Jordan Henderson: overrated/underrated?

He's neither, is he? I've not noticed anybody particularly enamoured or otherwise with Henderson.

He's a decent midfielder. Works hard, mobile, reasonable passer of the ball, can defend. Not exceptional at anything in particular except possibly work-rate (at least he was at some point) but there's something to be said for being a solid all-rounder.

He's not the type to elevate a side but if you surround him the type of quality Liverpool have had for a few seasons he can play a part. The issue with England is you are not necessarily surrounded by that quality or team structure and when they come up short the spotlight gets shone on some of these perceived weaker areas. There's no VVD holding the fort, no attacking setup that has any chemistry. But let's be honest, some of the play on the ball through central areas has been a long-term issue, it is not specific to Henderson. It could once more become an issue this summer.
He's neither, is he? I've not noticed anybody particularly enamoured or otherwise with Henderson.

He's a decent midfielder. Works hard, mobile, reasonable passer of the ball, can defend. Not exceptional at anything in particular except possibly work-rate (at least he was at some point) but there's something to be said for being a solid all-rounder.

He's not the type to elevate a side but if you surround him the type of quality Liverpool have had for a few seasons he can play a part. The issue with England is you are not necessarily surrounded by that quality or team structure and when they come up short the spotlight gets shone on some of these perceived weaker areas. There's no VVD holding the fort, no attacking setup that has any chemistry. But let's be honest, some of the play on the ball through central areas has been a long-term issue, it is not specific to Henderson. It could once more become an issue this summer.
Best post in this thread.
He's neither, is he? I've not noticed anybody particularly enamoured or otherwise with Henderson.

He's a decent midfielder. Works hard, mobile, reasonable passer of the ball, can defend. Not exceptional at anything in particular except possibly work-rate (at least he was at some point) but there's something to be said for being a solid all-rounder.

He's not the type to elevate a side but if you surround him the type of quality Liverpool have had for a few seasons he can play a part. The issue with England is you are not necessarily surrounded by that quality or team structure and when they come up short the spotlight gets shone on some of these perceived weaker areas. There's no VVD holding the fort, no attacking setup that has any chemistry. But let's be honest, some of the play on the ball through central areas has been a long-term issue, it is not specific to Henderson. It could once more become an issue this summer.
Agree overall, but the first sentence is not entirely true - there definitely was a love-in for him last season, didn't he win a player of the season award from journos or something? And the fact he's currently being discussed so lengthily with regards to his return for England, his fitness, really isn't warranted for a player of his stature, in my mind.

But yeah overall you've summarised him well - decent all round player that won't elevate a side. Nowhere near world class but extremely handy and efficient in the right set up.
He's neither, is he? I've not noticed anybody particularly enamoured or otherwise with Henderson.

He's a decent midfielder. Works hard, mobile, reasonable passer of the ball, can defend. Not exceptional at anything in particular except possibly work-rate (at least he was at some point) but there's something to be said for being a solid all-rounder.

He's not the type to elevate a side but if you surround him the type of quality Liverpool have had for a few seasons he can play a part. The issue with England is you are not necessarily surrounded by that quality or team structure and when they come up short the spotlight gets shone on some of these perceived weaker areas. There's no VVD holding the fort, no attacking setup that has any chemistry. But let's be honest, some of the play on the ball through central areas has been a long-term issue, it is not specific to Henderson. It could once more become an issue this summer.
Spot on.
This thread is a glimpse into what it must have been like for youse reading RAWK threads back in 2009 when Carrick was crap, Vidic was overrated, Rooney was just above average and the whole team was carried by luck and refs decisions.

Calling Henderson bang average made sense when we were scrapping for 5th, but it's bit silly considering he's been a mainstay in the spine of a CL winning and league winning side, and when he's had a laundry list of class performances in that time.

