Christian Eriksen | Signs for Manchester United

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Can those two really be retrained for that kind of role, personally think we have no choice but to do it next season but still hope we are scouting.
I share your skepticism. Those two appear to be beyond help when it comes to positional intelligence. But probably one of them will be in the team every week.

I don’t think it’s crazy to hope that they will improve if they are given a clear and consistent remit but, for me, it’s got to be purely as a temporary measure until we get an elite no6.
Kasper Hjulmand: "Christian has to play every match before the World Cup for his next club or some random Danish bloke will take his place in my World Cup squad."
I'm Danish and I can nearly confirm this.
It's either full playing time for C.E or we pull our Lord Bendtner out of retirement.
I'm sure we'll keep things quiet if it does transpire.

We'll just invoke the "turned down by a girl you fancied play" and brief anyone and everyone that we were never interested anyway, and slate the other party.
It's easy to forget that the other 2 in 4-4-2 midfield were hard workers. Thus we could get away with those two as CM.

Now compare them with our current lazy ass or weak wingers.
Yeah. Is it too much to ask for 11 hard workers? I suppose the SAF approach of terrifying the entire squad into giving 100% died out when he retired. More’s the shame.
Does our board know that signing him gives us a bit of a leverage over barcelona ?

We're stalling our other transfers and at the same time we're telling barcelona we'll walk away. They may not be the best in transfers but they're not morons.

Its not like its one or the other, just sign him.
Does our board know that signing him gives us a bit of a leverage over barcelona ?

We're stalling our other transfers and at the same time we're telling barcelona we'll walk away. They may not be the best in transfers but they're not morons.

Its not like its one or the other, just sign him.
So you are saying they are not morons but then say that signing him would give us a bit of leverage even though Eriksen and De Jong play in different positions, so basically only morons would fall for that trick.
Choosing Brentford has to do a lot more than pure sporting reasons. It's a family decision to stay in London, when coming from Milan. Then potentially relocating to Manchester? It's a drastic change for his family. United offer the clearly bigger sporting challenge and money, but for someone in his place at this time of his career, can totally understand him taking the less pressurized route and being content in staying in London.
Stop talking sense and let the Twitter morons have their fun!
I will never understand why Manchester is made out to be some sort of shithole by football supporters. You’d think he’d have to uproot his family to the North Pole the way some of you go on.
I will never understand why Manchester is made out to be some sort of shithole by football supporters. You’d think he’d have to uproot his family to the North Pole the way some of you go on.

It's not a shithole, especially where the majority of footballers reside. But let's be real, London is one of the most amazing cities in the world when you're abundantly wealthy and you have a family that want to be near so many attractions and interests. They were at Spurs, then lived in Milan, then back to London. His family is accustomed to a certain lifestyle that Manchester may not be able to provide. So be it.
I will never understand why Manchester is made out to be some sort of shithole by football supporters. You’d think he’d have to uproot his family to the North Pole the way some of you go on.
It's more the part about having to uproot his family in the first place. They've already moved into London fairly recently, his family are likely starting to feel comfortable in a new home and his children have settled into a new school. It's not hard to understand why he might be reluctant to disturb that.

I'm sick to the back fecking teeth of people parroting nonsensical Twitter talking points and catastrophising that the club is "in the mud" because a player MIGHT (an especially important word since David Ornstein literally today has said he still thinks Eriksen may end up at United) decide that he doesn't want to uproot his family for the second time in a year. It's absolutely insufferable.
Does our board know that signing him gives us a bit of a leverage over barcelona ?

We're stalling our other transfers and at the same time we're telling barcelona we'll walk away. They may not be the best in transfers but they're not morons.

Its not like its one or the other, just sign him.
“just sign him”

Yeah like we can force him to sign the contract we’ve already offered him.

We’re gonna take his hand and pin him down until he signs it. That’s the spirit!
“just sign him”

Yeah like we can force him to sign the contract we’ve already offered him.

We’re gonna take his hand and pin him down until he signs it. That’s the spirit!
How about we offer a 2 year contract with an optional additional year instead of a 1 year contract ?

A lot seem to not be able to accept or understand that Eriksen is a pretty much unique case and would be the exception that proves the rule regarding a player choosing United over Brentford 99% of the time. I mean you are signing bloody Frenkie de Jong that would surely ease the pain should Eriksen do the right thing and re-sign for us ;) if you accept we can offer something you can’t then you should realise you needn’t be so embarrassed if it does happen…..
I will have a hard time to believe he will pick brentford over Man Utd unless the contract offer from Man Utd doesn't meet his demand such as the length of contract. There is no way he will uproot his family again to move to NW for a one year contract.

