Gaming FIFA 21

I'd say the AI has been pretty bad for quite a while now but incredibly this may be the worst I can ever remember it being this year. It stands out more than ever online. If you control a central midfielder and somebody get's away from you it's quite often the center backs who are being controlled by the AI will literally just stand there oblivious to everything around them and let the player wonder through.

It's what was such a shit part about pro clubs at times too when you only had a few human players. It's like EA have put the AI on beginner for when you play online.
I'd say the AI has been pretty bad for quite a while now but incredibly this may be the worst I can ever remember it being this year. It stands out more than ever online. If you control a central midfielder and somebody get's away from you it's quite often the center backs who are being controlled by the AI will literally just stand there oblivious to everything around them and let the player wonder through.

It's what was such a shit part about pro clubs at times too when you only had a few human players. It's like EA have put the AI on beginner for when you play online.
This is a good thing. It means you need skill to be able to defend manually rather than the meta being to control a CDM and let the AI do all the defending for you.

When you manage to master defending manually, it is so much more enjoyable.
This is a good thing. It means you need skill to be able to defend manually rather than the meta being to control a CDM and let the AI do all the defending for you.

When you manage to master defending manually, it is so much more enjoyable.

I agree. A month in and it’s much more enjoyable. The worst part is when you know you’re about to concede, before the attacker has even received the ball, because you’ve switched to the wrong defender.
Nah anyone trying to put the defending down to skill is an idiot and I say that as someone who's in div 2. The ai is comically bad and the collision system is the worst in any Fifa I've played for many many years.
Anyone else give a shit load of bullshit penalties away when making contact after blocking shots?
I agree. A month in and it’s much more enjoyable. The worst part is when you know you’re about to concede, before the attacker has even received the ball, because you’ve switched to the wrong defender.
I’d say my defending is very strong and I can normally beat most opponents due to being strong defensively. But it does take some practice and patience. I improved massively on defending from last year.

Last years Fifa was a penny drop moment for me as I literally became a beast at defending over night once I learnt exactly how to play the mechanics. Last year I started adopting the approach most of the best Pros used which was literally just using jockey to tackle players. I literally didn’t touch the tackle buttons at all in a game. It was all about just jockeying into players and being on point with player switching.

In the new Fifa, you can’t just simply jockey into players anymore. It does require the standing tackle button as well and timing it correctly. There are in fact 3 different types of standing tackle which most people don’t realise. They vary depending on how long you hold the tackle button. The majority of mine are quick short presses which allow for quick recovery on failed tackles.
The key to defending is most certainly jockeying, knowing when to back off and at what point to step in to make the tackle. Timing is everything. Also player switching and timing of player switching is critical to defend like a beast. You really do have to know which player to select and at what point. Once you master this it actually becomes super enjoyable knowing you can literally defend against anyone. It’s even more beneficial when you play Pro Clubs, which I do and you play as ANY.
Anyone else play career mode and experience a bug with the latest update where your manager is wearing a full kit (number 99) on the sidelines, rather than their suit/tracksuit etc.?
This is a good thing. It means you need skill to be able to defend manually rather than the meta being to control a CDM and let the AI do all the defending for you.

When you manage to master defending manually, it is so much more enjoyable.

Nah sorry mate nobody is convincing me it's a good thing for arguably the biggest sports game in gaming to have a horrendous AI. Like I said, it's an issue that's been in with pro clubs for years where the AI feels like it's set to beginner and so the players often stand still and do nothing.

That's definitely the case this year. Of course you have to be slightly better manually defending this year because the AI is that bad. I don't expect it to constantly be able to bail you out but there's a fine balance they need to find and this is nowhere near balanced. It's the same every year. Key point in what I also said about crossing, either completely broken or completely over powered, rarely balanced in the middle.

I don't expect the AI to do all of the work for people but they equally shouldn't stand still a lot of the time scratching their ass while a play strolls through. It's why it's so important to control the CDM/s this year.
Anyone else play career mode and experience a bug with the latest update where your manager is wearing a full kit (number 99) on the sidelines, rather than their suit/tracksuit etc.?
It was introduced a couple of patches back. I only experienced it during the transfer window. After that, my manager wore his usual suit. During negotiations, however, I still get some templated dude instead of my manager.
Nah sorry mate nobody is convincing me it's a good thing for arguably the biggest sports game in gaming to have a horrendous AI. Like I said, it's an issue that's been in with pro clubs for years where the AI feels like it's set to beginner and so the players often stand still and do nothing.

