For all the Ole Iners

I'm in, haven't wavered yet. But the mistake many Ole-Out posters make is that they seem to believe Ole-In posters have some blind loyalty to Ole.

I love the club first and foremost, the moment I believe Ole has taken us as far as he possibly can then I will be all ears regarding replacements.

I think now would be the perfect time to appoint a DOF, somebody like VDS, bring that backroom stability and structure that we are missing. I still believe in Ole's recruitment and the team he's building.

Like G. Nev said today, we were in the perfect position to push forward after the re-start, to make the most of this transfer window and since then we've had a shoddy, rushed pre-season with drama queens like Maguire and Greenwood and then the total lack of activity in the transfer window to actually strengthen the team and build on the finish we had to last season.

There's no excuse for today's result but look at Liverpool's result today, it happens, we've been off the pace since the season started but it's three games.
Sanchez and Lukaku both wanted to leave the club, they have said as much. Tell me how keeping players who didn't want to be around would contribute to a winning culture at the club? When you talk about poor planning, Ole had been in the job for 6 months, how can you expect someone to fix an entire squad in one window with the owners and executives at United in charge?

Lingard was better before his personal life fell apart and I wouldn't be surprised if he turns it around to some degree. But lets be real, he is a limited player even on his best day and I remember people complaining all the time about his lack of end product even in his best moments at United.

And I'm sorry but Fred and McTominay both played in many of the matches where the team dropped points to lower sides last season. They only excelled in the big matches where there only responsibility was to track runners into the half-spaces, shield the back 4, and pick one pass to start a counterattack. They have shown nothing outside of that to me, absolutely nothing.

Ultimately I default to what I said in a previous post and will leave it there: Ole should be sacked if we have a similar points total in early to mid December as we did last season as by that point, the team will have had enough time to mentally recharge and get fully fit considering the lack of time off and preseason. The question about the manager though doesn't solve the key underlying issues at the club and until fans get serious about that and stop giving money to the club, nothing will change and this club won't win anything, even with a manager like Klopp or Pep.
Lukaku wanted to leave because he wasn't the main man anymore. I'm not sure the output between Martial and Lukaku would have been different had he remained as our main centre forward.
This. Word for word, is my opinion, put much more eloquently than I could manage. We know our owners/board are rotten, but it's possible to have more than one problem. At what point do we move from 'rebuilding' with Ole to 'kicking on' with a better manager? It really isn't hard to see Ole can't take us back to the top. I love the Man as a United legend and I'm as fanatic a United supporter as you can find, but I think this is a valid opinion to have.

I love him too, remember reading a few words in the paper when we signed him and Johnsen, no fanfare yet he produced best ever moment as a Utd fan.

I’m not stupid enough to think sacking him fixes everything but I’m also not stupid enough to think he can do anymore than he has.
I’m firmly in the Ole In camp.

To see two threads started today both predicting when Ole gets the sack and who the next manager is quite frankly, sickens me. Absolute state of it.

What have we become as a club that we all have become what we hated to see in other clubs.

Absolute joke of a fanbase atm. The whole fanbase is toxic, a lot of them are fickle and have only experienced the highs and not the lows. So crave more of it.

This is not how you support a football team, a large portion of our fanbase could not hack supporting a League 1 or 2 team who often go through peaks and troughs, relegations, yo yoing and nearly there moments, even having 4-5 game losing streaks winning a couple and then going on a 3 game losing streak.

Support the club and have patience!

You can support the club and not have faith in the manager. I dont know why some pretend otherwise.
The best team and squad in the league, coached by the number 2 guy on the planet. With a full pre season behind them just got done by a mere Aston villa 7 -2. For that reason alone I will not be caught dead criticising Ole. Not with a board that hasn't strengthen in time, and when we had no pre season to set up fitness and the tactical blue print for the season. I hope the international break is used for some really heavy trainiing.
You have ignored what I have said. It is 3 league games into a bloody season! We have a manager who had a record of 3 defeats in 28 games before this.

People can moan all they want but you think personal attacks and nasty comments on the manager are justified. We’ve all been there over the past few years. You don’t suddenly win league titles after the dip we’ve had, it takes time to build your way up. We all expected a lot more coming into this season and it’s a poor start but it’s 3 game in. I’ve seen us get hammered before and it will happen again. I don’t have to throw my toys out of the pram like others have.

what I’m sick off is the whingers and the moaners going on about the same thing week and after week even when were doing well. Why bring the negativity into this thread. Go back and moan in the others.

