Gary Neville - Pundit

Think there is definitely double standards from Gary regarding Pogba and Kane which was put to him earlier in the week in that season preview.

I like Micah a lot as an analyst. He talks sense and his interaction with Keane is the best thing going. Neville sadly is full of shite but not up there with Sourness.
The episode I am talking about happened in 2012.
Neville has been hugely complimentary about DDG in the intervening years. The criticism in 2012 was well warranted, just as the subsequent praise has been since.

You seem to be falling into the trap of believing that the polarisation of social media debate necessarily also exists in the real world. This idea if you dislike a particular aspect of something, the only way to get your opinion across is to spew unfiltered hatred about it; rather than offer criticism when appropriate and praise when it's deserved.

Has Neville criticised Pogba, Kane and DDG? Yes, on occasion. Has he praised them too? Yes, profusely.

When people exist on only one side of a polarisation they focus on the bits of Neville's punditry that provoke them but ignore the bits that they agree with. Then they paint him as biased for discussing both sides, because they only want him to talk about one.
Neville has been hugely complimentary about DDG in the intervening years. The criticism in 2012 was well warranted, just as the subsequent praise has been since.

You seem to be falling into the trap of believing that the polarisation of social media debate necessarily also exists in the real world. This idea if you dislike a particular aspect of something, the only way to get your opinion across is to spew unfiltered hatred about it; rather than offer criticism when appropriate and praise when it's deserved.

Has Neville criticised Pogba, Kane and DDG? Yes, on occasion. Has he praised them too? Yes, profusely.

When people exist on only one side of a polarisation they focus on the bits of Neville's punditry that provoke them but ignore the bits that they agree with. Then they paint him as biased for discussing both sides, because they only want him to talk about one.
Your micro analysis is not necessary. Neville made a silly comment in 2012 about our CBs not fancying De Gea when he couldn't possibly know. Fergie called the comment idiotic and it was. That is all there is to it.
I like Micah a lot as an analyst. He talks sense and his interaction with Keane is the best thing going. Neville sadly is full of shite but not up there with Sourness.

he really isn’t full of shite, you can disagree with his view on something or an individual point without concluding that everything he says and stands for is rubbish.

He’s absolutely brilliant in my view and 90% of what he says is bang on, but the 10% shouldn’t cloud judgement on the other points.

Think there is definitely double standards from Gary regarding Pogba and Kane which was put to him earlier in the week in that season preview.

I like Micah a lot as an analyst. He talks sense and his interaction with Keane is the best thing going. Neville sadly is full of shite but not up there with Sourness.
I couldn't stand him as a player (being a Liverpool fan that's understandable), but as a pundit he's up there in my top 3 alongside Richards and Keane. Has a very likeable chirpy personality and I think his views and takes on things are usually spot on. He was amazing throughout the whole Super League debacle.
Neville said that he knows Kane, and something had to have happened for him to act this way. Sounds to me like he’s making up excuses for him.

What about doing an interview with Kane where he bizarrely valued himself. If Pogba did that with one of the French journalists, you think there wouldn’t be a pile on for Pogba?

True. He knows Kane and doesn't know Pogba so it's not surprising that he sees one as a pro and the other as a mercenary. That said, Pogba does deserve criticism for his agents comments.
True. He knows Kane and doesn't know Pogba so it's not surprising that he sees one as a pro and the other as a mercenary. That said, Pogba does deserve criticism for his agents comments.
He did, yes.
Micah is joining the dots between different events, on different timelines, and with different outcomes. He's totally wrong in the way he's painting the narrative here.

Pogba got abuse when he said he wanted to move club. Not only one time, but on several occasions over the last few years.

And the agent he employs has said the same thing numerous times as well. If Raiola had done it just once, you could claim it was him going rogue. But he's parroted his client's same message over and over. A tactic that's not being repeated with Haaland, by way of comparison. So there's something deeper at play.

If it's a deliberate ploy by Pogba to put himself in the window, there's nothing wrong with fans being upset about it. Football isn't just a business for supporters, it's an emotional connection. So when that connection isn't reciprocated with commitment, players are going to be judged accordingly.

Also, Neville hasn't defended Kane for skipping training. Quite the opposite. He's been highly critical. And if Micah hadn't noticed, Kane was getting abuse by the Tottenham crowd as well today. Something that hasn't been done at OT for Pogba.

