Ben Shapiro

Its a mental illness that he said he wishes them god speed to fight and said they are more than free to fight it in whatever way they wish. He said that they can't tell him however to call them a female when their actual gender is male or vice versa.

He said you do what you want it doesn't bother me but please dont tell me how to call you because I go by science and I don't think it helps the disease. To quote him its something like ''telling a transgender they're the opposite sex is like telling a schitzophrenic that they're right and the radio is talking to them''. Its not a nice way of putting it and I'm not exact on the science but some of the views here almost suggest as though he has a problem with transgenders. He doesn't seem to have an issue with them but only has an issue when he is dictated to call them a sex which he scientifically believes they're not.

He still said it's a mental illness, which makes it a disgusting view. Also he doesn't know the difference between sex and gender. He makes the same mistake you're making right now which is assuming that they're both the same thing. Biological sex is not the same as gender, and as long as you and he continue to perpetuate that fallacy then people will continue to believe he has some kind of point when he doesn't.
:lol: Wasn't being hostile. If you say 'I'm not dumb', that's literally what people will think you are (and that you're paranoid about it).

In all honesty, you'd be better just offering up one of Shapiro's points in detail and why you agree with it.

I've given videos of the points I agree with and asked what the forum here disagrees with.

I'm not saying it as a standalone comment but as it's used as a reply to someone who just broadly brushes with "you're dumb if x", it's a perfectly valid reason to say "well I do it and I know I'm not".

Can say it whenever I want outside of that too. I don't think someone is dumb just because they once upon a time clarified they aren't for whatever reason at the time. I'm sorry you do though.
I've given videos of the points I agree with and asked what the forum here disagrees with.

I'm not saying it as a standalone comment but as it's used as a reply to someone who just broadly brushes with "you're dumb if x", it's a perfectly valid reason to say "well I do it and I know I'm not".

Can say it whenever I want outside of that too. I don't think someone is dumb just because they once upon a time clarified they aren't for whatever reason at the time. I'm sorry you do though.

Just curious, where are you from?
Its a mental illness that he said he wishes them god speed to fight and said they are more than free to fight it in whatever way they wish. He said that they can't tell him however to call them a female when their actual gender is male or vice versa.

He said you do what you want it doesn't bother me but please dont tell me how to call you because I go by science and I don't think it helps the disease. To quote him its something like ''telling a transgender they're the opposite sex is like telling a schitzophrenic that they're right and the radio is talking to them''. Its not a nice way of putting it and I'm not exact on the science but some of the views here almost suggest as though he has a problem with transgenders. He doesn't seem to have an issue with them but only has an issue when he is dictated to call them a sex which he scientifically believes they're not.
Experts generally agree that it's not a mental illness, though. Gender dysphoria refers to the discontent experienced by some (or a lot) people with gender identity issues, not actual transgenderism. What Shapiro spouts is junk science.
Ben Shapiro's conception of left and right doesn't exist in reality. He uses it to make himself relevant and it seems to work for him.
Its a mental illness that he said he wishes them god speed to fight and said they are more than free to fight it in whatever way they wish. He said that they can't tell him however to call them a female when their actual gender is male or vice versa.

He said you do what you want it doesn't bother me but please dont tell me how to call you because I go by science and I don't think it helps the disease. To quote him its something like ''telling a transgender they're the opposite sex is like telling a schitzophrenic that they're right and the radio is talking to them''. Its not a nice way of putting it and I'm not exact on the science but some of the views here almost suggest as though he has a problem with transgenders. He doesn't seem to have an issue with them but only has an issue when he is dictated to call them a sex which he scientifically believes they're not.

your use of sex and gender interchangeably proves you dont understand the subject. read more from people who actually know what they are talking about instead of parroting shaprio
He is a massive cnut of the highest order who confuses not shouting with rhetoric skills, cherry picking data with statistical analysis and words with arse gravy.
You can always tell when a conservative starts making sense as people trawl through years of clips and interviews to find anything that could be deemed racially insensitive and use it as proof that that person is a "racist" or "bigot" and is therefore a cnut and shouldn't be listened to.

