
The Indian subreddit is hilarious

A kashmiri lost his vision during protesting and was hurt very badly and some of the comments said:

- Why are they protesting?
- We are to blame but so is Islam's fascination with violence and jihad
- They deserve it for throwing rocks
- The whole area is so volatile

Are common Indians genuinely not aware that they're seen as intruders and unwanted by the kashmiri population?

Surprised they didn't blame the pakistani wind for carrying the bullet to the guys eye.

And judging by this place and reddit, most of them aren't.
It’s very surprising that Imran Khan has all those pro taliban quotes and yet decides to take the moral high ground. At least it helps him distract the country and the world what crappy education systems they have in place I suppose
Because nobody except Pakistani's give weight to that ridiculous Ott comparison.
I'm not Pakistani, in fact I don't like Pakistan, yet I fully accept the link between the BJP and the RSS and the link between the RSS and nazi ideology.

That would be like saying "don't say anything about how water is hydrogen and oxygen, just talk about how water is wet".
It’s very surprising that Imran Khan has all those pro taliban quotes and yet decides to take the moral high ground. At least it helps him distract the country and the world what crappy education systems they have in place I suppose

Mind posting the pro Taliban quotes? Imran Khan for years was saying that the solution to the Afghan crisis was to negotiate with them and what's happening now? Everyone has realized that was the right approach.

I love how you are more hurt by the fact that IK is showing the world exactly what India is doing in Kashmir rather than the human dight violations being committed.
I'm not Pakistani, in fact I don't like Pakistan, yet I fully accept the link between the BJP and the RSS and the link between the RSS and nazi ideology.

That would be like saying "don't say anything about how water is hydrogen and oxygen, just talk about how water is wet".
Not all communal or religious tensions can be relatable to Nazism. It's a broad and incorrect generalization. And not like religious discrimination doesn't happen in Pakistan.

I'm not a fan of RSS or their violent offshoots and don't believe they are representative of all Hindus. A radical organization they may be....but not quite worth compared to Nazism. Nazism is a evil at a separate level of it's own and various religious, communal and tribal conflicts should not be painted as Nazi lite.
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Not all communal or religious tensions can be relatable to Nazism. It's a broad and incorrect generalization. And not like religious discrimination doesn't happen in Pakistan.

I'm not a fan of RSS or their violent offshoots and don't believe they are representative of all Hindus. A radical organization they may be....but not quite worth compared to Nazism. Nazism is a evil at a separate level of it's own and various religious, communal and tribal conflicts should not be pained as Nazi lite.
I never once equated the RSS with all Hindus or even the umbrella term Hinduism, that's just lazy inference.
The government is contemplating legal action against media outlets for reporting fabricated and baseless news relating to developments in Jammu and Kashmir.

Highly placed sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs said that legal notices could be served to media outlets if they are prima facie found projecting "fabricated and provocative" stories, leading to disturbance in the law and order situation in the sensitive Valley region of Jammu and Kashmir.

So much for freedom of speech.

Report our version of fake news that everything is well or we will sue you.
There was no inference. It was my separate opinion.

As to links between RSS and Nazism, it still is a incorrect and broad generalisation.

Prove to me that it's an incorrect generalization and I'll happily change my stance.

The RSS is fascist and some of its founding figures looked approvingly at what Hitler was doing wrt Jews and national identity*. But their foundational thesis, at least on paper/from what I understand, isn't that Muslims are leeches setting Hindu against Hindu to get their money, it is that the entire subcontinent is Hindu, including Muslims, and that is the true basis of any national identity, and that Muslims living in India must accept their inner Hindu-ness.
Their strategy is also different. There have been various riots and massacres led by Sangh affiliates since independence, but there has never been an attempt to exterminate all Muslims.

This is a good read on the long-term strategy of the RSS and why it will win: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/3144-india-liberal-democracy-and-the-extreme-right

* Gowalkar, 1939:
To keep up the purity of the nation and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of Semitic races – the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by
I'm not Pakistani, in fact I don't like Pakistan, yet I fully accept the link between the BJP and the RSS and the link between the RSS and nazi ideology.