Where're these personal attacks and nasty comments ? Our previous managers were literally called twats and cnuts while being here. I absolutely remember Mourinho being called a cnut while managing us here several times by several posters. I'm sure no one has ever said any thing remotely close about this to Ole. It's just people mostly saying he's a terrible coach and should be sacked. I have seen nothing more.

As long as we play crap week in week out, people will moan and rightly so. When we were doing well after the restart for a string of game, all people here were positive and happy. It's just how it works.

For me it's honestly just ridiculous to see such a thread complaining about the fanbase being toxic after losing 6 at home and having a terrible start to the season. Out of anyone who should be slaughtered today, fans aren't one of them I'm sure about. We're the least of the club's current problems.
And that's fine but you undermine that eminently reasonable stance by claiming ridiculous things like Leicester having a better squad than us.

I think our best players are better than their best players but apart from that I do believe that the average quality of their first 22 was better than ours for the majority of last season.
Anyone who starts a thread saying the fanbase is toxic, just as these fans have started the season seeing their team ship 11 goals in 3 games and score 2 goals from open play, is not one to be taken seriously.

Unless we see Ole show true managerial ability to turn this round in the next 7 or 8 PL games, he will be good as gone. We have seen it before, and we will see it again if there isnt a change in results.

The toxicity is not linked to the results, it’s the personal and nasty attacks that have been going on for weeks including last season. These posters have some kind of personal issue with Ole and will slag him off at every opportunity.
The best team and squad in the league, coached by the number 2 guy on the planet. With a full pre season behind them just got done by a mere Aston villa 7 -2. For that reason alone I will not be caught dead criticising Ole. Not with a board that hasn't strengthen in time, and when we had no pre season to set up fitness and the tactical blue print for the season. I hope the international break is used for some really heavy trainiing.
So, because Pool lose we can't criticise the manager? There are major issues with the squad and the tactics, and it isn't going to be fix because other teams drop points.
Lukaku wanted to leave because he wasn't the main man anymore. I'm not sure the output between Martial and Lukaku would have been different had he remained as our main centre forward.

No, he clearly stated in an interview not long ago that after one match at United he was already thinking about leaving the club. Look it up for yourself if you want.
No, he clearly stated in an interview not long ago that after one match at United he was already thinking about leaving the club. Look it up for yourself if you want.
Yeah, I remember that. He mentioned that he was played on the RW, and that he knew then that he wasn't considered in Ole's plans going forward. Hence my point.
You have ignored what I have said. It is 3 league games into a bloody season! We have a manager who had a record of 3 defeats in 28 games before this.

People can moan all they want but you think personal attacks and nasty comments on the manager are justified. We’ve all been there over the past few years. You don’t suddenly win league titles after the dip we’ve had, it takes time to build your way up. We all expected a lot more coming into this season and it’s a poor start but it’s 3 game in. I’ve seen us get hammered before and it will happen again. I don’t have to throw my toys out of the pram like others have.

what I’m sick off is the whingers and the moaners going on about the same thing week and after week even when were doing well. Why bring the negativity into this thread. Go back and moan in the others.
Nuno Santos had 5 losses in 33 games last year for Wolves before New Year, without the comfort of being able to spend north of 200m pounds to "work his way up".

Most of Ole ins remarkably strike me with the same crap I've read for Liverpool in their "Boom Bust Cycle" year in and year out.
You'd think after seeing managers with better CV's than Ole fail here anyone with even half a brain would recognise it's not the mangers fault for this clubs failings

So a manager bears zero responsibility because the owners are shite?

Is that the best argument for sticking with Ole?

This fallacy can't be perpetuated this long. The owners are absolute cnuts, everyone knows that. The board is utterly incompetent, everyone knows that as well. It makes the job harder, definitely, for any manager. But a great manager will still do well and a shite manager will still do poorly.
Where're these personal attacks and nasty comments ? Our previous managers were literally called twats and cnuts while being here. I absolutely remember Mourinho being called a cnut while managing us here several times by several posters. I'm sure no one has ever said any thing remotely close about this to Ole. It's just people saying he's a terrible coach and should be sacked. I have seen nothing more.

As long as we play crap week in week out, people will moan and rightly so. When we were doing well after the restart for a string of game, all people here were positive and happy. It's just how it works.

For me it's honestly just ridiculous to see such a thread complaining about the fanbase being toxic after losing 6 at home and having a terrible start to the season. Out of anyone who should be slaughtered today, fans aren't one of them I'm sure about. We're the least of the club's current problems.

