D-Day for Ole Saturday Nov 7th.

Think Ole will play a back 3 and two holding midfielders and get a result just to keep prolonging the inevitable. He’s reached that stage where it’s clear he has no plan and there’s no progress but will be allowed to drag this out.

I can only see him going after the Everton game if we get thrashed, even a narrow defeat keeps him in the job.
He will. After the last International break had a look at our fixtures and realised the fixtures his counter attacking tactic worked were coming up right on time to start another false dawn. The PSG and Leipzig fulfilled that expectation and was even surprised we didn't turn over one of Arsenal or Chelsea. Both those team's managers adjusted to how we wanted to play but I think we manage to beat Everton depending if they come to attack. Am personally long over these big game victories. They are just a one trick pony doing the one trick it's good at. Even top 6 managers are catching on
Even if we get hammered he'll still be here. The people in charge are always slow to react. That said I think Everton will have a proper go at us and we'll counter them to shreds, the one and only thing we're good at.
I’m just really sad about the state of United right now. We understood that Moyes was a mistake by Fergie, romantically thinking a Scot should succeed a Scot. Van Gaal and Mourinho were both disasters, but at least they had a long resume.

We’ve been stuck in second gear for so long, I’m losing faith in the relevance of a new manager taking the captain’s chair of a sinking ship.
Yeah after each game we hear the same "its not good enough, we are Manchester United" bullshit repeated over and over. I think this has to do with Ole, the fact that he has so many extra points in fans eyes because of his past and legend status as a player eases the preassure on him and is allowing mediocrity in to the team.
This has been a big problem throughout his tenure.

Ever since we went on the first terrible run and the "rebuild" excuse was wheeled out, it's been excuse after excuse all to ease pressure on just how badly he's performed at times. As well as normal unbeaten runs being celebrated almost like trophies.

Abysmal lowering of standards.
Perhaps a more pressing concern is how come a team that batted PSG and Leipzig looks so impossibly worn down against a inferior side. Not enough time has passed since that game for something significant to have taken place. This is entirely on the players and their inability to play at the best of their ability.

I WANT this manager to be succesful. As a Norwegian fan I have a significantly closer relationship to this particular manager than most fans. On top of that I absolutely LOATHE the trend in modern football where managers are sacked with regular intervals. I want dynaties, not changing of the guard every 3-4 years.

Fact of the matter is that Ole, like most managers have a 90% chance of getting sacked. Extremely few are so successful that they are in the job longer than 5 years, or even want hte job longer than that.

Any new manager is just another revolving door. Poch in fans will be happy that the team played so poorly their darling got the job, Ole in fans will be loathe that the team played so poorly their darling lost the job. Resentment builds as "in your face" threads and posts populate the boards, making this place even more insufferable than it is today. People just can't help themselves.

To see fans here actually wishing for a poor result in the league makes me physically ill. If I ran these boards I would ban the lot you. You have free speech, but not freedom against consequences. Ever single one of you that ever go into a game hoping we lose, you are the worst type of fan i can imagine. Please reply so I can add you to my ignore list if this is you.

This entire situation is heartbreaking.

I have always wanted Ole to do well since day 1, I was so happy for him when he was appointed as permanent manager, even though there was a blip in results before his permanent appointment, I felt he did just about enough to earn the job. Saying that, Poch was still my ideal go to at the time but since he was still at Spurs I always felt it would be difficult and I was still happy with the Ole appointment.

However, 2 years have now passed since Jose got the sack and I do believe Ole has improved us compared to then, we now have a better and more likeable squad in my view but the improvements made are so marginal, you can even make a case he hasn't improved us at all. Yes, he deserved to be backed more with signings but with the players at his disposal and the fact he still has spent around £250m on signings, he should definitely be doing much better. The result against Istanbul was the moment I thought maybe Ole isn't the guy to take us forward anymore and he has done what he could. I do think it is time to make a managerial change unfortunately but I am not like other fans wishing for us to lose for him to get the sack, that is wrong! And even if we did lose 4-0, who is to say we would sack him anyways?

