Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

Atletico, the Spanish government, the UK government and UEFA should be blamed before Liverpool IMO. None of them acted quickly when they should have.

Valencia played Atalanta behind closed doors the day before, but that was only because of how badly Italy had been affected. We played at LASK without a crowd but it was only on advice of the Austrian government (good!). Spurs played at Leipzig two days before we did in front of a full crowd (what!). On the same day, it was announced Chelsea would also play in Germany at Bayern behind closed doors, which was scheduled to take place the next week (weird?!).

Overall, it was a weird week with lots of bad decisions. It now looks very messy and unorganized.

Feel free to correct me if any of this is wrong.

What possible logic can you have to blame Atletico, an away team, over the hosts of the game?
Blame governments yes but your Atletico comment is absolutely baffling.

Edit i see your admission of location error now
What possible logic can you have to blame Atletico, an away team, over the hosts of the game?
Blame governments yes but your Atletico comment is absolutely baffling.

Hey go easy on me, I thought it was hosted in Madrid :lol:

I've amended the post now. Atletico are the least to blame. Both UK and Spanish governments should have been more sensible (in that order).
I think it is absolutely fine from an opposing view to openly hope that the season gets voided just so that Liverpool gets denied their title. Their fans have been unbearable for quite a while and from a rival perspective its completely legit to laugh about the possibility of them ending empty handed.
I think it is also fine to have legitimate reservations - irrespective of Liverpools position - of a league restart due to health, fairness or social reasons.

Blaming Liverpool F.C., however, for going ahead against Atletico with fans is a ludicrous stance. As others have pointed out, every instance of authority that could`ve intervened (UEFA, governments, etc.) failed to do so and there is no example of a club voluntarly closing their doors, so why point the finger at Liverpool? Just three days before, the whole of Europe with a couple of exemptions had football with packed stadiums and if not for Arteta and Hudson-Odoi the UK government would`ve given the green light to do the same the following weekend. There`s no club in the world who would have held that match without fans in this context. People who are happily jumping on the issue have a more sinister agenda than scousers who accuse Deeney of illegitimate proceedings, get a grip.
Why didn't your club raise concerns with the government regards the safety of the fans before the game kicked off? It's not as if they weren't aware of the threat, Klopp went berserk after a supporter tried shaking his hands as he exited the tunnel.

LASK & United played behind closed doors 24 hours after the 'Liverpool FC value atmosphere above the safety of their fans' scandal.
Their little mushroom dicks were hard for another famous European night in Anfield. If they won a lot of liverpool fans would be thinking those lives were well spent, give us the trophy and tell us we are the best of all time. cnuts.
It's Monday, not gonna give into your WUM attempts so early in the week :)
While it was obviously a WUM, I don't know how you can state as a fact the part highlighted in bold in your previous post. You can believe so, but to state it as a fact is kind of strange, especially as Utd have objectively handled the crisis much better than LFC. If your belief comes from the game played 4 days before... it's kinda strange too, given how quickly in those days awareness was raising (maybe almost on a half daily, or at least daily basis) regarding this virus.
Hey go easy on me, I thought it was hosted in Madrid :lol:

I've amended the post now. Atletico are the least to blame. Both UK and Spanish governments should have been more sensible (in that order).

Haha i saw your edit and edited mine. Fair enough,simple mistake easily explained.

I was genuinely scratching head of the reasoning otherwise.

Still shocks me about Klopp having the audacity to try and be a grief thief and claim Liverpool players were affected by the about the team from the most affected country at that stage!!
I think it is absolutely fine from an opposing view to openly hope that the season gets voided just so that Liverpool gets denied their title. Their fans have been unbearable for quite a while and from a rival perspective its completely legit to laugh about the possibility of them ending empty handed.
I think it is also fine to have legitimate reservations - irrespective of Liverpools position - of a league restart due to health, fairness or social reasons.

