Are Bruno and Rashford a problem?

It looks to be tough for "Rashie man" to be in start squad against Newcastle since the setup today works very well. But that's good, no one should feel secure of having a starting position game after game in the world's best team...
Between the Premier League, Champions League, and the League Cup, we have played a total of 14 games so far this season.

We have had a very poor start to the campaign, yet there was a standout match when we played really well.

That match was against Crystal Palace at home in the Carabao Cup, when we won 3-0

...Bruno and Rashford didn't play in that 3-0 win, yet they have played in every other game this season.

Are Bruno and Rashford a problem, or was it just a coincidence that in the best match we have played this season, Bruno and Rashford didn't feature?

in my opinion Rashford is the most undeserving and laziest player for Manchester United. I woukd sell him in the summer. He has had one good half season in the last three years. His work rate is terrible, his attitude is terrible and until he goes the team will always have holes in the press because he’s to lazy to run properly
Of course. You can use your eyes rather than just listening to the “lazy” claims made here. I am sure you can also find stats somewhere to see it.
If you think Rashford is not lazy you’re not watching the same games as me!!!!
Yes they are. Issue being that there aren’t really adequate replacements in the squad right now, but going forward, yes they are both big issues as they are the two players that we count on the most.
Those who live closer to Manchester should do what the Italians do and turn up at the training ground and grill the players !!!!!!!!!
Bruno is one of the few players I’d keep. He’s been brilliant for us and it’s a shame he’s played at such a shite united, he deserves more than a carabao cup. Yes he’s petulant and sometimes wasteful but his numbers don’t lie and he gets it. He gets what this club means. The first two seasons he played here we wouldn’t have got champs league without him. It’s just a shame the way the club is as a whole.

rashford is absolutely a massive problem.
Bruno is one of the few players I’d keep. He’s been brilliant for us and it’s a shame he’s played at such a shite united, he deserves more than a carabao cup. Yes he’s petulant and sometimes wasteful but his numbers don’t lie and he gets it. He gets what this club means.

rashford is absolutely a massive problem.
Rashford is low in confidence..
Somehow we need to bring him back in.form..
Giving Rashford that contract was a mistake. I'm sure a lot of us knew it. But of course it was always going to happen
Bruno is our best player. Rashford is an incredibly overrated diva.
Bruno is one of the few players I’d keep. He’s been brilliant for us and it’s a shame he’s played at such a shite united, he deserves more than a carabao cup. Yes he’s petulant and sometimes wasteful but his numbers don’t lie and he gets it. He gets what this club means. The first two seasons he played here we wouldn’t have got champs league without him. It’s just a shame the way the club is as a whole.

rashford is absolutely a massive problem.
He doesn't even play in midfield, we play with only 2.
New coach should make sure Rashford is sold. His influence isn’t anywhere near his ability.
Rashford is low in confidence..
Somehow we need to bring him back in.form..

if your low in confidence then just do the basics and keep it simple. Absolutely 0 excuse for the displays he is putting in along with his attitude. Did you ever see this from the likes of Keane, giggs, Beckham, scholes, Ronaldo, etc etc etc etc etc etc? The list is endless.. did any deserving United player just give up? Back out of challenges ? Trudge about the pitch? Not run? Honestly it’s unacceptable, confidence or not. One thing that should never be excepted is a lack of effort.

how can you excuse it due to confidence?
Both players give away the ball way too often. One shouldn’t be playing for Man Utd but at least he tries the other shouldn’t be playing in top flight football and he’s lazy.
Disgusting performance by Rashford l, and I like the lad and have thought he would come good. Looks like his head has gone; maybe missing his mate Sancho.
Rashford is low in confidence..
Somehow we need to bring him back in.form..
apart from a patch of hot form last season for about 20 games, he’s been rubbish for the most part of 4 years. It’s time to accept that maybe this is how he really is as a player.

I said it last season, we shouldn’t be looking at extending his contract because he hasn’t done anything to justify his previous wages, let alone us increasing it. fecking waste of a spot in the starting 11 every game.
A Premier League Season is 9 months long.
Rashford since his debut has never been 9 months of good.
When we were winning titles we had players who were good for 9 months with the odd game were there was a slip up.

Last season we only got 3 months of very good and he ended up shooting blanks towards the end which derailed us in my opinion of finishing 2nd.
That run has now continued and he's getting worse.

Like some have said....he's signed another big contract and will be 30 when that ends but will have made approx £75m by then...
I think we have missed the opportunity now to sell him off for a significant sum with a club willing to pay him £300,000 pw.

He struggles to claim a place in the England team, he's 26yrs old and he isn't getting better. We are stuck paying him £300,000 for the next 5 years or will have to sell him dirt cheap or let him see out his contract.

The story of Man United and how they have done business for the last 10 years.
Huge fees (well not Rashford), huge wages, can't offload them without losing money....
Would love to cash in on Rashford now, but the key is to sell high. Next time he hits one of his hot streaks: sell to the highest bidder, take them to the cleaners with the fee and then let his next awful spell happen somewhere else.

I dream of the day Bruno gets an actual proper rest and comes back to find a competent midfield behind him.
Rashford will be hard to sell.. with new contract...nobody bar Utd will pay the stupid wages.. Bruno same although he's on a lower wage.. but next summer I'd seriously look at selling both along with few others..
Both are players capable of absolute brilliant but with the basic footballing skills of a league 2 player.
When we're interviewing for our next manager anyone that says they'll have these 2 as important players in their plans should be automatically disqualified
I think it’s not so much that they are not very good players, rather the problem is the insistence on playing them regardless of form/opposition.

Rashford’s been rightly dropped, but Bruno has been pretty poor recently and we could be a lot more tactically flexible if we didn’t insist on playing with a #10.
They are actually not bad players and very suitable for counter attacking football. But they are useless for top teams which expect to have 60 to 70% possession throughout the match and expect teams to be pinned back in their 18 yards. If we want to move towards possession and control based football then we need more Bernado Silva or Odegaard type CAM and Grealish type wingers who will always manage to wriggle out of situation and find a pass and are extremely press resistant.
Bruno played well yesterday but midfield is usually organised around him and that can be a problem.

Rashford has exposed his limitations but he can do it when arsed.

Neither are particularly brilliant.
If this team wants to play possessions Bruno is not the man. Rashford should be sold.
Hire Eddie Howe, fire all our first teamers and play the youth from the Academy. It cant be worse than this trash. Might be better.
Bruno played well yesterday but midfield is usually organised around him and that can be a problem.

Rashford has exposed his limitations but he can do it when arsed.

Neither are particularly brilliant.
Didn’t he cause the first goal?
Have been a Bruno fan since the day he joined us.

Never really liked Rashford, except for short 5 months last season when he was scoring left, right, and center.

Both need to go, at this point. Rashford has seemingly lost interest for the game. And Bruno is extremely hard to build a team around. He disrupts the team
Sooner we get rid of both, and McTominay, the sooner we go back on the slow recovery track to being a team that can play football.
How these two players are getting the blame is beyond me.
Anybody blaming them deserves to see what we’re seeing at the minute.
Sooner we get rid of both, and McTominay, the sooner we go back on the slow recovery track to being a team that can play football.
Agree. They are a massive problem on top of everything else going on. A few goals here and there covering for shit general play won’t change anything. That goes for all 3 of them.