I prefer Ole over LvG and Mourinho but at least they won silverware, which is what it's about and right now it just seems the standards have dropped significantly that we are just accepting of the fact at the start of the season we may end it without winning anything because the expectations have been lowered that much since he has come in and it's so sad to see.

I hope I am wrong and would love to see Ole turn it around and lead us to future silverware but sadly I do not think he is the guy to take us forward any longer.
Woodward gave him time and lot of good words in press, in last two years, I doubt he'll get a sack this year... but then again, you look at the table and you want to laugh.
I look at all those average players we have and i want to cry!
We're gonna have a big win this game. As experience from previous period, every time the manager was on fire, we've had big win and then things were back to normal, that's a circle.
Not a hope we sack him before the end of the season
I do fear Woodward is that dumb so you may be right. Top reds will be happy I guess since they can sing their little songs while the rest of us wonder what happened to the biggest club in the world.
“If I don't trust my belief and values, and my staff’s quality and players' quality, who else should? I don't look at one or two results and fall like a house of cards,” Solskjaer said in his pre-match press conference.

“It's a setback, definitely, but there's been too much made of not scoring against Arsenal and Chelsea, there have been nothing in those games and it's not long ago we were the best thing since sliced bread against Leipzig and PSG.

“You have to have that belief, club have been very positive and shown me their character and strong leadership, I'm looking to Saturday morning, that's another matter we can talk about.”
“You have to be mentally strong,” Solskjaer said. “There are demands on Manchester United players, coach and manager and also an expectation, we are at the best and biggest club in the world and you don't expect anything but criticism then, it is how you deal with that setback and from what I've seen from the boys they've been very focused.”
A good post and i appreciate the polite discourse.

My pleasure, is good to contribute to a great post like yours.

Completely with you on the sentiment and it's a shame for Ole as he seems a great guy and the romanticism of him being the right guy would be brilliant.

Part of me loves the thought of United being a contra to the modern trend of firing managers every few years but the horrid truth is that longevity is only a virtue when you've got the right set up and we just don't have that under Ole.

Not to excuse Woodward and the board as there's clearly a whole collection of problems up there but when you know the manager can be improved then it's harmful to not do that. Especially when Ole has such glaring shortfalls.

Even anecdotally, he talks in cliches and vague statements... there just isn't the weight or depth in his words like you feel with Klopp or Pep etc. If United have serious ambitions of being at the elite end of the game, then we need a higher calibre manager and I feel it's reached that tipping point now where Ole needs to go.
How do you reckon? We spent 300m players and I have high doubts players like AWB and Maguire for example will be useful for attacking manager in a high line.
We are saturated with 6-7 CM’s, again short on CB, have basically no attacking right wing because we bought a defensive right back.

This team would suit best a negative manager that employs a low block and hits you on counter, but I doubt that would be something the Caf would like?

I’m not so sure that you should write off these players so quickly. We’ve achieved so many good results with these players under Ole. If we can beat Man City three times, PSG away twice, Chelsea three times in one season (etc..etc..) then these players CAN be set-up in such a way as to be able to win home games against teams like Palace, West Ham and Everton.

I feel Ole’s big Achilles heel as a manager is that he’s only got one formation and that’s the defensive 5-3-2 counter. That doesn’t mean to say a better tactician couldn’t come in and create a system that works against weaker sides without having to chop and change the entire team.

Just because Maguire/Lindelof aren’t quick and Shaw/AWB aren’t great attackers doesn’t mean you ditch them. You find a way of playing to there strengths (of which they have many) and also the strengths of the plethora of attacking talent we have. Ole has failed in that respect. It’s either defend deep and counter or this chaotically Kamikaze approach that’s seen us beaten 1-6 by Spurs and concede those two comical goals against that Turkish team I forget the name of
The club can't afford to have no Champions League money next season with the covid uncertainty, he will get sacked soon

Sure it can. It’s still profitable. I’m sure they’d prefer Champions League football mind.
I’m not so sure that you should write off these players so quickly. We’ve achieved so many good results with these players under Ole. If we can beat Man City three times, PSG away twice, Chelsea three times in one season (etc..etc..) then these players CAN be set-up in such a way as to be able to win home games against teams like Palace, West Ham and Everton.