I don't agree with Shapiro on lots of things, such a gun control, religion and abortion (though I think his arguments beat mine, I just don't hold life as precious as him). But he's a decent guy and I find it tough to believe anyone who watches a lot of him has a problem with him, even if they disagree with his views.
You can always tell when a conservative starts making sense as people trawl through years of clips and interviews to find anything that could be deemed racially insensitive and use it as proof that that person is a "racist" or "bigot" and is therefore a cnut and shouldn't be listened to.

I don't agree with Shapiro on lots of things, such a gun control, religion and abortion (though I think his arguments beat mine, I just don't hold life as precious as him). But he's a decent guy and I find it tough to believe anyone who watches a lot of him has a problem with him, even if they disagree with his views.

It's almost as if someone saying racist or bigoted stuff might indicate they're a racist or a bigot.
But he's a decent guy and I find it tough to believe anyone who watches a lot of him has a problem with him, even if they disagree with his views.

Your views shape who you are as a person, for most people these things are interlinked. For example, those who are racist, homophobic etc are cnuts. As are those who shit on transgender people. Those views bleed into who they are as a person, affect their interactions with other people, how they treat them etc. Especially in the case of Ben Shapiro and how he treats the people he interacts with.
Its a mental illness that he said he wishes them god speed to fight and said they are more than free to fight it in whatever way they wish. He said that they can't tell him however to call them a female when their actual gender is male or vice versa.

He said you do what you want it doesn't bother me but please dont tell me how to call you because I go by science and I don't think it helps the disease. To quote him its something like ''telling a transgender they're the opposite sex is like telling a schitzophrenic that they're right and the radio is talking to them''. Its not a nice way of putting it and I'm not exact on the science but some of the views here almost suggest as though he has a problem with transgenders. He doesn't seem to have an issue with them but only has an issue when he is dictated to call them a sex which he scientifically believes they're not.
So he likes science when it's to do with the vessel carrying our minds but couldn't give a shit when it's to do with what's going on in said minds, yeah?
Your views shape who you are as a person, for most people these things are interlinked. For example, those who are racist, homophobic etc are cnuts. As are those who shit on transgender people. Those views bleed into who they are as a person, affect their interactions with other people, how they treat them etc. Especially in the case of Ben Shapiro and how he treats the people he interacts with.

Which is why I said I find it hard to believe anyone who watches a lot of him has a problem with him. He's a decent guy. Watch a lot of his videos and you'll find plenty of things you disagree with, but I find it difficult to believe you'd conclude he's a racist, bigoted homophobe. Ultimately the issue people have with Shapiro is that he's a free market capitalist who believes in responsibility of the individual, the importance of the family unit and is very religious. He presents his arguments well and often makes a lot of sense, which makes him a prime target for the left number one tactic. Whilst I agree with many of the issues people have with Shapiros debating tactic, I find it odd that at the same time those having ago at him use far more nefarious tactics themselves to disparage him and try and convince themselves that isn't exactly what they are doing.
Which is why I said I find it hard to believe anyone who watches a lot of him has a problem with him. He's a decent guy. Watch a lot of his videos and you'll find plenty of things you disagree with, but I find it difficult to believe you'd conclude he's a racist, bigoted homophobe. Ultimately the issue people have with Shapiro is that he's a free market capitalist who believes in responsibility of the individual, the importance of the family unit and is very religious. He presents his arguments well and often makes a lot of sense, which makes him a prime target for the left number one tactic. Whilst I agree with many of the issues people have with Shapiros debating tactic, I find it odd that at the same time those having ago at him use far more nefarious tactics themselves to disparage him and try and convince themselves that isn't exactly what they are doing.

