Bruno Fernandes Out?

Rashford and or Bruno can be replaced for less than what they earn. Don't think that's an issue.

In wages perhaps, but probably not as much as you're expecting, and I'd be surprised if their transfer fees completely cover anything incoming. Look what we had to pay for a raw striker like Højlund.

What's most likely to happen is we replace them both with players who aren't as good as they are, yet. But hey ho who cares, we've saved on wages, good job lads! Pats on the back all around!
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Yeah but there's no doubt they are a side worthy of being title challengers. In no small part because of Odegaard.

And if they weren't up against a financial doping monstrosity coached by the best manager in the world, they'd walk the league now and probably for the next couple of seasons.

So using your logic, if you swapped Odegaard with Bruno at Arsenal, they would suddenly not be able to compete for the title :lol:

You're totally lost
Can't blame him at all if he wants out. Other than backroom staff being changed there's nothing to suggest we won't be in the same position or worse next season. Bruno will be aware that EtH is probably staying and that we can't spend much, so he has to think of his future and stop wasting his time at some point.

If he goes though, we could be in real trouble. Without him we have no top level players at all, and with our amazing scouting which doesn't seem to have been massively overhauled yet (so could easily just be EtH picking players he knows) we could struggle to escape relegation with the squad we have now.
In wages perhaps, but probably not as much as you're expecting, and I'd be surprised if their transfer fees would cover in anything incoming. Look what we had to pay for a raw striker like Højlund.

What's most likely to happen is we replace them both with players who aren't as good as they are, yet. But hey ho who cares, we've saved on wages, good job lads! Pats on the back all around!
How much am I expecting?

Rashford alone would be a massive boost for our budget, he’s pure profit.
I think it's because we aren't getting value for money.
Your concern should be on the performance of the players, not the wages then. Like for like replacement for them are expensive as well and you won't save any money. Odegaard and Saka are earning £300,000/week. Cole Palmer will also get a bump in salary this summer I bet. I would assume the wage budget for Utd is there every season based on revenue, just like any other company out there. Replaced Rashford and Bruno for whatever reason is fine, but save money in wages is interesting.
Who's buying him? Can't sell a player nobody wants. His market value has probably never been so low.
Assuming we manage to find somebody interested I think the minimum the club would accept is ~£70 million.

After amortisation that’s £350 million we could spend just from that.
Your concern should be on the performance of the players, not the wages then. Like for like replacement for them are expensive as well and you won't save any money. Odegaard and Saka are earning £300,000/week. Cole Palmer will also get a bump in salary this summer I bet. I would assume the wage budget for Utd is there every season based on revenue, just like any other company out there.
They both get hand in hand. You don't mind paying top money if you are getting top performances. We aren't getting top performances, so you obviously begin to resent the players.
I think it'd be really difficult to find a buyer. By the start of next season, he'll be 30 years old. How many top years does he have left in him? How much will united be willing to let him go for? Which clubs could afford that number while also knowing there's no resale value on him? City won't. Chelsea are in a moneyball/youth revival. Bayern are stingy. Madrid don't need him. Barca are broke. PSG??? That's the only top club but I have no idea if they need a player like him. Otherwise it's off to Saudi if he agrees to it.
I think Bruno leaving is massively viable if a manager who values possession comes in. Great contributor to the team but at the expense of the team being consistent in the build up. I think Bruno out and Neves in to pair with Mainoo and a younger defensive midfielder, physically imposing behind them is a recipe for success.

It's not that Bruno is a bad player but depending on how the team will play next season it could be a benefit.
I think Bruno leaving , Bruno staying is so polarizing because of the type of player he is , moreso the type of player we have allowed him to be .

He's a creative force who has the most touches of the ball . The guy who has the most touches of the ball , as I see it , is the playmaker , he influences play style more than any other . That's where I feel we run into problems .

Bruno is a creative force but not a playmaker , he's an impactor , a guy who can decide a game in a moment . The best game I saw Bruno play was the Leipzig 5-0 . We were 1 up they were pushing & he came on and killed them . That is his piano forte , he's a unique momentarily decisive player who is not utilized correctly imo .

He's not odegard , odegard dominates an area of the pitch . He's not de bruyne , he can go wide and run powerfully and deliver a pinpoint ball , he's unique to us . There is no player like him & there is no team who plays like we do with him .

The way to get the best out of Bruno , is to make him part of the creative / attacking rotation , I just get the feeling we've gone beyond the point of him being able to be that without him feeling marginalized .
I think Bruno leaving is massively viable if a manager who values possession comes in. Great contributor to the team but at the expense of the team being consistent in the build up. I think Bruno out and Neves in to pair with Mainoo and a younger defensive midfielder, physically imposing behind them is a recipe for success.

It's not that Bruno is a bad player but depending on how the team will play next season it could be a benefit.
Doesn't Bayern value possession? How about Portugal?

If we had a team of players comfortable in possession, Bruno would absolutely thrive because he would be the ace that would give us that decisive edge in the final third.