I feel Ole’s big Achilles heel as a manager is that he’s only got one formation and that’s the defensive 5-3-2 counter. That doesn’t mean to say a better tactician couldn’t come in and create a system that works against weaker sides without having to chop and change the entire team.

Just because Maguire/Lindelof aren’t quick and Shaw/AWB aren’t great attackers doesn’t mean you ditch them. You find a way of playing to there strengths (of which they have many) and also the strengths of the plethora of attacking talent we have. Ole has failed in that respect. It’s either defend deep and counter or this chaotically Kamikaze approach that’s seen us beaten 1-6 by Spurs and concede those two comical goals against that Turkish team I forget the name of
Nah I’m not writing them off. Actually agree with most of your assessment. This team however will be more at home in a counter attacking setup and more practical approach- hence playing to their strengths.

Problem is - bringing manager like Allegri or Simeone will not be the cafs cup of tea.

the team as a whole is underperforming that’s clear and isn’t that far off from top teams under quality manager.
I WANT this manager to be succesful. As a Norwegian fan I have a significantly closer relationship to this particular manager than most fans. On top of that I absolutely LOATHE the trend in modern football where managers are sacked with regular intervals. I want dynaties, not changing of the guard every 3-4 years.
Really, sorry but you don't have a closer relationship with him than someone not from Norway in my eyes. As if you want to go down that line, you have a lesser say here than a person from the UK when it comes to some of the players or the club given you're Norwegian and they are not.

And I'll take it "dynaties" is meant to mean dynasties, well those days are long gone thanks to the money involved from broadcasters, sponsors.

To see fans here actually wishing for a poor result in the league makes me physically ill. If I ran these boards I would ban the lot you. You have free speech, but not freedom against consequences. Ever single one of you that ever go into a game hoping we lose, you are the worst type of fan i can imagine. Please reply so I can add you to my ignore list if this is you.

While I agree with you that it's fecked up, wanting us to lose so a manager gets the bullet, can't agree with you on the highlighted bit by me on the second quoted part. Like I said I don't agree with that losing shite, but this is not bloody North Korea/China/USSR or East Germany back in the stasi days, where you have to toe the party lines.

This is a forum thank feck where people are allowed say (within decency) to a degree what they feel and whether you agree with that or not, it's their right to voice their opinion.
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Ole is one of the luckiest manager I've witnessed. Every things goings his way without him earning it.

His temp job
Best ever run without knowing exactly why gets him the job
From there it's time given, millions spend
During our purple patch he happens to stumble upon bruno and with covid resurges us to 3rd.

Everytime things looks bleak he'll put a rabbit out of the head. I'm betting alot on us winning against everton. The writings on the wall. He'll buy some time till December and it's the "lets wait until end of the season all over again". Sneak at hard-fought top 4 and before you know it it's contract renewal.

At the end of the day he's already the longest serving manager post saf. If he gets next year he'll already managing us for 4 years. Longer than most epl manager that doesnt named wenger and ferguson
So much emotions!

After Sir Alex retired Ole Gunnar Solkjaer is manager number four (4). His credentials as a top club manager would under normal circumstances never been enough but after a period of toxic chaos the club needed stability on and of the field. From that perspective he has succeeded.

Another mission was from what I understand to clear out the deadwood and find players who want to represent this club with pride and passion. Highly questionable if this has accomplished.

Our problem with Paul Pogba continue’s. Highly inconsistent. Often injured. Difficult to find a formation and a tactic that suits both Pogba and the team. Mourinho failed badly and I’m not sure if it’s any better today.

On a individual level Ole’s transfer targets is ok. I would only label Bruno as a success if we involve expectations and the price tag. Harry Maguire is his biggest failure on every level. The rest is meh. Why wasn’t we interested in Thomas Partey or Gabriel? Both would fit our needs perfectly. Mission not accomplished in this department.

We can’t defend! Individual errors. Badly organized. Often a tactic that doesn’t suits some of our players qualities. The verdict is sadly a failure.

We have huge problems with creating chances against team who park the bus or defend well. We often look clueless. Mostly we need luck with penalties or moments of individual brilliance to score goals. Is this because of bad coaching or the wrong players? Either way it’s a failure.