I really can't agree with that. He makes his views on certain subjects very, very clear. It isn't a case of taking something out of context, he's very upfront about things that you can then use to conclude that he's a dickhead. Being a good samaritan half the time about other subjects and then espousing vile views about entire groups of people like transgender people or the Israel/Palestine issue doesn't make you a good person. I disagree with people on pineapple suiting pizza, not about equal rights for human beings. That's like saying I might disagree with Kim Jong Un's treatment of his people but he's otherwise a nice guy. There are clearly different levels of disagreement where it starts to become more serious and give a good indication of who you are as a person. If you deny an entire group of people their existence, purposefully go out of your way to troll them and antagonise them then you're a bell end of a person. You can't just downplay that as 'oh you might just disagree with him'. I'm sure that to his family, to his friends, to his black girlfriend our warehouse manager at work is a great guy, really nice, I'm sure he's a nice guy in a lot of areas but when he makes racist statements in work regularly it makes him a cock.
I really can't agree with that. He makes his views on certain subjects very, very clear. It isn't a case of taking something out of context, he's very upfront about things that you can then use to conclude that he's a dickhead. Being a good samaritan half the time about other subjects and then espousing vile views about entire groups of people like transgender people or the Israel/Palestine issue doesn't make you a good person. I disagree with people on pineapple suiting pizza, not about equal rights for human beings. That's like saying I might disagree with Kim Jong Un's treatment of his people but he's otherwise a nice guy. There are clearly different levels of disagreement where it starts to become more serious and give a good indication of who you are as a person. If you deny an entire group of people their existence, purposefully go out of your way to troll them and antagonise them then you're a bell end of a person. You can't just downplay that as 'oh you might just disagree with him'. I'm sure that to his family, to his friends, to his black girlfriend our warehouse manager at work is a great guy, really nice, I'm sure he's a nice guy in a lot of areas but when he makes racist statements in work regularly it makes him a cock.

I don't see how you can really say his views are vile though. This is the crux of the issue I have with opposition to Shapiro. They don't just say they disagree and say why, but use hyperbole. Don't find the soundbites, but find the actual interviews in which you think Shapiro is being "vile". I'm sure you'll find plenty of times you disagree with him, but can you really say he doesn't explain his thinking and doesn't want to engage in discourse? I completely disagree with him when it comes to religion for example. But I'm not going to get carried away and start saying his views are vile, as I know they are rooted in his religious beliefs. For example, I don't have a problem with individual Muslims, I have a very big issue with Islam. If a Muslim is opposed to gay marriage due to his religious beliefs I don't have an issue with that person. I'd only have an issue if they started actively promoting homophobia.
I don't see how you can really say his views are vile though. This is the crux of the issue I have with opposition to Shapiro. They don't just say they disagree and say why, but use hyperbole. Don't find the soundbites, but find the actual interviews in which you think Shapiro is being "vile". I'm sure you'll find plenty of times you disagree with him, but can you really say he doesn't explain his thinking and doesn't want to engage in discourse? I completely disagree with him when it comes to religion for example. But I'm not going to get carried away and start saying his views are vile, as I know they are rooted in his religious beliefs. For example, I don't have a problem with individual Muslims, I have a very big issue with Islam. If a Muslim is opposed to gay marriage due to his religious beliefs I don't have an issue with that person. I'd only have an issue if they started actively promoting homophobia.
I don't see how you can really say his views are vile though. This is the crux of the issue I have with opposition to Shapiro. They don't just say they disagree and say why, but use hyperbole. Don't find the soundbites, but find the actual interviews in which you think Shapiro is being "vile". I'm sure you'll find plenty of times you disagree with him, but can you really say he doesn't explain his thinking and doesn't want to engage in discourse? I completely disagree with him when it comes to religion for example. But I'm not going to get carried away and start saying his views are vile, as I know they are rooted in his religious beliefs. For example, I don't have a problem with individual Muslims, I have a very big issue with Islam. If a Muslim is opposed to gay marriage due to his religious beliefs I don't have an issue with that person. I'd only have an issue if they started actively promoting homophobia.

Do you really need an explanation on why saying transgender people are mentally ill, or that homosexuality is a sin, or that arabs are just savages who just bomb people - is vile? You're either glossing over those on purpose, or you don't think those things are vile.
Do you really need an explanation on why saying transgender people are mentally ill, or that homosexuality is a sin, or that arabs are just savages who just bomb people - is vile? You're either glossing over those on purpose, or you don't think those things are vile.
No no, those things are fine as long as you hold those views because of your religion, apparently.
your use of sex and gender interchangeably proves you dont understand the subject. read more from people who actually know what they are talking about instead of parroting shaprio

Whilst I agree you cannot use sex and gender interchangeably, I do see his view that you can have disorders whereby males are more feminine and females would veer towards feeling more male. But this doesn't make a woman a man and a man or woman.

Noted there probably needs to be a clarification on the terms though. Ie you call someone by their sex or by their gender? Looks like for Shapiro it's sex.

