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This argument is a pet peeve of mine. When gun and rocket launcher toting men (military or non-state ones) knock on my door and say I want to shoot rockets from your backyard, I will not say "Over my dead body". It is not even a choice.
For a single person, sure there is no choice. But no one can tell me, that the entire Gaza population couldn't have kicked Hamas out of Gaza if they really wanted to.
For a single person, sure there is no choice. But no one can tell me, that the entire Gaza population couldn't have kicked Hamas out of Gaza if they really wanted to.
Why would they kick them out, they voted for them. It's a warzone and Hamas are to Gazans what any freedom fighter (terrorist to Israel) is to another such people.
So I take that as „none“.
Is "Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) " a good enough source for you, or do you think they are Israel-haters out to smear the good name of the Apartheid regime ?

However the history of it came about, do think Israel has the right to exist now? Because it doesn't sound like it.
Nobody anywhere on this thread has said Israel doesn't have the right to exist, I mean the ground reality isn't going to ever change now is it? The question is whether Palestine has a right to exist because the ground reality is that it is gradually being wiped off the map.

Are you all discussing this in real life at work, or are you keeping your thoughts to yourself?
For a single person, sure there is no choice. But no one can tell me, that the entire Gaza population couldn't have kicked Hamas out of Gaza if they really wanted to.
An entire civilian population all agreeing to a single goal and then overpowering and driving away heavily armed men??
Such a thing very rarely happens. Civilian population will always be a bunch of haters, supporters and people somewhere in the middle.

Are you all discussing this in real life at work, or are you keeping your thoughts to yourself?
I’m discussing it. But not at work. I try to avoid politics at work.
An entire civilian population all agreeing to a single goal and then overpowering and driving away heavily armed men??
Such a thing very rarely happens. Civilian population will always be a bunch of haters, supporters and people somewhere in the middle.
People don't seem to understand that the people of Gaza by and large, due to extreme hatred of Israeli policy over many years of what is an apartheid regime, want Hamas in Gaza (swept the elections, thus the problems with Fatah). Were also making inroads of sorts into the WB before Abbas shut it down.
What about the Egyptians? What's their responsibility in this?

Sisi is just an American paid puppet. He overthrew the democratically elected Egyptian government, imposed himself as king and sells out the Palestinians as he is chums with israel and America. He certainly is not a man representative of the people..
Why would they kick them out, they voted for them. It's a warzone and Hamas are to Gazans what any freedom fighter (terrorist to Israel) is to another such people.

Because they only bring more misery and death to their own people? Where is the logic in voting for an organization that makes their lives worse?
Why would they kick them out, they voted for them. It's a warzone and Hamas are to Gazans what any freedom fighter (terrorist to Israel) is to another such people.

440.000 Palestinians (from both the Westbank + Gaza) voted for them... that's about 30% of the registered voters then... Most never registered, or weren't eligible to register to begin with... Not to forget this was a parliamentary election in what was supposed to become a semi-Presidential system. So they were voted to share power with the president, who's been elected a year or two beforehand.

Hamas isn't ruling Gaza, because they were voted in. They rule Gaza because they took power in a violent Coup in 2007.
The Israelis and Egyptians should strike a deal to allow women, children, and the elderly out on the Egyptian side before the ground invasion.

Is there any Middle East country that will accept a significant number of Palestinians? I read in the past that Egypt does not want any Palestinians, but perhaps they will accept to let them pass if their destination is some other country. But I don't know which country that could be. Jordan? Iran?
That’s an insane number. Gaza will obliterated.
For the record: unfortunately many Palestinians are dying too. But in terms of interpreting how this has affected Israel, it's just insane. My napkin maths may be wrong here but it'd be equivalent to about 25,000-30,000 Americans dying in 1 weekend?
The ANC did this stuff, that Hamas did a couple of days ago, regularly. People forget it quickly. It's not anything other than normative behaviour, however unfortunate, when put in the position a people like the Palestinians, especially in Gaza, are in.
Because they only bring more misery and death to their own people? Where is the logic in voting for an organization that makes their lives worse?
Ask Biko/Mandela about it. Both dead, but the point is obvious. General ANC to be even more precise.
After the gruesome Hamas attack, now I see numerous Tweets with pictures of palestinian children killed. Heartbreaking. All this senseless loss of innocent life. This world is depressing. Been feeling so down, can't even imagine the people going through this.
Hamas isn't ruling Gaza, because they were voted in. They rule Gaza because they took power in a violent Coup in 2007.
We'll disagree there. There are enough factions in Palestine for any given faction to lose support quickly, regardless of arms (they transfer fast), if the population is that fed up of them.

Are you all discussing this in real life at work, or are you keeping your thoughts to yourself?

Well on Thursday I’ll be teaching week 5 of an undergraduate course on the origins of this conflict to a class of around twenty-five students, so I’m sure it’ll come up then.
Is there any Middle East country that will accept a significant number of Palestinians? I read in the past that Egypt does not want any Palestinians, but perhaps they will accept to let them pass if their destination is some other country. But I don't know which country that could be. Jordan? Iran?

