Drawing away at a top 6 side is normal


Full Member
Aug 12, 2014
Beforehand it was a decent result at best. It’s how it happened that didn’t make it a good result we missed a few sitters took the lead twice so I can see why people are saying it’s not a good result.

The home game against City was a draw and considering our record against them at OT in the last few years it was good but after watching the match they were there for the taking so it was disappointing.

By the threads therory if we draw to Arsenal away(can’t believe we lost at home) it be a good result because they are considered one the top 6 yet they are sitting 14th. Top 6 teams go through periods where there poor and getting them at a good time helps so it’s not as simple as going a draw away to top 6 sides is good.


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
It wasn’t a good result. Why do people keep saying this?

We were a goal up with four minutes to go in a game we should have had won. We are currently in a title race. We threw away two points. Leicester aren’t a particularly good team.

If that draw was a good result what would a defeat have been, an OK result?

We gave points away cheaply and unnecessarily.
I think it was a decent result based on the performance but kind of agree with this as well.

We set out to win and created the better chances and I was really happy with that, but scoring with 10 minutes to go against a knackered side who by that point were time wasting, should have meant seeing the game out. We just seemed to stop after we scored, and it's a problem that goes all the way back to the start of least season where we can't seem to control or see a game out when we need to.

On the other hand it's refreshin to see us play well and look like a good side, and it was a far better point than when we played for a 0-0 draw at home to City. If we ended up finishing 2nd by a point this season, that's the one I'd look back on and wonder what the feck we were doing. This game we at least tried to win and just didn't quite manage it.

Also the comments after the game, although words mean little, were quite reassuring. It's good to know the players themselves are setting a standard where they felt not getting the win was a failure. Much better than Jose for example after the 1000th time we throw away a lead claiming we "controlled the game" and did nothing wrong, which is the treatment Spurs are now getting.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
it was not a good result. We have to beat teams like Leicester etc to be in the top 4. They are not a big club and neither is Southamption. Getting a point away at Spurs, Liverpool, City, Chelsea and Arsenal could be accepted as a good result. Losing after leading for 80 odd minutes is a bad result.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2015
Leicester is infinitely more a top club than Arsenal at this point. Should have won both, though.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2018
It's not a bad result. In some ways, it's a good, solid point given how the rest of the matches have gone with our rivals.

In the same vein, disappointing that we couldn't put some distance between ourselves and some of the chasing pack, while closing the gap on Liverpool.

I think it's only a bad point if we don't go on to win our next few games. Naturally, having been ahead twice it feels more like a loss than anything. Annoying that we got sucker punched by a fortunate Leicester who didn't really create anything else all game, granted that their general play was decent.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
Interestingly, for how well Leicester have done in the PL, they don’t have that great of a record against us. We’ve only been beaten by them once since they came up and that’s the 5-3.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2007
It's 2 pts lost. But since Liverpool lost 2 pts as well at home to WBA who's in a relegation battle, it's not as bad as we think. We just wasted a golden opportunity to put pressure to Liverpool. That's the thing this team needs to learn how to do consistently.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Haven't been on here much to read the mood after the game. Were people losing their shit actually? A draw away to Leicester after the run we've been on is a very good result. There would be cause for complaints if it was a bad performance, but it was a genuinely good performance with a decent result overall where we were unlucky to only draw. It's hard to keep up really long winning runs for a reason, but getting at least a point out of games like this at the end of the day is still good to keep things ticking on.


Full Member
May 16, 2010
Leicester have lost 4 times at home including against Fulham. They not a very good team at home like us.


Thinks for himself
Dec 7, 2017
Niagara Falls, Canada
Let's not forget our away form has been abnormal and a freak run in premier league history.

Getting one point at Leicester (top 6) is a good result!

I understand the frustrations we could've easily won the game 4-2 if Rashford scored his chances, but let's not overreact and keep supporting the team during this congested period.
If you are reading "football for dummies" and taking it in word for word then yes, a tie away at Leicester is a good result. But that's taking nothing into account other than the final score. What it all comes down to is how the result feels. If we were down 2-0 and came back with 2 late goals to tie it up then it would feel like a point earned. But when we take a late lead only to give up that lead it feels like 2 points dropped. And when you take the play on the day into account it feels like even more dropped considering we were the better team. So long story short, NO, getting one point at Leicester was not a good result...


Full Member
May 13, 2013
For most fans, the top 4 trophy is more than enough.
For older fans like me, who have known us to constantly be in a title race, 4th place is failure and should see wholesale changes made.
I remember when we finished 3rd under SAF, major changes were made so that we could get back to title winning ways. These days, 4th place is considered a good achievement.

And regarding us not being in a title race, why is Ole getting away with this? He's had half a year to assess the squad. A 2nd year to drill the team in his tactics. And in his 3rd year aiming for 4th place?
We should be aiming to win the title and run Liverpool close for 1st place, all the way.

We have arguably the best No.10 in the World and quite possibly the best player in the World, at his absolute peak. Had Jose had Bruno in the team when we finished 2nd, we'd definitely have run MCFC close, scoring 90+ points.
It's a different context. If you go from 10th to 4th do you still think a team needs wholesale changes?

The Brown Bull

It's Coming Home.
Jan 24, 2014
Context is everything.
In this case it was certainly not a good result.
When you take the lead with 10 minutes left you should win the game.
When you create more clear cut chances you should win.
Playing away in an empty stadium is not the same as playing away in front of a packed stadium full of partisan fans.
Two points dropped.


Sep 27, 2004
The game reminded me of the 2-2 at Arsenal in (I think) '07, when Ronaldo put us 2-1 up with about 10 minutes to go and then Gallas equalised late on. Those ones always feel like a defeat in those circumstances, but its a result you probably take before the match.

United aren't going to win every game, but if we'd have looked at a matchday in which Liverpool were home to West Brom and we were away to the 2nd place team then I think not losing any ground would have been a more than acceptable outcome. Its another tough fixture out of the way, and if we can get 6 points out Wolves and Villa then it would have to be seen as an outstanding December for us.