So he likes science when it's to do with the vessel carrying our minds but couldn't give a shit when it's to do with what's going on in said minds, yeah?

A very good point.
Do you really need an explanation on why saying transgender people are mentally ill, or that homosexuality is a sin, or that arabs are just savages who just bomb people - is vile? You're either glossing over those on purpose, or you don't think those things are vile.

Yes I do. What is wrong with having a mental illness?

I'm not religious and am opposed to organised religion, but how is homosexuality not a sin? The reason I'm opposed to religion is for reasons such as homosexuality being a sin. I just don't see how calling homosexuality a sin is vile. It's written in Genesis : 19:1–13.

In which interview or talk does he call Arabs "savages."
Yes I do. What is wrong with having a mental illness?

I'm not religious and am opposed to organised religion, but how is homosexuality not a sin? The reason I'm opposed to religion is for reasons such as homosexuality being a sin. I just don't see how calling homosexuality a sin is vile. It's written in Genesis : 19:1–13.

In which interview or talk does he call Arabs "savages."

I'll put a proper reply to this later, I don't have the time with work but wow.
A very good point.
That sounds like someone trying to sell homeopathic products under the guise of them being scientifically proven to cure whatever illness.
Yes I do. What is wrong with having a mental illness?

I'm not religious and am opposed to organised religion, but how is homosexuality not a sin? The reason I'm opposed to religion is for reasons such as homosexuality being a sin. I just don't see how calling homosexuality a sin is vile. It's written in Genesis : 19:1–13.

In which interview or talk does he call Arabs "savages."
This reads like a poor attempt at trolling.
I'd hazard a guess that they are Modi's fans. You may refute or affirm that.

It has less to do with Modi. And more to do with the fact that they are hypocrites of the highest order. I’d wager a bet that OP never met or even had a frank discussion with a transgender person in his own community. But he is desperate to label them as “suffering from a mental illness” because he thinks that’s ok.
Yes I do. What is wrong with having a mental illness?

I'm not religious and am opposed to organised religion, but how is homosexuality not a sin? The reason I'm opposed to religion is for reasons such as homosexuality being a sin. I just don't see how calling homosexuality a sin is vile. It's written in Genesis : 19:1–13.

In which interview or talk does he call Arabs "savages."
I'll just comment on the thing i bold out since it's where I have some experience (being mentally ill myself).
There is a lot of things wrong with having a mental illness. It's a illness for a reason.

Although you probably mean to say "what is wrong with thinking someone has a mental illness?", well, it in itself can be meant in a non-offensive way, but the receiver can and likely will see it as offensive since they don't necessarily agree that it is a mental illness.
A mental illness also often has diagnosis within the field of mental health or will eventually get there; being LGBTQ has been there but been moved out of that and has still had to deal with being taken as a mental issue by people with views like Shapiros. Shock therapy and I'm sure worse has been historically used as a way to treat such "mental illnesses".

If someone is misdiagnosed with a mental illness, it's a horrible from lots of points of view, like self-reflection, being branded by society or mistreatment that can lead to more/actual issues.

Mind, I'm not trying to say that people of mental illness should have to diagnose themselves as that would be a weird way to solve it on, but surely stuff that we as a society can agree to be a view of the past and have as a society moved on from we can make the effort to better even if we don't necessarily understand it ourselves.

I'm one of the people who genuinely struggled to understand that people used gender and sex as different-meaning words.
I've had chats with folks like @DiseaseOfTheAge and tried to clear up my misunderstandings on the topic and try my best to not use them wrong in the future. I very much doubt that no one has ever told Shapiro that the view is that sex is what you are born with and gender is how your identity is viewed by yourself and society(or something to that effect, sorry DoA if i missed the last one), which would make his refusal to accept the splitting of those terms only really hurtful.
Him calling it a sin from the perspective as a religious person i can accept, not that I'd accept it as a sin but I can accept him thinking of it that way from his belief as long as he doesn't act upon it and negatively alter someone elses life. After all it's whoever was by the pearly gates or god himself who was supposed to do the judging from what I can remember from my lessons in youth about most of the large religions.
A perfectly sensible bill passed by Ontario:

The additional purposes of the Act are expanded to include the following:

To recognize that services to children and young persons should be provided in a manner that respects regional differences wherever possible and takes into account,

physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and developmental needs and differences among children and young persons;

a child’s or young person’s race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; and

a child’s or young person’s cultural and linguistic needs.

