Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

I meant the final solution "quip".
Simply quoting the labour friends of Palestine (of which corbyn is a member) who proposed ending Israeli occupation with a final solution and pointing out that the lefts messaging on antisemitism has been at best clumsy though disingenuous bordering on inflamitory would seem a better fit ... including corbyns faux apology
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Simply quoting the labour friends of Palestine who proposed ending Israeli occupation with a final solution and pointing out that the lefts messaging on antisemitism has been at best clumsy though disingenuous bordering on inflamitory would seem a better fit ... including corbyns faux apology
I think you know exactly what I mean. But it's a waste of time arguing with a seasoned troll.
Announcement by corbyn on Sunday about a new project... hopefully he's feking off to a new party... but who knows he might tactfully suggest a final solution to the antisemitism problems in labour or trot out another faux apology

His pr is as good as ever though making an announcement on the day a decision will be announced about brexit... then no doubt it will be the right wing media (probably being controlled by some secret rich illuminati nudge nudge wink ) to blame for not making his announcement front page news

Careful, you don't want Niall to have to deal with slander and libel. You are not so subtly accusing a national political figure of wanting to genocide the Jews. You're usually so worried about slander and libel, after all.
Careful, you don't want Niall to have to deal with slander and libel. You are not so subtly accusing a national political figure of wanting to genocide the Jews. You're usually so worried about slander and libel, after all.
I'm accusing him of being a member of a group who has publicly called for that already actually... even though that's notbwhat they actually meant but they and him are just that shit at public messaging
I'm accusing him of being a member of a group who has publicly called for that already actually... even though that's notbwhat they actually meant but they and him are just that shit at public messaging

So in the second part of this sentence you admit that they didn't mean it, but in the first part of the sentence you say you are accusing him of supporting "that" (i.e. Jewish genocide)? You're not exactly a public messaging expert yourself.

Point is, you're trying to be coy about it, but really you're just a boring WUM.

Announcement by corbyn on Sunday about a new project... hopefully he's feking off to a new party... but who knows he might tactfully suggest a final solution to the antisemitism problems in labour or trot out another faux apology

His pr is as good as ever though making an announcement on the day a decision will be announced about brexit... then no doubt it will be the right wing media (probably being controlled by some secret rich illuminati nudge nudge wink ) to blame for not making his announcement front page news

I've never known anyone misjudge content as much as you do. Seriously, find a more appropriate tone.
Simply quoting the labour friends of Palestine (of which corbyn is a member) who proposed ending Israeli occupation with a final solution and pointing out that the lefts messaging on antisemitism has been at best clumsy though disingenuous bordering on inflamitory would seem a better fit ... including corbyns faux apology
If you think this car crash of a post justifies your talk of a final solution in your previous post then you are deluded. Totally inappropriate.

93 MPs are supporters, not members, of this group. Some are what you would even consider centrist Labour MPs.

Funny how you try to make a post from this group all about Corbyn. Did you get that screenshot from Guido?
Looking like Corbyn and McDonnell will be getting their Brexit, but one where the EU has the say on subsidy and state aid. Not the Brexit they wanted then. Thanks for the contribution gents.
Looking like Corbyn and McDonnell will be getting their Brexit, but one where the EU has the say on subsidy and state aid. Not the Brexit they wanted then. Thanks for the contribution gents.
Nonsensical post, considering Corbyn campaigned for remain and also a second referendum at the 2019 GE if you recall. At which point remain was never going to happen otherwise the Liberal Democrats wouldn't have withered and died.
Nonsensical post, considering Corbyn campaigned for remain and also a second referendum at the 2019 GE if you recall. At which point remain was never going to happen otherwise the Liberal Democrats wouldn't have withered and died.
Right, who could forget Corbyn's spirited and relentless campaign for Remain in the referendum :lol: or the way he decisively formulated Labour's 2019 EU policy, almost as if he hadn't tried to prevent debate on a second referendum at the party conference at all. You're in denial, but I'm happy for you to keep drawing attention to it.

As for the Liberals you're right, a shame as if people had voted for them we wouldn't have left, but that was their choice of course.
Weird time to be thinking about and blaming Corbyn considering who is in charge.
Weird time to be thinking about and blaming Corbyn considering who is in charge.
Yeah, I should let it lie sorry, it was just the recent stuff about the UK still having to follow EU rules and not being allowed to subsidise industry that reminded me, as it kind of made the Labour Left's traditional opposition to the EU somewhat pointless. I suppose it's very much the old Left anyway, they're a dwindling band nowadays.
Yeah, I should let it lie sorry, it was just the recent stuff about the UK still having to follow EU rules and not being allowed to subsidise industry that reminded me, as it kind of made the Labour Left's traditional opposition to the EU somewhat pointless. I suppose it's very much the old Left anyway, they're a dwindling band nowadays.

