Graeme Sourness | Retires from “punditry”

He's gone so far with his criticism of Pogba previously he probably feels he'd look stupid to go back on it now, whereas fact is he's making himself look more and more ridiculous as the weeks go by by sticking with his previous narrative

It's got to the point now where he just needs to sit out United games for his own reputation
He genuinely looks gutted whenever Pogba plays well. I remember him on Irish TV after we won the EL and he went on a 5 minute angry rant about United and Pogba as the United celebrations went on. He did the same when France won the WC. Instead of just congratulating France on the win and praising Pogba's brilliant performance in the final he decided to have a go. fecking moron.
Surprised he didn’t just go full Brexit like Warnock.
Is it racism?

Why does he he hate Pogba?

If someone said they did not like mars bars for ten years, would you then say "is it because he doesn't like chocolate?". In the same way, how do you go from someone not liking Pogba, to then claiming he is racist? If Sourness has a persistent bitterness and agenda against all black players then yeah, sure, but seriously man be careful to go down the racism route without any evidence.
I am guessing Redknapp said something after? I ignore Souness these days but his waffle came on while I was making the tea, for a control freak, oldschool boss like him the idea that he thinks Pogba wasn't told not to make the forward runs by Mourinho is beyond bonkers, he reckons Pogba just decided to not make them? :wenger:
Wow, it was funny at the start but now sourness seems to be getting personal with it, made me laugh with him calling out the tackle that Pogba got booked for, that was tame compared to when Sourness played, he was the dirtiest player I've seen. Hope Sky withdraw him from any future Utd games, If Gary Neville was like this all the bin dippers would be ringing sky complaining!
If someone said they did not like mars bars for ten years, would you then say "is it because he doesn't like chocolate?". In the same way, how do you go from someone not liking Pogba, to then claiming he is racist? If Sourness has a persistent bitterness and agenda against all black players then yeah, sure, but seriously man be careful to go down the racism route without any evidence.

I'm just grasping for a reason.

He clearly has a massive personal grudge against Pogba for some reason. Even when forced to praise him all he mentions is how big and strong and athletic he is. He never talks about his technique and skill.

It's bizarre.
I'm just grasping for a reason.

He clearly has a massive personal grudge against Pogba for some reason. Even when forced to praise him all he mentions are how big and strong and athletic he is. He never talks about his technique and skill.

It's bizarre.
This is what makes me wonder about him. Other pundits mention the athleticism but they usually make sure to point out his brilliant technique but Souness tries as hard as possible to keep Pogba in the stereotype box. Even when he had to praise that pass he still found a way to throw in a negative.
Just said Moyes didn't get enough time. :lol:
My bloody watch stopped when that man was in charge. The Fecker had more time than than he deserved.

Souness, sometimes he speaks sense but mostly it’s bollocks, same as most other pundits really, lets just hope the scousers don’t win the league and we can just watch the poor bugger get more worked up.

I’m just over the moon with this evenings result, a hard fought second half De Gea was great but some poor finishing by Spurs but who cares about their finishing? I don’t it was a fantastic all round performance, good first half and an excellent display of defending and goalkeeping in the second.
Feck Souness just enjoy the result:boring:

Edited..just want to add that today I got my 10th like and was promoted. What a great all round day to be a Utd supporter and member of this forum. Cheers everyone.
I'm just grasping for a reason.

He clearly has a massive personal grudge against Pogba for some reason. Even when forced to praise him all he mentions is how big and strong and athletic he is. He never talks about his technique and skill.

It's bizarre.

Yeah, you are right, it is utterly bizarre. I think the initial hatred may be the fact that Pogba represents a type of footballer he resents, i.e. outlandish on social media and lives a celeb lifestyle. This, in addition to his price tag, made him an an easy target, particularly during Paul's inconsistent form last season.
My bloody watch stopped when that man was in charge. The Fecker had more time than than he deserved.

Souness, sometimes he speaks sense but mostly it’s bollocks, same as most other pundits really, lets just hope the scousers don’t win the league and we can just watch the poor bugger get more worked up.

I’m just over the moon with this evenings result, a hard fought second half De Gea was great but some poor finishing by Spurs but who cares about their finishing? I don’t it was a fantastic all round performance, good first half and an excellent display of defending and goalkeeping in the second.
Feck Souness just enjoy the result:boring:
Nah, I'm enjoying the result and his meltdown :lol:
Its partly Liverpool-United rivalry and also the fact he's an old boomer who doesn't understand younger players. To call Souness racist is absurd, and runs the risk of slandering/libeling him. Especially as there is no evidence in the slightest that is a racial thing. You don't see him criticise the Liverpool players for similar reasons.
Its a travesty they have him for analysis on Utd games. We are moving on from the laughing stock that was Mourinho's era. Hes not exactly going to say anything good about us is he.