Take a look around the whole forum. Personal attacks on players and managers. If you haven’t seen it then you are certainly blind. Other posters have seen it and highlighted it. We are sick to the back teeth of it. We had a run of 3 defeats in 28 games last season and people were still moaning. There are people with a personal issue with Ole and criticise him at every opportunity. Sad really.
The worry is, if you pot Ole and start again with someone else, you can rip up the last 2 years of progress, and we have made progress, as a new guy will come in, want new players, maybe a different culture and strategy, and you’re back in rebuild mode again.
Stick with Ole, hope the board back home with the players he wants, and give him time.
Sanchez and Lukaku both wanted to leave the club, they have said as much. Tell me how keeping players who didn't want to be around would contribute to a winning culture at the club? When you talk about poor planning, Ole had been in the job for 6 months, how can you expect someone to fix an entire squad in one window with the owners and executives at United in charge?
I don't have an issue with letting players go that want out, but I do have a big issue with not having replacements ready to hand, and that points to terrible planning.

Lingard was better before his personal life fell apart and I wouldn't be surprised if he turns it around to some degree. But lets be real, he is a limited player even on his best day and I remember people complaining all the time about his lack of end product even in his best moments at United.

And I'm sorry but Fred and McTominay both played in many of the matches where the team dropped points to lower sides last season. They only excelled in the big matches where there only responsibility was to track runners into the half-spaces, shield the back 4, and pick one pass to start a counterattack. They have shown nothing outside of that to me, absolutely nothing.
A lot of players played in teams that dropped silly points. We had a full strength squad versus Palace, versus Southampton versus an already relegated Huddersfield the year before. And we got spanked in every single one of them. Your excuses of "limited players" only takes you so far.
Ultimately I default to what I said in a previous post and will leave it there: Ole should be sacked if we have a similar points total in early to mid December as we did last season as by that point, the team will have had enough time to mentally recharge and get fully fit considering the lack of time off and preseason. The question about the manager though doesn't solve the key underlying issues at the club and until fans get serious about that and stop giving money to the club, nothing will change and this club won't win anything, even with a manager like Klopp or Pep.
I don't have a problem with what you've said in bold. I'm not saying sack him tomorrow. I just think he will eventually be sacked because he's a bit of a yo-yo manager, who hasn't been proven to be anything otherwise. There is no goodwill we can give him - it's not like "he's won x many trophies" like Klopp or Pep have, where we can grant him some extra time. There will be a time where it's just taking a piss, maybe it's going to be when the bold bit happens.
Nuno Santos had 5 losses in 33 games last year for Wolves before New Year, without the comfort of being able to spend north of 200m pounds to "work his way up".

Most of Ole ins remarkably strike me with the same crap I've read for Liverpool in their "Boom Bust Cycle" year in and year out.

I never mentioned the transfer fees, simply stated his managerial record but you can’t attack that so use some whatsboutery.
The best team and squad in the league, coached by the number 2 guy on the planet. With a full pre season behind them just got done by a mere Aston villa 7 -2. For that reason alone I will not be caught dead criticising Ole. Not with a board that hasn't strengthen in time, and when we had no pre season to set up fitness and the tactical blue print for the season. I hope the international break is used for some really heavy trainiing.

Because we need the team strengthened not to lose 6-1 to spurs.
Take a look around the whole forum. Personal attacks on players and managers. If you haven’t seen it then you are certainly blind. Other posters have seen it and highlighted it. We are sick to the back teeth of it. We had a run of 3 defeats in 28 games last season and people were still moaning. There are people with a personal issue with Ole and criticise him at every opportunity. Sad really.

I need example of such "personal attacks on Ole". You're the one who said so bring me an example, or anything close to what the previous managers were getting here.
I will not read whole thread. Op is enough for me. So who wants Ole out is not Man Utd fan. Bloody hell, you failed Cardiff manager in guys are like a cult.
Yeah, I remember that. He mentioned that he was played on the RW, and that he knew then that he wasn't considered in Ole's plans going forward. Hence my point.

Well it was also that he wanted to start every match. Considering that Martial played very well last season and Lukaku is really poor against sides that sit back as he cannot contribute to the build up, it was understandable that Ole would not have started him in every match. It's not like Lukaku didn't get opportunities under Ole anyways, he did play in the PSG match for example. I think Lukaku was looking for reasons to leave as he had never enjoyed being at the club in the first place and an unhappy player on his wages would have ruined the dressing room.
It's not fickle if people have thought Ole was the wrong choice from early into last season. Let's not pretend this is knee jerk. This is just a joke of a result that has expedited the need in people's mind to get rid.
The standard “Out“ post on here is purely vindictive. No alternatives offered. Just a pathetic attempt to “get even” with someone for not living up to the poster’s exacting standards by giving them the sack. Implicit is someone else will figure out how to fill the vacancy.

