Has this season hit rock bottom for you yet? If no, what, in particular, will be the final nails in the coffin?

We will be given a proper thrashing by six or more goals at some point. City uncharacteristically showed mercy on Tuesday.
At this stage, I just wish this was fifa and we could simulate to the end of the season because our season looks done to me.
The season is over already. Ole and Ed have sucked the life out of the club. Everything about it is utterly depressing
Seriously what were you all expecting before the season? I fail to see the logic on how someone can realistically expect this squad to be anywhere higher than we are now and believe that Woodward and co should be disappointed in the current results.

We've brought in Ole to rebuild a squad from scratch, which is obviously not one or two years plan. He has stated that we will see results at 2022-23 season already last season, nothing changes, there's no quick fix that does along with long-term plan. We have youngest XI week after week, let all our players who aren't planned to be here long-term go and giving youth chance. We're building a quick counter-attacking team which is the only tactic that works against current best teams in the world (PSG, Real Madrid, Barcelona and City) and if equipped with depth and quality in midfield, will be deadly. Nearly all our players are few seasons from reaching their potential, everyone knew before the season we will be inconsistent, it's not a surprise. We've also had Pogba out nearly all season and please remember how our team looked in past few seasons with him being out. We were absolutely dreadful.

What solutions would y'all like? Should we keep aging players who aren't giving their 100% just to have a better chance at top4, instead of giving time to youth? We did that for 5 years already, where did it take us?

As the saying goes - you don't need enemies when you have friends like that. Putting pressure on all players and manager, beating them while they are down and then wonder why everyone can't make simple passes on the pitch when they are under such pressure from so-called "fans" each game. No wonder players flourish when they move from United and even top class players like Lukaku aren't afraid to admit all this pressure screw him up.

On other note people actually believe the earth is flat, vote for Trump and don't believe in global warming, so I shouldn't be surprised by any kind of idiocy anymore, yet some comments here tops that.

I wish I could give you a like, a thumbs up, a high five or buy you a pint.
As Ole alluded to: the MCFC result was the lowest point so far.

I predict that things will get worse until Ole gets fired.
The problem still remains though, that Woodward is still in charge, to screw over whoever the manager is.
Whatever the case though, Ole is the worst manager in the league and would unlikely be able to get a job in the EPL or Championship.
Even Moyes was called out by most fans, before his eventual firing, and Moyes is at least a level above Ole. I would describe Moyes as dreadful, so you can only imagine what I think of Ole.
Carrick, McKenna and Phelan would also need to relieved of their duties, as they really are terrible. Phelan is passed it and will likely retire, while Carrick and McKenna, simply are not ready to coach at an elite level. The latter 2 have known nothing but failure since they took up coaching roles in the senior team.
The season is over already. Ole and Ed have sucked the life out of the club. Everything about it is utterly depressing
I think you'll find Moyes done that singlehandedly. Btw shouldn't you be out eating people somewhere Mr Pennywise? :lol:
Seriously what were you all expecting before the season? I fail to see the logic on how someone can realistically expect this squad to be anywhere higher than we are now and believe that Woodward and co should be disappointed in the current results.

We've brought in Ole to rebuild a squad from scratch, which is obviously not one or two years plan. He has stated that we will see results at 2022-23 season already last season, nothing changes, there's no quick fix that does along with long-term plan.

This is a genuine question, not taking the piss, as I think you genuinely believe what you wrote.
When was the last time that a top/elite level team in any league in Europe, "re-built" and wrote off 3 years, then came back to win big trophies, as you seem to have suggested in your post?
Before you write your answer, consider that we are in 2020.

Regarding the statement that Ole was brought in to rebuild from scratch.
Why on Earth would any club, in their right mind, hire a manager whose only claim to fame is to get Cardiff relegated, then get fired for being incompetent at his job....then go and manage the rest of his years in Norway, because a top league would not hire him?
Then, we need to ask why no other club purposely decides to drop down the table for 3 years, before coming back up. Yet, at MUFC, this plan (if you can call it that), is acceptable.

The standards which fan demand of MUFC has fallen so low that even if we got relegated, sever fans will claim that this is all part of the plan.
For me, that would be if/when we get booted out of the Europa League. If we can stay beyond the quarter finals that should be our main focus, although even that seems to hard for Ole's boys nowadays. Anyhow by that time of the season I would be surprised if anyone thought we actually deserve to be playing in the CL next season. feck.
I would say right now, desperately clinging onto Ashley Young during a transfer window that should be spent attempting to sort out the midfield and right side of attack.
Ole did a halftime change which completely nullified the overloading at midfield and made us look the better team in second half, but he won't be able to make the switch in the future? City used same tactic last season in 2 games AFAIR, one of them was vs Chelsea that they won 6-0 or 5-0, however Sarri didn't make any proper changes and counter that. Means Ole is better than Sarri from one game?

