Arab protests of 2019 (and beyond)

Also this is probably the most appropriate active thread to note that the Arab Spring’s first target has died:

Sadly those are just nothing compared to what it used to be.

Hard for me to put myself in your shoes, but I'd encourage you not to give up all hope. The fact that there are still protests taking place across the country after everything that's happened must be significant in some way. In Idlib the protests have never really stopped throughout the war. In Ma'arat they've protested against pretty much everyone involved in the war at some stage, despite being under regime bombardment and the threat of Nusra/HTS or whatever it's called these days. That's quite impressive. I'm sure you'll know all about this a lot more than me.
Hard for me to put myself in your shoes, but I'd encourage you not to give up all hope. The fact that there are still protests taking place across the country after everything that's happened must be significant in some way. In Idlib the protests have never really stopped throughout the war. In Ma'arat they've protested against pretty much everyone involved in the war at some stage, despite being under regime bombardment and the threat of Nusra/HTS or whatever it's called these days. That's quite impressive. I'm sure you'll know all about this a lot more than me.
Thing is I can't get behind the FSA or any kind of armed rebels now, I thought some at the start were fine but year after year they get worse.
Thing is I can't get behind the FSA or any kind of armed rebels now, I thought some at the start were fine but year after year they get worse.

Yeah of course, I certainly wouldn't be placing any hope in the militias, they're all mirror images of each other, pro- or anti-regime. It's the grassroots activism that you need to cling on to, wherever it still exists these days. But I'm not preaching to you, I can understand why so many Syrians have lost all hope.
Iraq now:

Things are moving fast:

The Iraqi PM should resign and forgive all the protestors and they all should be made MPs. The US Congress should meet the leaders of the protestors and also pass a bill against the government of Iraq for their brutality in handling the peaceful protests. Also any countries or companies that do business with Iraq should be sanctioned immediately.
Getting completely out of control now:

This is crazy, a protestor gets shot while speaking to the camera:

Poor guys :(
Don't know much about the current wave of protests, but these are very brave people no matter what. Hate it so much when people die. Does anyone know what the wider demands are beyond the fall of the government?
Deserves a mention amidst all the doom and gloom. Tunisia completes another successful election cycle, despite a host of problems:

Beirut tonight:

Still ongoing...

Any thoughts @Ballache? I saw some horrific footage earlier of protesters shot by Amal goons in Tyre.
Don't know much about the current wave of protests, but these are very brave people no matter what. Hate it so much when people die. Does anyone know what the wider demands are beyond the fall of the government?
People wants the basics. Electricity, clean water, and good health system. Then they are demanding the government to help with the problem of finding jobs. These demands changed over the course of the protests to the point of asking the government to resign. On October 25th there will be a massive demonstration that the government is working very hard to prevent. They even arrested many social media figures who were calling /planning for the 25th protests.
Still ongoing...

Any thoughts @Ballache? I saw some horrific footage earlier of protesters shot by Amal goons in Tyre.

