Erling Haaland | Dortmund player

We've missed our chance ever getting him now and just have to deal with it, far bigger, ambitious and successful clubs will be way ahead of us of getting this guy in the next year or two.

This is on our board and Ole, maybe if Ole didnt waste our transfer money on a defensive full back and a donkey like Maguire who's ability is not hard to find in another decent defender just like Leicester have shown and instead brought a right winger which we have needed since forever and an attacking midfielder then maybe haaland would have been tempted to join us rather than looking at no assists lingard constantly favoured and periera as another one of our usual attacking starters and thinking no thanks.
Of course I understand that buyout clauses have negative consequences for clubs and I also fully understand that elite clubs are willing to pay higher wages in order to compensate players for not having one. However, I'm speaking of this particular case, not the general one.

For me, your arguments ultimately come down to pride and pride is generally speaking a bad advisor when doing business. Assuming that Haaland generally preferred you over Dortmund, the choice for you was between signing him with a buyout option or not signing him at all. You guys think "we're Manchester United. Barcelona and Madrid don't grant players buyout clauses and we are also a big club, so why should we?" when you should actually be asking "why can Madrid and Barcelona sign those players without clauses and we can't?"I know it's a bitter pill to swallow but at the very moment, you don't have this third option of paying higher wages and not grant buyout clauses at all anymore. You are all like "Dortmund is a selling club, we aren't" when the whole point of being a "selling club" is that you develop players of a quality you otherwise wouldn't get your hands on. And that's exactly the problem you're having: The elite isn't willing to sign for you any longer. If a player nowadays plans his career, you aren't his ultimate destination. You may be considered as an intermediate stop but not the club he wants to spend his prime years at. Acting like a top club doesn't automatically make you one. Imagine a random small club would just copy that behaviour and in negotiations with a highly promising youngster would say "no, we won't give you a buyout clause. Sign for us without one or sign for someone else." This would just come across as silly. You can only play that card when you actually have the position of strength necessary for it and United IMO lacks this international standing.

In essence, you are still acting like you're one of the absolute top clubs when you actually aren't any longer. My point is that instead of refusing reality you should accept your current position and think of a way to regain your previous status. And for that, Haaland would've been a great signing. You argue "we develop him for 2 years and then he signs for City and Liverpool? Nah." but you'd have sorted out your striker problems for 2.5 years with a guy who's already good enough to lead the line at a top club and guarantee you 20+ goals a season and if he eventually leaves then this sends a signal into the world that improves your reputation as a good place to develop for young players. And in the meantime of those 2.5 years you'd have time to scout a successor for Haaland without pressure. And if he really leaves for one of your biggest rivals, what's the problem? If he goes there after spending 1.5 or 2.5 years at Dortmund, you'll get the same result.

So in the end, all of your issues with this deal are of symbolic nature. I don't get this kind of thinking. Imagine for once that you applied the same strategic approach Dortmund is currently applying. Take a step back, build up a young, talented squad and sign players like Hakimi, Sancho, Haaland, Brandt, Dembele, etc. and don't block their development by having (or signing) experienced players in your squad that may be just a little bit better right now but ultimately have a much lower ceiling. Over 1-2 years, you'd assemble an extremely talented squad with a great promising player in every position, pretty much like Dortmund has now. The only difference is, you have the financial prowess Dortmund lacks. That means you have much better chances of actually retaining those players. Imagine Dortmund could go into negotiations with Sancho, offer twice his salary and say that the strategy for the upcoming years is to hold this squad together, spend big on another two or three top stars and ultimately challenge for big titles. You certainly could. Of course one or two of those players would still leave but that doesn't matter, a club can compensate that. Liverpool also lost Coutinho who seemed irreplaceable for quite a while. And they lost Sterling to City. That's part of the business, everyone has to go through it.

Thing is, you want to make the second step before the first. You want to avoid the uncomfortable part and you are doing that for far too long already, essentially making matters worse.
this is the best take of the situation I've seen here so far.
United fans need to stop acting like Ferguson is still in charge. Ferguson would have the ability and reputation to persuade young worldclass talent to come here on long term contract. But that time is long gone now. It's a rebuilding process, we need to think like it's one.