Can't comment on his performances for England though, I don't watch and don't care.

this is about England though. Given it’s Euro 2020…

The majority of Liverpool fans don’t rate Henderson as a really top level player. He’s not. He does have experience and maturity - although he didn’t show this when stealing a pen off of a young striker. That’s one of the worst displays of leadership I’ve seen in years. He should be ashamed.

but put that to the side.

what he is, is a good midfielder, who helps teams tick over. With such a lack of defensive minded midfielders in the modern game. he’s is a time when his abilities are appreciated more.

the majority of United fans will identify that Liverpool have some fantastic players - VVD, Salah, Roberton etc.

so in short, you are spouting bollocks and are rightly being called out for it.

If this is indicative of the quality of your posts. I’m flabbergasted you survived the cull.
Agree overall, but the first sentence is not entirely true - there definitely was a love-in for him last season, didn't he win a player of the season award from journos or something? And the fact he's currently being discussed so lengthily with regards to his return for England, his fitness, really isn't warranted for a player of his stature, in my mind.

But yeah overall you've summarised him well - decent all round player that won't elevate a side. Nowhere near world class but extremely handy and efficient in the right set up.
For a player of his ability, I might agree, but his stature is way higher than what his abilities would suggest. Isn't he actually still the England skipper as well? Lifted a lot of trophies the past few years. It's not like there's so many interesting things to talk about in the build up to a tournament, so his (and e.g. Maguire's) fitness are always gonna be storylines that'll be closely followed (regardless of whether people think he should be included / a starter / he's under- or overrated).
For a player of his ability, I might agree, but his stature is way higher than what his abilities would suggest. Isn't he actually still the England skipper as well? Lifted a lot of trophies the past few years. It's not like there's so many interesting things to talk about in the build up to a tournament, so his (and e.g. Maguire's) fitness are always gonna be storylines that'll be closely followed (regardless of whether people think he should be included / a starter / he's under- or overrated).
Kane is the England captain. And again, his impact in an England shirt vastly differs from that in a Liverpool shirt.
He's good - not world class but an important player, doing an effective job in a winning team. He'll go down as a great for Liverpool fans, maybe not everyone else, but I don't mind him at all and in fact a decent person if accounts of his work on racism etc are anything to go by.
He's neither. I would class him in the middle now. I think most people know he's decent now. Nothing special.
Henderson is not nearly world-class, but he has elevated himself from a so-so (bang average player) to the league and CL winning club captain, and playing an important part.

When Klopp arrived, everybody expected him to get the boot. In fact, he was on the bench consistently in Klopp's first season in 2015-16 iirc. From that position to become the vital cog in the team, is really commendable. His long-range passing is deceptively good too.

Also, he is playing with plantar fasciitis all the way along.

All in all, a hard grafter, and I like this type of redemption arcs in football. If it was all about best and world-class players winning everything, football would become too boring. The mediocre deserves a chance too.
He is not Pogba level, but most team prefer to have him than Pogba, you know what I mean.
Jeez. Hard work this. No. I'm laughing at a millionaire footballing getting an MBE for asking a few of his mates to donate some money to the NHS.

fair play to him. Our default doesn’t have to be cynical.

having just read his ‘acceptance’ statement - I think the award is merited.
fair play to him. Our default doesn’t have to be cynical.

having just read his ‘acceptance’ statement - I think the award is merited.

I know plenty of people who have helped raise money for the NHS who aren't millionaires themselves and don't have a group of millionaire mates. They didn't get MBEs.

I'm not sure what he did that warranted recognition from the Queen to the level of say Rashford with what he achieved and continues to do.
I don't know much about Jordan Henderson the man, but if i turns out he does everything right off the pitch that's a huge plus in my book. But if we're asking whether he's over or underrated I'd say he's just a great fit for a very good side. I wouldn't have him in my United XI if I were looking to rob clubs of their players but he's certainly a step up from McTominay or Fred.

If he's a Liverpool legend, I'm certainly not going to second guess that assessment. But he's nowhere near the class of players like Gerrard or legends of the past like Rush or Dalglish.
I don't know much about Jordan Henderson the man, but if i turns out he does everything right off the pitch that's a huge plus in my book. But if we're asking whether he's over or underrated I'd say he's just a great fit for a very good side. I wouldn't have him in my United XI if I were looking to rob clubs of their players but he's certainly a step up from McTominay or Fred.