What is our style? Do we look well coached and organized? Apart from sitting deep and counter attack I’m not sure what kind of style we have. Two years and we still don’t look like a team with a identity. That’s a failure.

Ole is a great diplomat who says nothing controversial. But at the same time he don’t inspire or install confidence when he talks. His pressers are often boring and without substance. Nothing wrong with that approach but it’s not my cup of tea.

Can I see us being successful with Ole at the wheel? That’s the crucial question and what all this debate is all about.

The fan base is divided. Our results isn’t good, that’s unquestionable.

If we lose or draw against Everton I think many more supporters will give up on Ole. The board and Ed is probably already planning for a future without him. I can’t blame them even if their actions is part or maybe the root of our problems.

This isn’t good enough! D-day indeed if our club have any serious ambitions to save this season.
So D Day has arrived, going to be a sad day no matter what the result win- lose- or draw. If he goes we lose what many class him as a legend on the pitch. Not many could argue the great times he's brought us none more so than the CL final.

If he stays then I can't see him going before Christmas pending more bad results, by then it would be too late to save our season. fecking he'll is just a no win situation for us all.
You would imagine it’s D day. International break looming and the pressures of needing to be in the champions league next season. Usually we are slow to react but the I think this time around the circumstances are much different.
You just know it that we will pull a performance out of our arse.
At the end of the day he's already the longest serving manager post saf. If he gets next year he'll already managing us for 4 years. Longer than most epl manager that doesnt named wenger and ferguson

He was appointed Dec 2018, less than 2 years ago, he's had 1 and a half seasons of football in that time. He's spent less time in charge than Jose. He's still been in charge of less games than Van Gaal and Jose.

But in a year he'll have been in the job 4 years? Right.
He needs to win today otherwise a long break after a defeat will make everyone then on him.
So much emotions!

After Sir Alex retired Ole Gunnar Solkjaer is manager number four (4). His credentials as a top club manager would under normal circumstances never been enough but after a period of toxic chaos the club needed stability on and of the field. From that perspective he has succeeded.

Another mission was from what I understand to clear out the deadwood and find players who want to represent this club with pride and passion. Highly questionable if this has accomplished.

Our problem with Paul Pogba continue’s. Highly inconsistent. Often injured. Difficult to find a formation and a tactic that suits both Pogba and the team. Mourinho failed badly and I’m not sure if it’s any better today.

On a individual level Ole’s transfer targets is ok. I would only label Bruno as a success if we involve expectations and the price tag. Harry Maguire is his biggest failure on every level. The rest is meh. Why wasn’t we interested in Thomas Partey or Gabriel? Both would fit our needs perfectly. Mission not accomplished in this department.

We can’t defend! Individual errors. Badly organized. Often a tactic that doesn’t suits some of our players qualities. The verdict is sadly a failure.

We have huge problems with creating chances against team who park the bus or defend well. We often look clueless. Mostly we need luck with penalties or moments of individual brilliance to score goals. Is this because of bad coaching or the wrong players? Either way it’s a failure.

What is our style? Do we look well coached and organized? Apart from sitting deep and counter attack I’m not sure what kind of style we have. Two years and we still don’t look like a team with a identity. That’s a failure.

Ole is a great diplomat who says nothing controversial. But at the same time he don’t inspire or install confidence when he talks. His pressers are often boring and without substance. Nothing wrong with that approach but it’s not my cup of tea.

Can I see us being successful with Ole at the wheel? That’s the crucial question and what all this debate is all about.

The fan base is divided. Our results isn’t good, that’s unquestionable.

If we lose or draw against Everton I think many more supporters will give up on Ole. The board and Ed is probably already planning for a future without him. I can’t blame them even if their actions is part or maybe the root of our problems.

This isn’t good enough! D-day indeed if our club have any serious ambitions to save this season.
I think he has done well to stabilize the situations at the club and bring in talented players. If he leaves he wont be a failure in my eyes but the team needs someone to bring it forward.

