FA to investigate Edinson Cavani | This thread is taking a break

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Ive humiliated myself by finding racial language disgraceful? Again, if you think that, its because of your own beliefs.
You got me, I am the raging racist because I am not telling someone the words they can use in their own language.
Wait, what? You're hoping existing European languages become unacceptable?
words and contracts in European languages historically intended as white supremacy and black inferiority.

It's really not difficult to grasp unless one revel's in that superiority and so is blind to it.

there's a also a huge island called "Negro" in the Filipines
imagine a guy trying to explain were he is from :lol:
English Authorities (according to some posters here): "nope, you don't come from "Negro", and, btw you are fined for being racist, you fecking underdeveloped person"
:lol: :lol: :lol: cracking insult
I don't know what is the problem and why people are making things to big. If Cavani broke TheFA rules he should be punished in some way. In worst case few games ban. Sadly. Rules are there to follow, even if they seem to be stupid to some.

The world has become to fragile and people are easy offended by everything nowdays. There is just to much hatred and conflicts about nothing. However, if he broke rules he has to have punishment regardless what we think of rules. This is still UK and there is some rules that needs to be followed.

What club and player did in press realese was very good and we should leave it that way. No "free Cavani" shirts, no protest, no violence. Just accept whatever it is and move on.
The context of that post is @Marcosdeto saying he would say this word in UK anytime he wants.

Context mate.
He wasn't suggesting to say it to random people on the streets though, just friends and family. Which is what Cavani did here. You could say literally anything friendly to some random bloke in those places you listed and still get into trouble...
Marcos calling his friend who shares & understands the slang/culture, negrito, would not be the same as calling a random black person he’s never met from London negrito though, would it?

The former is fine, the latter I agree would be inappropriate.

I don’t know what it is you’re campaigning for here? Speech police?
not what he said.

Hmmmm, weren’t you the one threatening to report people for “lying about you” earlier?

i need your permision in the uk? and i can`t call my brother "negrito" in the uk?
the thing you don't understand is that i wouldn't call "Negrito" to someone that will feel offended by it
as we, latin americans, tried to explain on this thread, is that we don't use it in an offensive manner and we wouldn't use it to a person that would be offended by it
BUT the idea that you, your goverment or the feck, has a say on how i call my friends, and has a right to teach the latin americans how to speak is stupid, xenophobist and dangerous

btw, if i go to england i will tell you, i will meet with you and i will call my brother "Negrito" because that's his nickname in front of anyone
i get to decide wether i call my brother or my friend "negrito", here, there and everywhere

oh no, no, no, no
i said that i would never use that word with someone that would feel offended by it
i'm not that thick to not understand that some people, righteously so, should be offended
my whole point is that we (and in this case Cavani) don't use it in a racist manner and that your goverment and, specially, you, don't have a say in how we use our language

Frankly I think Sammsky owes Marcos a sincere apology or Marcos, as the injured party, should be able to decide what the punishment is.
So why did the player and club panic with the speediest ever reversal in history? Again you'll claim it was to limit damage, which it was because they both knew it is unacceptable as the cultural norms in UK football cant support it.

All of you trying to claim its fine are wrong. Else exists g UK culture, the player and club wouldn't have reacted like they did.

As for 'Gato Negro' I dont drink so have no idea of its context. But I'll post Muhammed Ali again, and say that existing European languages are rooted in white supremacy and black inferiority, and yes, over 21st century, i hope all of these will eventually become unacceptable and change.

That';s my belief and the future I hope to see.

Thing is, in a globalized world, "negrito" might become a disdained phrasing. You know, in Germany we have the phrase "ruhig Brauner". It translates to "calm down, brown boy" or "calm down, brownie" so it seems obvious where it came from. However, it originally stems from Western films since "Brauner" is a common reference to a brown horse so it never had any racist meaning. Yet nowadays one might already feel uncomfortable saying it since you know how it could be understood. Meanings change over time and through the influence of different cultures, Latinos might become more hesitant to use that phrase.

However, you can't accuse somebody of racism if he didn't mean it the way you understood it. And thinking that somebody deserves to be punished for saying something that has an absolutely innocent meaning in their culture and language is mental. I guarantee you that you use words which sound offensive in other languages, too.

You know the phrase "to each their own"? I try to avoid it after learning that it was the motto of a Nazi concentration camp. If you say that in the company of the wrong people, they might feel seriously offended. Do you think you'd deserve to be beat up for it?
words and contracts in European languages historically intended as white supremacy and black inferiority.

It's really not difficult to grasp unless one revel's in that superiority and so is blind to it.

This is a very English-centric viewpoint. The word 'negro' meaning black in Spanish is not intended as a marker for black inferiority - that is only the case in English.

Stop using it in English, sure. But demanding the Spanish change their language to accomodate English? This is why people accuse you of British Imperialism.

In Hungarian, black is 'fekete'. Is that OK with you, or should we stop using it and find something else?
Hmmmm, weren’t you the one threatening to report people for “lying about you” earlier?

Frankly I think Sammsky owes Marcos a sincere apology or Marcos, as the injured party, should be able to decide what the punishment is.
Are you going to dox me if I don’t?
So why did the player and club panic with the speediest ever reversal in history? Again you'll claim it was to limit damage, which it was because they both knew it is unacceptable as the cultural norms in UK football cant support it.

All of you trying to claim its fine are wrong. Else exists g UK culture, the player and club wouldn't have reacted like they did.