The same change was called "idiotic" by everyone from Ole out brigade in half time and after full time, the same people were asking why Ole isn't playing Matic all the time. And you call Ole supporting fans reactive, not proactive? Get a grip.

Also, mind that City scored a wonder goal from nowhere when United was the better team or at least as good as City until then. If you have any coaching or playing experience you will know that young players can react badly to that and they did, unfortunately. If you are weaker side and lose psychological advantage, you don't have much of a chance.

Let's add that Ole outclassed Pep at first h2h match with far weaker side.

However that all means nothing because Pep did actually bring good tactics for one half? Whatever fits your agenda I guess
I can appreciate your optimistic outlook here mate, but wow.... I think you might be reaching on a few of these points.

Look the better team in the second-half? You mean, when they were already 3-0, could have been 5 or 6, and absolutely bossing us?

United was the better team or at least as good until the wonder goal? The goal was scored in the 17th minute!!

And outclassing them in the first match.... I guess I just don't agree with that assessment at all.
No, i expect it to get worse. Don't expect us to make any signings this window. I expect us to lose most matches for the next month or two. We'll probably be out of the running for top 4 by that point and half the players will go on holiday and stop giving a feck. Our standard finish to the season for a few years now.
How about this mate?

I'd love to get on board a fan protest, problem is that the majority of the match going fans are "top reds" - part of the naive problem. Singing support of Olé when he's clarly a poor manager. Same people sang for Moyes, LVG & José when they were clearly failing. A mate that sits in the Stretford End told me when someone gave Phil Jones abuse the other night for... well, for bing Phil Jones - being continually roasted, flakey in defence and injuring himself - someone else gave him guff that he should support "all the lads in red jerseys". Apparently it almose got physical.
I can't stress enough that I will always support Utd, but it's not "not" supporting the team by going against the current regime.

I've reached a similar conclusion.
The problems at this club are at every level, every department, a few new signings, or a change of manager, isn't going to turn this debacle around.
Sadly, I really can't see how this club goes forward unless there is a buyout and the new owners just wipe away every trace of the current regime.

Exactly, they're rotten from the top of the Glazer's odd, balding heads to the studs on Jessie Shinguard's two left feet.
It'll hit rock bottom after we go out of both domestic cups and then Liverpool thump us.

There should be zero chance of Brugge beating us over two legs but I think morale will be so low by that point they probably will.

And naturally we will sign exactly no one while this is going on.
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I think it can't get any worse than our actual situation. But I thought this often in the last few months. I think the next few weeks will be depressing as well. As I think that we will not sign anybody and with the injuries we have and everything that is going on at the club I don't expect any improvement. So this is as rock bottom as it gets for me. Sometimes the whole situation annoys me so much that I wish I could stop carrying about Woodward, Ole and the whole bunch.
This is a genuine question, not taking the piss, as I think you genuinely believe what you wrote.
When was the last time that a top/elite level team in any league in Europe, "re-built" and wrote off 3 years, then came back to win big trophies, as you seem to have suggested in your post?
Before you write your answer, consider that we are in 2020.

Regarding the statement that Ole was brought in to rebuild from scratch.
Why on Earth would any club, in their right mind, hire a manager whose only claim to fame is to get Cardiff relegated, then get fired for being incompetent at his job....then go and manage the rest of his years in Norway, because a top league would not hire him?
Then, we need to ask why no other club purposely decides to drop down the table for 3 years, before coming back up. Yet, at MUFC, this plan (if you can call it that), is acceptable.

The standards which fan demand of MUFC has fallen so low that even if we got relegated, sever fans will claim that this is all part of the plan.

Good post. Totally agree.
Seriously what were you all expecting before the season? I fail to see the logic on how someone can realistically expect this squad to be anywhere higher than we are now and believe that Woodward and co should be disappointed in the current results.