No country wants refugees, but given that this is an unprecedented emergency, the US should broker a deal with the Egyptians and UN. The Egyptians can broker their piece directly with Khaamas. The US can coordinate with the Israelis. Not saying this will happen, but it should given that we're about to see one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes of our time.
After the gruesome Hamas attack, now I see numerous Tweets with pictures of palestinian children killed. Heartbreaking. All this senseless loss of innocent life. This world is depressing. Been feeling so down, can't even imagine the people going through this.

it‘s all fecked and lost in that region for decades, maybe even forever. If it affects your world view and mood, it is okay to look away. Those are only your problems if you make them. Fortunately, you live in one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries on this planet.
I will not look at these news anymore. Nothing in it for me but misery, and I can not help. And that’s okay.
What would that do? Was gaza better pre 80s before hamas was a thing?

Everything was better than the last 48 hours and it's only the start. It will really blow up when Israel sends in ground troops and no one doubts that anymore.
Is "Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) " a good enough source for you, or do you think they are Israel-haters out to smear the good name of the Apartheid regime ?

Much better. Thanks for that.
I want to say something to you and I hope you’ll give it a fair reading.
I don’t think the way you’re posting right now is respectful towards me. From a very limited amount of posts I’ve wrote on the topic, you have started to assume and allege that I hold views that I never had, never suggested nor would ever consider holding. And that’s incredibly unfair. I have given absolutely no implications on my opinion on Israeli policy in regards to Palestine. None. All I have done is clear up a statement you made on a German journalist. You’re statement was factually wrong. There was no unfair censorship or silencing. The journalist did absolutely implicate that the acts of the Hamas were without alternative. Something that is in my opinion a despicable thing to suggest. Which still doesn’t reveal anything about my opinion on Israel’s policies.
For that statement, he will not be hire again by these tv stations. That was absolutely to be expected. Especially considering German history.
One of the stations not hiring him again happens to be ARTE. A public tv station that happens to be the one station in Germany, that very likely does the most to portray the struggles of the Palestinian people, it’s treatment, it’s dire situation and the policies responsible for that. They run a lot of great documentaries on the issue. In times of relative peace and in times like now. Them distancing themselves from the journalist is in no way to be interpreted as an act of censorship or unfair treatment of the issue in any way. Not if you actually understand the situation, the people involved and the language and history of those involved.

That you would make such heavy accusations towards these institutions based on nothing but an incredibly bad source from Twitter, is not alright. I cleared that up. You should be able to admit your fault. But instead you are accusing me of all these insulting things. I think thats unwarranted and in no way ok. Maybe, just maybe, you’d help your cause more by sticking to reliable sources and toning it down a little bit. Because you are attacking a person who is very sympathetic of the Palestinian cause and don’t even realise it, because you’re jumping to conclusions so quickly.
it‘s all fecked and lost in that region for decades, maybe even forever. If it affects your world view and mood, it is okay to look away. Those are only your problems if you make them. Fortunately, you live in one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries on this planet.
I will not look at these news anymore. Nothing in it for me but misery, and I can not help. And that’s okay.
I'm afraid you are right. I just can't see any solution either. I try to not look but it's everywhere. TV, Internet, Newspapers, everywhere. I think I need a blackout.
Is there any Middle East country that will accept a significant number of Palestinians? I read in the past that Egypt does not want any Palestinians, but perhaps they will accept to let them pass if their destination is some other country. But I don't know which country that could be. Jordan? Iran?
They can to the countries that most Israelis emigrated from.
I'm afraid you are right. I just can't see any solution either. I try to not look but it's everywhere. TV, Internet, Newspapers, everywhere. I think I need a blackout.

bro go drink some sagres or a galao, eat a pastel and check the wave forecast. When I‘m in Portugal, I don’t worry about anything but proper surf. In any case, do your part so that these horrible events don’t make your life miserable. It‘s not your fault, you know, then don’t make it yours.
People don't seem to understand that the people of Gaza by and large, due to extreme hatred of Israeli policy over many years of what is an apartheid regime, want Hamas in Gaza (swept the elections, thus the problems with Fatah). Were also making inroads of sorts into the WB before Abbas shut it down.

How much of an influence is the religious aspect in all of this? From my limited understanding (I think I watched a vox YouTube series) one of the things that seemed to come out of it was the Islamic insistence that there is no negotiation. The only solution is the destruction of Israel in its entirety.

it’s not a great starting point for any negotiations.
bro go drink some sagres or a galao, eat a pastel and check the wave forecast. When I‘m in Portugal, I don’t worry about anything but proper surf. In any case, do your part so that these horrible events don’t make your life miserable. It‘s not your fault, you know, then don’t make it yours.

You got the Portugal reference game spot on mate. I'm actually indeed a surfer and have been taking advantage of this incredible October Summer weather. Just a minor rectification since I'm a Sporting fan. We drink SuperBock not Sagres. Sagres is the enemy (Benfica) beer. Well enough off topic, doesn't seem like the appropriate thread for this.