Marcos Alonso to stop taking the knee

Is this him against the whole BLM movement? I thought the Premier League kinda moved away from BLM and it was just the anti racism campaign they were targeting?
As a white bloke I look around at all my teammates, many of them black, making a protest against anti-black racism, using a gesture steeped in the modern history of black protest. I think 'you know, I reckon I'll point at a badge instead'.

100% agreed.

I'm afraid that his fans are entrenched in their views now. Basically mini Trumpers, anti vaxxers, or similar. I know because Liverpool fans were the same with Suarez. Shameful from us. :(
Is this him against the whole BLM movement? I thought the Premier League kinda moved away from BLM and it was just the anti racism campaign they were targeting?

It's lovely how white folk around the world can continue to dictate to black folk what is what, when and where.
Him not kneeling isn’t an act of racism, nor against any law. Bad taste? Meh. He gives valid reason (just like Zaha did), and you just can’t please everyone.
Keep your shit opinions to yourself Marcos, you utter trashcan of a human being. Maybe you should point to the diet coke next time instead of the can of Guinness on your next night out before getting behind the wheel.
Him not kneeling isn’t an act of racism, nor against any law. Bad taste? He gives valid reason, and you just can’t please everyone.
@DOTA puts it best. If you think him not kneeling is simply bad taste then you’re clueless. Valid reason? He’s gone from kneeling to pointing at his sleeve, how long until that loses its power & he has to find some other way to tell his oppressed teammates they’re doing it wrong again.
As a white bloke I look around at all my teammates, many of them black, making a protest against anti-black racism, using a gesture steeped in the modern history of black protest. I think 'you know, I reckon I'll point at a badge instead'.
I'm not a fan of taking the knee personally. I'd imagine I'd still do it if I was a footballer though, purely because I'd know that people would be idiotic enough to conflate not doing it with racism. As we're seeing in this thread.
Are you blind? Kneel for Palestine in Europe?

Are you even aware that most european countries recognize Israel over Palestine as a country right? In what world UEFA would allow kneeling for Palestine in an official game? Pffff so naive.
Dude it is not serious. It was figurative language
@DOTA puts it best. If you think him not kneeling is simply bad taste then you’re clueless. Valid reason? He’s gone from kneeling to pointing at his sleeve, how long until that loses its power & he has to find some other way to tell his oppressed teammates they’re doing it wrong again.

So what is it that you think make him wrong? Disrespectful to teammates, being racist, or else?
In CL games, most non-EPL players don’t take a knee. Do they bother you??
Why don’t FA make the kneeling as mandatory, if it’s so important?
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Racism isn’t exclusive

Racism isn’t exclusive to a particular race, is it? It can be directed or suffered by all. That isn’t to diminish its prevalence amongst certain quarters, but I think the inference that Alonso (as a white person) is incapable of holding a valid view on racism, because of his own colour, is somewhat counterintuitive, and surely self-defeating as an argument?

Sure, if youre a massive spoon who has no idea about what taking the knee is all about. But sure, you point to all twitter posts calling Mark Noble a "White cnut" for missing that pen on Sunday and Ill agree with you.
I don't really understand the argument that "it's no longer having an impact" - what metrics are, or could possibly be used, to measure what impact its having?

It's not and never could be something that will change things overnight, it's about making people think and reflect, and resulting change could only possibly emerge over many years (generations, possibly). Sure initially it might have had a burst of immediate impact, but beyond that it's a message that needs repetition and consistency.

so if your a truely racist person.. how would some multimillionaire footballers kneeing for 5 seconds before a match change your outlook? It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than that to change mindsets. It doesn’t even scratch the surface.. infact it probably makes racists more racist.
Sure, if youre a massive spoon who has no idea about what taking the knee is all about. But sure, you point to all twitter posts calling Mark Noble a "White cnut" for missing that pen on Sunday and Ill agree with you.

I've also heard that white people can't jump or dance, this is what oppression is like.

Anyway, I wouldn't want to mention the dreaded D&D, so I'll just say that I hope the scumbag isn't inebriated while traveling anymore. One murder should be plenty.
It's lovely how white folk around the world can continue to dictate to black folk what is what, when and where.
I was just wondering if his stance was political or not as there are plenty of people taking issue with BLM movement. I didnt see the twitter posts on first page explaining why. I think he is part of a problem saying he thinks taking the knee is losing its power, as if he keeps doing it, it still shows the solidarity of movement. Surely if he has been doing all this time, there should be no reason for him to stop, but I think Duffer said he stopped doing this ages ago? What is the thought whole teams deciding to take the knee or not?
Pointing to this on his sleeve...


A little better, but still not great. I mean, we are still talking about Chelsea having a horrid history of abusing black kids in their youth teams and this clown thinks its the best time to go against the grain in the fight against racism? Sorry, not for me. It might be the most pointless exercise in the world, but a Chelsea player is not the one to lead the charge against it. Especially not a white one.
so if your a truely racist person.. how would some multimillionaire footballers kneeing for 5 seconds before a match change your outlook? It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than that to change mindsets. It doesn’t even scratch the surface.. infact it probably makes racists more racist.

This is very interesting. The normal tactic is to say that kneeling just doesn't do anything, but you're going for that it both can't do anything positive but it will do something negative. People are obviously immune to the gesture unless they're racist, and if they're racist then they'll get more racist.

A little better, but still not great. I mean, we are still talking about Chelsea having a horrid history of abusing black kids in their youth teams and this clown thinks its the best time to go against the grain in the fight against racism? Sorry, not for me. It might be the most pointless exercise in the world, but a Chelsea player is not the one to lead the charge against it. Especially not a white one.