But then again I expected the same manager who failed at Cardiff when he came and not a managerial prodigy. He has done what he could now let the team move upwards.
I think he has done well to stabilize the situations at the club and bring in talented players. If he leaves he wont be a failure in my eyes but the team needs someone to bring it forward.

But then again I expected the same manager who failed at Cardiff when he came and not a managerial prodigy. He has done what he could now let the team move upwards.
Where are all these talented players? AWB and Bruno aside and even then AWB has been very inconsistent the past 6 months
Where are all these talented players? AWB and Bruno aside and even then AWB has been very inconsistent the past 6 months
Greenwood, vDB, Telles.
Cavani as well of course.

The team and the bench looks strong now. In the hands of a very good manager we can use so many tactical changes during the game. Not playing a formation and sticks with it even if it fails on the pitch.
Greenwood, vDB, Telles.
Cavani as well of course.

The team and the bench looks strong now. In the hands of a very good manager we can use so many tactical changes during the game. Not playing a formation and sticks with it even if it fails on the pitch.
Greenwood is an academy product. Seem to recall LVG giving youth a chance
VDB - Not sure Ole fancies him. Although I do rate him
Telles? Played an hour cant comment either way until he has been given a run
Cavani - Scraping the bottom of the lid even more there. Desperation signing by the club
Some of his buys have been crap. Maguire and James to name two, plus his failure to address the one problem position we have had for years.
I’m a long way from the coal face living in OZ but I really feel for OGS he deserves better.
1) Really, sorry but you don't have a closer relationship with him than someone not from Norway in my eyes. As if you want to go down that line, you have a lesser say here than a person from the UK when it comes to some of the players or the club given you're Norwegian and they are not.

2) And I'll take it "dynaties" is meant to mean dynasties, well those days are long gone thanks to the money involved from broadcasters, sponsors.

While I agree with you that it's fecked up, wanting us to lose so a manager gets the bullet, can't agree with you on the highlighted bit by me on the second quoted part. Like I said I don't agree with that losing shite, but this is not bloody North Korea/China/USSR or East Germany back in the stasi days, where you have to toe the party lines.

This is a forum thank feck where people are allowed say (within decency) to a degree what they feel and whether you agree with that or not, it's their right to voice their opinion.

1) "Really, sorry" is a bit patronizing, no? Are you telling me how to feel with regards to my own perspective? Let me elaborate: Norway is a TINY football nation. And yet, the Premier League is huge here, insofact it has a bigger standing than our own national league. Everyone my age grew up with Saturday and Sunday football, where we'd spend weekends with friends or our dads in front of the TV with the betting coupon, trying to get all 12 games on the coupon right. I got 11 once, total highlight of my year when I was 12. There was a time in the 90s when Norwegian footballers were hot commodity in the Premier League, followed by nearly 20 years of journeymen and benchwarmers or at best: ok squad players. In terms of football success, Ole ranks above anyone and it's not even close. Ole Gunnar Solskjær is a football hero in Norway to thousands of people, tens of thousands of Manchester United fans in Norway who feel an actual affection and affiliation to the club through literaly decades of following the club, just like people in England does.

The difference is that England has many, many legends of the sport. We have one that my generation remembers fondly, and he is the manager of Manchester United. For me football is about first and foremost passion. It's memories of goals, tackles and memorable situations. It's memories watching football with my dad, with my friends sharing a beer. It's memories of having to walk out in the streets in 1998 when Norway got a penalty against Brazil because I couldn't stand to watch, only to hear the entire neighbourhood start screaming when we scored, and won. I care when we lose. It's such a gutsinking feeling when we go down 1-0, 2-0. But know what, I rather yell at my TV like a mental patient and tell my players to go up and score,. That is what football is about to me. I care when we lose, and I absolutely care when we win. It is so god damn rewarding to see Rashford bang it in the net and see the players lose their sh*t. I love it.

It's not about feeling the need to harass and talk shit about people at any given time, it's not about finding people with a negative headspace I can create a wildfire with to see who can be the most pessimistic, or better yet: Who can say GOTCHA, I WAS RIGHT the hardest. That is why I can't stand people like that. If you can't be supportive in the hard times, why bother being supportive in the good times? It might be a cliché, but it's one I fully stand by. And you are right, it's everyones right to voice their opinion. Which is what I did, and I never told anyone they could not.

