Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

The season has to be finished, this is much more important than starting a new one. The only alternative would be voiding it. Just ending it and declaring Liverpool champions would be ridiculous and I don't think this is seriously being discussed as I imagine the (legal) ramifications would be huge.

I remain optimistic that we'll be back to playing in June at the latest.
If games are played behind closed doors won't it still mean that there will need to be trained medical staff and police involved? If so, how can we as a society accept any medical staff being involved in what is basically entertainment when thousands are ill and dying? Doesn't every match now have to have at least a qualified doctor? I know teams in the PL should probably all have their own doctors, but what about lower leagues? And indeed, shouldn't any "club doctor" actually now be better serving the general populace and not focussing on club matters? I could easily be wrong here, so apologies if so.
The season has to be finished, this is much more important than starting a new one. The only alternative would be voiding it. Just ending it and declaring Liverpool champions would be ridiculous and I don't think this is seriously being discussed as I imagine the (legal) ramifications would be huge.

I remain optimistic that we'll be back to playing in June at the latest.

From what I can see, governments aren't really thinking about what the endgame to this crisis is. Which makes it very hard to get an idea of when we'll see any football again.

The virus won't just disappear because of lock-downs, there only purpose is to stop health systems being overwhelmed short term. The virus will still be there afterwards, it's in every country pretty much now. So if any international travel allowed I don't see how it could be stopped from spreading again.

We need a vaccine, some treatment that is foolproof, or enough of the population to get it so the spread naturally burns out. What other end solution can there be?

If governments are prepared to just let the virus spread again after the initial lock-downs finish, you might be right. That presents the other problem though, which would be that a lot of footballers would almost certainly get it so be hard to play matched with any sense of fairness if half the squad is out with covid.
Games behind closed doors and social distancing measures in place.

Everybody 2 m apart, no pressing allowed, only one person allowed to tackle at any one time to prevent 'mass gatherings of more than 2 people'

Let's do this.
Games behind closed doors and social distancing measures in place.

Everybody 2 m apart, no pressing allowed, only one person allowed to tackle at any one time to prevent 'mass gatherings of more than 2 people'

Let's do this.

City have been doing this for years!
From what I can see, governments aren't really thinking about what the endgame to this crisis is. Which makes it very hard to get an idea of when we'll see any football again.

The virus won't just disappear because of lock-downs, there only purpose is to stop health systems being overwhelmed short term. The virus will still be there afterwards, it's in every country pretty much now. So if any international travel allowed I don't see how it could be stopped from spreading again.

We need a vaccine, some treatment that is foolproof, or enough of the population to get it so the spread naturally burns out. What other end solution can there be?

If governments are prepared to just let the virus spread again after the initial lock-downs finish, you might be right. That presents the other problem though, which would be that a lot of footballers would almost certainly get it so be hard to play matched with any sense of fairness if half the squad is out with covid.
Don't think that's true - an infected person infects 3 other persons or so on average, but the aim of the lockdown is also to get that number below 1. That would make the virus go away eventually since the average carrier infects less than 1 person in that case. It would only be temporarily, but I think that's also the aim.
I believe this season will be finished.

UK 3 week lock down means we're looking until at least April 17th. From here, worst case scenario give it 1 month for cases starting to decline = May 17th.

Give it another 2 weeks we're looking at June 1st. Then you give players 2 weeks to get their fitness up and you're looking at football starting back up again Middle to the Third week of June.

It's only 9 game weeks and they will play two games a week.

They will get this season done lads. I know as United fans and just using logic overall it's best we scrap all football but it won't be done - primarily for economic factors.

17th May is remarkably optimistic

the league can't actually operate if one player has this virus, right? One player gets it = entire team in lockdown + maybe the teams he recently faced too

with hundreds of thousands, maybe millions infected over the next 6 months the odds of the entire PL being virus-free for any sustainable period must be basically nil
The season has to be finished, this is much more important than starting a new one. The only alternative would be voiding it. Just ending it and declaring Liverpool champions would be ridiculous and I don't think this is seriously being discussed as I imagine the (legal) ramifications would be huge.

I remain optimistic that we'll be back to playing in June at the latest.

I don't think you have thought through the ramifications of not having next season, I will state it again if there isn't a full league next year clubs will literally go out of business. PL clubs will have budgeted based on Sky/BT payments which won't come through if we just abandon the 2020-21 season, lower league clubs will go into freefall without any gate receipts. The only question is how late can we restart this season and start a new season. Any thoughts of finishing this season at any cost (including next season), are delusional.
Don't think that's true - an infected person infects 3 other persons or so on average, but the aim of the lockdown is also to get that number below 1. That would make the virus go away eventually since the average carrier infects less than 1 person in that case. It would only be temporarily, but I think that's also the aim.

