Footballers with low pain thresholds

I’ve noticed that Martinelli seems to go down in what looks like career-ending agony at least once in most games he plays. Giroud was exactly the same. Every single game he’d go down looking like he was out for weeks, only to be absolutely grand a few minutes later.

Any others that can be added to this list?

It really is pathetic isn't it to see grown men behaving like that. For me, it is certainly spoiling the game of football. And it is getting worse. Come on guys. Behave.
I injured myself repeatedly while playing football; head split open, MCL, broken hand, groin strain (repeatedly), abdomen, sprained ankles (repeatedly), bruised heel, bruised tailbone, knocked unconscious, you name it. I'd guess, at least in my case, is that adrenaline makes it relatively unnoticeable.

The pain from the MCL was sharp but only for a moment. In every instance the pain from the injury was worse well after the fact, with the worst pain coming from aggravating injured ligaments.
I'm not sure you were playing football right.
It really is pathetic isn't it to see grown men behaving like that. For me, it is certainly spoiling the game of football. And it is getting worse. Come on guys. Behave.
What do you expect? You're talking about a generation of men raised on Straight Eye for The Queer Guy who get soy injections while on one knee for the kick off. They go down easy because they are raised submissive.
It really is pathetic isn't it to see grown men behaving like that.

Personally I don’t get this “hard man” attitud, I might be wrong but I feel it’s especially prevalent in British male culture? Not important though, I just don’t get it. “Men don’t cry” “deal with it” “sort yourself out”. Those kind of comments from what is perceived as soft behaviour,
It’s not that I take exception or feel offended, I just don’t get the attitude.

Anyway, I’m not one to cry from pain myself. I’m much more likely to feel anger, at the pain, at me being stupid enough to stub my toe or the idiot that tackled me

But I’ve had severe migraines and various injuries of sufficient pain that I might have teared up at occasion.

if someone actually feels like crying, I just don’t see why I should care or judge or feel like it’s pathetic. I just don’t. Crying is a way to release strain in a way and some people just take to it easier than others.

Disclaimer; since I’ve become a dad I have never been more likely to cry from weird shit. I watched a cartoon a few days ago with my 3yr old that made me tear up.. So, maybe it’s just me that’s weird?
Hate myself for saying this but maybe Rashford?
If Rashfords back injury is the same as I remember it as (spinal break around th11) then he is doing really well at hiding the pain, outside of it affecting his game naturally.
Personally I don’t get this “hard man” attitud, I might be wrong but I feel it’s especially prevalent in British male culture? Not important though, I just don’t get it. “Men don’t cry” “deal with it” “sort yourself out”. Those kind of comments from what is perceived as soft behaviour,
It’s not that I take exception or feel offended, I just don’t get the attitude.

Anyway, I’m not one to cry from pain myself. I’m much more likely to feel anger, at the pain, at me being stupid enough to stub my toe or the idiot that tackled me

But I’ve had severe migraines and various injuries of sufficient pain that I might have teared up at occasion.

if someone actually feels like crying, I just don’t see why I should care or judge or feel like it’s pathetic. I just don’t. Crying is a way to release strain in a way and some people just take to it easier than others.

Disclaimer; since I’ve become a dad I have never been more likely to cry from weird shit. I watched a cartoon a few days ago with my 3yr old that made me tear up.. So, maybe it’s just me that’s weird?

All of what you say is quite understandable.
But the perceived low pain threshold is little more than simulation, the end product being cheating.
I dislike cheats of any kind. Especially in professional football.
Half of these aren’t having a low pain threshold. Just players that are performing gamesmanship.

Richarlison for example gets lumps kicked out of him each week, goes down a lot but is clearly not actually in pain. He’s just performing for the foul.
All of what you say is quite understandable.
But the perceived low pain threshold is little more than simulation, the end product being cheating.
I dislike cheats of any kind. Especially in professional football.

Ah, sure, if that was your angle then I agree 100%, it’s pathetic. Lamela vs Martial for instance, oh man that stuff riles me up so much
Adding Lacazette to this list who just screamed his fecking head off after a light kick in the back of his calf.

It would be hilarious if athletes in different sports were such massive cry-babies. Imagine the histrionics in a boxing ring?!
I would consider paying to watch that. Once.
Adding Lacazette to this list who just screamed his fecking head off after a light kick in the back of his calf.

It would be hilarious if athletes in different sports were such massive cry-babies. Imagine the histrionics in a boxing ring?!

:lol: knew exactly what this would be about. I honestly thought Lacazette must have a serious injury with the noise he made. Was looking at his leg/ankle to see if any of it was pointing in the wrong direction.
:lol: knew exactly what this would be about. I honestly thought Lacazette must have a serious injury with the noise he made. Was looking at his leg/ankle to see if any of it was pointing in the wrong direction.

The absence of crowds really highlights how many gaping pussies are plying their trade in the Premier League.
Its not that they're pussies, its that they know how to take advantage of a situation by exaggerating it to screw their opponents.
It's something I learned very quickly watching Serie A in the 90's on C4. :lol:
Adding Lacazette to this list who just screamed his fecking head off after a light kick in the back of his calf.