You know damn well those posters don’t level those same expectations for themselves or their loved ones. They don’t sack their spouse for wrecking the car. They don’t expect to get the sack for failing to close a sale. Why they think it’s right to demand others be sacked for similar circumstances is beyond me. Ole got us top 4 last season. Three games in and he should be sacked? Laughable.
I am and have always backed Ole, but because of his CV and the lack of experience in the coaching staff, I have always seen his tenure as more of a rebuild than a long term management. I was hoping that he would show that he could be a long term manager for us, but the truth is, the league is far too competitive at the moment, there are too many good managers and simply testing his capability and giving him the room to fail may not be possible.

First, I think Ole has done a fantastic job. He has brought the right players in, changed back the culture of the club and has put us in a position where we have the talent, culture and confidence to push on and challenge. By tomorrow we will have the squad depth we need. All we would be lacking are a few things in which another manager and director of football can handle. He has given the club a lease of life and good moments, but the problem he has is that the pressure for the club to succeed may be too much and the expectations too short for him to cope with them as United are expected to challenge and eventually win the league, which many do not think Ole can do.

Why am I saying this now? Well the truth is, the way we have started the season has a lot to do with that. Last season, we could say it was a lack of creative talent and injuries, but over the course of the season, we sorted that out. We can't and should not have gotten the same start this season due to the improvements we have made regardless of signings. We have looked really poor and have not been unlucky. We all know that this is as a result of the lack of preseason that the lockdown brought and the lack of fitness that a lot of players have, but where Ole falls short is that it also seems to be a tactical issue. It almost seems like the coaching staff were not prepared for the new season and were too lax in giving key players too much holiday time with no training involved. A club looking to compete cannot afford to slip up due to staff issues in preparation, especially one that is viewed by many as the biggest in the world. We cannot say we are even struggling due to team chemistry. Ole himself admitted that some tactical defensive adjustment may have led to players like AWB and Shaw performing poorly, that cannot happen. The league is far too important and the winners of the league in the last few years have all proven to be too consistent. My fear is that the coaching staff is too inexperienced to truly understand and prepare the team for really difficult situations compared to other top managers, which could in time seperate those teams from us. Tactically he has been fine for the most part, but his squad management issues and preparation problems are things that we cannot afford to look past. I am Ole in, but I would not be surprised nor sad if he left and we got a manager like Pochettino, who has finished well in multiple top tier competitions. One major issue Ole may have is that his coaching staff is also as inexperienced as he is.
If Ole was such a good manager, he should be getting a damn sight more out of this squad than he is. We have shit for a long time. Yes, he could have been backed better but he is not doing enough with what he has.
Maguire is better than today
AWB is much better than his last dozen games
Pogba is a World Cup winner and we know is much better
The list goes on for each player.
Does anyone actually know what our tactic is each game? Players don’t seem to know.
I need example of such "personal attacks on Ole". You're the one who said so bring me an example, or anything close to what the previous managers were getting here.

I don’t need to bring you anything. Take a look around yourself. Although if you haven’t seen it already, you might find it acceptable.
I’m in too. For now anyway. But at some point in the future when Nagglesman becomes available, I’d be tempted if things haven’t progressed.
Exactly how I feel. Sacking Ole won't improve results and with the same board in place it won't get better

But if Nagelsmann is available, would go for him and give him time to implement his system. Would also want Rangnick in with him as DoF
I don’t need to bring you anything. Take a look around yourself. Although if you haven’t seen it already, you might find it acceptable.

I browse the forum regularly and really have never seen anything remotely close to what was said to LVG and Mourinho, but Ok, you made your point and I made mine I guess. I wasn't pissed off at you really but more at the thread creator.
Take a look around the whole forum. Personal attacks on players and managers. If you haven’t seen it then you are certainly blind. Other posters have seen it and highlighted it. We are sick to the back teeth of it. We had a run of 3 defeats in 28 games last season and people were still moaning. There are people with a personal issue with Ole and criticise him at every opportunity. Sad really.

There may be a few personal attacks (although, compared to newspaper comment sections, I haven’t seen many) but does being thrashed 1-6 at OT by a decent but not outstanding side not ring alarm bells? After Brighton hit the woodwork 6 times last weekend and Palace had chance after chance the weekend before? We were also mediocre at the end of last season, and we were woeful in the first half of 19-20 and the back end of 18-19. When do the self-appointed arbiters of good supporting permit complaint?
I am and have always backed Ole, but because of his CV and the lack of experience in the coaching staff, I have always seen his tenure as more of a rebuild than a long term management. I was hoping that he would show that he could be a long term manager for us, but the truth is, the league is far too competitive at the moment, there are too many good managers and simply testing his capability and giving him the room to fail may not be possible.