It will temporarily go down below 1, unless the lock continues permanently though in every country in the world, as soon as you stop lock-down, it starts spreading again and goes above 1. This is what Asian countries are finding already, wave two hitting.

Cities are ideal breading ground, as one person can infect far more than 3 in crowded public transport, bars and pubs, restaurants and any other space where lots of people are crammed in together.

Just need one person with the virus asymptomatically, travelling around a public transport system, to start a new huge chain of infection in the city.

Then back to square 1.
Don't think that's true - an infected person infects 3 other persons or so on average, but the aim of the lockdown is also to get that number below 1. That would make the virus go away eventually since the average carrier infects less than 1 person in that case. It would only be temporarily, but I think that's also the aim.

The virus will disappear entirely if the public respects the rules of the lockdown; only leave your house under the most extreme circumstances, maintain social distancing, lock yourself in a room the very moment you feel remotely unwell.

Be paranoid, be safe.
The season has to be finished, this is much more important than starting a new one. The only alternative would be voiding it. Just ending it and declaring Liverpool champions would be ridiculous and I don't think this is seriously being discussed as I imagine the (legal) ramifications would be huge.

I remain optimistic that we'll be back to playing in June at the latest.

It's debatable whether the English league season finishing is more important than starting a new one, but if other countries are ready to start ahead of us then there is literally zero chance the English league will be able to work to a different schedule.
The season has to be finished, this is much more important than starting a new one. The only alternative would be voiding it. Just ending it and declaring Liverpool champions would be ridiculous and I don't think this is seriously being discussed as I imagine the (legal) ramifications would be huge.

I remain optimistic that we'll be back to playing in June at the latest.
On what basis?
The virus will disappear entirely if the public respects the rules of the lockdown; only leave your house under the most extreme circumstances, maintain social distancing, lock yourself in a room the very moment you feel remotely unwell.

Be paranoid, be safe.
If you look at the pictures of the London tube last morning, I'm not exactly filled with confidence.
If you look at the pictures of the London tube last morning, I'm not exactly filled with confidence.

Believe it or not, a neighbour of mine is holding a family get-together this afternoon to combat the boredom of the lockdown.

Kid you not.
Believe it or not, a neighbour of mine is holding a family get-together this afternoon to combat the boredom of the lockdown.

Kid you not.

As long as by "family get together", he means "the 2 people he lives in the house with"
Believe it or not, a neighbour of mine is holding a family get-together this afternoon to combat the boredom of the lockdown.

Kid you not.

Believe or not my son told me a pub was planning to remain open. Entry through the back of the pub..
If games are played behind closed doors won't it still mean that there will need to be trained medical staff and police involved? If so, how can we as a society accept any medical staff being involved in what is basically entertainment when thousands are ill and dying? Doesn't every match now have to have at least a qualified doctor? I know teams in the PL should probably all have their own doctors, but what about lower leagues? And indeed, shouldn't any "club doctor" actually now be better serving the general populace and not focussing on club matters? I could easily be wrong here, so apologies if so.

Yes that remains an unanswered question but Southampton guy was adamant government want live sport in some form to start up again when it's pretty safe so must be some way it's been agreed.
I don't think you have thought through the ramifications of not having next season, I will state it again if there isn't a full league next year clubs will literally go out of business. PL clubs will have budgeted based on Sky/BT payments which won't come through if we just abandon the 2020-21 season, lower league clubs will go into freefall without any gate receipts. The only question is how late can we restart this season and start a new season. Any thoughts of finishing this season at any cost (including next season), are delusional.

Think latest would be October. Serie A in 2000 started late due to some dispute but finished in June. It won't be a normal schedule next season, one cup competition will be dropped, probably no replays at any rounds in FA cup (if that goes ahead) and I'd like to see CL/Europa just ditch the group stage and go to straight knock out from the start.

Would make many more midweeks available for league games so think October-May is very possible (scrap nations league aswell) BUT we have no way of knowing how deadly covid 19 will be in the winter months so think next season will be disrupted regardless whenever it gets going.

Just checked....Serie A played first match on October 1st 2000. Finished on Sat 17th June 2001 but there was an international break on 4th June so could've finished a week sooner. They still had two week winter break aswell so add in a normal schedule and I think an October-May season is possible with a few concessions.
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The virus will disappear entirely if the public respects the rules of the lockdown; only leave your house under the most extreme circumstances, maintain social distancing, lock yourself in a room the very moment you feel remotely unwell.