Signing Haaland should be a no brainer if he wants to come to United, even if the release clause means he'll be gone for little money down the road.

Best case scenario? He'll do fantastic here and we can renegotiate his contract before other club can activate his release clause and he'll stay here for a long time
Worst case scenario? He'll do fantastic here and he wont renegotiate his contract here, and he can leave. But we still got 2 good seasons from him and we can use it to find a replacement

Either way United have a chance to get something out of this but didn't because something that may or may not happened in the future. That's fecking stupid.

My guess is he actually reject us and choose Dortmund
And yet, not a single fecking gong next to his name. Ruud is a great striker and a premier league legend, but he was in a club at the time (much like Lewa) who should have won champions leagues and didnt. They're the focal points of attack.

People give Ronaldo shit because he's often market out of finals but he virtually gets them there on his own.
I'm not giving Ronaldo any shade he's obviously been better than both.

However, right now Lewa is a better player than Ronaldo. His level for the past year has been ridiculous. The best striker in the world currently.
Nothing to do with pride, United are building for the long term, that much is obvious. In that situation it's a stupid decision to build up a player who'll be free to feck off for peanuts in 2 years, and yes, it sets a precedent for future players and agents to demand similar, before you know if you're a selling club like Dortmund.

You already are a selling club. Every club is a selling club, the only difference is the list of clubs they sell to. And that list is different for every player, based on the factors perspective, loyalty and financial gain. The only reason you're not selling any player at the moment is because none of your players arouses interest from a club which is above you in their perception. Do you really think if Madrid or Barcelona were interested in, say, Martial, and had a free spot for him, you wouldn't lose him? So what primarily determines if you have to sell players is a) the perspective you can offer them (this is where you struggle) and b) how much money you can shove down their throats. Your behaviour is irrelevant. If anything, it is a negative signal towards young players since they see they can't use you as a stepping stone. You're trying to fight the symptom, not the root of it.

I also don't understand the problem with selling players. It's part of the industry. Especially if you are a top club in a crisis and want to get back to where you once were, you'll eventually los players along the way. The same happened to Liverpool, Juventus and Barcelona. It's a confirmation that you are on the right track.
You already are a selling club. Every club is a selling club, the only difference is the list of clubs they sell to. And that list is different for every player, based on the factors perspective, loyalty and financial gain. The only reason you're not selling any player at the moment is because none of your players arouses interest from a club which is above you in their perception. Do you really think if Madrid or Barcelona were interested in, say, Martial, and had a free spot for him, you wouldn't lose him? So what primarily determines if you have to sell players is a) the perspective you can offer them (this is where you struggle) and b) how much money you can shove down their throats. Your behaviour is irrelevant. If anything, it is a negative signal towards young players since they see they can't use you as a stepping stone. You're trying to fight the symptom, not the root of it.

I also don't understand the problem with selling players. It's part of the industry. Especially if you are a top club in a crisis and want to get back to where you once were, you'll eventually los players along the way. The same happened to Liverpool, Juventus and Barcelona. It's a confirmation that you are on the right track.

Come on man - whilst what you say has some weight to it when looking at certain angles - everyone who follows football over the last decade knows that Dortmund literally have the chance to imprint their foot at the top end of the spectrum of world football but have consistently chosen to sell their best players with ease to their league rivals, for whilst the players are young and sometimes against the wishes of the manager.

I really wanted Haaland here but ultimately Raiola's ego & personality does drip in to his players -

1.The pictures of Haaland at the airport
2. The pictures of Haaland signing other club t shirts

Even if we accepted the buyout clause I doubt he would come to us due to building and selling history of Dortmund compared to Uniteds Loyalty brand we try to put on a player. Even if he did join us can you imagine with a buy out clause him doing these type of pictures again at Old Trafford? The same way Pogba is getting puppeteered by Raiola?