To recognize that services to children and young persons and their families should be provided in a manner that builds on the strengths of the families wherever possible.

Ben "if I call it a fact dumb people on the internet will believe me" Shapiro: Evil Communist Plot To Kidnap Your Trans Children
FFS, hope I don't get categorized as a Shapiro fanboy by user name association.
You can tell when someone starts making sense because people bring up their own words as evidence of them being a racist piece of shit?

Amazing logic on display here.
Surely this is tag-worthy?
"Ben Shapiro fanboy89" or something. ;)

I'm a fan boy because I watched his debates, saw his logic and wanted to hear other people's opinion?

I'm confused as to how that makes me a fanboy.
I'll just comment on the thing i bold out since it's where I have some experience (being mentally ill myself).
There is a lot of things wrong with having a mental illness. It's a illness for a reason.

Although you probably mean to say "what is wrong with thinking someone has a mental illness?", well, it in itself can be meant in a non-offensive way, but the receiver can and likely will see it as offensive since they don't necessarily agree that it is a mental illness.
A mental illness also often has diagnosis within the field of mental health or will eventually get there; being LGBTQ has been there but been moved out of that and has still had to deal with being taken as a mental issue by people with views like Shapiros. Shock therapy and I'm sure worse has been historically used as a way to treat such "mental illnesses".

If someone is misdiagnosed with a mental illness, it's a horrible from lots of points of view, like self-reflection, being branded by society or mistreatment that can lead to more/actual issues.

Mind, I'm not trying to say that people of mental illness should have to diagnose themselves as that would be a weird way to solve it on, but surely stuff that we as a society can agree to be a view of the past and have as a society moved on from we can make the effort to better even if we don't necessarily understand it ourselves.

I'm saying it in the sense that someone shouldn't be judged negatively for having a mental illness. If someone is Anorexic or bi-polar, we say they need to get help and don't judge them as if it's a choice or their fault, in the same way we don't judge people with physical illnesses negatively. So if someone thinks being transgender is a mental illness and says as such, it's simply not vile. You could argue that it's wrong, but not vile. Vile would be to suggest that there is something sinister or unpleasant about another persons choice to identify as a different gender. But that doesn't seem to be what Shapiro is saying.

A lot of people will assume Shapiro is some kind of far right hate speaker because of how he's nefariously labeled by his opponents. I don't think that is an exaggeration as we see from the security and protests when he speaks.

To show I'm not getting carried away, here is a guy interviewing people protesting Shapiro as if he's some kind of hate preacher:

Now here is the talk that he gave which they were protesting:

I really recommend people take the time to watch those videos and read some of the comments in Shapiro threads here. It's worth your time as it's important to understand what is going on here. As you can see there is a massive difference between how Shapiro is labelled by his opponents and how he is in reality. It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with Shapiro, but about the importance of recognizing the use of identity politics to silence people and understanding how sinister that can be.
I'm saying it in the sense that someone shouldn't be judged negatively for having a mental illness. If someone is Anorexic or bi-polar, we say they need to get help and don't judge them as if it's a choice or their fault, in the same way we don't judge people with physical illnesses negatively. So if someone thinks being transgender is a mental illness and says as such, it's simply not vile. You could argue that it's wrong, but not vile. Vile would be to suggest that there is something sinister or unpleasant about another persons choice to identify as a different gender. But that doesn't seem to be what Shapiro is saying.

A lot of people will assume Shapiro is some kind of far right hate speaker because of how he's nefariously labeled by his opponents. I don't think that is an exaggeration as we see from the security and protests when he speaks.

To show I'm not getting carried away, here is a guy interviewing people protesting Shapiro as if he's some kind of hate preacher:

Now here is the talk that he gave which they were protesting:

I really recommend people take the time to watch those videos and read some of the comments in Shapiro threads here. It's worth your time as it's important to understand what is going on here. As you can see there is a massive difference between how Shapiro is labelled by his opponents and how he is in reality. It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with Shapiro, but about the importance of recognizing the use of identity politics to silence people and understanding how sinister that can be.

Be careful, you might be called dumb, or a fanboy around here for bringing his views into debate.