Blaming Liverpool F.C., however, for going ahead against Atletico with fans is a ludicrous stance. As others have pointed out, every instance of authority that could`ve intervened (UEFA, governments, etc.) failed to do so and there is no example of a club voluntarly closing their doors, so why point the finger at Liverpool? Just three days before, the whole of Europe with a couple of exemptions had football with packed stadiums and if not for Arteta and Hudson-Odoi the UK government would`ve given the green light to do the same the following weekend. There`s no club in the world who would have held that match without fans in this context. People who are happily jumping on the issue have a more sinister agenda than scousers who accuse Deeney of illegitimate proceedings, get a grip.

Yep, looks sinister to me. All these papers running with it as a big story coincidentally timed in the week the PL began testing. Even if this ‘41’ figure that they’ve managed to miraculously calculate is true, it’s actually a very small number. Liverpool have a few shady incidents in the past that they could justifiably be called out on, Suarez/furlough, but trying to crucify them over this is not right. And for the United fans doing it, LITERALLY 72 hours earlier we played a Manchester Derby at Old Trafford.
While it was obviously a WUM, I don't know how you can state as a fact the part highlighted in bold in your previous post. You can believe so, but to state it as a fact is kind of strange, especially as Utd have objectively handled the crisis much better than LFC. If your belief comes from the game played 4 days before... it's kinda strange too, given how quickly in those days awareness was raising (maybe almost on a half daily, or at least daily basis) regarding this virus.
I don't see anything highlighted? I assume you mean my assumption about foreign fans? I did a quick Google search and found a study that said 109k foreign fans attended Old Trafford for live games during the 14/15 season - with 19 PL games and some cup/European games, a total of (more than) 3.000 foreigners attending Utd-City on March 8th doesn't seem unlikely.

It was just to show that it's very easy and arbitrary to single out Liverpool while there were plenty of other games going on just a few days before that CL tie. All games played BCD were instructed by government officials in those countries unless I'm mistaken. Decisions in a crisis like this have to come from the top down imo, which is why I find it ridiculous to blame Liverpool for not proactively prohibiting fans from attending. Which business would make a decision that'll cost them millions of income in the heat of the moment, without sufficient reports and evidence that it's the right thing to do? I'm fine if people want to blame the local authorities but given the timing, I doubt they had more of a clue about it than your average Joe at that moment. Which is again why I think it should've been done by the government, from the top down.

Awareness was indeed raising rapidly, a week later there were no CL games at all anymore, so in hindsight - yes of course it's obvious the game shouldn't have taken place, let alone with fans in attendance. But that's easy to say right now, and it's weird to specifically blame Liverpool for it. Blame the club for the furlough debacle, for the statement regarding the mayor's comments, whatnot, but this... Nah, not having that personally.
I don't see anything highlighted? I assume you mean my assumption about foreign fans? I did a quick Google search and found a study that said 109k foreign fans attended Old Trafford for live games during the 14/15 season - with 19 PL games and some cup/European games, a total of (more than) 3.000 foreigners attending Utd-City on March 8th doesn't seem unlikely.

It was just to show that it's very easy and arbitrary to single out Liverpool while there were plenty of other games going on just a few days before that CL tie. All games played BCD were instructed by government officials in those countries unless I'm mistaken. Decisions in a crisis like this have to come from the top down imo, which is why I find it ridiculous to blame Liverpool for not proactively prohibiting fans from attending. Which business would make a decision that'll cost them millions of income in the heat of the moment, without sufficient reports and evidence that it's the right thing to do? I'm fine if people want to blame the local authorities but given the timing, I doubt they had more of a clue about it than your average Joe at that moment. Which is again why I think it should've been done by the government, from the top down.

