Arthur Melo - Juventus's old number five

Trying hard not to slam the poster, but anyone who tries to compare this situation to slavery needs to give their head a wobble, at the very very least.

Reminds me of when Blatter (worthless fat cnut) compared Ronald's situation with us and Real Madrid back in 2008 with slavery. Insane comparison.
Tell them they're unwelcome at the club and up for sale? Not quite forcing them but also telling them they don't want them at the club.
Exactly. But that is not „forcing them“. Tell him he is not part of the plan and his agent should look for a new club. Fine. No one forced him to sign with Juve so he should simply honor his contract with Barca.
And this is coming from someone who enjoys Barca being in trouble a lot. Especially since they basically to,d Dembele to go on strike at Dortmund to force the move to Barca. :drool:
He really hasn't lived up to the hype at all. He's very inconsistent and has often looked unfit. Think it's in Barcelona's best interests to get rid. He's also coming across as a difficult personality.
Exactly. But that is not „forcing them“. Tell him he is not part of the plan and his agent should look for a new club. Fine. No one forced him to sign with Juve so he should simply honor his contract with Barca.
And this is coming from someone who enjoys Barca being in trouble a lot. Especially since they basically to,d Dembele to go on strike at Dortmund to force the move to Barca. :drool:

I don't know, the way Barca operates I guess he has enough reasons to be frustrated. It's probably a bit naive to think that he just could've said no. Probably would've risked his career had he refused.

Thing is, players will always feel the pressure of age and clubs use that to their advantages. If you aren't willing to throw away the remainder of your career, like Bale does, clubs will always be in a better bargaining position when they want to force you out. And for a young player that has no legacy as of yet, that's a very unlikely decision. Much easier to sit out your contract when you've won five CL titles and are the best player in the history of your country.
You think? It's almost like the board did it so they wouldn't have to cover the loss personally... Question is why he didn't just refuse, had a contract with Barca and can just refuse to go.
Players are sold for financial reasons all the tome tbf.
Players are sold for financial reasons all the tome tbf.

Yes, f they have a contract though they can refuse to go and see out the contract. Club shouldn't be able to do much about it.

Not sure why Melo agreed to Join Juventues, though I think we'll find out at some point.
There's something almost libertarian about the seemingly common stance that it's a moral imperative to honor a contract just because a contract exists.

It's a business deal between two parties, one of them a billion dollar company, who gives a shit? If Barcelona feel wronged they can sue, but they won't. They won't seek to terminate his contact because they're using his contract to cook the books, and they won't sue for damages because the best could hope for is his wages which they can just withhold anyway.
Arthur is one of my favourite players to watch so I keep up with him. Safe to say he's been disappointing for Juventus, which I'm not too surprised at as I've listed his weaknesses before and they get more exploited outside of a system like Barca's. Poor stamina, too safe in possession, poor passing range in general, etc.

Said season has cost him his place for Brazil as he hasn't even been called up to the Copa America. Our very own Fred has took his place. I'm actually surprised by this because I thought Arthur was brilliant for Brazil in their last Copa America triumph.

Anyway, it looks like he might already be leaving Juve. Rumours are PSG or a swap deal with Lazio for Savic.
Arthur is one of my favourite players to watch so I keep up with him. Safe to say he's been disappointing for Juventus, which I'm not too surprised at as I've listed his weaknesses before and they get more exploited outside of a system like Barca's. Poor stamina, too safe in possession, poor passing range in general, etc.

Said season has cost him his place for Brazil as he hasn't even been called up to the Copa America. Our very own Fred has took his place. I'm actually surprised by this because I thought Arthur was brilliant for Brazil in their last Copa America triumph.

Anyway, it looks like he might already be leaving Juve. Rumours are PSG or a swap deal with Lazio for Savic.
When he started clicking in our midfield he had an injury which left him out for months....
bone calcification or something
Anyway he started good then injured for 2-3months, they were talking about a medical operation to fix things and then when he came back he was shite.
Gave away that goal with Benevento leading to our defeat and then on and off the bench.

Let me tell you guys Lazio talks are shit.
Lazio and Lotito would never trade Milinkovic Savic for Arthur.
Too expensive. Lotito would rather sell Milinkovic Savic and buy a cheap replacement than to swap him!
Also Arthur earn as much as Milinkovic and Immobile aka Lazio top earners.
So I'd rule it out.

I wonder why PSG would want Arthur after a bad season at Juventus.
Specially when he is in our books for 62m and we can't sell him for less than that.
Just because he is brazilian and 24yrs old and Leonardo is brazilian as well? doubt.
Would be good to be true :D

I call it bullshit. Arthur did poorly and injured and his price tag is too high to be sold anywhere.
I mean they'd have to be mental to buy Arthur for 62m!

But then we live in a world where City buy Grealish for 110m then anything goes and anyone is entitled to dream about anything....
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.

So you don't know anything about him, but you want him because he played at those clubs? Even though both of those clubs wanted/want to get rid of him?
Reminds me of the time when I was 7 and a class mate said that his favorite club should just "sign a young brazilian or italian" because players from those countries are bound to be good.
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.
Chopu moting has played for PSG and Bayern.

Morata has played for At. Madrid, Real Madrid, Chelsea and Juventus.

Just saying.
Chopu moting has played for PSG and Bayern.

Morata has played for At. Madrid, Real Madrid, Chelsea and Juventus.

Just saying.
Choupo gets a lot of unnecessary flak. He is a decent option to have and who won't cause issues when benched. He's loved at every club he's been because there is also a place for players like him
Thought Barca signed a gem when he started playing but apparently his off field antics (partying lifestyle etc) and ill-discipline meant he fell out of favor & was sold/swapped with Pjanic iirc.

