Emergency Board Meeting called to discuss the future of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

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I only want a caretaker manager if there is no chance they will be given the job full time if they do well this time.
Bruce would be the ideal manager just to hold things together.

Until we get someone in.

Literally, the only manager who could be made fun of more than Ole.

Haven't we had enough doing this to our former players?
You mean Keane and Richards, right? Yeah dude, I could get on board with that.
Interviewer: 'So, you've been linked with the United job Micah - any truth in this?'

Micah: HahHhahahHhahahahHhaha *claps hands*
We should strictly limit these "legends" to low key stuff, coaching/managing the youth teams. That's still a highly respectable job, but you should have to have top credentials to get near the top boys.
Or temporary caretaker manager.

In 2018, the plan was to replace Ole at season's end with Pochettino. The same way we replaced Giggs as caretaker with LvG 4 seasons earlier. Solksjaer was never supposed to be the permanent manager. But fair play to him, he steadied the ship for a couple of seasons, rebuilt the squad with serial winners, bought plenty of youth to carry us forward, got us consecutive top 4 finishes for the first time since Fergie, and raised the standards to the point where the fans are expecting this team to be challenging for the title. Ole's failing is that he's simply not been good enough to take that final step.

This season, he's underperforming on last year despite having better players. So the problem isn't that he's totally clueless - because he's already proven he can get worse players into the top 2. It's that he lacks the charisma to motivate Champions League level players in the way he previously motivated Top Four level players.

Unlike Moyes, LvG and Mourinho, Ole is going to leave Manchester United in a better state than he found it. Not bad for a "legend".
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Is the meeting over yet? At any other club it would be a very short meeting and a very swift decision.
He's gone I reckon.
They are probably wording the media brief now.

Sad day in a way but very much needed
If we are too get a intern for the season make sure we have someone in the summer and no matter how the intern does don’t keep him on

Has said the goodbyes, and will be sacked tonight apparently. Too much smoke now, without the fire to follow.

Bloody awkward that isn't it with it being an away game if that's how it's gone down.

Ole's phone rings and everybody starts whispering. Then if he has said goodbyes he has to sit on the coach/bus with them on the way back and nobody knowing what to say to him. Would be easier for him to announce it nearer home or as the train is pulling in I'd have thought. "Right lads, I'm off for good, see ya".

Unless his phone didn't actually go. For all we know he could have been told that if he loses today he was out before the match.
We have a massive giant gaping hole in the centre of the team
meh a proper manager could get it figured out. Takes balls to rotate properly. Some games couldve had a trio of matic/pogba/vdb in a 4-3-3 and probably done well. Instead it has always been 4-2-4 and then we get swamped in the middle. Key is you limit the time of having a midfield that cant pass worth shit. So stop playing mctominay every damn game. Could easily have rotated bruno a bit thru this horrible spell and gone with the trio i listed and gotten some pretty good results.
Unlike Moyes, LvG and Mourinho, Ole is going to leave Manchester United in a better state than he found it. Not bad for a "legend".

He spent half a fecking billion dollars. A monkey could have improved the squad with that money. Mentality wise of course we are worse than under any other manager.
Unlike Moyes, LvG and Mourinho, Ole is going to leave Manchester United in a better state than he found it. Not bad for a "legend".
Did LVG really leave the team in a worse state than Moyes left it?
He's a massive bullshitter.

Even our British journos who have reported on United for 15+ years don't pretend to be on the pulse over the inner thoughts of our board members. How does a random Italian journo have instant inside information on what happens in our boardroom?

I'm sure he has some connections to agents for transfer stories but he fills in the blanks with guesswork on issues he has no knowledge of.
Yeah he's full of it. He has some limited connections with agents, but mostly he's just a really good aggregator that's very knowledgeable and knows the football world well enough to predict the flow of it. He must work like a dog.

Basically whenever he says something I take it as the most likely thing to happen based on all the public info out there.
I dont think they will announce it today, they will allow Ole grace period to say his goodbyes before confirming it
I would take Rodgers, cringey knob but an excellent coach.
Carrick in interim. Expected to help transition to new manager, however, goes on a run of games in which he goes lossless and picks up win after win, only for the board to offer Carrick the job on a permanent basis.
In reality Carrick or Fletch will take over for Villareal & then new manager for Chelsea

We’d probably steam roll Villareal too
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