The 'saint' comment is getting overblown due to bad faith pundits changing the order of events. Neville said he was a saint up until 3 weeks ago. Not after.
Top post
He always puts himself down when it comes to his playing career. Overall (apart from 5-6 months in 2000) he was a very good and important right-back for us who improved every year...

The way he goes on about himself you'd think he was a Vauxhall Conference League player.
Faux modesty/banter.

He knows you don't become a stalwart in the 90s and early 2000s United team by being a shite/average player.
"Kane comes back late, he's in isolation, he's not here today and if you put all that together, he's the most professional player you'll ever see so something is going on.

"If you talk about Kane's career up until three weeks ago, you'd say he's been an absolute angel of a professional.

"You've never seen him in trouble, you've never seen him put a foot wrong on the pitch, he's performed consistently year in, year out, no one says a bad word about him because you can't so something's happened."

Gary likes to paint the picture that Keane has been wronged by someone at Spurs, with the obvious culprit being Levy.

Tottenham were on the way up, looked like they might actually compete for trophies, playing decent attacking football, so he signed a 6 year contract, they reached the CL final the following year and it then went to shits. Pochettino got sacked and Kane instantly wanted out, now he's trying to force he's way out. He didn't just "come back late", he went on a mini-strike and ended up not taking part in their opening league match. Kane has been a model professional because there hasn't been any reason for him to be anything else, now that he wants out he's suddenly not so professional any longer.
Micah is joining the dots between different events, on different timelines, and with different outcomes. He's totally wrong in the way he's painting the narrative here.

Pogba got abuse when he said he wanted to move club. Not only one time, but on several occasions over the last few years.

And the agent he employs has said the same thing numerous times as well. If Raiola had done it just once, you could claim it was him going rogue. But he's parroted his client's same message over and over. A tactic that's not being repeated with Haaland, by way of comparison. So there's something deeper at play.

If it's a deliberate ploy by Pogba to put himself in the window, there's nothing wrong with fans being upset about it. Football isn't just a business for supporters, it's an emotional connection. So when that connection isn't reciprocated with commitment, players are going to be judged accordingly.

Also, Neville hasn't defended Kane for skipping training. Quite the opposite. He's been highly critical. And if Micah hadn't noticed, Kane was getting abuse by the Tottenham crowd as well today. Something that hasn't been done at OT for Pogba.

The 'saint' comment is getting overblown due to bad faith pundits changing the order of events. Neville said he was a saint up until 3 weeks ago. Not after.
Just read what you’ve said again pal. You are talking absolute nonsense

Think there is definitely double standards from Gary regarding Pogba and Kane which was put to him earlier in the week in that season preview.

Any chance you can remember what part of that previews this was put to Neville as I’d love to witness the mental gymnastics he uses to get out of that one.

Beside the TY part I haven’t watched it. . .
Also, Neville hasn't defended Kane for skipping training. Quite the opposite. He's been highly critical. And if Micah hadn't noticed, Kane was getting abuse by the Tottenham crowd as well today. Something that hasn't been done at OT for Pogba.


You’d have to go far to see a less personal attack from the stands. Just say you don’t like the guy for no real reason & move on.

Nothing new for Gary being a hypocrite, though. Have you all seen the way he runs Salford? Axing managers left and right…
Stand by your manager he said when Mourinho was here. fecking hypocrite. Cant stand the ratboy.

Think there is definitely double standards from Gary regarding Pogba and Kane which was put to him earlier in the week in that season preview.

Lets get one thing clear - Kane has not been called a saint for missing training. Gary has also agreed it's a wrong move.

By the same token, Pogba letting his agent constantly talk shite, is also a wrong move.

Both show bad form - but what Kane has done is far worse.
Any chance you can remember what part of that previews this was put to Neville as I’d love to witness the mental gymnastics he uses to get out of that one.

Beside the TY part I haven’t watched it. . .
I think it’s at the end when they start discussing Spurs. Just skip through and you’ll hear it.
Lets get one thing clear - Kane has not been called a saint for missing training. Gary has also agreed it's a wrong move.

By the same token, Pogba letting his agent constantly talk shite, is also a wrong move.

Both show bad form - but what Kane has done is far worse.