That would be like saying "don't say anything about how water is hydrogen and oxygen, just talk about how water is wet".

Khuswant Singh wrote this 14 years ago.
As a general point, fine if Muslims want to protest India's actions in Kashmir. But exaggerated claims of grand plans by Indian state to do any kind of ethnic cleansing are laughable given that only ethnic cleansing that has so far taken place in the valley has been of Hindus being forced to leave the same which a Hindu majority country was unable to stop. Understand that there are concerns over Indian state using Israel like tactics to build settlements in Kashmir, but so far there are only plans to resettle displaced Hindu pandits. Not to mention economic state of Kashmir would not see any hordes of migrants coming in. People who think that there are plenty of Hindu extremists in India withe same fervour as that of jews willing to just occupy a piece of land in a hostile territory to right some historic wrong are definitely mistaken.

Second, there are a group of Muslims who actually seem to be living in near concentration camps like situation for a considerable period of time now - Uyghurs Muslims. Yet there seems to be no particular outrage by Muslim community towards the Chinese. Wonder if the Pakistanis on this site, who seem to be acting as second coming of UN human rights ambassadors on here, are out protesting on the streets over their Govt's cosy relationship with China. Guess the money for all the road belt is enough to turn a blind eye on the same.
As a general point, fine if Muslims want to protest India's actions in Kashmir. But exaggerated claims of grand plans by Indian state to do any kind of ethnic cleansing are laughable given that only ethnic cleansing that has so far taken place in the valley has been of Hindus being forced to leave the same which a Hindu majority country was unable to stop. Understand that there are concerns over Indian state using Israel like tactics to build settlements in Kashmir, but so far there are only plans to resettle displaced Hindu pandits. Not to mention economic state of Kashmir would not see any hordes of migrants coming in. People who think that there are plenty of Hindu extremists in India withe same fervour as that of jews willing to just occupy a piece of land in a hostile territory to right some historic wrong are definitely mistaken.

Second, there are a group of Muslims who actually seem to be living in near concentration camps like situation for a considerable period of time now - Uyghurs Muslims. Yet there seems to be no particular outrage by Muslim community towards the Chinese. Wonder if the Pakistanis on this site, who seem to be acting as second coming of UN human rights ambassadors on here, are out protesting on the streets over their Govt's cosy relationship with China. Guess the money for all the road belt is enough to turn a blind eye on the same.

To quote a 10 August 1948 report published in The Times, London: “2,37,000 Muslims were systematically exterminated – unless they escaped to Pakistan along the border – by the forces of the Dogra State headed by the Maharaja in person and aided by Hindus and Sikhs. This happened in October 1947, five days before the Pathan invasion and nine days before the Maharaja’s accession to india.” Reportedly, as a result of the massacre/migration, Muslims who were a majority (61 per cent) in the Jammu region became a minority.

Maharaja Hari Singh’s involvement, with the support of the RSS, is evident from a letter Jawaharlal Nehru wrote to Vallabhbhai Patel on 17 April 1949 (quoted in Frontline magazine):

In this (intelligence) report, among other things, a reference was made to a growing Hindu agitation in Jammu province for what is called a zonal plebiscite. This idea is based on the belief that a plebiscite for the whole of Kashmir is bound to be lost and, therefore, let us save Jammu at least. You will perhaps remember that some proposal of this kind was put forward by the Maharaja some months back. it seems to me that this kind of propaganda is very harmful, indeed, for us. Whatever may happen in the future, I do not think Jammu province is running away from us. If we want Jammu province by itself and are prepared to make a present of the rest of the State to Pakistan, I have no doubt we could clinch the issue in a few days. The prize we are fighting for is the valley of Kashmir. [This is what Nehru had dug in his heels for. The consequences are for all to see to this day.]
This propaganda for a zonal plebiscite is going on in Jammu, in Delhi and elsewhere. It is carried on by what is known as the Jammu Praja Parishad. Our intelligence officer reported that this Praja Parishad is financed by the Maharaja. Further, that the large sums collected for the Dharmarth Fund, which are controlled by the Maharaja, are being spent in propaganda for him.
The lid on these massacres was lifted by Ved Bhasin and a few journalists of that time. But like the collective silence over the pogrom in Hyderabad, the holocaust in Jammu has been a story hidden from public view by the machinations of the very people who covertly allowed the massacres to take place. These included many in the national leadership of the Congress party at the time. The events of Hyderabad and Jammu and Kashmir reveal the emergence in New Delhi of an establishment which was indifferent to Indian Muslims.

