"FC United no different to us"

The Hairdryer

Life Of Smiley said:
For a distinct change (minus the childish insults of course) you are in fact correct in your second paragraph about my only reason for ever posting on here. I have no wish to discuss anything MUFC related with the posters on this forum, no wish whatsoever. I was originally given access here by Jason and Bury Red I believe with the specific remit to aim to counter some of the more hysterical nonsense being spouted on the subject of FCUM.
What user name do you go by on www.fcunitedofmanchester.co.uk?


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
ManUinOz said:
Are FCUM too big for NWCL2?. You'll obviously walk away with the league, have far more pulling power than BPool Mechanics and the like. Are you good for the league or too big for your boots.
Sure the club chairmen will be glad of the publicity and dosh you provide but a club that's done the hard yards for a few years may well miss out on a promotion because of FCUM. How are you received by the other clubs with your "star" players. Are you the Chelski of non league football.
These are intended as serious questions, I'm not trying to stir it.
Walking away with the league

I would not go that far there are two teams behind FC United at the moment who have two games in hand and if they win them they will be level on points although FC have a far better goal diference
Followed by them are another couple of teams also with games in hand and if they are both to take maximum points will also only be a couple of points behind

Unlike Chelsea who many teams seem to be scared of playing at times I would say the opposite is the normal for teams playing against FC United
Games that going of league positions you would expect to win some of them have been very close and very good games
Away teams playing at Bury seem to treat the game as a cup final and you can not blame most of them as the norm is for a lot of them is to be playing in front of crowds of 25-50 people most of the time and playing on grounds that sometimes can only be described as a pitch with a railing going around the perimiter
lots of these players also enjoy the banter with the FC fans and also being applauded from the pitch
Blackpool Mechs took longer to leave the pitch then a cup final winning team at wembley despite getting beat
Most of the managers and players have raved about the games afterwards and how much they have enjoyed it

As for the star players you will find that most players at that level are not transfered as such and most will play roughly where they live and get round about the same amounts at most clubs even though it was put about that the players were on 600 a week and the manager was on 900 a week if that was the case I couldnt imagine him getting up and out at 3 in the morning to load his fruit and veg van up

A lot has also been made about the league that FC United are playing in and that other teams were also done out of a place in the same league
Nothing could be further from the truth as that league was three or four teams short and FC United was the only team to apply to play in it the same league is still about 3 teams short of being full

Looking Busy

Full Member
Feb 12, 2004
Between a bad girls thighs
26 may 1999 said:
Three months ago we were ridiculed...

"It'll never get off the ground"

Now people are telling us we'll have to put prices up in a couple of years.

People are coming round to our way of thinking.

There were nearly four thousand of us there the other day.

We won't be paying this debt back.

We are spending our money elsewhere.

Does this not bother Mr smarmy marketing man?

We used to open up our wallets freely to the sheep shagging twat.

No more.
26 - There is a very real reason why this doesn't overly concern the marketing men inside Old trafford.
As i said at the time, the most effective way to hurt Glazer is not to give up your ticket.
We all know Glazer need the day trippers, the ones who spend a fortune in the megastore before the game. Not the group who go in the tollgate before the match, go into the ground watch the match, maybe buy a pie at half time and then go back to the pub after the game, without even going near megastore.
Remember Glazer cannot sell the same seat twice, and if you don't give up your seat it's one less day tripper/ corporate fan call them what you like that can come through the gates.
If a local fan doesn't give up his ticket Glazer gets: (roughly)
Ticket: £600
Extras: £95 (working on £5 per home game)

If a local fan gives up ticket and it goes to day trippers the figure will look more like
Ticket: £600
Extras: £950 (working on £50 per visit)

You see the difference, local fans no longer going to Old Trafford may have harmed the atmosphere but it's helping Glazer pay the money back. So congrat to all those groups who suggested that local fans should give up their tickets, you're actually helping Glazer.

26 may 1999

Feb 20, 2001
Looking Busy said:
26 - There is a very real reason why this doesn't overly concern the marketing men inside Old trafford.
As i said at the time, the most effective way to hurt Glazer is not to give up your ticket.
We all know Glazer need the day trippers, the ones who spend a fortune in the megastore before the game. Not the group who go in the tollgate before the match, go into the ground watch the match, maybe buy a pie at half time and then go back to the pub after the game, without even going near megastore.
Remember Glazer cannot sell the same seat twice, and if you don't give up your seat it's one less day tripper/ corporate fan call them what you like that can come through the gates.
If a local fan doesn't give up his ticket Glazer gets: (roughly)
Ticket: £600
Extras: £95 (working on £5 per home game)

If a local fan gives up ticket and it goes to day trippers the figure will look more like
Ticket: £600
Extras: £950 (working on £50 per visit)

You see the difference, local fans no longer going to Old Trafford may have harmed the atmosphere but it's helping Glazer pay the money back. So congrat to all those groups who suggested that local fans should give up their tickets, you're actually helping Glazer.

I disagree...

But I'm concentrating on the Sunderland game for now so I'll explain later.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
ManUinOz said:
Thanks for the reply Mickthered
No problem it nice to enter a conversation without an argument of sme kind breaking out

one or two quotes that I was going to post with the last one but due to time I have had to leave it untill now

Having played against FC United on Saturday for Blackpool Mechanics - I would like to thank everyone involved at your newly formed club. It was an absolute pleasure to play in front of a crowd of that size and enthusiam. We as a team were made to feel very welcome, the atmosphere was unbelieveable and all i can saw is that you will make many a grown mans day if you continue in the same vein. i wish the team, management, committee and most of all the supporters the very best of fortune for the future and hope that our 'home' fixture will be just as enjoyable!!!
He said: "The atmosphere was intense, something else. You could hardly hear a thing with all the noise that was coming from the fans. I couldn't get messages on the field to people who were 20 yards away. It was that bad."

The biggest problem the league faces is accomodating FC United's huge following at matches.

League official Alan Farnworth said: "The clubs think it is wonderful because they are getting the money but a lot them cannot cope with 2,000 away fans.

"It's not a nightmare as long as clubs organise alternative venues early like Daisy Hill are doing.
"And I don't think it's a flash in the pan. I was one of those who did at first, but now I have to hold up my hands and admit I think I was wrong.

"The are only going to get bigger. They can go into the FA Vase next year and then, they year after, they can enter the FA Cup and I can honestly see them getting 6,000 or 7,000 by then, I really can."
FC United of Manchester’s reputation is spreading far and wide, and it would appear that our supporters’ joie de vive is infectious. Secretary of Castleton Gabriels Leon Beardmore seemingly couldn’t contain himself when he left this message for the League newsletter editor. “"Who do I get in touch with to write an article? Cos we've had a fantastic day against FC United. I'd like to let people know about it. I'll tell you we've had a fantastic day, people really need to know about it. There's been no trouble, what a day, what spectators. There's been no trouble, it's been a superb day, people really need to know about it.” A similar message was relayed to club officials on Saturday evening. Glad that you enjoyed yourself Leon!

Life Of Smiley

New Member
May 16, 2005
The Hairdryer said:
Oh yes I'm the one that's seven. I'm the idiot who got duped by a Headline "FC United no different to us" and automatically thought it was a quote from Draper. I'm the one who's gone competely over the top for a few stating the bleeding obvious remarks.

fecking hell, I was planning to go to FC United game over the Christmas period, but I don't think I'll bother if tightly would cnuts like you are the norm.

Might be an idea if you don't bother then pal.