Well yes I think so too.
Pogba’s agent is a cnut & pogba should have shut him up, but what Kane has done is much worse. The reason people are comparing the two is because of the clear difference in treatment from certain pundits. If Pogba did what Kane did, Neville would have called him every name under the sun. Tell me I’m wrong.

The fact is, it looks pretty clear to me - Gary Neville & Graeme Souness don’t like Paul Pogba.


You’d have to go far to see a less personal attack from the stands. Just say you don’t like the guy for no real reason & move on.


That's not an entire crowd. You're always going to get exceptions to anything. The numbers aren't comparable to thousands of Spurs fans.
Micah is joining the dots between different events, on different timelines, and with different outcomes. He's totally wrong in the way he's painting the narrative here.

Pogba got abuse when he said he wanted to move club. Not only one time, but on several occasions over the last few years.

And the agent he employs has said the same thing numerous times as well. If Raiola had done it just once, you could claim it was him going rogue. But he's parroted his client's same message over and over. A tactic that's not being repeated with Haaland, by way of comparison. So there's something deeper at play.

If it's a deliberate ploy by Pogba to put himself in the window, there's nothing wrong with fans being upset about it. Football isn't just a business for supporters, it's an emotional connection. So when that connection isn't reciprocated with commitment, players are going to be judged accordingly.

Also, Neville hasn't defended Kane for skipping training. Quite the opposite. He's been highly critical. And if Micah hadn't noticed, Kane was getting abuse by the Tottenham crowd as well today. Something that hasn't been done at OT for Pogba.

The 'saint' comment is getting overblown due to bad faith pundits changing the order of events. Neville said he was a saint up until 3 weeks ago. Not after.
Oh pleez. Gary said it was not correct to skip training and was disrespectful to club, but the Harry Kane he knew wouldn't do such a thing. So maybe he was that much hurt by things.

There is an indirect justification being given, which is why he has to say such a thing. There is an indirect suggestion that Kane is some kind of victim of lies.
Oh pleez. Gary said it was not correct to skip training and was disrespectful to club, but the Harry Kane he knew wouldn't do such a thing. So maybe he was that much hurt by things.

There is an indirect justification being given, which is why he has to say such a thing. There is an indirect suggestion that Kane is some kind of victim of lies.
This is what I don't like. If he knows something, say it. Otherwise it's utter conjecture.

Don't imply because of Kane's "footballing Saint" character, he couldn't possibly be in the wrong, ergo it's something mean old Levy did.
Pogba’s agent is a cnut & pogba should have shut him up, but what Kane has done is much worse. The reason people are comparing the two is because of the clear difference in treatment from certain pundits. If Pogba did what Kane did, Neville would have called him every name under the sun. Tell me I’m wrong.

The fact is, it looks pretty clear to me - Gary Neville & Graeme Souness don’t like Paul Pogba.
Neville loves Pogba.

That's not an entire crowd. You're always going to get exceptions to anything. The numbers aren't comparable to thousands of Spurs fans.
The Spurs fans chanted, ‘Harry Kane are you watching’; comical, hardly personal. Tell me what these fans were saying wasn’t far more personalised & aggressive; there’s overtones & undertones you’re choosing to be ignorant over.

I’ve been parts of crowds chanting all sorts at games, what was done to Pogba in that video is another level.

Piss poor from you here lad. Do better.

It’s not a top post at all. Forget about how Richards ‘connected the dots’. The point is that the media (not the fans, not the Twitterverse) are protecting Kane in a way they don’t protect other players. It’s not about Pogba being exempt from criticism, it’s about the fact that he (and others) get criticised where Kane doesn’t (by pundits).

The speed with which Souness, Neville and the presenter leapt to Kane’s defence when Richards mildly suggested that he should be criticised for missing training speaks volumes. They weren’t even prepared to discuss it, the subject had to be abruptly changed. That’s the golden boy power right there. Neville bleating on about how he ‘knows him’. Why’s that relevant when he’s not showing up?
Not for this thread but on France duty he full on said he was thinking about moving club and it was good time for it.
The man said. . .
Pogba got abuse when he said he wanted to move club. Not only one time, but on several occasions over the last few years.
@tomaldinho1 You’ve pinpointed one, though I’d say questioning leaving us when we were floundering is hardly issuing a come get me plea.

Where are the other multiple times? They simply do not exist.