Harry Maguire receives Bomb threat

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Shocking. Reminds me of Pool players death threats in their baron years.

We'll now have partake in another show of solidarity for him at OT whilst he's playing god-awfully.
Looks like new tshirts are in the order.
About as efficient as sending bullets in the post.

Would love to know what drives people to think this is a good idea.
Lack of logic in whoever did this is astounding. All this would do is further play on the mind of a player whose current mental status is probably in the pits with how poorly he's performed this season. "I know exactly what would fix that, sending Harry Maguire a fake bomb to his personal residence!"
It makes perfect sense. Harry, can take couple of game weeks off to spend time with his family and get his mind in order.
Why do people say 'fans' as if a couple of thousand people put this threat together. It's just one idiot sending an email.

Who says they are a United fan anyway. May just be some pathetic opportunistic nobody who somehow got hold of his email address.
I literally cannot stand even just the sight of Maguire at this point, but if someone is invested so entirely into sports that they feel it necessary to send death threats to players, they need to log off and go spend time touching some grass and relearning to be a human being.
Not surprised for some dumb fan to go too far given the scapegoating and escalating amount of vitriol he’s been getting over the season.
Awful behaviour that isn't okay even when done to our rivals' players.
On another note, the police should really be looking for a trojan horse in the house.
Deranged human does something like this, now the media will unite to condemn those who have (rightly) criticized his performances as the reason why this happened.
Hopefully who ever was stupid enough to do this gets hammered by the authorities.

At this point the club should just remove him from the squad for the rest of the season.
Harry was informed of his target but like always, he was too slow to react and wasn’t in the right position..

Ok. Bomb threats are not cool guys.
We've all crossed a line in this regard at some point, but maybe it's time to take stock of some of the things we say and realise that criticising a performance is not the same as criticising a person. For example, "That was a terrible pass" is not the same as "he's a waste of space"; a lot of the latter can become poisonous.
I said the meme-ificatiom was wrong but many diagreed. This behavior of constantly bringing Maguire into everything to poke fun is so weird. Every other youtube has a brainless and unfunny Maguire joke. Weirdos.
Knowing Maguire, the explosion would simply pass through his legs.
So he received the threat in an email.

Somebody know his personal email is no ordinary fan.
You'd be surprised, my cousin works at a large electronics supplier and had Jan Vertonghen on the line one day when he had a problem with his TV and just like that he snapped a picture of his address, phone number and email address all stored in the system.
Maybe Harry’s had one strapped to his chest the whole time? It’d certainly explain his movement.
That sky interview sent some cnut over the edge.
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