Gary Neville - Pundit

Yeah, let's just write off more than 600 appareances and almost 20 years in the club because he said something.
He really overdoes the “neutrality” requirement, doesn’t he? If you’d just switched on five minutes before half-time, you’d be led to believe by Nev that United had played poorly and were very fortunate to be ahead.
He really overdoes the “neutrality” requirement, doesn’t he? If you’d just switched on five minutes before half-time, you’d be led to believe by Nev that United had played poorly and were very fortunate to be ahead.
Apart from him being complimentary of our performance for much of the half apart from the points where Villa were on top. It’s almost like he was reacting to what was happening in real time and commentating on it.
Yeah he's talking some shite in this match, "Utd don't need to play well to win", it's 40 mins into the game and we've been absolutely fine, Villa are a good team and have played well, not a whole lot in the game at all.
I've literally no idea what people have against Nev, do they want him to never criticise United? I think he usually calls it fairly
He’s full of shit tbh. He decided after 10 mins that Villa were the better team then the graphic came up that we had 10 attempts whilst they had 2. Also Pogba has brought a lot of attention on himself but the way Neville patronises him every game in how he should play football is cringeworthy.
Pogba played a cross field pass in the 2nd half with no mention that I think if Grealish had have made GNev would have cum live on tv.
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I think Neville is just cautious in not overhyping us at the present time, while also likely feeling alitle bemused how this current United team are joint top.
The table doesn't lie though.
All Neville and Tyler do is talk narratives rather than on the actual game in front of them.

I recently got a good 'alternative' way of watching football so I have a choice of channels and it so refreshing to listen to commentators that are just talking about what is happening on the pitch. I'll never listen to Tyler, Neville or sky again
He’s full of shit tbh. He decided after 10 mins that Villa were the better team then the graphic came up that we had 10 attempts whilst they had 2. Also Pogba has brought a lot of attention on himself but the way Neville patronises him every game in how he should play football is cringeworthy.

When Pogba dummied the ball for Fred? Wouldn’t have been mentioned if it was another player....or if Bruno it would have been brilliant vision etc etc.
When Pogba dummied the ball for Fred? Wouldn’t have been mentioned if it was another player....or if Bruno it would have been brilliant vision etc etc.

That dummy was great football and if it goes in it’s one of the great PL goals. To be fair any footballer - and I include goalkeepers - should have a good chance of scoring coming on, unchallenged, to a perfectly weighted pass 18 yards out. It was either clever by Pogba to leave it or a good shout from Fred but could have easily resulted in a classic goal.
When Pogba dummied the ball for Fred? Wouldn’t have been mentioned if it was another player....or if Bruno it would have been brilliant vision etc etc.
It was poor from Pogba, he should have taken the shot on, he knows he's a better striker of the ball than Fred is. But this is the main issue with Pogba, he doesn't take responsibility, he'd rather someone else have a go and feck it up and let them get the stick than have a go himself and get stick when he misses.
It was poor from Pogba, he should have taken the shot on, he knows he's a better striker of the ball than Fred is. But this is the main issue with Pogba, he doesn't take responsibility, he'd rather someone else have a go and feck it up and let them get the stick than have a go himself and get stick when he misses.

Hahaha but thanks for highlighting exactly the problem with Neville saying what he said and then you repeating it word for word.
That dummy was great football and if it goes in it’s one of the great PL goals. To be fair any footballer - and I include goalkeepers - should have a good chance of scoring coming on, unchallenged, to a perfectly weighted pass 18 yards out. It was either clever by Pogba to leave it or a good shout from Fred but could have easily resulted in a classic goal.’s usually interpreted that way isn’t it....except when it’s Neville and Pogba. We as a team do this sort of thing a lot around the edge of the box also.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing yesterday from Gary, especially in the first half. As usual, he massively over-exaggerated any half decent bits of play by the opponents and totally downplayed our performance.

Villa had one very difficult chance in the first half (the McGinn effort), I wouldn’t even call it a half-chance. Utd probably had 2/3 presentable chances and 3/4 moments where we had the ball in the Villa box and just didn’t manage to find the right pass/shot/cross. If you had only listed to Neville’s commentary you would have thought Villa had battered Utd. He actually said “Villa have been the better team since the opening ten minutes”.

This despite Sky announcing at HT that 11 shots is the most Utd have had in the 1st half in any home game this season and Dean Smith coming out afterwards and calling the first half performance unacceptable!