First, I think Ole has done a fantastic job. He has brought the right players in, changed back the culture of the club and has put us in a position where we have the talent, culture and confidence to push on and challenge. By tomorrow we will have the squad depth we need. All we would be lacking are a few things in which another manager and director of football can handle. He has given the club a lease of life and good moments, but the problem he has is that the pressure for the club to succeed may be too much and the expectations too short for him to cope with them as United are expected to challenge and eventually win the league, which many do not think Ole can do.

Why am I saying this now? Well the truth is, the way we have started the season has a lot to do with that. Last season, we could say it was a lack of creative talent and injuries, but over the course of the season, we sorted that out. We can't and should not have gotten the same start this season due to the improvements we have made regardless of signings. We have looked really poor and have not been unlucky. We all know that this is as a result of the lack of preseason that the lockdown brought and the lack of fitness that a lot of players have, but where Ole falls short is that it also seems to be a tactical issue. It almost seems like the coaching staff were not prepared for the new season and were too lax in giving key players too much holiday time with no training involved. A club looking to compete cannot afford to slip up due to staff issues in preparation, especially one that is viewed by many as the biggest in the world. We cannot say we are even struggling due to team chemistry. Ole himself admitted that some tactical defensive adjustment may have led to players like AWB and Shaw performing poorly, that cannot happen. The league is far too important and the winners of the league in the last few years have all proven to be too consistent. My fear is that the coaching staff is too inexperienced to truly understand and prepare the team for really difficult situations compared to other top managers, which could in time seperate those teams from us. Tactically he has been fine for the most part, but his squad management issues and preparation problems are things that we cannot afford to look past. I am Ole in, but I would not be surprised nor sad if he left and we got a manager like Pochettino, who has finished well in multiple top tier competitions. One major issue Ole may have is that his coaching staff is also as inexperienced as he is.

Good post. I still think he has to do more tactically like having back up plans. Important few games coming up after the break.
The toxicity is not linked to the results, it’s the personal and nasty attacks that have been going on for weeks including last season. These posters have some kind of personal issue with Ole and will slag him off at every opportunity.

Guess I dont follow the threads religiously, but only seen a few comments on calling Ole a clown and not fit for the job? First comment isn't necessary, but the second point does raise questions certainly
I’m in too. For now anyway. But at some point in the future when Nagglesman becomes available, I’d be tempted if things haven’t progressed.

Nagelsmann is my top choice as next manager. I have no idea how attainable he is in the next couple of years, though.
I never mentioned the transfer fees, simply stated his managerial record but you can’t attack that so use some whatsboutery.
So you think after spending north of 200m pounds, 3 losses in 28 games is some kind of fantastic achievement? Many managers who finished in the bottom half over the last 5-10 years posted similar results at some point of the season at inferior clubs.

Moyes himself started with 3 defeats in his opening 20 games. Did you call for his head after or did you want to give him another season or two?
I'm jumping right on the Ole out train as soon as Woodward n Judge go. And the Glazers too ideally but I'd settle for just Woodward and Judge.

Ole is a problem. Woodward n Judge are a bigger problem in my opinion. Let's deal with the bigger one first.
This is not how you support a football team, a large portion of our fanbase could not hack supporting a League 1 or 2 team who often go through peaks and troughs, relegations, yo yoing and nearly there moments, even having 4-5 game losing streaks winning a couple and then going on a 3 game losing streak.

Support the club and have patience!

While I have no opiniom on whether Ole should be sacked, I find this sort of mentality interesting and unique to United among the top clubs.

When Bayern or Real are performing poorly, their supporters want blood and do not compare themselves with the likes of Dynamo Dresden or Real Oviedo.
I browse the forum regularly and really have never seen anything remotely close to what was said to LVG and Mourinho, but Ok, you made your point and I made mine I guess. I wasn't pissed off at you really but more at the thread creator.

No probs, we agree to disagree. I have no problem with people wanting Ole out as manager and they express constructive reasons why. I don’t think people who want him out are not fans of the club, It’s the people who seem to think decisions can be made on a whim without any thought that I have an issue with along with expressing personal attacks which I have an issue with.
Honestly I love Ole and I hope he does well for us but this defending is a disgrace. I know we're not the only team in the league right now who can't defend, I know we have some really shit, brainless defenders, but for a club of our standing it's not good enough. Whoever works on our defending needs to put in some overtime, and Ole seriously needs to consider making up with Smalling who right now is our best option to partner Maguire. Or Lindelof. Woodward is a fecking idiot but our defence is not as bad as they've showed today, the coaching needs to improve.