Football is a escape from daily life. It is entertainment. A modern form of gladiator spectacle for the masses, and for 2 hours you leave work and worries behind and you sit in front of the TV and watch the game, text your friend and delight that Liverpool are under, or ignore him when they score and a snapchat pops up of him giving you the finger. I want to spend those 2 hours being hopeful, share joy and frustration, but I'll never stop backing the team even if they are playing poorly. This is my team and I'll be a fan until I drift off in my sleep at the tender age of 147.

With regards to Ole, he's one of a very few handful of people from Norway's "glory days" of football that are still active in a big league. As a last repesentative of the best years of my life, I want this person to do well, not because he scored a goal, not because he's 20Legend, but because this is a physical, actual representation of some of the best memories I have from this game. So you're going to have to excuse me if I don't join the sack the manager train because Paul Pogba gives Arsenal a penalty.

As a personal anecdote, I was a "ball boy" at the Kongsviner - Molde game in 1995 (I belive that was the year - I was 12). After the game I couldn't find my ball to have players sign it. I looked around the grounds and managed to find it some 30 minutes after the game had ended. I ran to the opposing teams wardrobe and waited outside. Ole was the first player to come out, and he happily stopped to sign my ball, and halted some of his teammates who also signed it, asked me what I thought of the game and wished me luck with my footballing career. I didn't have one, but I still have the ball.

2) You know very well I meant dynasties.
He was appointed Dec 2018, less than 2 years ago, he's had 1 and a half seasons of football in that time. He's spent less time in charge than Jose. He's still been in charge of less games than Van Gaal and Jose.

But in a year he'll have been in the job 4 years? Right.

He took over 2018/2019
Last season was 2019/2020
This year was 2020/2021

I said, if he gets next year (i.e. 2021/2022) than that's 4 year in management.

LVG have 2 official season under his belt
Jose has 3 , the last season he was sacked midways. But if you counted Jose's 1/2 season then why discounted Ole's?

If you don't want to use year, fine. Let's use total games played. Won't make any difference. If he gets next year he'll be having at least 130 games in his belt
1) "Really, sorry" is a bit patronizing, no? Are you telling me how to feel with regards to my own perspective? Let me elaborate: Norway is a TINY football nation. And yet, the Premier League is huge here, insofact it has a bigger standing than our own national league. Everyone my age grew up with Saturday and Sunday football, where we'd spend weekends with friends or our dads in front of the TV with the betting coupon, trying to get all 12 games on the coupon right. I got 11 once, total highlight of my year when I was 12. There was a time in the 90s when Norwegian footballers were hot commodity in the Premier League, followed by nearly 20 years of journeymen and benchwarmers or at best: ok squad players. In terms of football success, Ole ranks above anyone and it's not even close. Ole Gunnar Solskjær is a football hero in Norway to thousands of people, tens of thousands of Manchester United fans in Norway who feel an actual affection and affiliation to the club through literaly decades of following the club, just like people in England does.

The difference is that England has many, many legends of the sport. We have one that my generation remembers fondly, and he is the manager of Manchester United. For me football is about first and foremost passion. It's memories of goals, tackles and memorable situations. It's memories watching football with my dad, with my friends sharing a beer. It's memories of having to walk out in the streets in 1998 when Norway got a penalty against Brazil because I couldn't stand to watch, only to hear the entire neighbourhood start screaming when we scored, and won. I care when we lose. It's such a gutsinking feeling when we go down 1-0, 2-0. But know what, I rather yell at my TV like a mental patient and tell my players to go up and score,. That is what football is about to me. I care when we lose, and I absolutely care when we win. It is so god damn rewarding to see Rashford bang it in the net and see the players lose their sh*t. I love it.

It's not about feeling the need to harass and talk shit about people at any given time, it's not about finding people with a negative headspace I can create a wildfire with to see who can be the most pessimistic, or better yet: Who can say GOTCHA, I WAS RIGHT the hardest. That is why I can't stand people like that. If you can't be supportive in the hard times, why bother being supportive in the good times? It might be a cliché, but it's one I fully stand by. And you are right, it's everyones right to voice their opinion. Which is what I did, and I never told anyone they could not.