We need to get him off our games the bitter cnut. Its a joke.
Sky/Souness are going to try and make a campaign of this Pogba foul and try and get him barred.

If they're successful, he'll miss how many games?
Sky/Souness are going to try and make a campaign of this Pogba foul and try and get him barred.

If they're successful, he'll miss how many games?

They cant do shit, he got booked for it? Or its some other foul
It's a comedy bit now. I think Sky knows it gets loads of reaction from tweets and some shite articles on F365 and Joe etc. so they ask him to play up to the cameras a bit.
You're right about Sky wanting the drama. Every time Souness is doing a Utd match, Pogba is always the main topic of discussion. Souness is just a sad, bitter man so he'll bite every time, but I don't think he's aware that the presenters are just baiting him to embarrass himself over and over again. It's not really what I want in post-match analysis. Their job is to discuss the game, not to try and become part of the story.
I think he knows now and just plays up to it.

Sky/Souness are going to try and make a campaign of this Pogba foul and try and get him barred.

If they're successful, he'll miss how many games?

He was booked for it so they can't do anything, not that it was a red. Just like when Shelvey did the same to him the other week but far worse and a clear red.
Sky/Souness are going to try and make a campaign of this Pogba foul and try and get him barred.

If they're successful, he'll miss how many games?

Dean booked him for the challenge, nothing the FA can do (unless they decide they want to go and ban Shelvey as well - notice how that hasn't been mentioned by Sky tonight)
Said it twice during Sky's coverage today. Dem Scots sticking together

He also said LVG was one of the world’s best managers. Souness is a dinosaur, who really doesn’t have much insight into the modern game.

Having said that, it’s good to have different opinions, rather than everyone agreeing - but all the other guests constantly call him out for being wrong, it’s somewhat amusing.
Souness is a footballing fool outside of playing the game. You should allow yourself to change your opinion or you grow old having leant nothing. Wish we knew this when he replaced Dalglish in '91. :(
Its a travesty they have him for analysis on Utd games. We are moving on from the laughing stock that was Mourinho's era. Hes not exactly going to say anything good about us is he.

We need to get him off our games the bitter cnut. Its a joke.

This. They had Redknapp, Sourness and Keane of which none know or have any meaningful insight into Manchester United. Its especially worse when all of them are ex liverpool players too.
Just said Moyes didn't get enough time. :lol:

How can anyone possibly still believe this?

Still, not as infuriating as Moyes saying he thought he had more time and would have done stuff differently!
As if he was just casually half assed pissing about!
This is what makes me wonder about him. Other pundits mention the athleticism but they usually make sure to point out his brilliant technique but Souness tries as hard as possible to keep Pogba in the stereotype box. Even when he had to praise that pass he still found a way to throw in a negative.
He criticised Paul for always spreading the ball across the field when Paul himself told Redknapp that's where they thought Spurs were weakest and was their main game plan to hurt them.
Its absurd.
Souness is a military man.
A disciplinarian.He is not going to like Pogba.
I'll admit I'm a bit out of the loop, because there was no sound in the pub I watched the game in

But does anyone else wish it was Souness instead of Redknapp doing the interview?

Sky could have put that on ppv :lol:
I quite enjoyed this. He usually has a pointless dig but this was a full on meltdown out of pretty much nowhere. He was fuming just because Pogba was mentioned, and then the presenter kept winding him up.

In fact it was the presenter who poked him in the first place so it must have been on purpose just to set him off :lol:

Particularly laughed when he managed to insult Redknapp in the middle of his maniacal ranting and actually got called up on it.
I quite enjoyed this. He usually has a pointless dig but this was a full on meltdown out of pretty much nowhere. He was fuming just because Pogba was mentioned, and then the presenter kept winding him up.

In fact it was the presenter who poked him in the first place so it must have been on purpose just to set him off :lol:

Particularly laughed when he managed to insult Redknapp in the middle of his maniacal ranting and actually got called up on it.

He said something along the lines of 'you were trending on twitter at half time because you said something positive about Pogba'. Proper WUM :lol:
He criticised Paul for always spreading the ball across the field when Paul himself told Redknapp that's where they thought Spurs were weakest and was their main game plan to hurt them.
Its absurd.
I thought his criticism was fair and balanced. He said quite clearly that Pogba has everything needed, right now, to be a top class attacking midfielder, and that he would have hated being up against him playing in that role. He also said that Pogba didn't have the defensive nous, the positional sense and ability to recognise danger, to be as effective in the deeper lying 'Pirlo' role.

This chimes with what many people have been saying here in the Cafe all season, and with the criticism levelled at Mourinho for his use of Pogba.