Joao Gomes

He’s really interesting. Wolves fans rave about him. I also like Danilo of Forest a lot but Gomes is probably more technically complete.
Hell yeah for 40m, would be fantastic. I doubt it mind you. He's also a foul machine, so would be perfect Casemiro replacement
Sounds like an amalgamation of every Portuguese Wolves player and yet he’s Brazilian.
He’s impressed me this season. I thought he was more a second line midfielder though than a first.
I was very much impressed by him the first game of the season. He's young, but not very tall, which I think is a consideration.
Good player, 40m is a reasonable price, when you see what Chelsea paid for Wilson Palacios 2.0.

I'd try to get Ait Nouri as well.
Hell yeah for 40m, would be fantastic. I doubt it mind you. He's also a foul machine, so would be perfect Casemiro replacement

If we buy him, he'll get red cards just like Casemiro, that are not repeated for players of other clubs.
He looks to be developing into a fine player. Physical and wins his battles. Mobile and intense. 40 million for a younger player thriving in the PL is a good deal.

How many Brazilian grafters are we going to sign though? Where are the flair signings on their way to being the best? Get them :lol:
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Good player, 40m is a reasonable price, when you see what Chelsea paid for Wilson Palacios 2.0.

I'd try to get Ait Nouri as well.
Was just going to post this. Gomes and Ait Nouri are 2 players that I don't think will be at Wolves much longer. They've been amazing for a side that most pundits were saying would be in a relegation battle.
He looks to be developing into a fine player. Physical and wins his battles. Mobile and intense. 40 million for a younger player thriving in the PL is a good deal.

How many Brazilian grafters are we going to sign though? Where are the flair signings on their way to being the best? Get them :lol:

Real Madrid signs them all when they're 12 these days.
I do not know him. If he is good enough then it would make very much sense. We have a lot positions to improve on. Can we find 5 of these 40m players who are ready to take the next step, we could improve the team significantly with 5 needed players for 200m. Then we could have the option to make one marque signing dependign on sales we make.
He looks to be developing into a fine player. Physical and wins his battles. Mobile and intense. 40 million for a younger player thriving in the PL is a good deal.

How many Brazilian grafters are we going to sign though? Where are the flair signings on their way to being the best? Get them :lol:

I would love to see us go after Estevão as part of any approach to target the best young talent around. Looks like a top talent.
His passing and progressive stats aren’t great. But his defensive stats are outstanding. Stats can be misleading. For example Edson Alvarez looks outstanding on and off the ball for West Ham, whereas his stats say his passing and progressive carries are horrible.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for him in the next few months.
More in the legs than Casemiro and works hard to win the ball but worse distribution. Only 1 inch taller than Mainoo so not what I'd be looking for in a partner but fine as a backup to our starters.

I'd take him as a £25 million supplement to whoever we sign to an actual Casemiro replacement with Gore hopefully becoming Mainoo's backup in the future.

£40 million as a replacement for Casemiro would be the same old overspending

Dominguez at Forest and Vinicius Souza at Sheffield United both cost less than £10 million last summer and are just as good
More in the legs than Casemiro and works hard to win the ball but worse distribution. Only 1 inch taller than Mainoo so not what I'd be looking for in a partner but fine as a backup to our starters.

I'd take him as a £25 million supplement to whoever we sign to an actual Casemiro replacement with Gore hopefully becoming Mainoo's backup in the future.

£40 million as a replacement for Casemiro would be the same old overspending

Dominguez at Forest and Vinicius Souza at Sheffield United both cost less than £10 million last summer and are just as good
He seems to play much higher up at Forest, does he usually play deeper then?
Doesn’t this guy play in defence for Liverpool?
He seems to play much higher up at Forest, does he usually play deeper then?

Last game he played in a midfield 3, before that was a game against Liverpool where he played in the 2 of the 4-2-3-1 and was their best player. He has been used on the left and moved around, but he is a combative CM and has played 8 league games as a CM and 5 as a DM in a duo. He'll try and win the ball and he'll try to move the ball. He averages 6 attempted tackles and 4 successful tackles out of those per 90 mins this season despite playing 4 games on the left, 1 on the right and another as a normal AM according to whoscored. Didnt see that one.
It seems like we're committing to Atheletic / Physical DM + Mainoo + Bruno then. I'm all aboard the general idea. He's 5' 10" so not really an aerial presence against the bigger strikers.
Good player, 40m is a reasonable price, when you see what Chelsea paid for Wilson Palacios 2.0.

I'd try to get Ait Nouri as well.
Yes, either one of those would be most welcome. Ait Nouri seems to be able to run all day and can (possibly?) play as both a LB and as a LWB.
From what I gather online he was one of Flamengos best players and a standout at underage in Brazil and has been Wolves best player against big teams, he was good against us and Liverpool. He was actually a bit of a coup for wolves. Real and Liverpool were said to be considering him before he moved to the PL. I’d imagine we aren’t the only club who are interested after he took to the league well and has a moderate release clause. I think we are going to start going the PL proven route a lot more if there’s a deal to be had.
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Is it a release clause? 40m seems low for a young prem midfielder doing well.