Is Paul Pogba being bullied and harassed on TV


Massive Snowflake
Dec 5, 2013
This isn’t a joke so please bare with me. Put aside any personal views that you may have about Pogba. If “but he makes xxx amount a week” comes into your mind then feck off go read something else...

My question is simple. Every week whether he plays or not Paul Pogba gets crucified and slandered by pundits who are trained in the art of speaking on tv so know never to fully cross the line. But constantly attacking a man’s personality, calling him a trouble maker is not part of their remit and not supposed to be part of a post match assessment. It’s not normal. But it’s becomes the norm for over a year when it comes to this one player.

Yesterday both Scholes and McAteer were again having a go at Paul. Again attacking his personality, calling him a trouble etc when tbf there really is no evidence other then he asked for a move and didn’t get one. Did he then go on strike like Gareth Bale did when he wanted to leave Spurs for Real? No. So what evidence do we have!

Anyways. Pogba appears a confident guy but seen a lot of tweet about anti bullying and mental health etc. So just wanted to get this off my chest because it’s taking place right on our tv screens. By people that call themselves role models. And despite his confident personality and character we don’t know what effect hearing their constant comments might have on Pogba.
People seem to forget the fact that this injury was caused by him demanding to play in a cup game against lower league opposition...doesnt seem like the actions of someone who is egotistical and self centered.

We miss him a lot.
I think it needs to be spoken about more, particularly outside of united circles. I think his persecution by the wider mainstream football media is almost entirely unjust and ignorant, ignorant and judgemental about who he actually he is, what he brings to the group, what he's achieved etc.

I'm not Paul's biggest fan but I can't stand the rhetoric being pedalled about him.
I have no doubt about Pogba's talent. He's just the right player at the wrong time. If any one of us was an international footballer unless you were a childhood fan of United, would you want to play for this club? Is this the best place for your career?

Let Pogba do what he wants for the betterment of his career. We can't blame him for wanting to leave this mess. He's in his prime and he knows that.
There's a lot of dumb baseless criticism of Pogba and as far as I can tell he has mostly been very professional, but he's not really helping himself with his entourage. His brother having a whole segment on a Spanish TV channel where he, pretty much every week, provides an opinion why Pogba should move away from United is going to attract criticism and Raiola's bitching obviously doesn't help as well.
Haven't heard much mention of him lately on tv. Pundits offering their views are of no use other than being entertaining to some people.

I think his priority is to be fit for the euros in the summer. I hope he has a great tournament so we can maximise the price we get for him when the tournament is over.

Nothing against him, clear he doesnt want to be here which is fine, he should be free to leave but united owe him absolutely nothing and we have every right to keep him until a club pays what he is worth. Simple.
After the loss against Liverpool, where Pogba was injured and didn't play - a panel of ex-players were paid to sit and discuss the game and the form of the two clubs...

At 8.45 Roy Keane states in the middle of a high-pitched rant about how his mate Solskjaer must be given more time, that 'they've got Pogba in the background, he's a nuisance', this is after Pogba hasn't been playing for months after recovering from an operation.

Evra then states that 'Pogba should leave the club because it's his fault if he plays and his fault if he doesn't play'.

This is crazy - and it's going to affect how other flair players view Utd when you've got an old-boys network of players literally name-calling and bullying talent.

Seriously - if you think that creative players will see this culture and think, 'I want to go there' then you're fecking deluded.

The OP is absolutely bang on. It's become worse in the Brexit F.C era and I for one find it repulsive.

You can watch the pathetic spectacle yourself here, starts at 8.45 -

Yes, he is. I don't like him, but Pogba is being made the alternative target. They are feathering the nest for our decline, by placing blame on 'expensive foreigners' entirely and absolving useless British players and a useless manager of blame altogether. If Ole was say, Ralf Hassenhuttl, in the same situation, he'd be crucified by every single pundit out there and less emphasis would be placed on someone like Pogba.

Our former players make me sick sometimes. Rio is turning now slightly, thankfully.
100% yes and it has been for a long time.

Our former players make me sick sometimes. Rio is turning now slightly, thankfully.

Not "sometimes" for me. I totally block our so-called "legends" like Mr. Neville out long ago with their treatment on Pogba. They have been attacking him since his earlier days in United and sadly, a lot of our fans buy it. Compare the media treatment for him with Lingard, or Maguire (similar transfer fee) and you can see a big difference.
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Yes and some of the stuff said about him is just awful.
Yes and someone needs to put an end to it. Like he is not even playing and yet pundits are blaming him. He clearly wants out and it is Ole who is refusing to sell him so the blame should also lie with Ole.
Depends how you feel about Pogba. I guess if you pretend he hasnt wanted out for ages - his agent and brother arent speaking for him, he has given 100% for United and hasnt caused any issues in the dressing room or taken the mick then you could see it that way.
Im not a fan so tend to agree with a lot of the negative stuff. As talented as he is I cant wait for him to go. Only problem is we need a bigger clear out than just Pogba. Starting with Woodward.
I said the same thing about Lingard. Both him and Pogba receive this.