We have a team with players who can't and a poor defensive structure, so when he takes risks, it's exacerbated by the fact that most other players are just as loose with the ball but don't offer the same threat.
I'm not absolving him of responsibility because he does need a manager who would keep him disciplined in terms of keeping to the structure and not playing completely off emotion and instinct like he does here, however, I think in some misguided attempt to stick to the United DNA of taking risks, it's encouraged
So using your logic, if you swapped Odegaard with Bruno at Arsenal, they would suddenly not be able to compete for the title :lol:

You're totally lost

Wow you really seem to be struggling to cope with the news that Odegaard is a better player than Bruno. Surprising.

If you swapped Odegaard with Bruno they'd probably be further away from the title than they are currently. By how much, who knows.
I wouldn't want us to be paying £100m for a player who turns 30 in September.
He's got an engine. Bruno is not your normal player, he doesn't get injured or miss a single game. Creates all your chances and he's insanely pivotal to any attack. The man is worth every cent. 70-80m at minimum.
He's got an engine. Bruno is not your normal player, he doesn't get injured or miss a single game. Creates all your chances and he's insanely pivotal to any attack.

Clearly you love Bruno so you're letting a bit of bias seep in.

In general, no clubs will not pay 100m for players that are in their 30's. And that has nothing to do with how good you think he is, we are talking about what price he'd actually fetch on the market.
60m+ minimum I think.
I think you'd have dozens of offers for 60m. I wouldn't want to stand in his way if he wants to move on but i'd still want a stupid fee to let him go. I might reluctantly let him leave for 90m after a lot of haggling and him being really intent on moving on but I'd consider it a bad deal if we get less than 100m
Clearly you love Bruno so you're letting a bit of bias seep in.

In general, no clubs will not pay 100m for players that are in their 30's. And that has nothing to do with how good you think he is, we are talking about what price he'd actually fetch on the market.

Exactly. The only exception to that statement is Ronaldo, who I think is in a category of his own.
I think you'd have dozens of offers for 60m. I wouldn't want to stand in his way if he wants to move on but i'd still want a stupid fee to let him go. I might reluctantly let him leave for 90m after a lot of haggling and him being really intent on moving on but I'd consider it a bad deal if we get less than 100m

Based on what though? Ronaldo aside (and Bruno is no Ronaldo), all the huge transfers have been for players considerably younger than Fernandes is.
Wow you really seem to be struggling to cope with the news that Odegaard is a better player than Bruno. Surprising.

If you swapped Odegaard with Bruno they'd probably be further away from the title than they are currently. By how much, who knows.

He isn't a better player.
I think you'd have dozens of offers for 60m. I wouldn't want to stand in his way if he wants to move on but i'd still want a stupid fee to let him go. I might reluctantly let him leave for 90m after a lot of haggling and him being really intent on moving on but I'd consider it a bad deal if we get less than 100m

Just saw your other post but I mean 60m pounds for what it's worth.

I don't think selling any 30 year old for close to 100m is a bad deal. History has shown it pretty much never is in fact, no matter how much it might suck to see them leave. And that's often with teams that are far more successful, we are looking at a full rebuild right now and an extra 90m would go a long way towards doing so instead of hanging on to a great player that's going to elevate the squad to MAYBE top 4 if everything goes perfectly?
I'm thinking in € personally

Fair point although it’s still not achievable in my opinion. But good luck to Utd if they can find someone who’d pay that much. I guess you never know with clubs like PSG, and of course the Saudi leagues. I don’t think you’d get anywhere close to €100m if the buying club wasn’t a state funded entity.
Just saw your other post but I mean 60m pounds for what it's worth.

I don't think selling any 30 year old for close to 100m is a bad deal. History has shown it pretty much never is in fact, no matter how much it might suck to see them leave. And that's often with teams that are far more successful, we are looking at a full rebuild right now and an extra 90m would go a long way towards doing so instead of hanging on to a great player that's going to elevate the squad to MAYBE top 4 if everything goes perfectly?
I agree i wouldn't want us to spend 100m on him. But im not sure selling your best players for huge fee's is always a foolproof, great plan either. The only reason i'd consider it is because he could fetch a stupid, overpriced offer (ie 100m+).
I'm excited about moving on him from and the chaos ball he encourages.

Yet doesn’t encourage it for his national team.

Probably the most underrated player I can remember in all my time watching this club, and by some distance. Unbelievable looking at this thread how many can’t wait to see the back of our best player due to some nonsensical idea that he can’t play possession :wenger:
I think Bruno leaving is massively viable if a manager who values possession comes in. Great contributor to the team but at the expense of the team being consistent in the build up. I think Bruno out and Neves in to pair with Mainoo and a younger defensive midfielder, physically imposing behind them is a recipe for success.

It's not that Bruno is a bad player but depending on how the team will play next season it could be a benefit.
Very similar stats to De Bruyne who plays in the most possession heavy side in the world.
He's got an engine. Bruno is not your normal player, he doesn't get injured or miss a single game. Creates all your chances and he's insanely pivotal to any attack. The man is worth every cent. 70-80m at minimum.
That's all well and good, but is he still going to have that engine in 5 years time? £70-80m at the maximum.
It is Bruno who wants to leave, not the other way around. He will stay only if his ambition is met. He is tired of the non-stop rebuild process.

We have been in 'transition' for 11 years. It's f'n ridiculous. If I was Bruno and I heard that Bayern were in for me I'd walk to Germany. We are not on their level, or anything close to their level.
Reckon he'll push to leave if the club dont hire a good manager.