As seen with Pogba, it takes a certain type of player to be enticed by Raiola - the Balotelli's, the world class but individualility of a player like Zlatan, Lukaku, Lingard, Verrati spending his career in PSG, brokering the Robinho deal etc.

Ultimately, he did not want to come here & it wasn't a 50-50 like people are pretending it to be & I am glad that whilst we tried to entice him in - that we didn't entice him to his possibly low standards or possibly Raiola low standards of football either. And just because we have been in a low state for the past 6 - 8 years doesn't mean that every little thing we do such as a contract offer is low state mistake either.
Real is going to need a replacement for Benzema pretty soon as well. I think Bayern will face some steep competition if they are going to be in for Haaland.
Every Madrid insider I’ve read says that Florentino Pérez and Zidane are obsessed with Mbappe and are ready to do something silly to get him. They wouldn’t be able to pay both.
My point was and some Norwegian fans may know is that I think that release clause activated after 12 months. I could be wrong but no need to call me a moron for coming up with an opinion. I get banned for less.

The following isn't an opinion....

Ah so Norway is the footballing version of Wakanda, only a Norwegian can see a talented Norwegian footballer.

This is acting the moron (not calling you a moron @fergiesarmy1), when all I'd said was that his manager who fecking managed him would/should know him better than anyone, and I posted "stop acting the moron" in reply to that silly post above. However we already discussed this and I've no idea why you have come back to it several posts later when trying to make a completely different point, I would never say "stop acting the moron" if you just queried if maybe the release came in after 12 months.
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You already are a selling club.

Zzzzzzzz, I stopped reading your post here as United have sold literally one player in the past 15 years that we didn't want to sell. We're currently dogshit, with a manager who's never done anything in the game and Real Madrid couldn't even buy our best player off us now.

Dortmund sell one per year, often to their biggest rival. But hey, nice monologue dude.
Looks bad in hindsight now that Rashford is out for 3 Months

I’d prob best for his development to be in Germany playing every week then he may move abroad or go to Bayern
As a United fan I woudn't lament about Haaland. It seems pretty clear to me by his decision to join Salzburg back then and by him visiting both Leipzig and Dortmund that he prioritizes personal development over short term money or a (more) prestigious club. And thus it doesn't seem very likely to me that he would have picked the troubles and pressures of United over a move to Leipzig or Dortmund - release clause or not.
The following isn't an opinion....

This is acting the moron (not calling you a moron @fergiesarmy1), when all I'd said was that his manager who fecking managed him would/should know him better than anyone, and I posted "stop acting the moron" in reply to that silly post above. However we already discussed this and I've no idea why you have come back to it several posts later when trying to make a completely different point, I would never say "stop acting the moron" if you just queried if maybe the release came in after 12 months.

That’s exactly what I questioned, your calling Ole out for not signing him in the summer when in my opinion wasn’t available.

You think he was available 5 seconds after he signed for Salzburg
Of course I understand that buyout clauses have negative consequences for clubs and I also fully understand that elite clubs are willing to pay higher wages in order to compensate players for not having one. However, I'm speaking of this particular case, not the general one.

For me, your arguments ultimately come down to pride and pride is generally speaking a bad advisor when doing business. Assuming that Haaland generally preferred you over Dortmund, the choice for you was between signing him with a buyout option or not signing him at all. You guys think "we're Manchester United. Barcelona and Madrid don't grant players buyout clauses and we are also a big club, so why should we?" when you should actually be asking "why can Madrid and Barcelona sign those players without clauses and we can't?"I know it's a bitter pill to swallow but at the very moment, you don't have this third option of paying higher wages and not grant buyout clauses at all anymore. You are all like "Dortmund is a selling club, we aren't" when the whole point of being a "selling club" is that you develop players of a quality you otherwise wouldn't get your hands on. And that's exactly the problem you're having: The elite isn't willing to sign for you any longer. If a player nowadays plans his career, you aren't his ultimate destination. You may be considered as an intermediate stop but not the club he wants to spend his prime years at. Acting like a top club doesn't automatically make you one. Imagine a random small club would just copy that behaviour and in negotiations with a highly promising youngster would say "no, we won't give you a buyout clause. Sign for us without one or sign for someone else." This would just come across as silly. You can only play that card when you actually have the position of strength necessary for it and United IMO lacks this international standing.

