
Just started playing this, done the first mission.

I like the atmosphere of the game and the gameplay reminds me of Deus Ex a lot. I do enjoy a good stealth game
Just started downloading this... if I have a wireless xbox 360 controller, what do I need to be able to use it on my computer?
Ahh, my Xbox is fecked. Is it worth getting a new one for this game alone? It looks the shit, to be honest.
:lol: I get out of my cell, take out the guards and then a prisoner in another cell goes "You're out, good for you. Cut some throats". So I cut his.
:lol: I get out of my cell, take out the guards and then a prisoner in another cell goes "You're out, good for you. Cut some throats". So I cut his.

:lol: Because the normal reponse when you see a fellow con break out and clear the way isn't 'hey, get me the feck out of here too' but instead 'hey good for you buddy. Real happy for you.'
What the feck?

Those rats just ate the shit out of those guys
Not used to games that aren't automatically set up to auto save, went about 40 minutes since my last save and then I died :(
I'm actually finding it quite hard, getting slowly to grips with it though.
Yeah it is quite challenging. Taking me ages to do anything really as I'm trying to play as stealthily as possible.

Enjoying it
Yeah I'm the same, I'm just sneaking along rooftops aimlessly right now. It's a bit difficult to figure out how far guards can see and what not. Every time I experiment its a lot more forgiving than I realize though. For instance if a guard sees you and starts attacking, you can just blink behind him and he'll lose sight of you for an easy choke out.

I'm trying to play as stealthy and non-lethal as possible. Definitely will do a second playthrough and murder everyone, Lance-style, to see how the ending changes.
Yeah I'm trying to be non-lethal too.


Branded the Overseer and hid the other guys body in the safe place. I can possess rats now.
I've killed everyone on the 1st level even the prisoners.

My stealth skills are not good.

Not sure if I like it yet.
Has been fairly good so far, though nothing great yet. But then I've only just started

At the point where you start learning to use the blink and heart thing before I switched it off for the night

Sneaking up to some of the guards at times is a little iffy. Plenty of times I felt they really should have seen me. But no I manage to reach them and take them out without realising.
Going straight from Borderlands 2 to Dishonored :lol:

Just finished the first assassination mission.

Really starting to like this now I'm a bit more used to the controls and what not. The unpredictability is really impressive, almost everytime I have to load a new save (which is fairly often) something always happens differently. Also as I infiltrated the place I kept noticed alternative routes I could have taken. Windows and ledges that could have been climbed, a couple complete areas I never even saw. Blink is awesome as well.

I made my way in through a sewer pipe into the Kennels, then went upstairs found the branding instructions and did that rather than kill the guy. Saved the captain the girl from the inn asks you to save, I don't think I actually killed anyone either. Found 5 or 6 runes and 3 bone charms as well.
Finishing a mission without finding all the runes is just something I cannot do.
Hah just entered Sokalov's house by

going up the water wheel. Thought it was quite the crafty entrance.
I snuck round the brewery before realising it was a neutral zone.
Really enjoying this, feels weird playing a Bethesda game where the combat is actually pretty good :lol:

Is it as good as Skyrim? Really tossing up whether to get another Xbox for this...I had no idea something like this was coming out.
Is it as good as Skyrim? Really tossing up whether to get another Xbox for this...I had no idea something like this was coming out.

It's much different skyrim, or at least how it seems like at the start. You don't really just go exploring for exploring sake, or there aren't caves or dungeons you go to when you don't want to do the missions. At least how it is so far, you just have a line of missions I assume you follow (I'm assuming this based on the first 2 missions).
Ok guys I'm so sorry for not reading the thread at all but I want to skip any potential spoilers.

This game keeps popping up and I'm tempted to buy it. Is the hype correct? Is it worth buying and playing? What is it similar to?

If you quote me or put my name in bold I'll read your reply otherwise I'll skip the other posts for fear of spoilers!

Cheers guys.