It's about time, bar some minor incidents the protests have been exemplary and I'm so proud of my people. We managed to turn this into a big party :lol:
As for Amal, I don't think I hate any politician in Lebanon more than I hate Berri. The guy has been in power for 30 years and been robbing us blind. He sent his goons to disrupt the protests as usual but it didn't work this time.
What's encouraging about these protests, is that Shias in Lebanon have spoken out against their leadership and that never happens.
Personally I hope this puts pressure on the government to make some drastic changes, but I don't feel that removing the government completely is the answer right now. We have no alternative at the moment and the military taking over isn't a valid option right now. Make drastic changes, tax the rich, work on extracting the oil reserves and hopefully we will have an alternative for the next elections.
We shall see, our PM said there will be some drastic decisions in 72 hours. One day remains.
People wants the basics. Electricity, clean water, and good health system. Then they are demanding the government to help with the problem of finding jobs. These demands changed over the course of the protests to the point of asking the government to resign. On October 25th there will be a massive demonstration that the government is working very hard to prevent. They even arrested many social media figures who were calling /planning for the 25th protests.
Thanks. Have more concrete ideas emerged within the Iraqi movement as for how and with whom the current government should be replaced?
It's about time, bar some minor incidents the protests have been exemplary and I'm so proud of my people. We managed to turn this into a big party :lol:
As for Amal, I don't think I hate any politician in Lebanon more than I hate Berri. The guy has been in power for 30 years and been robbing us blind. He sent his goons to disrupt the protests as usual but it didn't work this time.
What's encouraging about these protests, is that Shias in Lebanon have spoken out against their leadership and that never happens.
Personally I hope this puts pressure on the government to make some drastic changes, but I don't feel that removing the government completely is the answer right now. We have no alternative at the moment and the military taking over isn't a valid option right now. Make drastic changes, tax the rich, work on extracting the oil reserves and hopefully we will have an alternative for the next elections.
We shall see, our PM said there will be some drastic decisions in 72 hours. One day remains.

I hope you saw the reform list. Biggest joke I've ever heard. I hope all of them die a horrible horrible death.
The people of Tripoli are the best. The DJ has been lighting it up for 2 nights.
I hope you saw the reform list. Biggest joke I've ever heard. I hope all of them die a horrible horrible death.

I did, honestly I think it's an ok first step. My fear is the lack of an alternative, we can't afford not having a government right now. I'd like to see an early election and hopefully this time, the civil rights movements organize properly and offer us that alternative.
Hopefully this has sent a message to the government and they will stick by the reforms.
The army smacking some Amal goons was the highlight for me, they're a pest.
The people of Tripoli are the best. The DJ has been lighting it up for 2 nights.

Man I was shocked by Tripoli, they really "whitened" it in Lebanese terms. They were easily the best.
Beirut became too much I felt, and the demonstrations in Christian areas were kidnapped by the LF.
The reform are a complete joke, as expected. These protect have been uplifting and the army standing its ground today was so,refreshing. We repeat tomorrow.

The best part is the are all peaceful, protestors are families and children demanding basic things they (we) are entitled to. Finally, I'm so happy at the way they have been conducted. Giving a true reflection of our people.
What has been the position of Hezbollah/Nasrallah towards these protests? And vice-versa? I’ve heard mixed things.
What has been the position of Hezbollah/Nasrallah towards these protests? And vice-versa? I’ve heard mixed things.
He said he supports the protests(the reasons behind the protest) but doesn't want to ask his followers to go down to the streets because then it'll look like they are trying to claim the protest.

He also gave his reasons as to why the government should not fall and they were valid points to be fair.

Summary is he wants the government to stay but to actually do it's work without taxing the people
He said he supports the protests(the reasons behind the protest) but doesn't want to ask his followers to go down to the streets because then it'll look like they are trying to claim the protest.

He also gave his reasons as to why the government should not fall and they were valid points to be fair.

Summary is he wants the government to stay but to actually do it's work without taxing the people

Yeah I saw his speech, he seemed to say all the right things. But then I saw reports last night that gangs of Hezbollah and Amal supporters were out to cause trouble and prevented from reaching the protesters by the army. But I know not to trust anything I read about Hezbollah online, so was just wondering if there was any truth there.

Would it be fair to say Nasrallah might be questioning the value of the alliance with Amal right now?
Yeah I saw his speech, he seemed to say all the right things. But then I saw reports last night that gangs of Hezbollah and Amal supporters were out to cause trouble and prevented from reaching the protesters by the army. But I know not to trust anything I read about Hezbollah online, so was just wondering if there was any truth there.

Would it be fair to say Nasrallah might be questioning the value of the alliance with Amal right now?

Its true. They clashed with the army. Hezbollah and Amal are always allies, that alliance will never be cancelled.

