Antony dos Santos (Out)

Where does Antony put the ball here?
We played some good football last year.
Yeah Pepe actually looked decent at times, had a good 2nd season at Arsenal. So much so that I picked him up in a fantasy draft I used to play with workmates at the start of his 3rd season, and then Artera promptly decided to never start him again!

I think Arteta wasn’t having him because he didn’t press. Which then got interpreted as Arteta not having him because he was a shit 82m flop who was one of the worst signings ever. He’s certainly not a player they should have had to give away for free that’s for sure. Should have been recouping about 30m for him.
Guess he’s staying then. Ten Hag simply has to get a tune out of him next season. Was hoping we’d offload him to Saudi but they’re not even interested.
Guess he’s staying then. Ten Hag simply has to get a tune out of him next season. Was hoping we’d offload him to Saudi but they’re not even interested.
Genuinely what gave you the idea he was getting sold?
Guess he’s staying then. Ten Hag simply has to get a tune out of him next season. Was hoping we’d offload him to Saudi but they’re not even interested.
Where was he going in the 1st place ?
That there were reports he was being booted out towards the end of the season. Along the lines of United are actively trying to sell him.

I've no doubt we might be actively trying to sell him but finding a buyer with his wages will not be easy
You should loan him out to Getafe now they're not getting Greenwood back. Year's loan may raise his value a bit more.
Guess he’s staying then. Ten Hag simply has to get a tune out of him next season. Was hoping we’d offload him to Saudi but they’re not even interested.
Still two months left in the transfer window, nothing to definitively conclude either way. (Though I still assume he will stay because of a lack of suitors)
He works hard on the pitch, but whether he is committed to following instructions is unclear. If yes, have him have another go this season.

Option two: loan him out to rediscover form elsewhere. A place where he is comfortable.

Selling is s bad option because his stock is so low. We‘d get peanuts for him.
He works hard on the pitch, but whether he is committed to following instructions is unclear. If yes, have him have another go this season.

Option two: loan him out to rediscover form elsewhere. A place where he is comfortable.

Selling is s bad option because his stock is so low. We‘d get peanuts for him.
Loan to find form with a view to selling seems a decent option. But I haven't seen us linked with any wingers so doubt it's a goer and he'll have another crack at it
That there were reports he was being booted out towards the end of the season. Along the lines of United are actively trying to sell him.
That was before ETH was announced to stay. No chance he is fine with this.
Truly dreadful season but a lot going on off the pitch. Hopefully a season with no distractions will benefit him and us.
Surely he will go out on loan, not a lot of point in keeping him. If he went somewhere on loan and did well at least there would maybe be possibility of being able to sell him next summer and mitigate some of the inevitable huge financial loss.
You should loan him out to Getafe now they're not getting Greenwood back. Year's loan may raise his value a bit more.
How the hell do you reckon more exposure to fans, scouts and teams from yet another league is going to bump his value? We need to do some Sith business and delete the archives, and then we need to go all out AI and create some new sh&it and land it on Youtube to crank the value up.
Let’s all hope INEOS can just get him out of sight to anyone that would have him.

Every manager buys a dud now and then, persevering with him for 3 season would be a mistake.
Let’s all hope INEOS can just get him out of sight to anyone that would have him.

Every manager buys a dud now and then, persevering with him for 3 season would be a mistake.

Berrada I believe said that at City they had a 2 year rule for players to prove themselves good enough, which would mean his time is surely up on his watch. The lack of links to wingers and lack exit rumours for Antony is a worry though.
Our best chance of selling him is cutting his hair, dying it black and getting him to put on 5 or 6 stone.

When when we sell Casemiro to Saudi, we send Assemiro instead and hope they don't notice.
That was before ETH was announced to stay. No chance he is fine with this.
This is uncalled for. Erik has proven repeatedly that he is not Ole or Southgate and has no favorites. He did drop Antony for most of last season, so what makes you think he is hellbent to keep him despite dreadful performances? Erik is no softie. He is not knee-jerk, but definitely not softie either

I am certain that if Antony stays it will only be because of financial reasons and/or nobody wanting him for anything that is workable (both price and wages-wise)
Why are people assuming he’s staying? Because he’s still here in early July? Just good old negativity? Plenty of time for him to be shipped off hopefully.
Why are people assuming he’s staying? Because he’s still here in early July? Just good old negativity? Plenty of time for him to be shipped off hopefully.
Pure logic.
1. He is still too young to take a massive hit on him business wise. What can you get for him (with his 200k wage)? 20 mil?
2. We are short of right wingers (If Sancho and Greenwood are off).
3. I doubt that Erik wrote him off yet.

Next year maybe.
Given that nobody in their right minds will actually give us money for him. My three step plan for recovering our transfer outlay on Antony is basically the same one I had for Lingard which we never used.

Step 1: Get Dave “PED” Brailsford to slip some of the good stuff into his dinner at the staff canteen. He’ll probably have some on him.

Step 2: Call in the drug test people.

Step 3: Fire Antony for gross misconduct for substance abuse, and claim the money for him through the insurance.
Given that nobody in their right minds will actually give us money for him. My three step plan for recovering our transfer outlay on Antony is basically the same one I had for Lingard which we never used.

Step 1: Get Dave “PED” Brailsford to slip some banned substances into his dinner at the staff canteen. He’ll probably have some on him.

Step 2: Call in the drug test people.

Step 3: Fire Antony for gross misconduct for substance abuse, and claim the money for him through the insurance.

Strikes me as the type who would leave if he was finding it too tough. Don’t think he has thick enough skin to take the criticism for the sake of staying at United when he can go to Saudi and earn more.
Think it's the complete opposite in fairness.
Given that nobody in their right minds will actually give us money for him. My three step plan for recovering our transfer outlay on Antony is basically the same one I had for Lingard which we never used.

Step 1: Get Dave “PED” Brailsford to slip some of the good stuff into his dinner at the staff canteen. He’ll probably have some on him.

Step 2: Call in the drug test people.

Step 3: Fire Antony for gross misconduct for substance abuse, and claim the money for him through the insurance.
Can you collect insurance from your players using PED’s? So this is how Abu Dhabi finances City.
This thread being bumped without actual news should be punishable by death.
Given that nobody in their right minds will actually give us money for him. My three step plan for recovering our transfer outlay on Antony is basically the same one I had for Lingard which we never used.

Step 1: Get Dave “PED” Brailsford to slip some of the good stuff into his dinner at the staff canteen. He’ll probably have some on him.

Step 2: Call in the drug test people.

Step 3: Fire Antony for gross misconduct for substance abuse, and claim the money for him through the insurance.
What happens if gets sentenced for the alleged misdemeanours?

Im sure that there is a policy that would protect the club in that scenario? What about the guy from City? Can you stop paying the wages and put a claim in for some of his perceived value?
Answers in hand, is there a worse "value for output" transfer in football history than Antony? Felix to Atletico maybe?
Knowing Shaw's injury record, try him at LB? I think he can a job vs smaller team where we expect to play more attacking.

I mean Ashley Young used to play RB for us .