If he's a Liverpool legend, I'm certainly not going to second guess that assessment. But he's nowhere near the class of players like Gerrard or legends of the past like Rush or Dalglish.
Spot on assessment.

And I’m never going to criticise players who do what these current generation of England players like rashford and Henderson have tried to do off the field. They’re good eggs, don’t see what the need to get in to a pissing contest over what they do is.
I know plenty of people who have helped raise money for the NHS who aren't millionaires themselves and don't have a group of millionaire mates. They didn't get MBEs.

I'm not sure what he did that warranted recognition from the Queen to the level of say Rashford with what he achieved and continues to do.
He’s by all accounts, done great work off the field. He’s challenging Instagram on their abuse prevention protocols. He’s been at the heart of the captains meetings in terms of raising funds and coordinating responses and crucially, not a bad word is said about him by his fellow professionals. If you dispute that it’s fine, if you don’t think it warrants recognition that’s also fine. It’s just not really a footballing thing. What some of these players are doing is being able to and trying to reach beyond political and demographic divides to influence some positive change. I can only commend them for that. They can go back to rivalry on the pitch!
It's a lot of propaganda and marketing. Instead of his footballing ability, we hear more about his off the pitch works. He is a good guy, but so are many other footballers.

Then, why such celebs doing simple things are supposed to be celebrated? Like self-cooking meals, gets the he is so humble, kind remarks on social media. We are being manipualated at today's time.
How many Utd fans are ready to have Jordan Henderson's shuffle Cup Lifting Celebration imprinted on their brains forever. As one of their most memorable moments in their lives? :lol:
He's more hard work than talent, but Liverpool need donkeys in midfield to press so he fits the bill
I think he's rated fairly. A great player to have in your team. A good leader by all accounts, tactically and positionally spot on most of the time, even if he lacks the technical ability of his teammates. He's had a superb career.
When he hit that volley in the first half you could tell before he hit it his brain was screaming GERRAAAAAAARD and then it remembered he was Jordan Henderson.
The year they won the league and previously won the UCL the fawning over him being the glue that held the team together, that his technique was really good and how he dictated tempo like a prime Pirlo, this English midfield general, bringing the mighty Reds back to success was hilarious.

He is bang average and by din of being in a good team has led people to believe he is better than he is.
In another life he’s finishing his 12th season for Sunderland lower down the English football ladder
He'll have a little 3 minute montage on sky whenever he appears on tv after he's retired, with 2 and a half minutes being him making simple passes and looking like a hard man, and half a minute him scoring and celebrating a thundercnut against Kidderminster FC.
He's the kind of captain that when your team needs inspiration with 20 minutes left in the Champions league final he makes way for a better player.

Roy Keane would never have done that
He's their Gary Neville.
Massive insult to Neville.

Edit: there’s this narrative that Neville wasn’t a quality RB that does the rounds since he’s retired. It’s partly because he’s so self deprecating about his own ability, and because we have to see him so much on our tv as well. But let’s be honest, Gary Neville was an absolute quality RB. Defensively solid, and dovetailed so well with Beckham down our right wing. There’s a reason he was 1 of 3 CO92 players to retire at the club.

If you want a player that will give you a 9/10 week in week out season after season, Neville is your guy. Neville was making PL all time XIs in the RB spot.

Jordan Henderson is just an average, run of the mill English midfielder.
He is a top player who walks into our side. Was iffy at the start of his career but has developed into an all round box to boxer with creativity and an impeccable attitude. All things United have lacked for far too long.
A bit of both. I’m not a huge fan but some of our fans think he’s great.

I think he’s got a habit of attempting passes that either aren’t on, or aren’t in his locker.

He peaked for a few months during 13/14 when he was playing as the most advanced in a midfield three. Since then he’s done ok as a holding midfielder.

He’s not captain material imo.
Hmmm. That is a perfect description of Bruno. Apart from the peaking bit
He is a mainstay of a team that regularly hits 90+ points has won the PL and CL. He is a decent player.