become laughing stocks for not tracking back.
To the Rashford thread.
Pepe’s reputation and general narrative around him at Arsenal is truly baffling to me. He wasn’t a bad player at all, and a very good finisher, one of their best. I thought he was a fairly productive winger who has seemingly been painted as some sort of model of rubbishness for little reason. He wasn’t a presser and didn’t play intensely, but the game is well and truly gone if forwards become laughing stocks for not tracking back.

Yeah Pepe actually looked decent at times, had a good 2nd season at Arsenal. So much so that I picked him up in a fantasy draft I used to play with workmates at the start of his 3rd season, and then Artera promptly decided to never start him again!
I think it was BBC who used to do the ‘where is the ball’ in a photo. Reminds me of those.
‘Where does Antony go?’

Question of Sport I think used to have a round called "What happens next"
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