Gary Neville - Pundit

Gary Neville is a minority shareholder in Salford. Minority shareholders don’t make those decisions.
They can, depends on their level of influence. Isn’t Salford Lim + project 92 anyway so you’d assume GNev, if anyone, will have the most say given his ties to Lim?
He has openly admitted to sacking managers. One in particular, too early.


"Neville is not only a football pundit. He is a businessman who owns hotels, a new university and a football club, Salford City of League Two. He has sacked a number of managers in his time.

'Absolutely 100 per cent I have,' he countered.
'That's my job. My club. That's not my job with Manchester United.
'Look if I was in charge of the football club [United] I would certainly have to make different decisions than what you hear on TV over the last 11 years.
'However I am not willing to say that on TV.'
So does that make him dishonest?
'No,' he fires back.
'It doesn't. I just won't go there. I'm on the fence for the first time!"
Everything should make sense (that he is not Ole in but won't call a manager out) had he not sat on his high horse and mocking those who criticized Ole because "remember 1999". His recent comments felt like he's trying to be in a more neutral stance because he had been taking the Ole situation way too personally and he's now trying not to be controversial in the eyes of fans. But as with his previous comments, you can always find something that contradict the other. Definitely not the one who speaks his mind, they're all calculated but that's fair, need to keep them SkySports bosses happy. I won't see him as a voice of reason for that reason though.

I don't believe that he is not Ole in. He is. He even brought up events in the past that has no correlation to Ole's current job to defend him. When you want to judge someone's character, do it during a desperate time, that's their true characters being shown. Him and Ole, they're mates after all. Neutral stance by Gary Neville. Nothing new, can't be blamed for anything by anyone. Souless punditry. I just find it kind of funny when he used Ole's status as a legend to defend him when all the things went wrong. That's the type of arguments your average caf posters can come up with easily. You don't need a pundit on live television to tell you to respect Ole for what he's done to the club. But it's irrelevant because most people that want Ole gone, are the ones that also want Ole to stop ruining his legacy even further. But then again Gary Neville didn't know his limits either, became Valencia manager and failed horribly. And guess how he got the job? the power of mates.
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Not really bothered by his comments usually and don't think his influence is even that big or impactful as he wishes to think. I mean, if our board is waiting what Gary Neville has to say or where he stands we are more fecked than we think. It's just punditry, he is in a company with Souness, Owen, Redknapp and the likes out there giving his random football thoughts.

However, his stance is still extremely weird considering he, well, decided to talk about football on television. He doesn't put a brake when it comes to players as been mentioned and when it comes to managers, not only he stops himself for calling for their head, but he also gives his reasoning against it. Or at least, he justifies their position and gives nonsensical reasons why we shouldn't appoint another manager. Which leads to bizarre statements like United have already tried world-class managers before in Mourinho/Van Gaal and it didn't work, so that's not solution either. If you don't wanna go there when it comes to sacking managers as you say then don't talk at all on that subject as your view is anything but objective and rationale and you will end up looking silly to say the least.

In any case, can't take him seriously, at least on this particular matter.
How is Gary Neville the Sky Sports pundit calling for a manager to be sacked much different than Gary Neville heavily implying that same thing in an interview with a national newspaper?

He’s absolutely trying to have his cake and eat it here - saying he’s a “respectable human being” for not saying a manager should go, while also saying publicly “but ignore that because I’m basically just lying for the cameras.”


I don’t agree that saying a manager should go makes him the opposite of a respectable human being, but if Gary believes that is the criteria then he’s absolutely proved that he isn’t.
How so? How can he pontificate to the public and his TV cronies one thing, only to do the opposite when he is in charge?

It's not really the opposite. It would have been the opposite had he said "you should never sack a manager" as a pundit and then went and did that as an owner.

As an owner, sacking a manager is part of your duties. I can live with the idea that calling owners to sack a manager is not part of your duty as a pundit. Merely pointing out the shortcomings in the manager's work.
The bit about Karius being the only time he's gone too fair was shite, he's been very happy to write off foreign players as bad eggs down the years (usually for the kind of down tools form Shaw and Maguire are showing)
The bit about Karius being the only time he's gone too fair was shite, he's been very happy to write off foreign players as bad eggs down the years (usually for the kind of down tools form Shaw and Maguire are showing)

You only need to read his latest on Maguire being an emerging leader and the future of the club to see how all over the place he's with his opinions.