In essence, you are still acting like you're one of the absolute top clubs when you actually aren't any longer. My point is that instead of refusing reality you should accept your current position and think of a way to regain your previous status. And for that, Haaland would've been a great signing. You argue "we develop him for 2 years and then he signs for City and Liverpool? Nah." but you'd have sorted out your striker problems for 2.5 years with a guy who's already good enough to lead the line at a top club and guarantee you 20+ goals a season and if he eventually leaves then this sends a signal into the world that improves your reputation as a good place to develop for young players. And in the meantime of those 2.5 years you'd have time to scout a successor for Haaland without pressure. And if he really leaves for one of your biggest rivals, what's the problem? If he goes there after spending 1.5 or 2.5 years at Dortmund, you'll get the same result.

So in the end, all of your issues with this deal are of symbolic nature. I don't get this kind of thinking. Imagine for once that you applied the same strategic approach Dortmund is currently applying. Take a step back, build up a young, talented squad and sign players like Hakimi, Sancho, Haaland, Brandt, Dembele, etc. and don't block their development by having (or signing) experienced players in your squad that may be just a little bit better right now but ultimately have a much lower ceiling. Over 1-2 years, you'd assemble an extremely talented squad with a great promising player in every position, pretty much like Dortmund has now. The only difference is, you have the financial prowess Dortmund lacks. That means you have much better chances of actually retaining those players. Imagine Dortmund could go into negotiations with Sancho, offer twice his salary and say that the strategy for the upcoming years is to hold this squad together, spend big on another two or three top stars and ultimately challenge for big titles. You certainly could. Of course one or two of those players would still leave but that doesn't matter, a club can compensate that. Liverpool also lost Coutinho who seemed irreplaceable for quite a while. And they lost Sterling to City. That's part of the business, everyone has to go through it.

Thing is, you want to make the second step before the first. You want to avoid the uncomfortable part and you are doing that for far too long already, essentially making matters worse.

Maybe he just didn't fancy United that much but I also think some fans are overrating how attractive United can be for a player like Haaland currently. It doesn't seem like a bad deal anyway as if the team improves and returns back to the top in 2 seasons then they could renegotiate their contract and keep them more.
Would've been perfect for us but not for him. I doubt he'd come if we were in a better position. He has a clear path and Dortmund is the next step.
It was clear he only was interested in coming here if he could use us to springboard to a bigger club, as they insisted on a low buyout figure. I wouldn't have minded signing him only to lose him in two years, but Dortmund can offer him more games.
It was clear he only was interested in coming here if he could use us to springboard to a bigger club, as they insisted on a low buyout figure. I wouldn't have minded signing him only to lose him in two years, but Dortmund can offer him more games.

He still wasn't interested. Even if we put the buy out clause he would have gone t Dortmund - the style of football they play suit him more.
If Dortmund paid 100m approx in total, surely the release clause has to be much higher than that for them to get a return on the investment?
He still wasn't interested. Even if we put the buy out clause he would have gone t Dortmund - the style of football they play suit him more.
I think so too, as I said, they can slot him right in and he doesn't have a Martial to compete with.
I think so too, as I said, they can slot him right in and he doesn't have a Martial to compete with.

Competition is fine but as he said he has Reus, Hazard & Sancho creating chances for him there.

He would have Rashford, Pereira, James +-Bruno Fernandes possibly Pogba.

He would seriously struggle here we haven't a single midfielder who can break the defensive line with a pass the way Haaland likes whilst Dortmund have 3 playing in the first team.
Still teenager, and his numbers are the sickest: 31 goals and 7 assists in 1498 minutes so far this season is so much better than anyone else out there it is hard to grasp!