We've brought in Ole to rebuild a squad from scratch, which is obviously not one or two years plan. He has stated that we will see results at 2022-23 season already last season, nothing changes, there's no quick fix that does along with long-term plan. We have youngest XI week after week, let all our players who aren't planned to be here long-term go and giving youth chance. We're building a quick counter-attacking team which is the only tactic that works against current best teams in the world (PSG, Real Madrid, Barcelona and City) and if equipped with depth and quality in midfield, will be deadly. Nearly all our players are few seasons from reaching their potential, everyone knew before the season we will be inconsistent, it's not a surprise. We've also had Pogba out nearly all season and please remember how our team looked in past few seasons with him being out. We were absolutely dreadful.

What solutions would y'all like? Should we keep aging players who aren't giving their 100% just to have a better chance at top4, instead of giving time to youth? We did that for 5 years already, where did it take us?

As the saying goes - you don't need enemies when you have friends like that. Putting pressure on all players and manager, beating them while they are down and then wonder why everyone can't make simple passes on the pitch when they are under such pressure from so-called "fans" each game. No wonder players flourish when they move from United and even top class players like Lukaku aren't afraid to admit all this pressure screw him up.

On other note people actually believe the earth is flat, vote for Trump and don't believe in global warming, so I shouldn't be surprised by any kind of idiocy anymore, yet some comments here tops that.

I don't have ALL the solutions, but here are a few we ought to try;

1. Don't play Lingard as a 10 (or at all). He's not scored or assisted in over a year. I'd like to give Gomes a chance. Maybe he's not good enough, but it's not like he has to do very much to achieve the current standards of our 10.

2. Maybe we could have signed a midfielder last summer after letting 2 of them go.

3. Knowing that we our two best midfielders out injured and their replacements suck, and we were already short 2 from the summer, maybe we could have had some midfielders lined up in the January window. We're playing Matic and Fred, or Fred and Periera. The bar is hardly set high.

I won't even bother with how under coached our team is. Many, many of the teams below us look better coached than us. They're comfortable on the ball, they seem to have a tactical plan. Imagine if our players, who are of a better calibre, were similarly well coached.
This is a genuine question, not taking the piss, as I think you genuinely believe what you wrote.
When was the last time that a top/elite level team in any league in Europe, "re-built" and wrote off 3 years, then came back to win big trophies, as you seem to have suggested in your post?
Before you write your answer, consider that we are in 2020.

Regarding the statement that Ole was brought in to rebuild from scratch.
Why on Earth would any club, in their right mind, hire a manager whose only claim to fame is to get Cardiff relegated, then get fired for being incompetent at his job....then go and manage the rest of his years in Norway, because a top league would not hire him?
Then, we need to ask why no other club purposely decides to drop down the table for 3 years, before coming back up. Yet, at MUFC, this plan (if you can call it that), is acceptable.

The standards which fan demand of MUFC has fallen so low that even if we got relegated, sever fans will claim that this is all part of the plan.

Exactly. You only have to look at Chelsea. They seem to win the league every 2 or 3 years since 2004. They don't need to strip everything down to bare down and re-build.
We're the Milan of England, a finished club.

The worst part is we can sink even further.
Its going exactly as i expected. Not all the injuries though, that is a bit of a let down. Also very happy seeing the youngsters coming through. Some common sense and realistic expectations is much needed by some of the fans, no doubt about that.
City should have hit 5 or 6 this week. God only knows what stopped them, boredom I guess.
However they still have the 2nd leg and the league tie at OT plus we still have to go to Anfield.
Galling if the scousers put an end to Ole's stint as manager.
This is a genuine question, not taking the piss, as I think you genuinely believe what you wrote.
When was the last time that a top/elite level team in any league in Europe, "re-built" and wrote off 3 years, then came back to win big trophies, as you seem to have suggested in your post?
Before you write your answer, consider that we are in 2020.

Regarding the statement that Ole was brought in to rebuild from scratch.
Why on Earth would any club, in their right mind, hire a manager whose only claim to fame is to get Cardiff relegated, then get fired for being incompetent at his job....then go and manage the rest of his years in Norway, because a top league would not hire him?
Then, we need to ask why no other club purposely decides to drop down the table for 3 years, before coming back up. Yet, at MUFC, this plan (if you can call it that), is acceptable.