Yup, the media have moved on from Sterling as their favorite target to character assassinate after he called them out. Pogba's become their new lightning rod who gets blamed for any and everything and will remain so until he leaves.

The same lot will be waxing lyrical about how we're missing quality players like him once he's doing well elsewhere too
No of course he isn't bullied, he's being judged because of the actions of his agent that he employs and has complete control over.

Honestly this place is becoming more and more RAWK like.
I said the same thing about Lingard. Both him and Pogba receive this.

the difference is that one was our main assist man/goalscorer last season while the other has as many assists as Foster. Seriously the legend's attack on Pogba are beyond ridiculous. One must ask if they would do the same thing if Pogba was British or Irish.
No of course he isn't bullied, he's being judged because of the actions of his agent that he employs and has complete control over.

Honestly this place is becoming more and more RAWK like.

Been hilarious seeing his agent get slated for saying the exact same things most on this forum has been saying ad nauseam about the club for years :lol: :lol:

It's as if they expect others outside of the clubs hemisphere to be delusional when judging the current state of the club and get outraged over people stating the obvious
Yes and someone needs to put an end to it. Like he is not even playing and yet pundits are blaming him. He clearly wants out and it is Ole who is refusing to sell him so the blame should also lie with Ole.

More to do with Real not paying for him
I said the same thing about Lingard. Both him and Pogba receive this.

Do you want to compare the negative stuff in the media that being said toward Pogba and Lingard, especially from our "legends" and take both their performance in context?
Yup, the media have moved on from Sterling as their favorite target to character assassinate after he called them out. Pogba's become their new lightning rod who gets blamed for any and everything and will remain so until he leaves
Sterling’s treatment was a disgrace. The main difference is that with Sterling it was the front pages whereas with Pogba it’s pundits that are ex players character assassinating him week in week out on live TV. People that you would hope / expect to know better as they played the game.

Both are equally terrible but also might effect one differently.. if that makes sense.
Its nearly like they know something that the public don't isn't it. I see very little in the main stream media outlets slamming Pogba, its more the old school united players themselves, Sterling was a completely other level of bile.
I said the same thing about Lingard. Both him and Pogba receive this.
Lingard has received nothing but a free pass from pundits. Yes fans don't like him but do you think we fans are wrong. Pogba has received much worse from the pundits and that too for no reason.
Its nearly like they know something that the public don't isn't it.
They must know something that even his own present and former teammates and managers, bar the one famous for falling out with his best players regularly, don't
Part and parcel of being the "star" player at a football club. Your name is going to be mentioned a lot more in discussions about the team than Mr Squad Player. Rooney was often apparently the root of all our problems even when he wasn't getting picked. I'm sure Pogba just brushes it off. He probably just sees it as a light warm up to the treatment he'll sometimes get at Madrid.
I will believe that fans and pundits are indrediby biased against Pogba for some reason. I guess some it is it price tag and his agent. If I was Pogba I would head for sunnier and brighter destinations as well, if you being accused of feigning injury, I would feck off to Real Madrid and play for Zidane asap.
It's absolutely mind-boggling. It's like a group of 20 guys standing together watching a single kid get bullied in a playground and doing absolutely nothing about it. It's ironic because all the bullying comes from ex-footballers who were only as talented as one of Pogba's feet. There are some deep envy and hatred for his natural ability amongst washed up footballers who also can't get over the fact that he's a larger than life character while they are devoid of one.

Why else would they be doing this then? I am not saying they do or don't, but what reasons would football pundits, especially from their own club have for doing this? I totally agree with the general consensus of this thread, the player is injured and has been the majority of the season.
Ozil as well, my favourite part is when they says its a problem that they are talking about them when they are out injured, well just stop talking about them then, if they are not playing then there is no need for them to be in your analysis
Why did the rags do it to Sterling?

Cause the majority are racist to a degree, and senseless bile/hate sells news papers these days, basically all the rags care about. I don't see the reason for Keane or Neville as a pundit doing this as it comes across in a very negative way.
Maybe if people don't like him being labelled a trouble maker then they should hope that he, y'know, stops causing trouble?

I mean his agent is a cnut, his brother a complete fool in Spanish media, and Ole seemed to imply that it was his people that pushed for him to have the operation in January.

All of the above points to him causing trouble, no? And pundits, including some proper United leaders, are allowed to comment on the back of that publicly available info, no?

Bullied. You lot are weird.
The media has treated him like shit on their shoe since the day we signed him
High profile name, he cost £89m (bumped up to £100m for narrative purposes) and older pundits probably don't like him doing things on Instagram.
What annoys me though is the lack of evidence provided by the like of Keane and McAteer (the same McAteer who was part of the Spice Boys). I mean in the video posted above with Keane, he calls Pogba a nuisance, but doesn't specify why? Evidence free.