I mean I would have had a hard time believing we’d turn you lot over first game of the season last year too but it happened ;) I think this will come down to a lot more than wages and contract length - which is good news for us!
I totally get the appeal of staying at Brentford. Guaranteed starter, London, knows the coach, loyalty for them taking a chance, easier environment given his heart issue…it’s a good offer and totally the safe choice…but at this stage of his career the chance to play for us will surely be too big a draw? This isn’t just me being biased - I’d say the same about Liverpool - it’s just such a huge opportunity for him to play for a massive historical club under a coach he knows wants him. It’s the sort of move you’d always wonder what if about if you rejected it - especially if we go on and get our shit together.
Irrelevant point ? Because you said so ? Only ten hag knows the relevance why he needs Eriksen not you and I, mate. I just wrote my opinion and you jumped on it deciding it’s relevancy. I never said we need Eriksen so sell Bruno. I made that point because I think ten hag would play him in Bruno’s position as he can’t trust Bruno to be so careless in possession. Not only he would provide creativity but also would be fantastic in moving and keeping the ball. I never said we need only one creative player. I never disputed what you said. I never said anything against the point you made. I don’t even know what are you arguing about ?
Can you show me where I was talking about Bruno being sold? I doubt you could because you haven’t been reading at all.

Let me say this again. We only have Bruno that we can rely on to provide assists or create chances. A top team needs more than just one or two players to create chances or assists, that’s the reason why we need Eriksen so we don’t need to rely on Bruno alone. Therefore, your point about Bruno is irrelevant to the idea of signing Eriksen.
Can you show me where I was talking about Bruno being sold? I doubt you could because you haven’t been reading at all.

Let me say this again. We only have Bruno that we can rely on to provide assists or create chances. A top team needs more than just one or two players to create chances or assists, that’s the reason why we need Eriksen so we don’t need to rely on Bruno alone. Therefore, your point about Bruno is irrelevant to the idea of signing Eriksen.
But when did I dispute your above point ? Bloody hell. Talk about arguing for the sake of arguing. I don’t even know why are making that point again and again when I didn’t even challenge or disagreed with it.

Also, when did i say that you were saying Bruno should be sold. I never said that you said it. It was me saying it. I made that point to emphasise what I meant. Fecking hell this is hard. And one last thing, I did read your posts now go waste someone else time mate with that condescending tone.
But when did I dispute your above point ? Bloody hell. Talk about arguing for the sake of arguing. I don’t even know why are making that point again and again when I didn’t even challenge or disagreed with it.

You still don't get it. That one you highlighted bold is the point I'm trying to tell you the reason why your point about Bruno is irrelevant to why we want Eriksen.

Also, when did i say that you were saying Bruno should be sold. I never said that you said it. It was me saying it. I made that point to emphasise what I meant. Fecking hell this is hard. And one last thing, I did read your posts now go waste someone else time mate with that condescending tone.

Exactly, no one is talking about we need Eriksen to sell Bruno, so why the feck did you even need to bring it up or mention it in your post?? Proven another irrelevant point mentioned in your post, that has nothing to do with why we want Eriksen.
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So you are saying they are not morons but then say that signing him would give us a bit of leverage even though Eriksen and De Jong play in different positions, so basically only morons would fall for that trick.
:lol: :lol:

Morons everywhere!!

Really don't know why people cant just do 2 mins of research and recognise that they are different sort of players. What next? Buy a goalie and have leverage over Barca?
How about we offer a 2 year contract with an optional additional year instead of a 1 year contract ?
Could offer him a 10 year contract and he still has to physically sign it, the length of the contract doesn’t mean he will or won’t sign it. There’s loads of factors at play here.

No club can “just sign” anyone.

Have some patience.
He will be our first signing, no doubt.

Sends a strange message though.
Just to add note for this, he also added that he could be wrong.

But for muppets, Ornstein is rarely get something wrong anyway.

Sort of a nothing statement though. We all think he may come, want to know that he is coming. :lol:
So he's still deciding between Brentford and United - think about this!!
Would be an embarrassment if he decided for Brentford, seeing as our manager wants him and we should have no problem beating them.

He lived in London for years ,His family area settled there, he is a superstar name there, his manager is Danish there, there are six other Danes there, Brentford is perfect for him

embarrassment me arse.
He lived in London for years ,His family area settled there, he is a superstar name there, his manager is Danish there, there are six other Danes there, Brentford is perfect for him

embarrassment me arse.
As if a guy that was basically dead playing football has other priorities in life than earning even more money, being a millionaire already. The audacity.
He lived in London for years ,His family area settled there, he is a superstar name there, his manager is Danish there, there are six other Danes there, Brentford is perfect for him

embarrassment me arse.

Exactly - some of the self entitled rubbish written in this thread is the only thing to get embarrassed about imo.

For what it's worth I still haven't the foggiest about which way this is going to go but for the reasons you have mentioned and others I am still hopeful he stays.
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