The standards which fan demand of MUFC has fallen so low that even if we got relegated, sever fans will claim that this is all part of the plan.
I don't think it's about lowering standards as much as it's about being realistic, given the squad we currently have and the level of investment the board are prepared to make in it. Nobody is "purposely deciding to drop down the table for 3 years" or writing anything off. Just accepting the fact that, while we have some good young talent, they are not in their prime yet. The one prime world class player we do have has barely played for us this season. Personally, I find it hard to blame Ole for the vast majority of our current problems because they have been years in the making. The squad was trimmed to much without suitable replacements last summer, that's on him, but those players did need to leave sooner rather than later anyway, so I'm content that it was in our long-term interest even if it has caused short-term issues.
Ole did a halftime change which completely nullified the overloading at midfield and made us look the better team in second half, but he won't be able to make the switch in the future? City used same tactic last season in 2 games AFAIR, one of them was vs Chelsea that they won 6-0 or 5-0, however Sarri didn't make any proper changes and counter that. Means Ole is better than Sarri from one game?

The same change was called "idiotic" by everyone from Ole out brigade in half time and after full time, the same people were asking why Ole isn't playing Matic all the time. And you call Ole supporting fans reactive, not proactive? Get a grip.

Also, mind that City scored a wonder goal from nowhere when United was the better team or at least as good as City until then. If you have any coaching or playing experience you will know that young players can react badly to that and they did, unfortunately. If you are weaker side and lose psychological advantage, you don't have much of a chance.

Let's add that Ole outclassed Pep at first h2h match with far weaker side.

However that all means nothing because Pep did actually bring good tactics for one half? Whatever fits your agenda I guess

Delusion of the highest order.

I cant be bothered going through all your points as many other people have already torn this post to shreds.
What a delusional post. The run in? You actually think we'll be involved in the run in? We will be double digits outside the top 4 when the run in comes around. Hell, we might be double digits outside the top 4 when the current month ends looking at our schedule. As for Ole being hamstrung by injuries, he is also being hamstrung by his lack of abilities as a manager every bit as much as the injuries.

Well tbh by referring to the run in I merely meant the latter end of the season.

Do I think we'll be involved in something significant at that point - I think there's a chance sure, the teams around us at the moment have all displayed similar inconsistencies to us and I don't see why they'll all suddenly solve their problems whilst we won't. But I suppose everything with utd is polemic

Clearly you feel our worst moments this season are indicative of our real level whereas I prefer to believe our best moments are closer to the truth. I am ever the optimist though.

I've been a football fan long enough not to get my panties in a twist after every loss. I don't know if Ole is the answer long term but given the amount of time and money that was afforded to LVG and Mou I've no problem giving him the same opportunity as well. We've been a shambles on pitch since SAF left and imvho those who claim this period to be worse than the others have very short memories. I do think Ole is however the first post SAF manager to have a long term vision which I appreciate, he does need to improve the here and now though obviously.

You're welcome to disagree with me of course, and good luck to you if you do
Delusion of the highest order.

I cant be bothered going through all your points as many other people have already torn this post to shreds.
No its not. It is very accurate. Even Pep repeated it in his post match interview.

And its not very difficult to see Lindgard who was on there to exlpoit space going forward was turned the wrong way all to often. It was not difficult to see Lidelof and Jones standing of to deep leaving space for City to exploit. With such a weak team, these things have to work, or we get battered like we did. It has nothing to do with coaching either, like Pep also said. "We dont have time to train", its all restitution at this point.

I see the same posters that said we where in a relagation fodder is blowing their horn now. Not only rediculous, but embarrassing..
What will be Rock bottom is Fred getting injured in the next match as we are flogging him like a dead horse. And we will start with a midfield of Mata , Lingard and Periera at Anfield because we won't be buying anyone in January window because there is no value in the market as we have had to pay the Leeches Glazers £45 million dollars dividend. Depressing this shite Mann.
No. We're 5th in the league which would be a good guess based on our squad. We can certainly improve but right now we're at our level.

The season isnt a write off just yet. Your correct in that is probably a decent position considering the state of our squad.

I think the worrying thing is the club unwillingness to take their chances to end this rut asap and improve. Real Madrid realised they were slipping behind last year and called for drastic measures and went out and bought something like 13 players i think it was. Alot of them signed and ready before the window was even open. With our situation, with City looking top class & champions 2 in a row, & the Scousers Euro champs, again.. you would think this is the motivation we need to show we mean business.. But no. We are just sitting there admiring the bottom line, pretending all is great.
The season isnt a write off just yet. Your correct in that is probably a decent position considering the state of our squad.

