Florentino Pérez: The saviour of football.

The interview makes it seem like it won't happen imo
That's sad to be honest. It feels like you have spent so long being untouchable as a club that some fans have lost sight of competition. I mean you bought Ronaldo off of us when we were objectively the better team at the time. Thats not meant to be an attack on Madrid in any way. You guys are an awesome club but I so much wish that the majority of your fans were opposed to this and understood that your problems were created by your owners. 600k a week to a player you refused to sell. I mean the reason United stooped so low isn't City or the oil clubs its our own bad decisions. We should have to deal with this and not get to pull the ladder up behind us.
It is true that in Madrid (ranging from fans to club) there are many that only think about being the first. Sometimes it may be a caricature of ourselves.
Whether you have bad decisions or not, you will not be able to compete with City in the current format.
You will be second in the premier ... you will do a rebuilding, a Champions semi-final but in the end they will swallow you up.
In the end, having won for 60 years and being the most legendary club in England will not matter. When someone says Manchester, the fan will answer "City?", and I say this without bitterness.
This is perhaps a (very improvable) way to compete on equal terms. I imagine that in this select club they will not allow them to do what they want, neither them nor the Arabs if they buy Newcastle or the next rich man.
Let's say it's "if you can't beat your enemy, join him."

I understand that there are leagues, amateur fans and a whole football ecosystem, but the reactions have been a bit dramatic when this has just been announced and it can improve.
I agree to be a Legacy fan (I think that's the name for who supports a superleague team?) But there are no shortage of Robin Hood fans either
I saw Florentino Perez at a grocery store in Madrid yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Bahaha thanks for the laughs you two
Firstly Ronaldo would have gone there for less salary probably such was his desire to play in a warmer climate in a latin culture similar to what he grew up in,

Secondly it wasn't Madrid that started paying players 600,000 a week first. I think you'd probably have to go back to when PSG signed Neymar as the moment suddenly the going rate for the worlds top players doubled overnight. going from maybe 300,000 a week to 600,000, because once Neymar is on that kind of money, then the worlds top 10 players want equal parity immediately. Maybe there's plans for a salary cap in the new super league, and maybe that's another reason why PSG haven't been invited. I think this new league could be a way from the big clubs to try to stop sugar daddy clubs like PSG from completely taking over and dominating due to unlimited resources.

I think PSG was invited, but this whole point is moot when City is a part of it regardless. City is not joining to be restricted in how their spending is done, they could have just stayed in the current system if that was the case. There's not going to be a salary cap, the players would never agree to that. Unfortunately, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. I need to stretch myself for the kind of reach people are going with in trying to portray this greedy power-grab as some kind of response as to how money has ruined football. :lol:
I think PSG was invited, but this whole point is moot when City is a part of it regardless. City is not joining to be restricted in how their spending is done, they could have just stayed in the current system if that was the case. There's not going to be a salary cap, the players would never agree to that. Unfortunately, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. I need to stretch myself for the kind of reach people are going with in trying to portray this greedy power-grab as some kind of response as to how money has ruined football. :lol:
Well I'm not for it, I think it spits in the face of the likes of Everton, Ajax, Roma, Leicester etc, clubs with great history, but I'd like to hear both sides of the debate for a few days before being certain as to know what is fully going on here. I am aware all players, managers and fans groups have come out and trashed it, so I would absolutely agree with their opinions.

But we keep hearing how corrupt UEFA are, how corrupt football is, How corrupt City and PSG are with bending the rules and constantly increasing their influence among UEFA and in the game. That football has lost it's soul already due to the sugar-daddy clubs slowly building a monopoly in the game and that UEFA are doing nothing about it, probably because they are being paid off. So something has to give eventually.....so i'm just wondering despite this super league seeming like an obvious power grab, could anything positive come from it at all, and has it come about due to the big clubs lack of trust in UEFA's ability to sort football out?
Well I'm not for it, I think it spits in the face of the likes of Everton, Ajax, Roma, Leicester etc, clubs with great history, but I'd like to hear both sides of the debate for a few days before being certain as to know what is fully going on here. I am aware all players, managers and fans groups have come out and trashed it, so I would absolutely agree with their opinions.