Awareness was indeed raising rapidly, a week later there were no CL games at all anymore, so in hindsight - yes of course it's obvious the game shouldn't have taken place, let alone with fans in attendance. But that's easy to say right now, and it's weird to specifically blame Liverpool for it. Blame the club for the furlough debacle, for the statement regarding the mayor's comments, whatnot, but this... Nah, not having that personally.
I wasn't blaming Liverpool fans. I was blaming you for making the assumption that Utd would have taken the same decision with the same information at hand. Random Task had highlighted the following part of your message: "there's no way the club itself would've announced it." Re-reading that, I'm not quite sure if you're targetting LASK or Utd that, as your "If that hadn't happened in Austria" could mean either the game happening there (which was my initial interpretation) or the decision by the local authorities.

In any case, I don't think Liverpool are really to blame, but I think it's slightly disingenuous to present it as the only obvious decision given the circumstances - mainly, given that the foreign fans were coming from a city where the epidemic was starting to intensify (I remember having been to the cinema in Madrid the same evening, it had already been reduced to 1/3 capacity, it was 3 days before the lockdown was put in place, and it was already pretty serious here), and it's not totally inconceivable to expect from people in positions of responsibility to make these hard decisions. However, why I think there's no real blame here is that most of us, in the broadest sense possible, misjudged the seriousness of the crisis and what was to come.
I wasn't blaming Liverpool fans. I was blaming you for making the assumption that Utd would have taken the same decision with the same information at hand. Random Task had highlighted the following part of your message: "there's no way the club itself would've announced it." Re-reading that, I'm not quite sure if you're targetting LASK or Utd that, as your "If that hadn't happened in Austria" could mean either the game happening there (which was my initial interpretation) or the decision by the local authorities.
There were two posters who referred to other games BCD as examples why Liverpool should've also played BCD (which I don't dispute).
Random Task said:
LASK & United played behind closed doors 24 hours after the 'Liverpool FC value atmosphere above the safety of their fans' scandal.

cyberman said:
Every other European games was behind closed doors. Liverpool had no excuse and its insulting to feign ignorance
Both posts feel as if they're trying to blame Liverpool for not making the right decision. I pointed out that the LASK-United and all other European games taking place BCD was due to government decisions and bans on public gatherings at that point, which were not in place in the UK on March 12. My reference to the United-City game was that the whole country played with fans in attendance just days before Liverpool-Atlético - that's not spoken about and was totally fine and without consequences yet the Liverpool game was the (only) big mistake? Not having that. Yes awareness was raising rapidly as you said, but once again, I haven't seen any football club proactively banning fans from their stadiums without being told so by their government. And yes, I think every PL club would've allowed fans if they were in Liverpool's position on March 12.

In any case, I don't think Liverpool are really to blame, but I think it's slightly disingenuous to present it as the only obvious decision given the circumstances - mainly, given that the foreign fans were coming from a city where the epidemic was starting to intensify (I remember having been to the cinema in Madrid the same evening, it had already been reduced to 1/3 capacity, it was 3 days before the lockdown was put in place, and it was already pretty serious here), and it's not totally inconceivable to expect from people in positions of responsibility to make these hard decisions. However, why I think there's no real blame here is that most of us, in the broadest sense possible, misjudged the seriousness of the crisis and what was to come.
Proves my point that the Spanish and UK governments are both to blame here, they were negligent and acted too late - probably, as you say, because they misjudged the seriousness of it all. A simple travel ban should've solved the issue, because people in positions of responsibility have to make hard decisions.

Thou shall not criticise the Scousers, the lovable rogues that they are. :rolleyes:

@MackRobinson, ever the neutral, will be in here any minute now to justify Liverpool Football Club™ and their self-absorbed actions.

Any minute now...
Says the guy so eager to show he's a top red that he gets giddy about trying to pin COVID deaths on a rival club. Carry on with your Scouser obsession. It's amusing to watch.
So why are they ending the womans leagues? Doesnt make sense.

Some much for equality

You cannot compare the WSL to the Premier League. There is no real point playing games behind closed doors when there is so little TV money involved. Which goes for every smaller league that relies on gate money. Comparing it to the men's National League makes more sense.
So why are they ending the womans leagues? Doesnt make sense.