Football is a escape from daily life. It is entertainment. A modern form of gladiator spectacle for the masses, and for 2 hours you leave work and worries behind and you sit in front of the TV and watch the game, text your friend and delight that Liverpool are under, or ignore him when they score and a snapchat pops up of him giving you the finger. I want to spend those 2 hours being hopeful, share joy and frustration, but I'll never stop backing the team even if they are playing poorly. This is my team and I'll be a fan until I drift off in my sleep at the tender age of 147.

With regards to Ole, he's one of a very few handful of people from Norway's "glory days" of football that are still active in a big league. As a last repesentative of the best years of my life, I want this person to do well, not because he scored a goal, not because he's 20Legend, but because this is a physical, actual representation of some of the best memories I have from this game. So you're going to have to excuse me if I don't join the sack the manager train because Paul Pogba gives Arsenal a penalty.

As a personal anecdote, I was a "ball boy" at the Kongsviner - Molde game in 1995 (I belive that was the year - I was 12). After the game I couldn't find my ball to have players sign it. I looked around the grounds and managed to find it some 30 minutes after the game had ended. I ran to the opposing teams wardrobe and waited outside. Ole was the first player to come out, and he happily stopped to sign my ball, and halted some of his teammates who also signed it, asked me what I thought of the game and wished me luck with my footballing career. I didn't have one, but I still have the ball.

2) You know very well I meant dynasties.

You make me a proud Norwegian. Thumbs up.
1) "Really, sorry" is a bit patronizing, no? Are you telling me how to feel with regards to my own perspective?
no different to you're patronizing claim " As a Norwegian fan I have a significantly closer relationship to this particular manager than most fans. "
Why does it take a couple of bad defeats or for us to go behind to actually begin playing like something resembling a well coached team. Unbelievably inconsistent and almost impossible to get optimistic anymore with the current regime
no different to you're patronizing claim " As a Norwegian fan I have a significantly closer relationship to this particular manager than most fans. "

Read my reply and understand context, please.
Funny how some still trust the Board to do the right thing. Might be wrong but history suggests this board will do nothing and Ole will continue to do his job. We will get some wins and all will look good again till the next bad patch hits.
Funny, some of us think the board doing the right thing would be to keep Ole, not that overrated waste of space Poch.
Perhaps a more pressing concern is how come a team that batted PSG and Leipzig looks so impossibly worn down against a inferior side. Not enough time has passed since that game for something significant to have taken place. This is entirely on the players and their inability to play at the best of their ability.

I WANT this manager to be succesful. As a Norwegian fan I have a significantly closer relationship to this particular manager than most fans. On top of that I absolutely LOATHE the trend in modern football where managers are sacked with regular intervals. I want dynaties, not changing of the guard every 3-4 years.

Fact of the matter is that Ole, like most managers have a 90% chance of getting sacked. Extremely few are so successful that they are in the job longer than 5 years, or even want hte job longer than that.

Any new manager is just another revolving door. Poch in fans will be happy that the team played so poorly their darling got the job, Ole in fans will be loathe that the team played so poorly their darling lost the job. Resentment builds as "in your face" threads and posts populate the boards, making this place even more insufferable than it is today. People just can't help themselves.

To see fans here actually wishing for a poor result in the league makes me physically ill. If I ran these boards I would ban the lot you. You have free speech, but not freedom against consequences. Ever single one of you that ever go into a game hoping we lose, you are the worst type of fan i can imagine. Please reply so I can add you to my ignore list if this is you.

This entire situation is heartbreaking.
If only there was a like function.

Well said.
Confirmed after this thread that we will defeat Everton and it will be a big win.

Never in doubt for me. Our team is so predictable. We'll probably beat WBA and Istanbul next then lose to Southampton or something. :D
Why do we have to support the manager against the interest of the club? Are we Manchester United supporters or Ole Gunnar Solskjaer supporters?
Maybe some of us think backing Ole is in the best interests of the club.

Who'd have thought that, eh?