But we keep hearing how corrupt UEFA are, how corrupt football is, How corrupt City and PSG are with bending the rules and constantly increasing their influence among UEFA and in the game. That football has lost it's soul already due to the sugar-daddy clubs slowly building a monopoly in the game and that UEFA are doing nothing about it, probably because they are being paid off. So something has to give eventually.....so i'm just wondering despite this super league seeming like an obvious power grab, could anything positive come from it at all, and has it come about due to the big clubs lack of trust in UEFA's ability to sort football out?
The whole lot is rotted. I definitely think UEFA is corrupt as well, so it's not as if they are paragons of virtue in this situation, some of it is of their own doing. However, if anybody thinks for one second that these founding clubs, and their owners, are going to be the leading source of the reforms the game needs, I've got several bridges to sell to those people.

There could be some positive as you said though, because it is forcing a discussion and some real solutions could come out of this, but money has ruined football for a long time, it's still a great source of entertainment but I just can't see how we will ever not have corruption in the game, even with an """"impartial"""" committee to oversee the founders of a new league.
I think PSG was invited, but this whole point is moot when City is a part of it regardless. City is not joining to be restricted in how their spending is done, they could have just stayed in the current system if that was the case. There's not going to be a salary cap, the players would never agree to that. Unfortunately, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. I need to stretch myself for the kind of reach people are going with in trying to portray this greedy power-grab as some kind of response as to how money has ruined football. :lol:
By what being said by the hacks in the papers, City got in due to fear of missing out.

F.Perez confirmed the salary cap based on revenue. A team are free to pay a player or two the million per week wage while maintaining a squad of fillers to offset, and stay within the cap. Not all the teams are on this aiming to win the whole thing. They just want to maintain the status, thus the incoming stream. Last but not least, this ESL promises to give a bigger payout to its participation. It helps with their current wage. And if this goes as plan, then this becomes the dog's bollocks, which means big players want to be a part of it, giving more power to the clubs in negotiating in the future.
He made one great point - we can have shorter matches. feck off
By what being said by the hacks in the papers, City got in due to fear of missing out.

F.Perez confirmed the salary cap based on revenue. A team are free to pay a player or two the million per week wage while maintaining a squad of fillers to offset, and stay within the cap. Not all the teams are on this aiming to win the whole thing. They just want to maintain the status, thus the incoming stream. Last but not least, this ESL promises to give a bigger payout to its participation. It helps with their current wage. And if this goes as plan, then this becomes the dog's bollocks, which means big players want to be a part of it, giving more power to the clubs in negotiating in the future.

This all sounds good, I would like to see it happen, I just don't think players will agree to a salary cap or want to join clubs that have a salary cap. I don't know a lot of these big teams want parity in that manner, it goes against their interest. I think there are so many legal and logistical headaches in these proposed changes, and an all-out war with UEFA/FIFA on top, if this league is to happen at all, it's off to the worst start I could ever think of.
Courtesy of user Yannick over at barcaforum.com:
Perez Breakdown so far:

"The major clubs of England, Spain and Italy have to give a solution to the bad situation that football is experiencing"

"More competitive games will make everyone earn more money."

"We came to the conclusion that by doing the Super League instead of the CL we could help the lost income."

"The Super League will save clubs financially."

"Here at Real Madrid we lost a lot of money and we're in a very bad situation. Top clubs in Spain and England are coming to conclusions about fixing football. Madrid alone lost ?400m and nothing was being done about that."

"UEFA threats? Football needs to evolve, audiences are going down."

"Football was losing interest from fans, we need a change."

"16-24 year old fans of that age don't have interest in football. Football needs to adapt to the new generations, now."

"All I do is for the good of football."

"The Super League will generate more money. It?s more attractive. Manchester-Barca will be more attractive than Manchester vs a smaller team."

"Teams can come in to the Super League, we never thought of that it's not a closed league, and we always thought about sporting merit. Sevilla can perfectly join the Super League the same way they can go to the CL in their league position."

"We have 15 teams + another 5 teams. Those 5 teams will earn their place every season."

"If you win, you receive ?120-130m from UEFA but with Super League we will earn much more."

"The new Champions League format will not save football. I don't understand it, it won't help anything."