Some much for equality

A few people have shown their true colours, it's all about about making money some with taking into consideration the impact it may have on others.

So much for equality as well, should have scrapped the lot in the one go.
You cannot compare the WSL to the Premier League. There is no real point playing games behind closed doors when there is so little TV money involved. Which goes for every smaller league that relies on gate money. Comparing it to the men's National League makes more sense.
So its got sweet feck all to do with sporting integrity as they said and everything to do with money?

Thanks, thats all i wanted
You cannot compare the WSL to the Premier League. There is no real point playing games behind closed doors when there is so little TV money involved. Which goes for every smaller league that relies on gate money. Comparing it to the men's National League makes more sense.
Is it fair to say that equality doesn't exist when there is money on table? Is it okey that men should be treated in other way then women? And if that is the case, should it be okey to treat men and women differently in the society, based on money?
A few people have shown their true colours, it's all about about making money some with taking into consideration the impact it may have on others.

So much for equality as well, should have scrapped the lot in the one go.

Nonsense. It has nothing to do with equality. You may as well complain that the men's 7th division has been cancelled. Or the ice hockey league.
Is it fair to say that equality doesn't exist when there is money on table? Is it okey that men should be treated in other way then women? And if that is the case, should it be okey to treat men and women differently in the society, based on money?

Apples and oranges doesn't even come close to doing this post justice.
Apples and oranges doesn't even come close to doing this post justice.
Yea it is apples and oranges.

Liverpool is top of one league and bottom of the other.

Their club called for the womens league to be stopped by the mens to continue.
Want to make an argument?

Why is it ok for one league to play and another not?

Whats the difference, its either safe or its not?
I think you and @90 + 5min need to just sort of let this whole thing go.
I mean @Pagh Wraith has explained the difference. And on top of that you do the Men’s league two was binned off? You know that right?

As soon as I saw that post on the women’s league being cancelled I knew their would be faux outrage posts on gender inequality. Couldn’t even take a breath and it was there.
Apples and oranges doesn't even come close to doing this post justice.
You are not answering the questions. I'll ask you again. Is it ok to divide people and make different decisions because of gender?

A big industry the loves to talk about football familly suddenly decides that members of the familly are not going to be treated equaly as some other members.
I think you and @90 + 5min need to just sort of let this whole thing go.
I mean @Pagh Wraith has explained the difference. And on top of that you do the Men’s league two was binned off? You know that right?

As soon as I saw that post on the women’s league being cancelled I knew their would be faux outrage posts on gender inequality. Couldn’t even take a breath and it was there.
You don't see any problems at all about finishing PL? Despite everything the keeps popping up every day? I'm impressed.
I think you and @90 + 5min need to just sort of let this whole thing go.
I mean @Pagh Wraith has explained the difference. And on top of that you do the Men’s league two was binned off? You know that right?

As soon as I saw that post on the women’s league being cancelled I knew their would be faux outrage posts on gender inequality. Couldn’t even take a breath and it was there.
Yes and i argued the same then.

Its either safe to play football or it isnt.

One professional league shouldnt be cancelled and another played in the same country.

I want the season finished and play because i think united have a good chance at top 4, fa cup and el.

You want it played so liverpool can win the league.
I think you and @90 + 5min need to just sort of let this whole thing go.
I mean @Pagh Wraith has explained the difference. And on top of that you do the Men’s league two was binned off? You know that right?

As soon as I saw that post on the women’s league being cancelled I knew their would be faux outrage posts on gender inequality. Couldn’t even take a breath and it was there.
It's up there with the poster who said i wasn't being fair because i wasn't discussing things like BGT restarting again aswell :lol:
It's up there with the poster who said i wasn't being fair because i wasn't discussing things like BGT restarting again aswell :lol:
"I can't believe the PL is even THINKING of starting up again while Glastonbury has cancelled their 2020 edition months ago."
It's up there with the poster who said i wasn't being fair because i wasn't discussing things like BGT restarting again aswell :lol:
I think the anger at the PL restarting from some quarters has driven them to the point of irrationality and a distinct lack of common sense to any of their thinking. People were having a go at you saying you should take a break from this thread, I think there’s a few in here who could do with that.