Wow okay, it still seemed a bit quick like they didn’t give him the chance to change.

Wonder if he will mature and become a top player for someone.
Wow okay, it still seemed a bit quick like they didn’t give him the chance to change.

Wonder if he will mature and become a top player for someone.
Yeah I really thought they were on to a special player but it all went downhill rather quickly. Seems he’s also having similar issues at Juve (maybe it’s injuries and not off field issues?) who are looking to get rid maybe.
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.
No thanks. A South American with a shit attitude. Would be like signing Di Maria again. The type of player Jose Mourinho spends 100 million on, then spends the rest of the season whinging that the club does not meet his ambition, once he realizes he's bought the Brazilian version of Djemba-Djemba
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.
Why on earth did Murtough and Fletcher get the gig when we've got one of the greatest minds of our day in @redrobed going to waste.
He is a gigantic flop and a liability, I am not sure Allegri will have any consideration of him, except maybe in a 4-3-1-2 system with Arthur in the hole to extract some magic from his boring, safety first passing range, well away from any critically defensive duty.
He is a gigantic flop and a liability, I am not sure Allegri will have any consideration of him, except maybe in a 4-3-1-2 system with Arthur in the hole to extract some magic from his boring, safety first passing range, well away from any critically defensive duty.
So was this pjanic- melo swap deal a win for any side? Seems like it was just done to balance the books...
When he started clicking in our midfield he had an injury which left him out for months....
bone calcification or something
Anyway he started good then injured for 2-3months, they were talking about a medical operation to fix things and then when he came back he was shite.
Gave away that goal with Benevento leading to our defeat and then on and off the bench.

Let me tell you guys Lazio talks are shit.
Lazio and Lotito would never trade Milinkovic Savic for Arthur.
Too expensive. Lotito would rather sell Milinkovic Savic and buy a cheap replacement than to swap him!
Also Arthur earn as much as Milinkovic and Immobile aka Lazio top earners.
So I'd rule it out.

I wonder why PSG would want Arthur after a bad season at Juventus.
Specially when he is in our books for 62m and we can't sell him for less than that.
Just because he is brazilian and 24yrs old and Leonardo is brazilian as well? doubt.
Would be good to be true :D

I call it bullshit. Arthur did poorly and injured and his price tag is too high to be sold anywhere.
I mean they'd have to be mental to buy Arthur for 62m!

But then we live in a world where City buy Grealish for 110m then anything goes and anyone is entitled to dream about anything....
I noticed that after a somewhat decent start, You/Pirlo were coaching Arthur to release the ball quicker instead of holding onto it and, imo, he just didn't adjust well to playing a quicker style. Mainly due to his stamina issues.

Anyway, yeah, I can't see that swap with Lazio happening. I was just passing on what I had read. I wouldn't be surprised about the PSG interest, though. Not only because they have money (despite Arthur being overpriced), he's a midfielder in the mould of Verratti and they'll be licking their lips at the prospect of another press resistant volante. Plus, who knows; he could keep Neymar more content in Paris due to being friends!

Why did he get chucked out of Barcelona? I thought he was playing well?
@Ish explained half the problem. His poor attitude is well known and, when football returned after the lockdown, he refused to return from Brazil to play for Barca, which he's said he regrets now.

The other half of the problem is that he just wasn't living up to the hype. I'm admittedly a big fan of his style of play, but, objectively speaking, he flatters to deceive the majority of the time. I've already mentioned his weaknesses a couple of times here but he has a lot and he's not shown any signs of improvement on them. I think he played for two managers at Barca and both were frustrated by his limitations, which I think played a big part in his refusal to play for them during the tail end of his time there.
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.

Looks like he's off in January with the PL being his most likely destination. Arsenal and Newcastle the ones being linked as of right now.

He has his flaws but his composure on the ball under pressure and in general is something we sorely lack so I still think he could be a decent option.
Looks like he's off in January with the PL being his most likely destination. Arsenal and Newcastle the ones being linked as of right now.

He has his flaws but his composure on the ball under pressure and in general is something we sorely lack so I still think he could be a decent option.
He has no imagination in his passing and has a off field rep for partying hard. No thanks.
Not familiar with him but this is the calibre of players we should be going for. Players with track records of playing for the likes of Juventus and Barcelona. Not raiding the Championship for the likes of Dan James. If he plays in a position we need we should be all over this.

I've never seen him play or know anything about him but Gee whizz guys let's sign him up eh because he played for Juve and Barca.

We should put you in charge of scouting.
I've never seen him play or know anything about him but Gee whizz guys let's sign him up eh because he played for Juve and Barca.

We should put you in charge of scouting.

He’s a troll. Just check his post history.

Arthur can be wonderful with the ball but you soon realise he isn’t actually doing much at all.
He has no imagination in his passing and has a off field rep for partying hard. No thanks.
He’s a troll. Just check his post history.

Arthur can be wonderful with the ball but you soon realise he isn’t actually doing much at all.
Yeah, I listed those problems (amongst other things) previously in this thread. Thing is, in regards to his limited passing range, I don't see it as a problem myself. It's all about balance and what he could bring to the table would, in my opinion, more than make up for that flaw. He doesn't need to be a Scholes when you have a Bruno and, for now, Pogba.

As for his problems off the field, yeah that's a concern, but I believe he's been much better behaved at Juve than he was at Barca.
A complete waste of a player

Fit to play once every 6 months
I loved him when he played with Barca, thought it was the stupidest decision to swap him for a 30 year old Pjanic, it turns out somehow even when Pjanic has been shit for Barca, Juve got the worst deal out of it.

I dont know what happened to him, but seems another brazilian rotten apple. Has a reputation of being unprofessional so Im sure that doesnt help.