The bit about looking well-coached against Spurs and not against City and Liverpool also demonstrated a clear lack of nuance in his punditry.
They can, depends on their level of influence. Isn’t Salford Lim + project 92 anyway so you’d assume GNev, if anyone, will have the most say given his ties to Lim?
It’s possible. If anyone had the most say I would say it would be Lim as the majority shareholder.
Completely unrelated because he has 2 different roles.
I don't think it's unrelated. You can't go on TV advocating for managers to be given more time and then be a ruthless club administrator at the same time.
I think there's a balance and I'm not sure Gary has it right.

Is it just me or was Rio responding to Neville’s quotes below here?

'There are people saying this is the worst moment of my punditry career,' Neville told Sportsmail this week. They say I am not being honest. But I am not paid on TV to sack managers and I ain't doing it.
I know the impact of Gary Neville saying a Man United manager should be sacked. For the pundits who have said it then "Well done" but it's not my style.
When I see another pundit calling for any sacking, I cringe. My stomach turns. My line is crossed with that. Maybe their line is in a different place.'
It’s possible. If anyone had the most say I would say it would be Lim as the majority shareholder.
FYI A lot of minority investors lead investments and can dominate boards.

Re Lim specifically - GNev acts like he’s one of class of 92 (i.e. that they’re all equal) but he is and us always been closest to Lim. See below re their cafe/hotel football ventures.

Neville, the driving force behind the Class of 92 business activities with his brother Philip – who will be his assistant at Valencia – Ryan Giggs, Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes, is the largest shareholder of the five in the new structure. Lim’s Rowsley company paid the five £1.9m for their shares in the BVI parent company of Hotel Football and Cafe Football and repaid their loans to the venture – £3.1m had been loaned by Gary Neville, £1.5m by Giggs and £380,658 each by Phil Neville, Butt and Scholes. Rowsley, Lim’s company, also paid Gary Neville £1.3m and Giggs £404,012 for half their shares in GG Collections, a Singapore-registered company which owned the Cafe Football and Hotel Football management company. The deal also repaid the former players’ £167,000 combined loans.

The restructuring means Gary Neville owns 12.5% of Orchid Leisure, the BVI parent company, Giggs 6.1% and Phil Neville, Butt and Scholes 6.4% combined. Rowsley owns the other 75%, as Lim prepares to invest further in the Manchester property market.

GNev is usually the one who speaks publically about Salford and also from what we can see in the media was the one who intro’d Beckham to Lim.
Not really bothered by his comments usually and don't think his influence is even that big or impactful as he wishes to think. I mean, if our board is waiting what Gary Neville has to say or where he stands we are more fecked than we think. It's just punditry, he is in a company with Souness, Owen, Redknapp and the likes out there giving his random football thoughts.

However, his stance is still extremely weird considering he, well, decided to talk about football on television. He doesn't put a brake when it comes to players as been mentioned and when it comes to managers, not only he stops himself for calling for their head, but he also gives his reasoning against it. Or at least, he justifies their position and gives nonsensical reasons why we shouldn't appoint another manager. Which leads to bizarre statements like United have already tried world-class managers before in Mourinho/Van Gaal and it didn't work, so that's not solution either. If you don't wanna go there when it comes to sacking managers as you say then don't talk at all on that subject as your view is anything but objective and rationale and you will end up looking silly to say the least.

In any case, can't take him seriously, at least on this particular matter.

This is pretty much spot on
You only need to read his latest on Maguire being an emerging leader and the future of the club to see how all over the place he's with his opinions.

The bit about looking well-coached against Spurs and not against City and Liverpool also demonstrated a clear lack of nuance in his punditry.

Maguire is definitely not a captain or leader, obvious by his of the field reaction to criticism and how he loses his head (in past seasons) when we’re on the back foot and makes a mistake that then leads to others making mistakes can’t remember the specific match, might have been the beginning of the second half Vs Leicester last season but that was the perfect example.

