Cody Gakpo | OFFICIAL: Liverpool player

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beginning to sound as if this is going to get done - I just hope ETH isn't doing this instead of a real no.9. about 1% thinks we'll make a move for Mbappe in the summer - mind you, that same percentage tells me that people who vote tory have brains...
It’s one of those where I’d be happy if we signed him but not gutted if we didn’t. Even if he went to a rival I wouldn’t really be gutted.
Anyone see that Van Dijk asked what he thought about Cody Gakpo going to “Manchester United or Real Madrid” — and he answers like — “No disrespect, but are United and Real on the same level now?” to the reporter like he was asked the dumbest question ever.

What a cnut.
Anyone see that Van Dijk asked what he thought about Cody Gakpo going to “Manchester United or Real Madrid” — and he answers like — “No disrespect, but are United and Real on the same level now?” to the reporter like he was asked the dumbest question ever.

What a cnut.
He's just bitter because Pool are turning to shit again
Anyone see that Van Dijk asked what he thought about Cody Gakpo going to “Manchester United or Real Madrid” — and he answers like — “No disrespect, but are United and Real on the same level now?” to the reporter like he was asked the dumbest question ever.

What a cnut.
I get the anti pool sentiment obviously but erm, is he wrong? :nervous:
Very little chance of United offering that in January.

Maybe if the results start to be really bad again and they get desperate like in the summer.
I'd rather we sign a proper striker. No point in adjusting another player out of position and then wondering why they haven't hit the ground running.
Don't think that much of him right now but I'm beginning to see the potential with him I guess,if that's what we're buying.
Very little chance of United offering that in January.

Maybe if the results start to be really bad again and they get desperate like in the summer.
I think there’s a very strong chance this, or a similar offer / transfer happens, we have just lost Ronaldo who, regardless of his cnutyness and subsequent fall from grace, was still our top striker.
Martial could easily not play for 3 months, no 500k Ronaldo. To have a decent chance of top 4 we need to get someone in so I can see the club looking seriously at spending again.
read something this mornig that his fee is now closer to 80m than 50m as previously mentioned.....ya fuk that amount
Actually now that the glazers are looking to sell, does it make sense for them to splurge on a new player in January?
Actually now that the glazers are looking to sell, does it make sense for them to splurge on a new player in January?
It'd be the clubs profits that they would be using as opposed to a cash injection from the Glazers. It might actually make sense for them to splurge on a few high profile purchases to make the club a shinier proposition for potential buyers.
It'd be the clubs profits that they would be using as opposed to a cash injection from the Glazers. It might actually make sense for them to splurge on a few high profile purchases to make the club a shinier proposition for potential buyers.
I thought the Glazers had taken out all profits. In that case we should be signing more if transfer fee is no issue. I suspect our wage bill should much lesser with Ronaldo gone.
What annoys me is that we do not have the time to call PSV's bluff.

I cannot see anyone paying these extreme amounts for Gakpo. Arsenal, Chelsea and co will gladly announce their interest for Gakpo to drive the price up, but there is no way -- from my POV -- that anyone else even is paying 50m for Gakpo.

But what can we do? Its easy. Gakpo wants out and will be majorly pissed if PSV does not take the highest bid in January. But with these conditions, a deal get done January 31. Not January 1. Losing that month is a major negative for us.

Ultimately, I agree with everyone saying that it is likely that we will buy Gakpo, early in the transfer window, because PSV know the market, we know the market, we have done the ground work. But I can definitely also see a risk for this dragging out if PSV want to squeze a couple of more mil out of us.
Without ever having seem him, I have the strong feeling that this here is a '20m € to Leverkusen' kind of player and no '50m € to Man Utd' caliber. I bet I'm right.
What annoys me is that we do not have the time to call PSV's bluff.

I cannot see anyone paying these extreme amounts for Gakpo. Arsenal, Chelsea and co will gladly announce their interest for Gakpo to drive the price up, but there is no way -- from my POV -- that anyone else even is paying 50m for Gakpo.

But what can we do? Its easy. Gakpo wants out and will be majorly pissed if PSV does not take the highest bid in January. But with these conditions, a deal get done January 31. Not January 1. Losing that month is a major negative for us.

Ultimately, I agree with everyone saying that it is likely that we will buy Gakpo, early in the transfer window, because PSV know the market, we know the market, we have done the ground work. But I can definitely also see a risk for this dragging out if PSV want to squeze a couple of more mil out of us.
We have to hope that in the summer he made an agreement with PSV that if an offer of £xm came in, he would be allowed to go, and they honour their commitment.
I get that, but Gakpo is not going to come cheap. Is he worth the inevitable 80+ million that it will cost to bring him in or would those funds be better invested on some other player?

He can't cost £80m.
Sharp and really good attacking players. Versatile, sharp finish. Can score with left foot, head goal and right foot = Really high level as a attacking football player.

Not Mbappe world class level yet. But no doubt Gakpo is holding a really high football level.

Other comparison is. As a natural nr.9. Old style nr.9. There is a better and more natural CF and nr.9 out there. His name is Goncalo Ramos for Benfica and Portugal.

If United want a natural CF nr9 that is good to hold up the ball. Good with his back against the opponent goal. Ramos is a more suit choice than Gapko. But Gapko versatile. And Gapko really good and sharp finish level. I think with time and experience. Gapko can do a good job as a nr.9 too. BUT if you want at this current moment of time. A more natural CF and nr.9. Ramos is clearly more suited.
Interesting story about Gakpo on BBC in the build up to NL - ARG

One of the most hated NL journalists was at the press conference and he went to the toilet before the game, he couldnt find one so went to the disabled toilet.

There was a phone there, so he tapped the screen it was a picture of LVG and his Wife, so it was LVGs phone, 2 missed calls by Manchester United. This is at a time where Gakpo is highly linked to United.

Sounds like the wheels are moving
Interesting story about Gakpo on BBC in the build up to NL - ARG

One of the most hated NL journalists was at the press conference and he went to the toilet before the game, he couldnt find one so went to the disabled toilet.

There was a phone there, so he tapped the screen it was a picture of LVG and his Wife, so it was LVGs phone, 2 missed calls by Manchester United. This is at a time where Gakpo is highly linked to United.

Sounds like the wheels are moving

Ah, that explains this:

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