I can’t make my mind up whether Gary is trying really hard not to be biased or whether he is just a fan. If you listen to me during a game I’m hugely critical of Utd because I’m constantly a bag of nerves! Feel like Gary is somewhat similar. As a Utd fan, he desperately wants us to play well and win so is easily disappointed or angered when the slightest thing goes wrong and likewise, nervous and on edge whenever the opponent has any of the ball
His social media activity is just stupid, acting like we were top before the Villa game then popping champagne corks when we were joint top. He may be winding other people up but it just makes himself look stupid. Just brings unnecessary pressure onto the team as well.
His social media activity is just stupid, acting like we were top before the Villa game then popping champagne corks when we were joint top. He may be winding other people up but it just makes himself look stupid. Just brings unnecessary pressure onto the team as well.

Sky probably encourage it tbh, they love all that “fan banter” stuff because it gets people watching and tweeting.

I loved the Carragher/Neville dynamic at first but it’s got a bit daft now. It used to be two club legends and rivals properly analysing matches and having differences of opinion at times.

Now it’s like two pissed up match-going Dads squabbling down the pub after a game at times
That dummy was great football and if it goes in it’s one of the great PL goals. To be fair any footballer - and I include goalkeepers - should have a good chance of scoring coming on, unchallenged, to a perfectly weighted pass 18 yards out. It was either clever by Pogba to leave it or a good shout from Fred but could have easily resulted in a classic goal.
Neville managed to turn it into a poor decision by Pogba :lol:
Does Paul Scholes dummy that for Ji-Sung Park?

It’s a ridiculous argument to try and blame Pogba. If Fred does what any professional footballer (let alone one who cost £50m) does in that situation and at least hits the target then Pogba would be rightly praised for creating a great chance.

I’ve been a big critic of Pogba but I’ve no issue with him passing up a difficult chance to create a better chance for a teammate
Does Paul Scholes dummy that for Ji-Sung Park?

I’m sure you could find an example of Scholes dummying a pass on the edge of the box....can’t guarantee it was to Park....I’m mean that’s a very specific set of circumstances you’re asking about right there.

A better question would be...would any other player have done that in the same position.
It’s a ridiculous argument to try and blame Pogba. If Fred does what any professional footballer (let alone one who cost £50m) does in that situation and at least hits the target then Pogba would be rightly praised for creating a great chance.

I’ve been a big critic of Pogba but I’ve no issue with him passing up a difficult chance to create a better chance for a teammate
No one's blaming anyone, and I don't understand why Neville can't express an opinion where the better technical player should have really taken a shot and most of the time would have. You'd think he called Pogba a fecking donkey the way people are carrying on in this thread. For every person that thinks Pogba did the right thing, there are also people who think he should have smashed it because he's better at that than Fred who only has 1 goal to his name, we saw Pogba do it at West Ham.

Anyway, it appears you can't say anything about Pogba without being bombarded. No one's saying he's shit, in fact he was one of our best players last night, I just simply think he should have shot and apparently so does Neville so I guess we used to be red's and now we're not anymore.
No one's blaming anyone, and I don't understand why Neville can't express an opinion where the better technical player should have really taken a shot and most of the time would have. You'd think he called Pogba a fecking donkey the way people are carrying on in this thread. For every person that thinks Pogba did the right thing, there are also people who think he should have smashed it because he's better at that than Fred who only has 1 goal to his name, we saw Pogba do it at West Ham.

Anyway, it appears you can't say anything about Pogba without being bombarded. No one's saying he's shit, in fact he was one of our best players last night, I just simply think he should have shot and apparently so does Neville so I guess we used to be red's and now we're not anymore.

It’s an absolutely nothing thing to point out in commentary is the Issue, some might think it was the better thing to do, others might think it would’ve been better for him to shoot. Neither were great chances, absolute sitters It’s just meh either way, I’d guess Pogba got a shout from Fred, it’s just normal, nothing. Yet Neville for some reason decides to spend 30 seconds talking about Pogba dummying a pass on the edge of the box leading to a chance for Fred. It’s absolutely bizarre.
I've literally no idea what people have against Nev, do they want him to never criticise United? I think he usually calls it fairly

I think people are incapable of understanding that if he commentated/did his punditry as a fan he wouldn't last very long at all!
He'll be enjoying us winning as much as anyone.
I think people are incapable of understanding that if he commentated/did his punditry as a fan he wouldn't last very long at all!
He'll be enjoying us winning as much as anyone.
Phil Thompson got away with it for long enough to be fair.
He's intelligent and analytical. Clearly not Top Red material.
Neville managed to turn it into a poor decision by Pogba :lol:
Excuse him for having an opinion.

I'd rather Pogba have hit it than dummied it. He was closer to goal and a better striker of the ball than Fred so had more chance of scoring. Am I hating on Pogba for the sake of it too or do I just want to see us score?