However I think he’s a very good CB to play besides Varane. Just for whatever reason his form is rubbish right now

"Neville is not only a football pundit. He is a businessman who owns hotels, a new university and a football club, Salford City of League Two. He has sacked a number of managers in his time.

'Absolutely 100 per cent I have,' he countered.
'That's my job. My club. That's not my job with Manchester United.
'Look if I was in charge of the football club [United] I would certainly have to make different decisions than what you hear on TV over the last 11 years.
'However I am not willing to say that on TV.'
So does that make him dishonest?
'No,' he fires back.
'It doesn't. I just won't go there. I'm on the fence for the first time!"
That is absolutely shocking that he's admitted his punditry is based on saying stuff he doesn't believe in the slightest :lol: and then he says he's not dishonest.
It’s possible. If anyone had the most say I would say it would be Lim as the majority shareholder.
Gary Neville calls the shots at Salford. Lim might have invested a lot and no doubt will demand they don’t stagnate or regress, but football decisions are Gary Neville.

Don’t believe me? Here some ex Salford managers;

Anthony Johnson, Salford's joint-manager 2015 and 2018, “Gary drives Salford forward. That’s not to say the others aren’t involved but he is the most hands-on. Paul and Ryan are always at games".

"There are no grey areas. You are left in no uncertain terms on the way you’re working. He has high standards and high expectations.”

He emailed one Saturday night after a game to say he wanted a meeting the next day. It just said 'Can you please be at the hotel tomorrow at 7am'”

You haven’t got to bed until 11pm and then you’re up at 5am the next day having a shower and getting ready without questioning it. You dance to his tune because it’s Gary. He asks nicely
I do not get what is the point of paying someone for their view when they refuse to give their views.

I don't see the problem about talking about a manager getting sacked. I feel no empathy towards a manager getting sacked. It is not a normal job.

Losing a managerial job at a club like Manchester United will not leave the person in dire straights. They are setup for life.

It is a single opportunity. A manger should be thinking about how lucky they have been to even have a chance of managing Manchester United. Only five people have had the opportunity in thirty years. With the compensation and this combined, a manager should go into a job accepting that they have a good chance of getting sacked at one point.

That is why Gary Neville's view is utter nonsense. Too sympathetic in his words, but acts completely differently in reality.
“When I see other pundits calling for the managers job - I cringe”. Neville would fit in well with some posters on the caf with his horse shit.

His way is right way and anyone who has a different opinion is not to be respected.
Gary Neville calls the shots at Salford. Lim might have invested a lot and no doubt will demand they don’t stagnate or regress, but football decisions are Gary Neville.

Don’t believe me? Here some ex Salford managers;

Anthony Johnson, Salford's joint-manager 2015 and 2018, “Gary drives Salford forward. That’s not to say the others aren’t involved but he is the most hands-on. Paul and Ryan are always at games".

"There are no grey areas. You are left in no uncertain terms on the way you’re working. He has high standards and high expectations.”

He emailed one Saturday night after a game to say he wanted a meeting the next day. It just said 'Can you please be at the hotel tomorrow at 7am'”

You haven’t got to bed until 11pm and then you’re up at 5am the next day having a shower and getting ready without questioning it. You dance to his tune because it’s Gary. He asks nicely
None of that shows he has the deciding say on managers.

Is it just me or was Rio responding to Neville’s quotes below here?

Gary should just feck off. He and Keane are more than okay to trash the players and blame them for everything under the sun, but at the same time it is unreasonable to expect them to criticize the manager with the same amount of vitriol they do with the players? What makes the manager so special and the players not? Hypocrisy at its finest.
Neville's been battering Ole for weeks.

I’m not expecting him to come out and state he needs to be sacked (and yes, he has been more critical lately, as you say) but for Neville to sit there for the past 18-or-so months and lambast certain players as if it’s their fault is completely ridiculous. It’s been obvious all along Solskjaer was the weakest link in the United chain yet Neville (and others) would have you believe displaying more patience and support with the manager would have us challenging for titles. Utterly delusional thinking and Neville’s punditry reputation is taking a hammering on the back of this, IMO.
I’m replying in the context of my posts. Which have been about whether Neville is ultimately responsible for firing managers.
Actually I replied to you to say minority shareholders could actually make those decisions. I suspect you are replying to the wrong poster here.