Not sure how many expected Tory Brexit to ever do anything else which is probably why Corbyn grudgingly campaigned for remain in 2016.
Right, who could forget Corbyn's spirited and relentless campaign for Remain in the referendum :lol: or the way he decisively formulated Labour's 2019 EU policy, almost as if he hadn't tried to prevent debate on a second referendum at the party conference at all. You're in denial, but I'm happy for you to keep drawing attention to it.
:lol:Clarity of message on Brexit is not an abiding memory of Corbyn's leadership.
I've never got this. I didn't find the position confusing at all but clearly I'm in a minority.
Not at the end, it made sense at the end (in terms of what he was offering the electorate), but up until then it was hard to pin down what he thought.
I've never got this. I didn't find the position confusing at all but clearly I'm in a minority.
Really? How long did it take Labour to formulate an official policy on a second referendum? You know Corbyn not saying how he voted and not giving a view on the biggest issue facing the country gave Johnson an open goal in the debates.
Really? How long did it take Labour to formulate an official policy on a second referendum? You know Corbyn not saying how he voted and not giving a view on the biggest issue facing the country gave Johnson an open goal in the debates.
Yes, really.
I like a political party taking a nuanced and considered position. I understand the optics but that's part of the bloody problem with politics. I accept binary positions and sloganeering is how this works but, frankly, Labour's Brexit position didn't seem confusing to me. Rather, I'm more confused but positions such as those taken by the Conservatives which was inflexible reality manipulation using simplistic sloganeering rather than addressing the complexity honestly.
So, yes, I struggle to understand why more people don't appreciate the nuance of the Labour position.
It ended up at broadly: negotiate a deal. Once all terms understood present the full case to the electorate and have a second ref. Take campaigning position at that time.
I think that's sensible in a volatile and polarised political situation. I think it's also pretty clear.
Yes, really.
I like a political party taking a nuanced and considered position. I understand the optics but that's part of the bloody problem with politics. I accept binary positions and sloganeering is how this works but, frankly, Labour's Brexit position didn't seem confusing to me. Rather, I'm more confused but positions such as those taken by the Conservatives which was inflexible reality manipulation using simplistic sloganeering rather than addressing the complexity honestly.
So, yes, I struggle to understand why more people don't appreciate the nuance of the Labour position.
It ended up at broadly: negotiate a deal. Once all terms understood present the full case to the electorate and have a second ref. Take campaigning position at that time.
I think that's sensible in a volatile and polarised political situation. I think it's also pretty clear.
:lol:Nuanced position? That's one way of describing it. Even sympathetic papers like the Guardian couldn't figure out his stance, so clearly it was too "nuanced" for its own good. It took him three years to decide to back a second referendum as well and he had to be dragged to that position.

I guess it's just for historical record now, but it's remarkable that Corbyn's supporters are now claiming he handled Brexit well. I don't like sloganeering politics any more than you do, but a party leader has to be mindful of the political system they operate in. Johnson's 'get Brexit done' catchphrase was very annoying but way more effective than 'let's discuss anything but Brexit'
:lol:Nuanced position? That's one way of describing it. Even sympathetic papers like the Guardian couldn't figure out his stance, so clearly it was too "nuanced" for its own good. It took him three years to decide to back a second referendum as well and he had to be dragged to that position.

I guess it's just for historical record now, but it's remarkable that Corbyn's supporters are now claiming he handled Brexit well. I don't like sloganeering politics any more than you do, but a party leader has to be mindful of the political system they operate in. Johnson's 'get Brexit done' catchphrase was very annoying but way more effective than 'let's discuss anything but Brexit'
I didn't vote for Corbyn and I'm making no claims about Labour's Brexit position I didn't make at the time. I am surprised that you would claim the Guardian is a Corbyn sympathetic paper.

I really hate laughing emojis but, yes, I think the position was nuanced and did at the time. I'm on record in this site saying so. I don't think jumping to an immediate position in such a complex environment would have been admirable.

Be astonished if you must. I find the derision regarding Labour's position on Brexit as incredulous as your wee laughing face emojis suggests you find my position.

Yes. The political system requires a political leader play the game. I find that, generally, regrettable.

In short, I found the Labour (not just Corbyn -Starmer was prominent) Brexit position pragmatic and clear. At the time and now. I had already acknowledged I am in the minority.

I am not a partizan Corbyn supporter but I am of the left and find the vitriol towards him (including from the "sympathetic" Guardian) both unsurprising and regrettable. If that requires you to label me a "Corbyn supporter" so be it.
Look where a "clear position" has got us. Turned out it was bullshit.
In the Biden thread, centrists are saying debates are basically pointless and it doesn't matter what the candidate says. Here centrists are arguing that Corbyn lost because he did terribly in a debate. Which way is it western man?
In the Biden thread, centrists are saying debates are basically pointless and it doesn't matter what the candidate says. Here centrists are arguing that Corbyn lost because he did terribly in a debate. Which way is it western man?
If it's me you're referring to you've missed the point, I'm not saying Corbyn did terribly in debate I'm saying he was thoroughly dishonest about his own views. Which did make him do terribly in debate to be fair, but that was a consequence not the cause. Maybe I was too nuanced.
Because one can't overstate how unacceptable antisemitism is... or overstate how unacceptable what he let happen to labour was
Tell me, what's the acceptability level of accusing people of anti-semitism on spurious grounds for political reasons?
Interviewed by Jacobin, rambled and went on tangents, in one of them he described very precisely what the Indian farm protests are about (price floors for essential crops). This after praising the Atlee govt for the NHS and then talking about its actions in the rest of the Empire.

It's ...funny that the most (to be provacative: only) internationalist labour leader was discredited for being racist.
Interviewed by Jacobin, rambled and went on tangents, in one of them he described very precisely what the Indian farm protests are about (price floors for essential crops). This after praising the Atlee govt for the NHS and then talking about its actions in the rest of the Empire.

It's ...funny that the most (to be provacative: only) internationalist labour leader was discredited for being racist.

Attlee, or Corbyn, do you mean?