I am hoping we do not sign Ronaldo

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I'll get my coat. See you in about ten or so years guys!

Seriously though, you can level all sorts of legitimate criticism towards the initial point (I'll admit, I'm excited now too) - but me representing the "xG xA"-crowd, as opposed to heart and passion, is pretty far off. The initial reservation was because of fear of disrupting something that has finally started to seem real, that has gotten me enthusiastic. But a lot of good arguments have been offered as to why there is little reason to fear that.
I'm new to the forum as well but not Utd and I would never say no to Ronaldo, even if he was in a wheelchair he's still better than Martial.

You're going to get mullered mate
Signing Ronaldo is like getting together with your ex who left you then whored herself around Madrid for 9 years performing every position in the karma sutra then fecked all of Turin and now is so old and saggy that nobody wants her anymore so you're basically her last resort.
And people say they don't have an irrational bias against Ronaldo. :rolleyes:

Not sure if you're a United fan or what, even I'm excited about this and I'm a Real Madrid fan and I'm not very fond of United. :lol:

Prior to this I had Chelsea and City as favorites, particularly City could have been a very stacked team had they signed Ronaldo; something comparable to PSG or at least the closest thing to that team (PSG with Mbappe). They have more depth, a defined football style and a better manager. This signing levels up the playing field in the Premier League and just now it truly feels Manchester United can compete with Manchester City and Chelsea, we can throw Liverpool into the mix if they recover their best form.

I don't rate Solskjær but the players are good enough for a title challenge, they just lack a winning mentality so having Ronaldo, even for a couple of seasons should be a good influence for the team. Not just for his goals but because of his mentality, work ethic and leadership, he craves challenging himself, so in that respect he's what every profesional player should aspire to be. It also makes the team more appealing for drawing new talents. Fantastic signing and with him and Varane in United I'm going to follow them closer.
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