Last year I thought the AI defensively was actually decent relative to previous editions. I didn’t play any mode but Clubs last year so I can’t speak to the effect on 1v1 fifa games, but because of crossing being broken and AI defending having improved we were able to rack up a great record, because it came down to who were the better attackers.

Ive played much less Clubs so far (sadly) on 21, but what we have played I’ve noticed the defending having gone to shit and crossing being more effective I doubt we’ll be able to hit our previous ratio.

As for 1v1, I’m ok with it. If you can nail manual defending and player switching (the most important thing defensively) you’ll be able to hit mid div 1 even if you’re not that special.
What custom tactics?
Balanced def
4 width
4-7 depth
Balanced att
4-6 width
4 players in box

gk comes for crosses sweeper keeper
Fullbacks stay back conservative interceptions
Cdms stay back cover center
Lcam/rcam get into the box
St stay forward
Anyone else play career mode and experience a bug with the latest update where your manager is wearing a full kit (number 99) on the sidelines, rather than their suit/tracksuit etc.?

I’ve had that one too pal.

My manager also completely changes to a bald guy wearing a Juventus kit (I’m managing United) during contract negotiations.

This is the worst Fifa I can remember. The defending is an abomination. I don’t expect a full sim, but winning 7-6 or drawing 8-8 every game is fecking ridiculous on career mode.
Balanced def
4 width
4-7 depth
Balanced att
4-6 width
4 players in box

gk comes for crosses sweeper keeper
Fullbacks stay back conservative interceptions
Cdms stay back cover center
Lcam/rcam get into the box
St stay forward
I'll give that a go, thanks.
Ugh, hate the way that Fifa has re-defined how people refer to real positions in football as CAM and CDM.
Yep. When I heard people actually say “ST” as in “Martial is a crap Ess Tea” makes me throw up.
Yep. When I heard people actually say “ST” as in “Martial is a crap Ess Tea” makes me throw up.

You''ve heard nothing yet, I expect they'll keep getting even more specific about playstyles as the years pass.

For example, what about Roberto Firmino, the defensive striker: "Ess Tea Dee" :nervous:

lel x
What the hell did they do to the Pro GK? I try diving and he dives completely the wrong way and onto the floor. Nowhere near the ball. I’m a solid enough GK but played my first game as gk on 21 and made a right fool of myself. Couldn’t save anything. And left after 15mins. Now I’ve learned what to do but still, why did they make it harder then it already is.
Ultimate team has fecking ruined this game completely. Now all the money grabbing cnuts at EA care about is rinsing people for packs while neglecting all other areas of the game.
I see all the same complaints are still knocking about. Shite gameplay and focus only on UT.

Thank god for PES. :angel:

Indeed. Been having a blast playing with United on master league on 2021 even if it's not as polished as career mode on Fifa. Gameplay is so rewarding.
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I'm having a nightmare with this game. was doing ok, got up to div 6 on seasons then suddenly I'm shit. I've lost probably 10 games on the trot now - its like the matching algorithm isn't working for me!! Nearly smashed my controller.
I'm having a nightmare with this game. was doing ok, got up to div 6 on seasons then suddenly I'm shit. I've lost probably 10 games on the trot now - its like the matching algorithm isn't working for me!! Nearly smashed my controller.

Best way to end a losing streak is to go LVG, park the bus and conservative possession.
Given that I'm still waiting to buy the PS5 (I hope!) and not having another games console in mean time, I think I'll give FIFA a miss this year. I'm not good enough to beat teams with TOTY players while I'm still lagging with starter gold players.
Got 14 wins again this week. Although I matched last weeks performance I felt I did way better. I had 6 games left at 14 wins, so I did have a chance at 17, but I lost 4 on the bounce :lol:

To be honest, my target was 14, and anything else is a bonus. Not played Fifa for two years so I'm not fantastic.
I'm much better at defending though, I just slip up against teams that defend deep, have two or three tricky players up front they just counter with. I just struggle to get through them.

It's weird, my players don't seem to make educated runs. When I'm defending against the opposition, I see how some of their players are making space for themselves (AI, not human controlled) and I just feel my players don't do any of that.
Any other ways to get XP than completing the usual objectives? I’ve almost exhausted all the realistic ones and I need 3k for the prime players pack. I think there’s another four days to the end of the season.
Any other ways to get XP than completing the usual objectives? I’ve almost exhausted all the realistic ones and I need 3k for the prime players pack. I think there’s another four days to the end of the season.

I earned this the other day. Not what I expected... I was expecting a Messi, Varane at least something useful like Hazard
Got Carvajal