Can we win the league?

Class of 63

Aug 15, 2017
Going through the Desert on a Horse with no Name
Come on chap you must be stoned out of your mind. De Bruyne, Bernardo Silva, Aguero, Sterling etc etc we have one player you could make a case for as belonging to this category and he wants out. Squad needs more surgery than a forest stricken with Dutch elm disease.
Let's see how we start the new season first before waving a white flag eh?


Full Member
Oct 20, 2013
Not a chance on earth this squad of players wins a league. They can't even keep fit consistently and people expect them to be consistent performance wise ?

Squad lacks the individual quality needed, lacks leaders, lacks competitiveness, mediocrity at its core, strong elements of complacency and more importantly they lack the mentality of s successful team. Imagine having a starting 11 filled up with Lingard, Rashford, off field distracted goalkeeper who's been useless given the circumstances, world class midfielder who's got nothing but dross (Matic, Pereria, Fred) around him, defence that's conceded over 52 goals last season.

Solskjaer's stupid comments in his interview saying the squad will be given an opportunity does he not think Moyes, LVG, Mourinho said the same things ? That's three managers collectively in ten years and Ole still wants proof they can be made of good use, what an absolute calamity.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
Last season I predicted sixth based on how we tailed off during 17-18 and was proved correct. I think we have a real fight to even finish there next season. I feel we’re going to be competing with Arsenal, Leicester, Wolves and Everton for Europa rather than looking further ahead next season. Very disillusioned with our summer so far. We’ve failed to make the necessary additions before pre-season begins, we’ve failed to move chaff on, and we’re going into the new season with a manger who has no right to be in the job.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2017
Paddy power offering 6/1 for Ole to be first manager to be sacked, that is well worth a tenner if you ask me


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
In a non dramatic way, it will really be a season of two different leagues.

I think City and Liverpool will actually find it easier this season - I think we'll be fairly easy to beat under Ole, same with Chelsea now Hazard's gone, Arsenal will be similar level. There are some teams who have improved a lot like Wolves and Everton but the gap between them and the top two is huge.

The enigma of Spurs is the real unknown this season.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
NO we cannot win the league this season. We will be lucky to get into the top 4. Pogba is the least of my worries. We need to replace Matic and also to get someone who can score goals.


New Member
Dec 18, 2013
This would have been easier having a poll with only 1 possible answer

Member 113277

NO we cannot win the league this season. We will be lucky to get into the top 4. Pogba is the least of my worries. We need to replace Matic and also to get someone who can score goals.
We can sign Welbeck, he's a tall lad and will replace Matic, then get Balotelli, who will score 82 goals in the year :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: So we can walk the league. Oh gosh, is that the sound of nurse coming with a syringe?


Full Member
Aug 28, 2017
I don't think we'll win a league in the next 5 years. Pool have a young team that'll outperform us, City have Guardiola and funds to replace their older players. What do we have? Honestly unless we have drastic changes to the ownership and our recruitment I struggle to see how we win a league in the next 10 years. Sounds outlandish I know, yet it's been 7 years now since our last one - how quick did that fly by? And we've only really regressed in that time.


Full Member
Sep 2, 2013
Its always great to have belief but realistically and logically not gonna happen.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
With the introduction of VAR Liverpool should lose 25-30 points, and we will gain about the same. So I'm optimistic.
Also, don't forget the "fitness thing" which is currently doing the rounds.
We are going to make our player fit, which means we'll beat all teams.
The managers in the past who got fired got it all wrong. All they had to do was get their players fit and hey presto, their team would start performing really well.

And in other news, we can only announce new players, when the NYSE is open.

Not enough goals, not capable of keeping clean sheets. Recipe for disaster. Oh and our midfield gets overrun by the better teams in the league, and even the likes of Wolves.
Didn't our midfield get over-run by Cardiff, too, who got relegated?

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
Yes we can win the league. Two or three more quality signings and if we hit the ground running then why not ? City and Liverpool had once in a generation seasons, that won’t happen again. Our squad runs deep and it’s up to Ole to get this lot playing. If he can then, yes, we can do it.

Do you seriously think the likes of De Gea, Pogba (if he stays), Rashford will go into this campaign thinking anything less than winning the title ?

It’s an embarrassment to say or suggest we are not in contention.
Aye, City had a once in a generation season which occurred twice in a row.

Keep up the good spirit.