Be paranoid, be safe.
Except that is not the lockdown we have, we have a lockdown where companies are still having people go into work, large warehouses I know of with 500 workers in, for footlocker, and other non-essentials. People are being told you have to go into work, and government have only said you have to go into work if your work cannot be done from home. Lots of companies saying office staff cant do their job from home.
Don't think that's true - an infected person infects 3 other persons or so on average, but the aim of the lockdown is also to get that number below 1. That would make the virus go away eventually since the average carrier infects less than 1 person in that case. It would only be temporarily, but I think that's also the aim.
What about cold and flu viruses, why don't they just disappear also?

I think this one might be here to stay unless a vaccination can help stop it spreading once it's been cut down.
Football and sports are least of the priorities. I don't think many European countries including UK have even seen its peak yet. May also seems a long shot now. Logically this season has to be finished but how much can they compromise next season for this season. Either the league is completed or it is declared null/void. Cannot see a middle ground here. Will irritate a lot of sides.
What about cold and flu viruses, why don't they just disappear also?

I think this one might be here to stay unless a vaccination can help stop it spreading once it's been cut down.
The regular flu disappears for most of the year though? It just returns yearly, what I think will also be the case for Covid-19.
It won't be a normal schedule next season, one cup competition will be dropped, probably no replays at any rounds in FA cup (if that goes ahead) and I'd like to see CL/Europa just ditch the group stage and go to straight knock out from the start.

I'm sure the people at Carabao or The Emirates will definitely be okay with their sponsorship cups being axed, no financial implications there.

And I'm sure CL/Europa will be re arranged to suit the Premier League, for the CL/Europa format to change every League in Europe will have to agree to it - that if UEFA actually give a crap what they think.

If every European League voids their League, the FA will void theirs.
Also lots of different opinions and heavy debates in the Belgian FA, most clubs want different solutions to the current season. It'll be a clusterfeck. Our top virologist reckons that football with fans in attendence won't be a possibility before the Summer since mass events will be the last thing that they're going to allow again (probably rightfully so too).
The most logical thing to do is restart the league[current competition] next feb, folllowed by the euros, the transfer window and pre season come into effect jan 2021.This allows the premier league to uphold their obligations with broadcasters and sponsors, and simply adding an additional year to the current deal,all players with contracts ending in the summer of 2020, would would not be effected.

Players are payed full wages for 3 months, from today, the or what ever can be decided numbers wise.Clubs are paid a part payment based on their current league position now and the rest gets finalized April 2021.This gives a window for all countries to hopefully be healthy, or on the mend, if not it gives you an opportunity to reassess the situation come october,november.
Surely there's no need to scrap all the stats for individuals. It's just the league and existing cup out comes that would be voided.

Man city won the league cup. That finished. Surely you can't just leave stats for one cup for a whole season?
I would imagine they would purely because of the fact the teams that will badly lose out from a void (Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, WBA, Leeds) would argue why should some things still stand and not others?

Mertens would be set to lose his place as Napoli's record scorer aswell, think the same would be true for Cavani at Paris.
I would imagine they would purely because of the fact the teams that will badly lose out from a void (Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, WBA, Leeds) would argue why should some things still stand and not others?

Mertens would be set to lose his place as Napoli's record scorer aswell, think the same would be true for Cavani at Paris.

Akinfenwa at Wycombe too. Our left back would lose his insane hattrick in a game, as well as high number of goals and assists.

Now this sort of thing would worry me more than the overall team situation for some reason
The most logical thing to do is restart the league[current competition] next feb, folllowed by the euros, the transfer window and pre season come into effect jan 2021.This allows the premier league to uphold their obligations with broadcasters and sponsors, and simply adding an additional year to the current deal,all players with contracts ending in the summer of 2020, would would not be effected.

Players are payed full wages for 3 months, from today, the or what ever can be decided numbers wise.Clubs are paid a part payment based on their current league position now and the rest gets finalized April 2021.This gives a window for all countries to hopefully be healthy, or on the mend, if not it gives you an opportunity to reassess the situation come october,november.

That writes off a whole season. That has to be utterly the last resort, for the reasons you mention as being tidied up in Feb for a re-start!

Sponsors and broadcasters won't be paying their money for a whole year of nothing, just to get their money's worth from 2 months of this season!
That writes off a whole season. That has to be utterly the last resort, for the reasons you mention as being tidied up in Feb for a re-start!

