Television Chernobyl (HBO/Sky drama series)

This thread seems to have deviated somewhat from the original source. However, I just wanted to leave my opinion that I thought the series was bloody fantastic. 2nd last episode dragged a bit, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very informative too, some of the shit some of those guys had to see was ridiculous.

Interestingly I'm presenting a patient at a meeting on Monday who's young with a rare cancer (normally seen in 70/80 yr olds with a ridiculous smoking history). Funnily enough he grew up in Lithuania and was very very young when the Chernobyl disaster occurred.
Just finished it last night, I rate it 3.6, not great, not terrible.

JK, it's a masterpiece, will definitely re-watch it just because how good it is. The last quote by Legasov at the trial is now my favorite quote in all of TV history
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Finally got around to starting this.

Everyone speaking in English with a whole bunch of random regional accents is really weird.
Late few months, but finally watched it.

Great show, "(because) It's cheaper" will probably stay one of my favourite TV show lines ever. So true about everything regarding Soviet Union and their industry.

Jared Harris should probably stop hanging himself in every TV show he acts though.
I watched it for the first time yesterday.

Incredible television. I spent all last night watching more stuff about it. Just an absolutely fascinating event.