Did the anfield stadium tour with about 35 scousers

vidic blood & sand

New Member
Aug 30, 2013
So I spent some time in Manchester this week and one day decided to shoot over to Liverpool to see Goodison Park stadium, and then Liverpool. Wanted to do the stadium tours of Everton, Pool, and City, as I've done ours enough times already. Went to Everton (what a shithole) and no one was home, so walked on down to the dippers. Walked in and out of the reception twice cause I didn't want to part with £20 and listen to Gerry and the Pacemakers for an hour. Kept asking myself what am I doing here, and thinking about the Miller & Carter on the Albert Dock. So, anyway, do the tour but wasn't impressed with how they connect people with their history. There's something not right. I like what they've done with their stadium, it really feels modern, but it's uninspiring. Apart from Shanckly, the whole place feels like they're ashamed of the past 30 years because it sucks, and they they can't emulate the 80s. You can really feel how much winning the league means to them. It's like the club is trying to reach out to young supporters, but all they can do is talk about the distant past pointing to drab old pictures of famous 70s and 80s nights (I remember those, unlike most the tour guide was trying to convince).
Later I sat in the kop listening to the guide talking bollocks, and thinking to myself, this is the club i hated as a kid in the 70s and 80s. My hatred and jealous of them would have frightened an exorcist, but here I was for the first time ever in the ground thinking of the likes of dalgliesh, souness, rush, hansen, thompson etc, and struggling to believe that it really happened in there. And what makes it worse is that I think the young koppites also struggle with it. I wish I could have sat in the kop on my own for an hour making peace with my demons of the past, but was dragged off to the museum.
Visiting anfield for the first time was a really strange experience. There was something missing that I couldn't put my finger on at the time. After dwelling on it tonight I think it's the fact that we have two eras of success, where as Liverpool have one long one that feels an eternity ago. The Busby era connects us with the distant past, and the Ferguson era keeps our recent memories alive.

Must weigh heavy on klopp, because the Liverpool success of the 70s and 80s was amazing, but its never coming back. It's gone forever. He's got them playing well right now, but the older supporters remember how it was, and will never be again.
You did what? Without a gun pointed to your head?


I think it was an attempt to re-connect with footballing childhood torment, while also smugly watching the current generation of liverpool fans experiencing the same pain. Quite morbid really.
I played footy in Stanley Park and stood outside the gates but never had any desire to go on a tour. of Anfield I can barely stomach doing the Arsenal one yet alone a rival. It felt weird doing Ashburton Grove when all my memories were of Highbury.
I played footy in Stanley Park and stood outside the gates but never had any desire to go on a tour. of Anfield I can barely stomach doing the Arsenal one yet alone a rival. It felt weird doing Ashburton Grove when all my memories were of Highbury.

Yeah I remember Highbury very well. Saw loads of Utd games there especially in the 80s. Turned up on the day and paid £2.50 :lol:
Tell me you at least took a super shit and jammed one of their bogs good & proper.
'This is Amityville'
This means you've contributed to their wage bill/transfer kitty. :nono:

If they win anything I'm blaming you for financially supporting them. Your £20 might have been the difference.
Right, because unless you were alive in the 80s you have to give up your right to hate Liverpool.

United fans had three FA cups to cheer about in 20 years while watching Liverpool clean up.
This is where the hate originates from my friend. 20 years of United success came after this for some of us.
United fans had three FA cups to cheer about in 20 years while watching Liverpool clean up.
This is where the hate originates from my friend. 20 years of United success came after this for some of us.
Just because you haven't lived through something doesn't mean you can't understand it.
The guide and I were around the same age, and he had a glint in his eye remembering the days that I remember, while pointing to old photos 35 - 40 years old and reminiscing what it was like.
It was a strange experience, because his ecstasy was my agony, but boy have the tables turned.
So why'd you call me a weirdo? :lol:

Because there’s absolutely no fecking way I would do the Anfield tour, whenever theyre on tv, such as tomorrow, I’ll not turn it on until they kick off so I don’t have to hear that fecking song never mind anything else,was it played continuously throughout the tour? :mad:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail covers the endless quest for their next title.
Because there’s absolutely no fecking way I would do the Anfield tour, whenever theyre on tv, such as tomorrow, I’ll not turn it on until they kick off so I don’t have to hear that fecking song never mind anything else,was it played continuously throughout the tour? :mad:

I can tune all that out, and just see a modern looking stadium and judge it all from a position of superiority, while remembering what it was like when they were on top a long long time ago.
This is the point I'm trying to get across. Their success will never be repeated. It's gone forever. It's confined to history.
Nice attempt on your part but what's probably 'missing' is the fact you're not a Liverpool fan. That association or dissociation in your case has a big impact on all this. For contrastc what was your feeling in the Etihad? Did it feel like the future of football, like a place where history was being made? Or was it just a giant empty sky blue oil tank?
Nice attempt on your part but what's probably 'missing' is the fact you're not a Liverpool fan. That association or dissociation in your case has a big impact on all this. For contrastc what was your feeling in the Etihad? Did it feel like the future of football, like a place where history was being made? Or was it just a giant empty sky blue oil tank?

It was like the history had been dissected, and that the future was more important than the past. There was a token acknowledgement of the past, but the campus was a statement of the future. It was soulless, and there was no one around.
It was like the history had been dissected, and that the future was more important than the past. There was a token acknowledgement of the past, but the campus was a statement of the future. It was soulless, and there was no one around.

That's such a contrived feeling. Tell me what it's like at Anfield on game day. Or like I said, what's it feel like at one of the counties most winning clubs of the last decade - City or Chelsea? How does that compare?

It's not quite the same, but go take a tour of Yankee Stadium in the Bronx when they're not playing. The oh so famous pinstripes. It's a dump around it and a tourist trap in it. But you'd be silly to go talking about the soul being gone even if the team hasnt been as winning as in the past decades. Actually, not silly...you'd be a bitter mets fan if you catch my drift
Because there’s absolutely no fecking way I would do the Anfield tour, whenever theyre on tv, such as tomorrow, I’ll not turn it on until they kick off so I don’t have to hear that fecking song never mind anything else,was it played continuously throughout the tour? :mad:

Too bad for you then. As a football fan that song is something to appreciate.
I hope you at least spent the tour sharing your observations of emptiness and failure and also provided a box of tissues with shit hidden within! Then I hope you stole at least £20 worth of stuff to get your money back and pisses in any replica cups they hold.
Because there’s absolutely no fecking way I would do the Anfield tour, whenever theyre on tv, such as tomorrow, I’ll not turn it on until they kick off so I don’t have to hear that fecking song never mind anything else,was it played continuously throughout the tour? :mad:

i gouged my eyes out in order to never see the liverbird again. im the top red
The guide and I were around the same age, and he had a glint in his eye remembering the days that I remember, while pointing to old photos 35 - 40 years old and reminiscing what it was like.
It was a strange experience, because his ecstasy was my agony, but boy have the tables turned.

In 20 years time a City fan will be saying the same thing about a United tour-guide.... ;)
The tour really gives you an appreciation of how much they are hurting, more than I anticipated, and when you mix that with the memories of the past when they dominated, it gives you added appreciation of how utterly the tables have turned. That's what I took away from it, never to return.
It's funny watching these little young Utd fans saying they hate liverpool, but they don't really understand why.
I hate then from the noughties, Gerrard, Suarez, Torres, carra. Those games were incredible at times, so tense so consistently.

I found OP interesting when he was saying it brought back a lot of the jealousy and hate he had in the 80s
You must have enjoyed seeing this trophy again :)