I wanted him here so bad, but I think both him and us made the right decision this time. His development will most likely be better at BVB and we need to have more control of our players than his contract allows us.
When his clause is triggered in 2022 we need to be there though.
If Dortmund paid 100m approx in total, surely the release clause has to be much higher than that for them to get a return on the investment?
Well yeah obviously it would otherwise why would they bother? They also paid nowhere near 100m, probably more in the direction of 50m and the release clause will be around 80-90m
Well yeah obviously it would otherwise why would they bother? They also paid nowhere near 100m, probably more in the direction of 50m and the release clause will be around 80-90m
From what I have learned the release clause is in the 50M region, and is the allegedly why we pulled out, combined with the crazy manager fees. I like the fact that we don't bend over for demands like this, and sign contracts that is designed only to move the player around and fill the agents pockets. I love the player, but signing this deal would have sent the wrong signals.
It's easy to say that now. I'm sure you'd be the first one complaining if we had him and lost him due to that clause in 2022.

Raiola has caused enough problems for us recently. Feck him.

Nope, he's on 105k a year less than Ashley Young - I think he'll sign a new contract at the end of the year and bye bye goes the release
Nope, he's on 105k a year less than Ashley Young - I think he'll sign a new contract at the end of the year and bye bye goes the release

You think? Ah well that's okay then if you think that. Jesus wept. Why were they so insistent of that clause if they intend to renew straight away anyway? Makes no sense.

I'm sorry but you don't go into a contract like that thinking what may or may not happen. Raiola is a turd that needs to be flushed. City n Liverpool don't have anything to do with him and seem to be fine. Fergie knew what he was like better than anyone.
You think? Ah well that's okay then if you think that. Jesus wept. Why were they so insistent of that clause if they intend to renew straight away anyway? Makes no sense.

I'm sorry but you don't go into a contract like that thinking what may or may not happen. Raiola is a turd that needs to be flushed. City n Liverpool don't have anything to do with him and seem to be fine. Fergie knew what he was like better than anyone.

I'm not the one here thinking this will happen or that will happen, your the one brought up going to Liverpool after two years. Are you actually a city fan as you come across very bitter? I do think that Dortmund will be pushing a new contract ASAP because he is there player now they are in the driving seat and at 26mil its a flipping bargain.

Raiola has clients because he is good at his job, I think he's a leach and would love us not to do business with him, but the failure is on Woodward because of seemly underhand tactics to save 10 mill, some times to lose the battle to win the war is a good position.
I for one am glad we didn't sign him and hurt Martial's feelings in the process. I'm also so happy that we are prioritising signings in other areas of the pitch.
Why are people still bleating on about Haaland? He made the right choice if its true he fancied Dortmund more than us. Look at them compared to us. Far superior team and club nowadays too.

Only thing he'd have got here is more money. He's made a good career choice in my opinion.
Only thing he'd have got here is more money. He's made a good career choice in my opinion.
He can always come here for a big juicy contract 10-15 years from now when his skills and motivation have run out, like Sanchez.
Why are people still bleating on about Haaland? He made the right choice if its true he fancied Dortmund more than us. Look at them compared to us. Far superior team and club nowadays too.

Only thing he'd have got here is more money. He's made a good career choice in my opinion.
Or we pulled out because of Mino's demands? Whether he turned us down, or we pulled out, nobody knows the truth.
Mino is his agent, that's a good enough reason not to have him on our books and not have another Pogba situation in a few years. Romero is the exception here but Pogba and Lingard can go.
Or we pulled out because of Mino's demands? Whether he turned us down, or we pulled out, nobody knows the truth.
Mino is his agent, that's a good enough reason not to have him on our books and not have another Pogba situation in a few years. Romero is the exception here but Pogba and Lingard can go.

I hope we did. That clause is ridiculous. But I think he'd have chosen Dortmund over us anyway. Look at the two teams and clubs right now. They are in the CL too afterall. We're not that an attractive proposition anymore for top players. We might not even be in Europe at all next season. Without Rashford's goals its highly likely I would say.
Could have scored with his first touch again but didnt. Fraud.
We're assuming that he would have performed just as well here, but let's face it, we don't have the vertical attacking prowess of that Borussia side