You want it played so liverpool can win the league.

I think it's bit rich that non United fans are telling United fans to take break from this thread.

I think maybe you lot need to go discuss it in your own forums.
I think the anger at the PL restarting from some quarters has driven them to the point of irrationality and a distinct lack of common sense to any of their thinking. People were having a go at you saying you should take a break from this thread, I think there’s a few in here who could do with that.


The Liverpool fans in this thread have been shambolic with their incessant whining. All of them.
It's up there with the poster who said i wasn't being fair because i wasn't discussing things like BGT restarting again aswell :lol:
So you are comparing BGT to TheFA? You don't see any problem that same association is treating its members differently? So it is ok to stop women but pushing through men no matter what. Only because of money? Association who are excellent telling people about "football familly"? What familly?

As I said earlier. Every day there are popping up things against playing football and you don't see that?

I think the anger at the PL restarting from some quarters has driven them to the point of irrationality and a distinct lack of common sense to any of their thinking. People were having a go at you saying you should take a break from this thread, I think there’s a few in here who could do with that.

So no answers then? No suprise there.
Just had a thought about next season and the issue of possible return of fans midway thru the season. One of the big problems about Project Restart is that for example we played City at Anfield in front of our fans and they will play the reverse in front of no fans (probably not a great example but you get what I mean).

So why not have next season as a series of double headers. So match day 2 is a reverse of match day 1 etc - that will minimise some of the integrity issues. If done properly they could also leave all the big games till the end of the season. Imagine the final run of games being double headers between Liverpool, Utd, City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Wolves, Leicester, Spurs. And that would likely mean that the relegation battling sides would also all be playing each other during the run in. Add in the possibility of fans coming back during this period and it would make for a hell of a seasons end.

There is a big problem with the approach you’re proposing.

If a team has a few important players injured, or has a temporary dip in form, or has lots of players participating in the African cup of nations (hypothetically), that team can lose 6 points in a hurry against a major rival. For similar reasons, stacking all important fixtures at the tail-end of the season is a terrible idea.

While your idea mitigates some issues with sporting integrity, it opens a whole new can of worms.
I think you and @90 + 5min need to just sort of let this whole thing go.
I mean @Pagh Wraith has explained the difference. And on top of that you do the Men’s league two was binned off? You know that right?

As soon as I saw that post on the women’s league being cancelled I knew their would be faux outrage posts on gender inequality. Couldn’t even take a breath and it was there.

Questions will be asked and rightfully so.

Why is women's football unable to restart but it's fine for the men to do so?

It's undermining.
I think the anger at the PL restarting from some quarters has driven them to the point of irrationality and a distinct lack of common sense to any of their thinking. People were having a go at you saying you should take a break from this thread, I think there’s a few in here who could do with that.

Whats so funny?

Are you not a liverpool fan?
You are not answering the questions. I'll ask you again. Is it ok to divide people and make different decisions because of gender?

A big industry the loves to talk about football familly suddenly decides that members of the familly are not going to be treated equaly as some other members.

I'm not going to answer that because it has nothing to with the issue at hand and I won't feed into your fake outrage. I would suggest you forget about gender for a moment, take a step back and then think about in what other ways WSL and EPL differ. Hint: League Two (which has been cancelled) and Premier League differ in much the same way.

Waiting now for someone to claim discrimination based on footballing ability because lower leagues can't play.

That being said, women's football can absolutely continue if it's deemed financially viable. The Women's Bundesliga (as well as the 3rd men's division) will play in Germany. The 2nd Women's Bundesliga will not, though.