"I came in 2000 to save Real Madrid from financial ruin and I did. I saved the club."

"UEFA is a monopoly, what we're trying to do is save football. They must be transparent, and UEFA never has had a good history."

"I don't know why UEFA has been threatening since our press release says we would work out with them and FIFA."

"The players can stay totally calm about their national teams. The ban can't happen."

"How can La Liga lose prestige? It won't lose value with the Super League. Those two competitions can coexist."

"Champions League is attractive only from the quarterfinals. Nobody cares about the games before."

"We haven't invited PSG, and didn't talk to any German club yet."

"If PSG and Bayern Munich refuse, the Super League competition will not be canceled. This is an erroneous claim."

"We don’t want the rich teams to be richer and the poor teams to be poorer"

"The 15 founding clubs are the ones that matter the most in terms of entertainment. Others likes of Napoli and Roma will have a chance to be in the competition one year or another, then we'll see."

"Ceferin insulted Agnelli and that is totally unacceptable. We don?t want a president who insults another president."

"Everyone says that the Super League is the rich club's league, when that's not true, it's the league to save football."

"Boris Johnson said he will do everything to cancel the Super League? Someone must have told to him that the Premier League would disappear: it's false, it's not true. Everything will go back to normal."

"If we continue with the CL, interest will decrease further and even more with the new format."

"We don't want the rich teams to be richer and poor teams to be poorer. Football is a unity. Right now it's at a freefall."

"VAR? You mean Tebas' VAR or normal VAR? (laughs) There will be VAR, and a financial fair-play in this league."

"I didn't have to convince Laporta to join, this Super League will help Barcelona and football. They are in a bad moment. This is the worst situation I've ever seen in 20 years, economically."

"We have been working on this project for a long time."
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This all sounds good, I would like to see it happen, I just don't think players will agree to a salary cap or want to join clubs that have a salary cap. I don't know a lot of these big teams want parity in that manner, it goes against their interest. I think there are so many legal and logistical headaches in these proposed changes, and an all-out war with UEFA/FIFA on top, if this league is to happen at all, it's off to the worst start I could ever think of.
The salary cap is on the club.
Players would just receive offers from club like normal. For example, RM can offer MBappe 1million per week wage. Then paying the rest of the squad, reasonable wage. All this while keeping the book under the cap, as RM makes much more in ESL than CL. For Spurs, they can give Kane, Son crazy wage, but stamp down on the rest. They're making good money for the owner by participating in this competition. There is no punishment for doing badly once they're guaranteed an entry every years. That's perfect for them.

The question is whether the player wants to involve in this ESL, or stay in UEFA system before things smooth out.

Yeah. I see a mess that would take plenty of time to sort out. Just trying to explain the salary cap.
The salary cap is on the club.
Players would just receive offers from club like normal. For example, RM can offer MBappe 1million per week wage. Then paying the rest of the squad, reasonable wage. All this while keeping the book under the cap, as RM makes much more in ESL than CL. For Spurs, they can give Kane, Son crazy wage, but stamp down on the rest. They're making good money for the owner by participating in this competition. There is no punishment for doing badly once they're guaranteed an entry every years. That's perfect for them.

The question is whether the player wants to involve in this ESL, or stay in UEFA system before things smooth out.

Yeah. I see a mess that would take plenty of time to sort out. Just trying to explain the salary cap.
But that's the problem, is that part where after Mbappe, or Kane/Son you say stamp down on the rest, or reasonable wage. It's basically becoming like the NBA where you have 3 max players and 12 bench-fillers and trophy chasers at the end of their careers. Do top players really want to be a part of that kind of new system? It's only 20 clubs, with a cap on their salary, and there's a lot of great players out there who will want more that those clubs would suddenly be unable to offer even if they had the resources. Regardless of the initial cash influx, or higher sponsorships, it seems to benefit the owners far more than the fans in any way, because that money will be limited in how it can be distributed to their team.