Sponsors and broadcasters won't be paying their money for a whole year of nothing, just to get their money's worth from 2 months of this season!

The current deal runs for three years, with the broadcasters, so 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.
The broadcaster have had 30 odd game this season already, to satisfy all parties and mitigate the loss, a decision is made to restart the league feb 2021, this remove this issue with promotions and relagations and players at the end of their contract summer 2020.

All i am doing is saying there is no 2020/2021 season, and rather than the broadcaster deal ending 2021/2022 season it end 2022/2023.
China have been on lock down close to 4 months, and things are not getting back to normal, which means chances are, europe has at minimum another 3 months to endure.
Just look at the numbers coming from Spain, France and Italy's and they've been on lockdown for a few weeks.
The current deal runs for three years, with the broadcasters, so 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.
The broadcaster have had 30 odd game this season already, to satisfy all parties and mitigate the loss, a decision is made to restart the league feb 2021, this remove this issue with promotions and relagations and players at the end of their contract summer 2020.

All i am doing is saying there is no 2020/2021 season, and rather than the broadcaster deal ending 2021/2022 season it end 2022/2023.
China have been on lock down close to 4 months, and things are not getting back to normal, which means chances are, europe has at minimum another 3 months to endure.
Just look at the numbers coming from Spain, France and Italy's and they've been on lockdown for a few weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't see any return for the foreseeable.
But it's this obsession with finishing this season I don't get. It has to finish at some point in time, irrespective of getting the games in.

We can't be in say 2022 as an extreme example, and still be trying to finish the end of 19/20

I dare say our hands will be forced by the other major leagues voiding their leagues.
Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't see any return for the foreseeable.
But it's this obsession with finishing this season I don't get. It has to finish at some point in time, irrespective of getting the games in.

We can't be in say 2022 as an extreme example, and still be trying to finish the end of 19/20

I dare say our hands will be forced by the other major leagues voiding their leagues.

If we're in 2022 & this season still hasn't been completed then I'd say football would be the very least of our problems. If this season isn't completed then there won't be a 2020/21 season.
Can you imagine at some stage they say season can finish behind closed doors but everyone else remains in lockdown.

Liverpool win the league, thousands of scousers flood the streets around anfield to celebrate

For this reason alone, finishing the season is not going to be realistic until the virus is completely erradicated from the UK.
The most logical thing to do is restart the league[current competition] next feb, folllowed by the euros, the transfer window and pre season come into effect jan 2021.This allows the premier league to uphold their obligations with broadcasters and sponsors, and simply adding an additional year to the current deal,all players with contracts ending in the summer of 2020, would would not be effected.

Players are payed full wages for 3 months, from today, the or what ever can be decided numbers wise.Clubs are paid a part payment based on their current league position now and the rest gets finalized April 2021.This gives a window for all countries to hopefully be healthy, or on the mend, if not it gives you an opportunity to reassess the situation come october,november.

I personally feel that's what's going to happen. As it stands I can't see next season happening. The feeling from the experts is that this virus is going to come back irrespective of any downturn we may experience in the future.
Yes that remains an unanswered question but Southampton guy was adamant government want live sport in some form to start up again when it's pretty safe so must be some way it's been agreed.

do you really think the government have been loading with the PL and have told them that they want love sport to resume. That’s priority 384.

given we can’t even stop idiots from staying indoors now, do you seriously think we will have games behind closed doors when we have restrictions on the population. It’s going to be chaos, you can guarantee that fans will congregate outside stadiums, go round each others’ houses. The only way you could even contemplate doing it would be to have the matches at undisclosed locations, and have no live reporting.

just cannot see it happening. Sport should only resume when there is safe movement of people across the country - and that is a long way off.

football authorities need to get a grip of themselves and stop talking about games behind closed doors, as it’s not a solution. The solution is to play when safe to do so.
Don't think that's true - an infected person infects 3 other persons or so on average, but the aim of the lockdown is also to get that number below 1. That would make the virus go away eventually since the average carrier infects less than 1 person in that case. It would only be temporarily, but I think that's also the aim.
But that's like saying the flu virus went away. In reality, it's always there, only we know it's there and can more or less treat it. That's the target state.
Not just the premier league winner crowds gathering outside, you have relegation battles, championship promotions. There could be many clubs with large gatherings around the stadium and elsewhere when it comes the crunch. Plus this can all unravel when players and staff test positive. The spread will be far greater in a month or two and even behind closed doors is a massive waste of authorities/services time.

With our poorly equipped and staffed NHS (near bottom of 40 countries), it's had not to see things snowball in a 3-4 weeks sadly.