It absolutely should be Chelsea leading the charge against racism in football, because of our history. We shouldn't shy away from it, quite the opposite in my opinion.

Not Alonso though, for many reasons.
so if your a truely racist person.. how would some multimillionaire footballers kneeing for 5 seconds before a match change your outlook? It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than that to change mindsets. It doesn’t even scratch the surface.. infact it probably makes racists more racist.
Sounds like we need some true racists in here to shed some light on how to make them stop being racists then
Not sure how dealing with it privately means ignoring it, but sure use that incredibly pathetic interpretation to take the moral high ground.

Also the "Non-white" people comment is pathetic. Racism is a world wide problem and just doesn't disappear because you are white. So congratulations on that stupid comment as well.

As a non-white person, i always find very eurocentric the fact that some white people assume that only white people can be racist.

I live in a country where most people are brown, and very racist in many ways.A brazilian black player got racially abused a couple of years ago in a Copa a mostly brown native american crowd.

I always wonder how this kneeling will prevent some arabs and asians from calling Rashford and Saka monkeys on their Instagram...
As a non-white person, i always find very eurocentric the fact that some white people assume that only white people can be racist.

I live in a country where most people are brown, and very racist in many ways.A brazilian black player got racially abused a couple of years ago in a Copa a mostly brown native american crowd.

I always wonder how this kneeling will prevent some arabs and asians from calling Rashford and Saka monkeys on their Instagram...

Why do you wonder, has anyone said that it would?
Nigel Farage endorsing your opinion is surely a huge red flag.

It would be enough to make me reanylse my stance at least.
so if your a truely racist person.. how would some multimillionaire footballers kneeing for 5 seconds before a match change your outlook? It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than that to change mindsets. It doesn’t even scratch the surface.. infact it probably makes racists more racist.
If you are truly racist these acts will most likely not change your mind. However, it's not just the confirmed racist that this is targeted at. In my mind it is to hopefully influence them (slight chance) but is targeted towards the future racists in particular (much better chance). So, this does scratch the surface and we need to keep taking every opportunity to scratch more surfaces.
It's up to him and I don't think people should think badly of him for not participating. I remember an interview where Wilfred Zaha said it was unacceptable too.

Maybe players could all agree to do something more meaningful like funding anti racism training for kids or walking off the pitch collectively if they hear racist chants.
It's up to him and I don't think people should think badly of him for not participating. I remember an interview where Wilfred Zaha said it was unacceptable too.

Maybe players could all agree to do something more meaningful like funding anti racism training for kids or walking off the pitch collectively if they hear racist chants.
So it is up to him when it comes to participation but not up to me in what regard I can hold him in?

I do think the "walking off the pitch" idea is solid though. Frankly, should be SOP. End a couple games after 20 minutes because of some loudmouth racists and see how the crowd reacts to them the next time it happens.
So it is up to him when it comes to participation but not up to me in what regard I can hold him in?

I do think the "walking off the pitch" idea is solid though. Frankly, should be SOP. End a couple games after 20 minutes because of some loudmouth racists and see how the crowd reacts to them the next time it happens.

Walking off the pitch wouldn't work, CEOs of Football are money-hungry people, they will force the players to stay if it happens ofen and they start losing that case they will forgot about BLM cause "muh money, please don't make lose money please".
If Alonso had proposed to come with something stronger and more meaningful than a lame badge pointing then I'd understand his reasons.
I do agree that kneeling before games is just part of process now and not much thought is given to the act by the masses but you cannot come back with something much less significant in terms of gesture as a replacement. That's extremely stupid
Walking off the pitch wouldn't work, CEOs of Football are money-hungry people, they will force the players to stay if it happens ofen and they start losing that case they will forgot about BLM cause "muh money, please don't make lose money please".
Agreed, but we can't just stop trying to think of ways to combat racism because we are worried some rich white dude is going to get pissed off or lose money. In fact, do that in enough different ways, and maybe that is when things will really start to change.

I am curious, in your scenario, exactly how would an owner "force players to stay"? Whips and chains?
I respect his decision, but don’t agree that it’s losing its strength because the message is to the children whose attitudes are still being formed not to the racist adults/late teens who boo it, or racially abuse people.
I'm not a fan of taking the knee personally. I'd imagine I'd still do it if I was a footballer though, purely because I'd know that people would be idiotic enough to conflate not doing it with racism. As we're seeing in this thread.

If he’s pointing at the No to Racism badge (or whatever it is) then why’s that such a massive problem to some people on here? He should be free to make his choice. Even if he didn’t point to his badge and wanted to do nothing then that should be okay too.
Puts an unnecessary target on his back even though a sizable portion of the population quietly empathise.
Agreed, but we can't just stop trying to think of ways to combat racism because we are worried some rich white dude is going to get pissed off or lose money. In fact, do that in enough different ways, and maybe that is when things will really start to change.

I am curious, in your scenario, exactly how would an owner "force players to stay"? Whips and chains?

You wouldn't be pissing white people by walking off the pitch, you will be pissing the owners of English clubs, which most of them aren't white, you will be pissing off the japanese, arab,chinese,korean,indian,etc channels who don't give a single shit about BLM or taking the knee, and have paid english clubs a huge mount to broadcast EPL games, and instead of football they see players walking off the pitch every week due to a racist incident.

In that case, pretty sure you would even see the FA forcing players to stay, after the people who pay them isn't happy that matches are getting canceled very often.
What's the issue? Are people waiting to just get triggered by anything? The reactions make it seem as if he did something blatantly racist. Whether taking the knee got any use is another discussion , but jumping onto someone for taking a different stance - how absolutely moronic and pointless. And ironic in a way too.