What am I missing here? Why would clubs like City, or even Real Madrid and Barcelona go for this when they've long had such huge wage bills that's allowed them to dominate other teams?
That interview reminded me of one of the rants that a manic patient or a patient in alcohol withdrawal might go on
But that's the problem, is that part where after Mbappe, or Kane/Son you say stamp down on the rest, or reasonable wage. It's basically becoming like the NBA where you have 3 max players and 12 bench-fillers and trophy chasers at the end of their careers. Do top players really want to be a part of that kind of new system? It's only 20 clubs, with a cap on their salary, and there's a lot of great players out there who will want more that those clubs would suddenly be unable to offer even if they had the resources. Regardless of the initial cash influx, or higher sponsorships, it seems to benefit the owners far more than the fans in any way, because that money will be limited in how it can be distributed to their team.

What am I missing here? Why would clubs like City, or even Real Madrid and Barcelona go for this when they've long had such huge wage bills that's allowed them to dominate other teams?
It's clear now that the motive of the owners, chairmen of these clubs want is NBA or similar.

I don't have answer to how the future would be for this project, but the involved clubs are gambling on increasing this ESL popularity ASAP. There is already big sponsors on the book aiding this. The sad reality is many players are in it because the celebrity lifestyle, money... As long as ESL establishes itself as mainstream competition, it's within the realism of possibilities that players just go where the money go. Some lesser players have been moving to China despite still within their prime. There are agencies owning players rights. Without the rule from FA, UEFA... these agencies can just smuggling their players for the ESL. We have seen case like Falcao where his career was decided by him by the agency. We may see more of the case. Keep in mind we're projecting this based on ESL able to establish itself with prestigious clubs all eventually joining in to attract top players.

They may expand this competition (Perez already hinted at another Division, or another group of 10?), if it takes root. Right now, they probably just try to get the thing going with 20 teams as it's difficult enough for 12 founding members to show their face to the public.

Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, Arsenal... all had inflation catching up them, and pandemic having them going under. City is reluctant to join as they enjoy less freedom in this ESL, but by the gossip they just don't want to be left behind.
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Florentino Perez: "When Madrid and Barcelona play, the world stops. It's a luxury that we have here. When Manchester United and City play that doesn't happen."
As soon as Sky stopped broadcasting and hyping La Liga in the U.K. most people didn’t really care. So the man’s delusional. La Liga might be popular in South America, but in most of Africa and Asia English teams are peoples first team and real passion. In Brazil/Argentina the people support their own teams first and watch El Classico as a pastime.
As soon as Sky stopped broadcasting and hyping La Liga in the U.K. most people didn’t really care. So the man’s delusional. La Liga might be popular in South America, but in most of Africa and Asia English teams are peoples first team and real passion. In Brazil/Argentina the people support their own teams first and watch El Classico as a pastime.
How much of it was down to the Messi v Ronaldo factor ? I'd love to know the differences in views pre and post.
Also from a business point of view the big 6, especially Man Utd, Liverpool, City, Chelsea have sold themselves short. Why is Perez the president and for how long will his presidency run? There is a danger this just becomes the Real Madrid league. Yet it’s the Spanish two that are in financial desperation, it’s the Spanish that have been eying the Premier League revenue with envy.

The English clubs are in a relatively good position compared to Real/Barca but it does feel like they’ve bent over for Perez and by de facto Real Madrid. Should have used the financial desperation of Real/Barca to get a better deal for English clubs. Or from a football point view told him to feck off and use the next 2-4 years to build a gap in the CL between us and Spain.
How much of it was down to the Messi v Ronaldo factor ? I'd love to know the differences in views pre and post.
Yes definitely that was also a huge factor.

Even in South America the viewings has always been mostly about South American’s watching because those two have always had South American players. Most South American’s don’t really support either Barca or Real with the intense passion that someone from Nigeria or Thailand would support United.
The interview makes it seem like it won't happen imo
Why? It sounds like everything is signed already. And they seem to sure they can’t be kicked out. I want them to be kicked out now, let them learn.
Florentino Pérez isn't wrong when criticizing how UEFA has managed badly football to the detractment of the clubs and competitivity. Actually, it would be good to see all clubs truly united against all the UEFA and FIFA bullshit.