Regarding the rectifications, its still not enough. Why is the office of the train rails still present and collecting salaries? We haven't had trains since the 60s I think.
Why is everyone turning on each other now? Why did it not happen ever since 30 years?
Why are the salaries of former ministers/politians/presidents not removed? Reduced by 50%? feck that, remove them completely.

All of them are fecking liars, and all are in agreement secretly. I fecking hate them.
Why does every committee have to include members of all 6 major parties?
Why are all winners of bids pre-determined? Oh, it just so happens by coincidence that all construction work in one region is handled by 1 single contractor, depending on the party that has influences there.
It just so happens that all of them have Swiss bank accounts with millions and billions in deposits. It just so happens that hundreds of millions of dollars are wasted each year in "studies" and "enhancements" which no one ever sees. It just so happens that they and their dogs always argue and bicker on TV channels but everything is all fine and dandy in the ministries and government meetings.

The entire point of the riots and protests wasn't the extra 20 cents on Whatsapp (its banned by the company anyway). The point was that people cannot live anymore in these conditions, never mind increasing taxes on everything. Next, they'll check how much we shit every day and tax us on it.

We pay the electricity bill twice (publicly provided electricity and private generators cause the public one provides 8 hours a day only)
We pay the water bill twice (publicly provided water that is provided 4 days out of 7 and 3 days you either decide not to shower or order water from a station)
We pay the phone bill in USD even though its a local company handled by the government and all our salaries are paid in Lebanese pounds
We need to kiss ass to get jobs, cause jobs are concentrated under the supervision of the 6 major parties
We need to wait every 4 years for elections to get a 100$ bribe just so we can live
We die in front of hospitals which do not admit us because we don't have public health insurance.
We die from cancer (highest cancer rate in the region) due to the terrible ecosystem since they cannot agreed on recycling stations cause everyone wants a piece of the commission.

feck this shit and feck every single one of them.

I know I'm kind of privileged since I work in a bank and get a below average salary, but there are genuinely people with the following living conditions:

- Father's salary 500$, of which 400$ goes to rent (assume for the sake of argument; 1 room, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom). Remaining balance 100$.
- Mother's salary 300$, all of which is put on food (if not more from the remaining balance). Remaining balance still 100$
- 2 Kids on average, who don't go to school. Surprise surprise, you need to kiss ass and vote for them to get your kids into public school and private schools are too expensive. So they work in grocery stores carrying stuff around. Lets say each gets 150$ a month.
- Remaining balance 400$, of which 150$ goes to electricity, 100$ goes to water, and 150$ on medical expenses (which everyone knows mean jack shit in Lebanon in terms of medicine expense).

Are these conditions in which people can live in?

feck every single one of them, even the Lebanese forces and Kataeb party that make themselves seem like one of us. feck every single one of them. I hope each one of these war criminals puts all the money that they have stolen not on their health, but on their children's and grandchildren's health. I want to see them suffer like we have suffered for 30 years. Utter cnuts in suits each and every one of them. I hope they die a horrible and lonely death, and meet each other again in Hell.
Why is the office of the train rails still present and collecting salaries? We haven't had trains since the 60s I think

Sorry, but :lol:
Change of tone from Nasrallah today? (I haven’t seen the speech)...

(Edit): pretty hypocritical of him to be accusing anyone in Lebanon of receiving support from a foreign source.
Change of tone from Nasrallah today? (I haven’t seen the speech)...

(Edit): pretty hypocritical of him to be accusing anyone in Lebanon of receiving support from a foreign source.

He did say that everyone knows where his party gets their money from and has admitted it many times previously. He then asked where funding for the protests is coming from for everyone to know if it's money from rich Lebanese or from outsiders, was it stolen money(main reason for the protests initially) or was it all legal etc.
I don't know what to say anymore, feels like there are two protests. One of the them is clearly aimed at the Hezbollah/ FPM (especially in Christian areas). It's time for a specialist government that has the people's confidence and that will carry out reforms plus oversee the early parliamentary elections. We need to end this now as I fear it's getting messy. Hopefully it all ends well, but I'm getting slightly worried.