I think the worrying thing is the club unwillingness to take their chances to end this rut asap and improve. Real Madrid realised they were slipping behind last year and called for drastic measures and went out and bought something like 13 players i think it was. Alot of them signed and ready before the window was even open. With our situation, with City looking top class & champions 2 in a row, & the Scousers Euro champs, again.. you would think this is the motivation we need to show we mean business.. But no. We are just sitting there admiring the bottom line, pretending all is great.
The other worrying trend is Ole saying how we should be like the Bitters and Scousers with little evidence that we’re heading in that direction.
Anything outside of the top four is going to be a bad season which is going to happen as the current team is not good enough.

For the next 7 or 8 games its going to be we have a chance of closing the gap to top four but never do and eventually be out of the race and end up 6th or 7th. If we get some quality midfielders in January and get top four I would be delighted.
The team being slaughtered at Anfield, and post-match Ole gushing about how brilliant they are, and how much he's read on the matter of Klopp and his genius - would that be rock bottom? I mean theoretically we could be experiencing the asset stripping of United, which could eventually relegate us. Would that be rock bottom?

If we don't make any substantial signings in January, and continue to stick with such a completely untenable "project", I think that would finally confirm to me that the power brokers at the club are okay with just watching us melt away into oblivion. And even if we sign someone of promise, how long until they too contract the sickness pervading the rest of the squad? What signings could possibly salvage a team, that doesn't have a leader with a plan? Haaland rejecting United is to me a big signal about the frailties of the Ole project. Here is a player, who he knows better than most, his fellow countryman, and he couldn't even convince him to join. And you can't blame the kid. The past six years have shown one thing to be absolutely iron clad truth: players and managers who come here do so to the detriment of their careers. It's a poisoned chalice if ever there was one. Who will we be able to buy in the summer, when everyone else have their wallets out as well, and our club is basically synonymous with failure? Who will be enticed by the prospect of being managed by a smiling deer in headlights, who poked in a goal back in '99? The answer is the leftovers. The mercenaries and the crocks. We're becoming the European equivalent of a move to China.

People speak of the squad being inadequate for Ole's plans. Personally, I don't think him and his people have one. They never did. They came in hoping the players would be enough, and have been in reaction mode ever since. Ole couldn't resist the offer, and it was made by people clueless on the subject of football after a winning run fueled by one top talent being freed from the restrictions of a vitriolic sociopath. That and a big helping of luck. Imagine being part of that setup, when it became clear that Ole was getting the job. Being Pogba, carrying the team on your back, expecting a real manager to come in, and then they hire a nice-guy who smiles a lot and speaks in mind-numbing platitudes. What ambitious professional would want to link his future to something like that. I mean, its incredible that it has actually happened. And half the fans drink it down like nectar from the Gods. Yes, please, give me more of that bland, brownish mix that's slowly eating away my eyes.

Actually, forget it. *This* feels enough like rock bottom. This club has everything needed to blaze a trail and brighten the lives of its legions of fans, but simply refuses to start a real football project. Because of corporate greed and nepotism. People have been calling for action from the fans, and something really should be done. But it won't. We can just sit here, waiting for the next false dawn and kind-of-decent-but-way-too-expensive new signing.

I just laugh at it now. It's absurd.
We're the Milan of England, a finished club.

The worst part is we can sink even further.
I wish I could argue this post but you are so right,this season is about to take an horrendous turn for the worse.
I have been calling our decline into mediocrity for a long time. We are finished as a top club as long as Woodward is in charge. If the penny drops on his massive forehead and he puts proper structures in place, then we might get back on track. Just accept we are shite and nothing will change anytime soon and you'll be less disappointed. That's my motto till things change at the top.
Last game of the season when the fat lady sings, then is called back for an encore by Ed Woodward!
I have been calling our decline into mediocrity for a long time. We are finished as a top club as long as Woodward is in charge. If the penny drops on his massive forehead and he puts proper structures in place, then we might get back on track. Just accept we are shite and nothing will change anytime soon and you'll be less disappointed. That's my motto till things change at the top.

Me too.

We just have to wait until the decline has made us less profitable and the Glazers axe Woody, or until it has gone enough time since the last time the House of Saud did something to be globally condemned for to make their takeover possible.
Rock bottom is where we have been since March. Skipping along, many fans going along with the ridiculous rhetoric coming out from the managements mouth about 'culture and project and time' which is utter shite in my opinion. We are at rock bottom, we need a change of manager. We have done since March instead of employing a hapless, hopeless guy that should only have been temporary and packed off back to the non league football of Norway in the Summer. To me Rock Bottom for the board will be when it's impossible for top 4 instead of getting a top class proven manager and giving him the rest of this season and the summer to sort this mess out