But this isn't the case. The founding clubs of the Super League only want to have more of the money and wish to be in UEFA's place, do everything wrong that UEFA already does to the sport, but worse. The is the peak of greediness.
Why? It sounds like everything is signed already. And they seem to sure they can’t be kicked out. I want them to be kicked out now, let them learn.
They act as if the Super League is inevitable to psychologically intimidate all opposition. Pure arrogance, "we're too powerful to not get things our way" when reality is not as easy and simple.
They act as if the Super League is inevitable to psychologically intimidate all opposition. Pure arrogance, "we're too powerful to not get things our way" when reality is not as easy and simple.
We need to see the first round by seeing if they can be kicked out and lose out on the money first.
Why? It sounds like everything is signed already. And they seem to sure they can’t be kicked out. I want them to be kicked out now, let them learn.
Someone made a point on sky sports, citing inside sources, and it makes sense. But they don’t really care about getting kicked out.
1) They are leaving the CL anyways
2) They will prioritise ESL over domestic leagues
3) They prefer their players not playing in international competitions.

What I want to know. If it goes through will there be any system in place to make sure that owners like the Glazer spend the money on infrastructure and don’t just pocket it. Suppose will know if OT gets a new lick of paint.
Someone made a point on sky sports, citing inside sources, and it makes sense. But they don’t really care about getting kicked out.
1) They are leaving the CL anyways
2) They will prioritise ESL over domestic leagues
3) They prefer their players not playing in international competitions.

What I want to know. If it goes through will there be any system in place to make sure that owners like the Glazer spend the money on infrastructure and don’t just pocket it. Suppose will know if OT gets a new lick of paint.
You realise you probably won't even play in old Trafford if this shit goes through.
This super league will be held all over the world in like dubai one round new York another Singapore another etc
You realise you probably won't even play in old Trafford if this shit goes through.
This super league will be held all over the world in like dubai one round new York another Singapore another etc
I think they’ll eventually do that for the knock out stages. But Real Madrid have recently invested heavily in their stadium so Perez plans on still having his team play there.
Barcelona should be grateful as he's the one saving their club. :lol:

Here's the interview if you missed chiringuito.

Someone made a point on sky sports, citing inside sources, and it makes sense. But they don’t really care about getting kicked out.
1) They are leaving the CL anyways
2) They will prioritise ESL over domestic leagues
3) They prefer their players not playing in international competitions.

What I want to know. If it goes through will there be any system in place to make sure that owners like the Glazer spend the money on infrastructure and don’t just pocket it. Suppose will know if OT gets a new lick of paint.
No as in American sports, they don’t have to invest that much. It’s a disgrace.
You will be second in the premier ... you will do a rebuilding, a Champions semi-final but in the end they will swallow you up.
In the end, having won for 60 years and being the most legendary club in England will not matter. When someone says Manchester, the fan will answer "City?", and I say this without bitternes
I was obviously against this before, but after reading those quotes from Perez it’s left me even more confused. Why are teams like United and City bothered about saving Madrid and Barca. They’ve fecked their own finances through mismanagement and also just got a €600 million loan for putting a roof on the their stadium.

Plus the bit about 16-24 year olds makes no sense at all. Maybe because they are having to use illegal ways of watching because it’s too expensive to pay for sky or actually go to the game.
He has a point about City - they really aren't the international draw that United, Barca, Madrid, Liverpool are. That could very well change soon with the progress they have made in terms of injecting cash... sorry, I mean progress on the pitch.
I was obviously against this before, but after reading those quotes from Perez it’s left me even more confused. and C Why are teams like Unitedity bothered about saving Madrid and Barca. They’ve fecked their own finances through mismanagement and also just got a €600 million loan for putting a roof on the their stadium.

Plus the bit about 16-24 year olds makes no sense at all. Maybe because they are having to use illegal ways of watching because it’s too expensive to pay for sky or actually go to the game.

They're not. This is being driven by the Glazers, Kroenke, Henry and Perez. The former 3 are purely interested in the ESL for the large dividends they can draw down from the vast amounts of money it will make. I suspect that they have a grander and even more lucrative long term vision here too. Real Madrid have got into massive debt to keep up with the market that's been massively inflated by the oil clubs. Real's is more a play of desperation and an attempt to take back power from the new money in the game. City are joining because they don't want to be left behind. They are not a premium brand in football so have little choice when the traditional powers are going this way.
Perez has won me over. I simply didn't realize how much he was doing for all of us. The world could do with more of this selflessness right now.