It would be hilarious if athletes in different sports were such massive cry-babies. Imagine the histrionics in a boxing ring?!

Boxers have everything to lose in convincing the judges that the opponents gave them a proper walloping.
Boxers have everything to lose in convincing the judges that the opponents gave them a proper walloping.

Heh. True. How about rugby players? The howls of agony from every ruck and tackle would be hilarious.

On a side note, field hockey has a far from macho reputation and every game sees players get belted with a stick or hard/heavy ball without a whimper.

And don’t get me started on how much tougher hurlers are than PL footballers...
Heh. True. How about rugby players? The howls of agony from every ruck and tackle would be hilarious.

On a side note, field hockey has a far from macho reputation and every game sees players get belted with a stick or hard/heavy ball without a whimper.

And don’t get me started on how much tougher hurlers are than PL footballers...

Rugby players cheat all the time, so if there was an advantage to gain they would do it but since contact is widely allowed the potential benefits are slim and it's the same for all the sports that you mentioned. A more appropriate comparison to football would be basketball and the later are kings of flopping, minimal compact will see giants fall down as if they had been shot because contacts are supposed to be strictly limited.

Given how he shits his guts out at the mere possibility of contact with another player I’m going with ddg
Lacazette is a fecking fanny. Today was absolutely pathetic. I genuinely thought he’d snapped his achilles or broken his ankle, only to see him running around moments later.

His reaction definitely got Pieters booked.
Rugby players cheat all the time, so if there was an advantage to gain they would do it but since contact is widely allowed the potential benefits are slim and it's the same for all the sports that you mentioned. A more appropriate comparison to football would be basketball and the later are kings of flopping, minimal compact will see giants fall down as if they had been shot because contacts are supposed to be strictly limited.

Flopping is a whole other thing. Well, a slightly different thing anyway. I think there’s a spectrum of football shit-housery where acting to win a free is slightly less egregious than acting to get an opponent booked/sent off. Especially when the latter involves the sort of embarrassing shrieking we saw from Lacazette today.
Flopping is a whole other thing. Well, a slightly different thing anyway. I think there’s a spectrum of football shit-housery where acting to win a free is slightly less egregious than acting to get an opponent booked/sent off. Especially when the latter involves the sort of embarrassing shrieking we saw from Lacazette today.

Not exactly because in basketball there is a limited amount of personal fouls that a player can do, so flopping isn't different to trying to get an opponent booked and it also has a direct effect on the amount of minutes that a player will most likely play. But yes, we are in presence of shithousery more than "softness".
Its not that they're pussies, its that they know how to take advantage of a situation by exaggerating it to screw their opponents.

I'd say it's definitely this. I'd wager most footballers are pretty tough, but the screams and rolls are exaggerated to get the referee to take notice. Once they get what they're looking for, they often make an instant recovery. Referees buy it every time, so it's no wonder players keep doing it.

This is a personal favourite, a plastic bottle taking out a whole team

Look at Suarez, it doesn't even touch him, and there's a significant delay before he decided to play up to it. There's another video of this incident with Neymar laying on the ground afterwards too. It's like footballers are hard wired to react that way to everything.
Lucas Hernandez. I support Bayern and even I can’t stand his acts. Must be infuriating for opposing fans.
Lucas Hernandez. I support Bayern and even I can’t stand his acts. Must be infuriating for opposing fans.

I found him hilarious because he will flop and pretend to be on the edge of death but he is also as dirty as it gets, he has no problem discreetly kicking opponents or being excessively aggressive until the referee decides to do something about it.
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I found hilarious because he will flop and pretend to be on the edge of death but he is also as dirty as it gets, he has no problem discreetly kicking opponents or being excessively aggressive until the referee decides to do something about it.
I do not enjoy having him in „my“ team one bit. And i was loving having little shits like van Bommel in it. Hernandez is simply pathetic.
I'd say it's definitely this. I'd wager most footballers are pretty tough, but the screams and rolls are exaggerated to get the referee to take notice. Once they get what they're looking for, they often make an instant recovery. Referees buy it every time, so it's no wonder players keep doing it.

This is a personal favourite, a plastic bottle taking out a whole team

Look at Suarez, it doesn't even touch him, and there's a significant delay before he decided to play up to it. There's another video of this incident with Neymar laying on the ground afterwards too. It's like footballers are hard wired to react that way to everything.

I don’t think some understand the thread. Being injury prone & having low pain threshold in not the sane thing. In fact having a high pain threshold actually increases your chances of suffering a serious injury often as you ignore the pain or don’t feel it. Pain is your body telling you there is a problem. If you continue to play you aggravate the issue.

anyway, most of them are play acting to get others booked.
I don't remember any footballers ever using fake blood to cheat. Rugby players can pipe down about faking injury.

To be clear, the fake blood was to allow a player to comeback and it wasn't decided by players.
Ndombele is hilarious for this. Hobbles around like an old man after every time he gets clipped.