Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

This reminds me so much of the conflict of Britain and Ireland. Two opposing sides who are typically religiously opposed but the real conflict will always be about governance and land. In the end the only end to the main conflict was for Britain to cede control of the Republic but obviously the North still remains a point of contention. The only real end to this conflict, in my eyes, is for Israel to cede control of land and allow the Palestinians to create their own country. There will still be trouble and violence of course but that is the only way. Unfortunately I feel we may be generations away from that being a possibility, if in fact it ever is.

Agreed. I've wondered about the parallels because I often see Palestinian flags and badges and pro-Palestinian leaflets around Ireland but never pro-Israel material. I'm sure most here don't care but among those that do, Palestine seems far more supported and I think that's because of the historical parrallels.
Why have Israel decided to colonise Sheikh Jarrah all of a sudden? Did their settlers run out of holiday homes?
Why have Israel decided to colonise Sheikh Jarrah all of a sudden? Did their settlers run out of holiday homes?

It’s an ongoing thing that‘s been going through the courts for a long time (going back to the 80s or perhaps earlier I believe), things have just come to a head now with Supreme Court ruling due. Impeccable timing given the current political situation.
I'm tuning in to Sky news and BBC news. Hardly anything running through the visuals. Huge letters telling me I can hug people though. :rolleyes:

Go to Al Jazeera and there is a constant stream on how many people have died, are injured and what sort of damage is being done.

Before googling does anyone know how many died/injured? I'll be surprised if anyone knows. I didn't.
It’s completely mad how there’s really not much news on this. Just a 5 second cover and move on to what Boris says
This is one of the reasons they get away with it. The western world is supportive of Israel no matter what they do. One of the very reasons why Corbyn was so slated because they were so scared that he may become the PM and declare the acceptance of a Palestinian State.
Yeah the coverage, or lack thereof, is absolutely maddening yet totally predictable.

Now imagine the coverage if an Israeli religious building was attacked and multiple people were dying...
Really upsetting scenes, and so utterly depressing that we all know nothing will be done about it. Our politicians and media outlets are absolutely morally bankrupt.
They killed 9 children.

Nine children among 20 dead in Gaza amid Israel-Palestinian violence
Palestinian health officials in the Gaza Strip say a total of 20 people, including nine children, have been killed in fighting with Israel.

The death toll made it one of the bloodiest days of fighting in several years.
The father of one of the children murdered by the Israelis in Gaza said "I spent my life being jailed [by Israel] and when I got out I tried to build a family, and those were my only kids...Now they're gone in a blink of an eye."

One of the other youths murdered, a man named Ahmed al-Mari, had his wedding planned on the second day of Eid ul-Fitr (i.e. Friday).
So apparently the fire was a tree that was hit by fireworks? There's video of the fireworks being launched towards some trees in the direction of the Western Wall. Fortunately it was only trees on fire and not buildings.

I'm sure this all does wonders for Bibi trying to block a new government without him.
Agreed. I've wondered about the parallels because I often see Palestinian flags and badges and pro-Palestinian leaflets around Ireland but never pro-Israel material. I'm sure most here don't care but among those that do, Palestine seems far more supported and I think that's because of the historical parrallels.

Its a sectarian thing. Protestants generally fly the Israeli flag, catholics the Palestinian.
Agreed. I've wondered about the parallels because I often see Palestinian flags and badges and pro-Palestinian leaflets around Ireland but never pro-Israel material. I'm sure most here don't care but among those that do, Palestine seems far more supported and I think that's because of the historical parrallels.

Another major factor would be the experiences of Irish UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon in the 80s and 90s. It was not an environment where someone in that position would get a positive impression of the IDF. The peacekeepers’ stories were regularly filtered home through Irish media, leaving a lasting impression.
What do they think they'll achieve by this? It's so blatantly planned.

Netanyahu hopes he drives a wedge between the politicians who are close to removing him from office and the Israeli-Arab parties whose support they require.
I think it's the combination of a burning temple and overt nationalism but state sponsored violence against people worshipping inside adds a bit of extra detail, for me anyway.

It was a tree (lit by Palestinian incendiary fireworks aimed at those dancers)

I feel it’s either ignorant or disingenuous to even make the comparison. Israeli police stopped the rabble going near the temple. Netanyahu (who is a right wing criminal) ordered that. Yes the police action inside the temple are shocking and there should be recrimination for that, but allegory to the Holocaust and ethnic cleansing is bang out of order. And part of the reason many see anti Israel as anti Semitism.

(as an aside, if 200 rockets were fired at London, New York, or even in northern island by militants, what do you imagine the reaction would be? )

Oh the explicit direction of German high command:

7500 businesses destroyed and looted
267 synagogues destroyed and burned
90 cemeteries destroyed
1700 rapes
30000 arrests (and reforming in concentration camps)
60000 beatings
personal homes looted and destroyed
fines to repair the damage, forced on the jews (they had to pay 20% of all assets above 5k rm)
It was a tree (lit by Palestinian incendiary fireworks aimed at those dancers)

I feel it’s either ignorant or disingenuous to even make the comparison. Israeli police stopped the rabble going near the temple. Netanyahu (who is a right wing criminal) ordered that. Yes the police action inside the temple are shocking and there should be recrimination for that, but allegory to the Holocaust and ethnic cleansing is bang out of order. And part of the reason many see anti Israel as anti Semitism.

(as an aside, if 200 rockets were fired at London, New York, or even in northern island by militants, what do you imagine the reaction would be? )

Oh the explicit direction of German high command:

7500 businesses destroyed and looted
267 synagogues destroyed and burned
90 cemeteries destroyed
1700 rapes
30000 arrests (and reforming in concentration camps)
60000 beatings
personal homes looted and destroyed
fines to repair the damage, forced on the jews (they had to pay 20% of all assets above 5k rm)

The Palestinians do not have that sort of numbers of things to be destroyed. Whatever they have been already destroyed long time back by the Israeli government.