As for 'Gato Negro' I dont drink so have no idea of its context. But I'll post Muhammed Ali again, and say that existing European languages are rooted in white supremacy and black inferiority, and yes, over 21st century, i hope all of these will eventually become unacceptable and change.

That';s my belief and the future I hope to see.

Again I'll claim? Since when have I claimed that?

As I've stated, even to you, the word can clearly come off as offensive to someone unfamiliar with it, which is why I think it's a good idea to avoid using it in public. The post was up for at least 26 minutes, long enough for a team mate or club employee to see it and go "hey mate, this might inadvertently cause some offense." Cavani is probably a decent person, and after being made aware of how the term may be perceived as offensive in the UK, decided to remove it. Or I guess you could dream up a situation where the club and player panicked and did the speediest social media post removal in human history to make it sound way more dramatic and serious than it has any right being.
Personally think we should terminate his contract ASAP, especially considering recent events and all the BLM protests. I'm genuinely scared for guys like Rashford, Martial and the rest of our BAME players if we keep someone like Cavani at this club.
I doubt it will be 'Little Englanders' objecting (you can easily imagine them interpreting Cavani's message in a fixed and superficial way and being apologists for what he wrote, or using it to sneak one agenda in under the cover of another); it'll be - if we have to use a broad categorisation - culturally educated 'progressives' who are probably wrestling with the complexities of this the most.

Not sure why you quote me saying this? As in I clearly did not write what you quoted me as writing in that message.
there's a also a huge island called "Negro" in the Filipines
imagine a guy trying to explain were he is from :lol:
English Authorities (according to some posters here): "nope, you don't come from "Negro", and, btw you are fined for being racist, you fecking underdeveloped person"
Ive humiliated myself by finding racial language disgraceful? Again, if you think that, its because of your own beliefs.
I'll ignore everything that's been said before (for now).

A few posters who are from South America (at least one actually from Uruguay) have explained that in their language/culture, the word ISN'T racist.

I get that there are lots of things in the world that one country/culture finds acceptable and another doesn't. But can you not see that this case is different.. because the word isn't one you can literally translate and then guage that TRANSLATED word against Western culture?
Spot on. If we used this way of thinking for the phrases we say there would be racist accusations thrown about every week.
I remember reading a theory a long time ago that the phrase long time, no see was a racist term coined by British soldiers when mocking Chinese people.
Imagine waking up one morning and being told you would be suspended for tweeting that.
It's almost like meaning in language involves over time, which explains why a certain word that describes a bundle of sticks has loads of them, neutral, positive, and negative.
Because i use it with friends and family

nicknames are mostly given by family and most people, when they introduce themselves, tell you what their nickname is

fair enough if that's how you handle it.
Out of interest if 2 black players address themselves with the n word like some black people are known to do...will they get done for racism?
Hmmmm, weren’t you the one threatening to report people for “lying about you” earlier?

Frankly I think Sammsky owes Marcos a sincere apology or Marcos, as the injured party, should be able to decide what the punishment is.
He should call his friends of Croydon ”Negrito”
You hang out with people who scream negrito proudly where ever they can, of course you won’t meet anti racists like me :lol:
You don’t get it, in other parts of the world/certain contexts that word isn’t offensive.

You can apply this to English words too, some words have multiple meanings.

Do you not get how you’re actually being really offensive?
Yeah, I quite like your country. Please do your best to keep sammsky out of parliament so that we can keep liking it.
Plenty of racist Brexit people here and in our parliament don’t worry about that.

I've just ordered mine.
I'll ignore everything that's been said before (for now).

A few posters who are from South America (at least one actually from Uruguay) have explained that in their language/culture, the word ISN'T racist.

I get that there are lots of things in the world that one country/culture finds acceptable and another doesn't. But can you not see that this case is different.. because the word isn't one you can literally translate and then guage that TRANSLATED word against Western culture?

I think you miss a big point, there isn't really a word that you can translate in any language to be literally racist, even the ones which were once used in the US like "negro" (in fact stolen from Latin America) but we won't get into that.
What made it a racist term as like "coloured" in the US and UK and now "urban" in some context now in the UK was the context around it and the culture, not the words specifically.

The context being it is now culturally unacceptable in Western Culture to refer to someone by their race, no matter what word you use.

The word black in English is not a racist term, but if I refer to someone who is black as "Hey black" there will be a problem in the UK, this isn't a language issue as really its more a cultural one which shows the cultural differences between Western culture and Latin American.
Describing features and race is prevalent in their language and widely accepted in their culture.
Focusing on the actual word used misses this nuance, equally, there could be an issue if he used the term "chinito"

With all that said, I don't believe we can expect Cavani to know all of this as someone who has hardly lived in the UK or US, but I'm sure he will probably not post something like that on social media again. Also its not for one culture to preach to another what is right or wrong.
He just happens to be playing in a UK based league which has UK based rules and guidelines.
This is a very English-centric viewpoint. The word 'negro' meaning black in Spanish is not intended as a marker for black inferiority - that is only the case in English.

Stop using it in English, sure. But demanding the Spanish change their language to accomodate English? This is why people accuse you of British Imperialism.

In Hungarian, black is 'fekete'. Is that OK with you, or should we stop using it and find something else?
Did you miss this post @sammsky1
Let's meet up next time you're in London, I'll take you to Croydon, Peckham or Hackney to meet some of my mates and I'll watch you call them negrito. Ill make sure a policeman is also nearby to ajudicate. Let's see what happens shall we?

Do let me know when you're coming.
Shut up u egg
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