Drogba versus Rooney

There was a thread on this less than a week ago. Rooney> Drogba, but not by much, one thing that Drogba wins over Rooney by a mile is aerial ability. He is also stronger than Rooney, not that there is much in it. You cant discredit Drogba as a footballer, he is top class, nto a disgrace. Can be a bit of a cnut on the field, but clearly shows his class off it.
Drogba is a world class striker. Don't care how much of a twat he is, as a footballer he's brilliant. He routinely makes some of the worlds best centre backs look like Sunday league players, the only other striker you can say that of is Torres.
Yeah, Drogba is the bollocks.

There's not much in it between Drogba, Rooney and Torres.
Drogba is class, and I think recently he has been better in the cnutish states.
Drogba is great and one of the world's best.

Rooney would never sulk for an entire season and basically play like shit because he doesn't like the manager.

They are very different types of players TBH. Rooney has a much better all round game, and attitude. He contributes all over the field and he lifts players around him.

No contest for me: Rooney > Drogba
Drogba's 'all round game' is extremely underrated on this website.
Heading and Aerial strength: Drogba, hands down.

Pace: Rooney edges it for me.

Strength: Tie. Should be Drogba but his diving antics and embellishment are inexcusable.

Dribbling: Rooney, just.

Short Passing: Drobga

Long passing: Rooney

Cross: Rooney

Finishing Inside Box: Rooney. Just. Both are not ice cold finishers in the box like Ruud. People forget that Drogba misses a lot of chances. He could have finished of Barca last year with a few minutes but dragged his shot horribly. Rooney has improved immensely.

Finishing outside the Box: Drogba. He has a cracking shot on him.

Vision: Rooney

Movement: Tie

Footballing Brain: Rooney.

When you factor in age, attitude, and overall influence, it just has to be Rooney.
Drogba always give me the impression that he could take the whole opponent's defence by himself.
Rooney is the best all rounder, and top goal scorer.
Drogba is correct on all points.

I think he and Wayne are about at the same level, which says a lot about Drogba's form at 31.
I also think they are about the same at the moment. Rooney will probably be a better footballer in a couple of years though, while Drogba is at the top of his game now.

Drogba is a cnut, but he is a fantastic footballer. The only striker out there who is dangerous everytime he gets the ball within 25meters of the goal.
I also think they are about the same at the moment. Rooney will probably be a better footballer in a couple of years though, while Drogba is at the top of his game now.

Drogba is a cnut, but he is a fantastic footballer. The only striker out there who is dangerous everytime he gets the ball within 25meters of the goal.

Agree with this, except the last observation: Rooney is also dangerous whenever he receives the ball.

I'd put the pair on a par at the moment, and it just annoys me that we are constantly hearing United are totally reliant on Rooney whereas Chelsea showed during the ANC that they can cope without Drogba. The games he missed were hardly challenging and gave no sort of barometer.
Agree with this, except the last observation: Rooney is also dangerous whenever he receives the ball.

I'd put the pair on a par at the moment, and it just annoys me that we are constantly hearing United are totally reliant on Rooney whereas Chelsea showed during the ANC that they can cope without Drogba. The games he missed were hardly challenging and gave no sort of barometer.

I'd say was. He doesn't hit them like he did before, but he can if he'd want to I think.

Drogba however can get a high pass with his back to the goal on about 25 meters, turn and hammer it in. He kicks like a horse.
I'd say was. He doesn't hit them like he did before, but he can if he'd want to I think.

Drogba however can get a high pass with his back to the goal on about 25 meters, turn and hammer it in. He kicks like a horse.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. When I think about Rooney being dangerous I'm more referring to some of the fantastic passes he produces. Once in a while he needs to re-discover his former ability at finding a thunderous shot from distance.
I'd say Rooney is faster over 50-100m but for a quick burst of pace to make a few yards for a shot Drogba is quicker.

Probably because there's not much to it, except using his strength.

That's just plain bollocks he's creates plenty chances for Anelka and Lampard.
Drogba is quality but I would never take him ahead of Rooney regardless of age.
I'd personally prefer to have Rooney, but Drogba is fantastic on his day. Also, his all-round game is underrated in my opinion. Many just see him as a bully, but dont appreciate his vision and passing, like his assist for Ballack against Cardiff only yesterday for example.
Drogba is correct on all points.

I think he and Wayne are about at the same level, which says a lot about Drogba's form at 31.

Says a lot about Rooney's in his early 20s as well.

There's very little in this, but I'd have Rooney for the fact that he's just got that bit of genius about him. Everytime I think of Rooney now, I think of that 60 yard pass to Giggs vs. City. Lost his brilliance? Has he feck!

Defender's must be absolutely shitting it now that he's started consistently running at people again. He's not just the all round forward, he's now the complete footballer.
At this moment in time I think Drogba is immense and for me he pips it, just. However, Rooney is still young and will become ten times the player Drogba is now.
Drogba's free kick is much better than Rooney's
You have to give this to Drogba, only due to the fact he has done it against the big teams. When Rooney does its a no contest. Ability-wise Rooney edges it but as a big game player, there's not much that fazes Drogba.
drogba ahead... he's a very good player... except the theatrical injuries etc...
At this rate?

I'd take Drogba anytime of the week and twice on sunday.

The man might be a cnut, but he delivers week in week out, and if i'm SAF, i don't want to keep on hoping that Roon's missus giving him a nice feck the other night so that he can have a good game today.

The problem with Rooney is always the fact that he can't stabilise his game, one day he's a greek god, the next game he's a goner.

You can't be in the pantheons of greats simply by youtubing your best compilation
At this rate?

I'd take Drogba anytime of the week and twice on sunday.

The man might be a cnut, but he delivers week in week out, and if i'm SAF, i don't want to keep on hoping that Roon's missus giving him a nice feck the other night so that he can have a good game today.

The problem with Rooney is always the fact that he can't stabilise his game, one day he's a greek god, the next game he's a goner.

You can't be in the pantheons of greats simply by youtubing your best compilation

Yes because Drogba's the benchmark of consistency...
Drogba is better, he is simply a beast. But Rooney is younger and more all rounded.
Drogba on form is literally unstoppable.He's a lot more consistent than Rooney right now.I said Drogba before and now there is no contest