Dalot or AWB?

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I keep forgetting AWB is actually in the squad. Can't even get a game in the EL. Ten Hag must not be liking what he sees in training.
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Dalot is essentially what Haller was to Ajax after his time in the league. He's improved dramatically and has been fairly consistent since pre season. I thought he didn't have a chance here he's easily cemented his starting position.
I keep forgetting AWB is actually in the squad. Can't even get a game in the EL. Ten Hag must not be liking what he sees in training.

We read during the pre season that AWB was training alone on how to control and pass the ball. Same with Phil Jones. They are part of the team but not part of the squad
I think AWB could become a really good right sided CB in a 3. Or even retrained intoa CB. The potential is there. I think if inwas him and utd wanted rid, id go to italy to specifically play as a no nonsense CB.
Nah, he’s got absolutely no awareness, as evidenced by how often he just stands there watching the ball go over his head. He’d be even more of a liability in that role as a result.
Never understood where AWB’s defensive reputation comes from. He’s positionally awful.
The reason he slides in and last ditches so much is because he is constantly out of position.
Absolutely terrible awareness. He's never managed to sharpen up this part of his game. The argument that he's a good defensive option to have is pretty tenuous when the only situation he defends well is 1 v 1 and outside of that he costs games.
Never understood where AWB’s defensive reputation comes from. He’s positionally awful.
His side was deliberately targeted. Was at fault for conceding the corner and then dozing off while defending the back post (feel like we have discussed the same thing a million times). Just not good enough. Cannot help retain the ball either.

Bang avg defender for a mid table side at best.
His side was deliberately targeted. Was at fault for conceding the corner and then dozing off while defending the back post (feel like we have discussed the same thing a million times). Just not good enough. Cannot help retain the ball either.

Bang avg defender for a mid table side at best.

Shaws side was a gaping hole Saka enjoyed himself more than the 2 guys playing AWBs side.
Shaws side was a gaping hole Saka enjoyed himself more than the 2 guys playing AWBs side.
Most of Arsenal's attack came down our right. Their winning goal came down his side. He went to sleep while defending the back post for their first. What more do we need to see before binning him?
Dalot probably defends that cross with minimal fuss. Being able to defend the back post very well is key for fullbacks.
AWB's only redeeming quality is his pace, which means nothing when 9/10 times he catches up to his man 50 yard out and then escorts them all the way to the byline before trying to tackle them.

Dalot, although not as fast, would have tackled them 50 yards out and saved us a headache.
Dalot is light years ahead of AWB. Hopefully he's back soon.
I don't know if we get a different result yesterday with Dalot, but I wouldn't mind him stepping back in. It wouldn't go against ETH principles as we have to rotate anyway, and it wasn't one of AWB better games.

I like having 2 decent FBs... I just hope one of them takes the step up to Evra or Neville levels
Reality check yesterday! We can't have an old fashioned full back starting games for us. Doesn't hold up in the prem! If Dalot is fully fit I bet he'll be in next game and AWB back in the cold.
Both have pros and cons but I always feel AWB is much better in defense. I know yesterday Dalot was not match fit but on current form AWB should be first choice.
Both have pros and cons but I always feel AWB is much better in defense. I know yesterday Dalot was not match fit but on current form AWB should be first choice.

I don't think it's that clear-cut really. Defensively, they are both hot-and-cold. Dalot can be passive to an extent that at worst makes him a big liability. But he has largely avoided that this year, and if he can outgrow that permanently I'm not so sure he's not better than AWB defensively. AWB is a fantastic tackler, but that's not really the key trait it used to be for a FB. And he is prone to lapses in concentration, bad positioning and marking errors that have cost us goals more than once.

The real tradeoff in my opinion is how different they are on the ball. I think AWB is actually a good player in the build-up - good at quick, efficient and safe passing, while further up he's adept at interacting with Bruno and Antony at moving the ball around quickly around the oppo box. In short, he's a good possession player.

What he doesn't do very much of is challenging with the ball in his feet, overlaps, key crosses and other high-end offensive/creative stuff. Which Dalot does do - increasingly well and increasingly frequently this year.

Right now, I'd say that AWB provides more control both on and off the ball, but also a higher risk for key negative actions defensively, and less likelihood of key positive actions offensively. If Dalot gets back to where he was pre-injury in his confidence and presence defensively, he's a better player overall for sure.
I don't think it's that clear-cut really. Defensively, they are both hot-and-cold. Dalot can be passive to an extent that at worst makes him a big liability. But he has largely avoided that this year, and if he can outgrow that permanently I'm not so sure he's not better than AWB defensively. AWB is a fantastic tackler, but that's not really the key trait it used to be for a FB. And he is prone to lapses in concentration, bad positioning and marking errors that have cost us goals more than once.

The real tradeoff in my opinion is how different they are on the ball. I think AWB is actually a good player in the build-up - good at quick, efficient and safe passing, while further up he's adept at interacting with Bruno and Antony at moving the ball around quickly around the oppo box. In short, he's a good possession player.

What he doesn't do very much of is challenging with the ball in his feet, overlaps, key crosses and other high-end offensive/creative stuff. Which Dalot does do - increasingly well and increasingly frequently this year.

Right now, I'd say that AWB provides more control both on and off the ball, but also a higher risk for key negative actions defensively, and less likelihood of key positive actions offensively. If Dalot gets back to where he was pre-injury in his confidence and presence defensively, he's a better player overall for sure.
Adnan has mentioned "positional play" many, many times but evidently most people still do not take this into consideration or simply do not understand the basic principles of it.

Since threat in football very often comes from exploiting space, it is incredibly important for players to be able to take specific positions to both create and close down space (in offensive and defensive action). AWB is terrible in positioning in both defensive and offensive action. Dalot is increasingly excellent. That alone means he will always be the preferred RB for Ten Hag.

And further to that, he is far more technically capable. In almost everything with the small exception of tackling.
Adnan has mentioned "positional play" many, many times but evidently most people still do not take this into consideration or simply do not understand the basic principles of it.

Since threat in football very often comes from exploiting space, it is incredibly important for players to be able to take specific positions to both create and close down space (in offensive and defensive action). AWB is terrible in positioning in both defensive and offensive action. Dalot is increasingly excellent. That alone means he will always be the preferred RB for Ten Hag.

And further to that, he is far more technically capable. In almost everything with the small exception of tackling.

Paolo Maldini famously said “If I have to make a tackle then I have already made a mistake.”
This question has always really been about who we want as a back up and that decision has already been made. AWB is undoubtedly in the shop window and on his way out in the summer whilst we are actively discussing a new contract with Dalot. The most important thing would be to sign someone who is an upgrade on both, I don't mind Dalot as he has started to fulfill some of his potential, but he is never going to be good enough for a side that wants to win League titles and Champions Leagues.
So anyway, if Ten Hag decides on a new starting RB, does he sell Dalot or AWB to accommodate them?

Worth reopening the debate, considering how well AWB stepped up whilst Dalot was injured.

Would either be satisfied with a backup role, in any case?

May we have to sell both, and try and find another Malacia as the backup?
Buy: Frimpong
Sell: Dalot
Bench: AWB
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