Historically that is not true.


No surprise RSS was involved.
The RSS is fascist and some of its founding figures looked approvingly at what Hitler was doing wrt Jews and national identity*. But their foundational thesis, at least on paper/from what I understand, isn't that Muslims are leeches setting Hindu against Hindu to get their money, it is that the entire subcontinent is Hindu, including Muslims, and that is the true basis of any national identity, and that Muslims living in India must accept their inner Hindu-ness.
Their strategy is also different. There have been various riots and massacres led by Sangh affiliates since independence, but there has never been an attempt to exterminate all Muslims.

This is a good read on the long-term strategy of the RSS and why it will win: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/3144-india-liberal-democracy-and-the-extreme-right

* Gowalkar, 1939:
This is Savarkar talking about Hitler’s Nazism, Mussolini and solution to Muslim problem in India.

As a general point, fine if Muslims want to protest India's actions in Kashmir. But exaggerated claims of grand plans by Indian state to do any kind of ethnic cleansing are laughable given that only ethnic cleansing that has so far taken place in the valley has been of Hindus being forced to leave the same which a Hindu majority country was unable to stop. Understand that there are concerns over Indian state using Israel like tactics to build settlements in Kashmir, but so far there are only plans to resettle displaced Hindu pandits. Not to mention economic state of Kashmir would not see any hordes of migrants coming in. People who think that there are plenty of Hindu extremists in India withe same fervour as that of jews willing to just occupy a piece of land in a hostile territory to right some historic wrong are definitely mistaken.

Second, there are a group of Muslims who actually seem to be living in near concentration camps like situation for a considerable period of time now - Uyghurs Muslims. Yet there seems to be no particular outrage by Muslim community towards the Chinese. Wonder if the Pakistanis on this site, who seem to be acting as second coming of UN human rights ambassadors on here, are out protesting on the streets over their Govt's cosy relationship with China. Guess the money for all the road belt is enough to turn a blind eye on the same.
Your statement regarding the uyghur Muslims shows that many of you Indians/India supporters live in a huge huge bubble.
Your statement regarding the uyghur Muslims shows that many of you Indians/India supporters live in a huge huge bubble.

What does the above statement mean, that nothing bad is actually happening to the Uyghurs?
This is Savarkar talking about Hitler’s Nazism, Mussolini and solution to Muslim problem in India.


I don't know why you are going through so much trouble to state the obvious. These were the folks that killed Gandhi, the father of India, yet you are trying to paint them as some majority. The RSS are less dangerous than your glorious Taliban who managed to support a group to take down skyscrapers in New York City. If RSS actually were stupid enough to try something there would be a much more effective backlash and accountability.
Your statement regarding the uyghur Muslims shows that many of you Indians/India supporters live in a huge huge bubble.
Sure. Everyone lives in some bubble or another. Supposed liberal folks in UK happily voted Blair in even after he started a war for no good reason, wonder what kind of bubble that populace was living in. So called world reputed outlets like NY times assisted US Govt in the lie behind Iraq war too.
If you are pointing to global coverage of the same, then yes there has been some but it has virtually led to no reaction. Once the blockage is lifted there will be significant coverage given to opposing voices in good Indian media outlets albeit with some restraint over anti-India messages. Yes, we have a number of Fox news equivalent in India that get most of the coverage but there are plenty of independent groups about too.
Sure. Everyone lives in some bubble or another. Supposed liberal folks in UK happily voted Blair in even after he started a war for no good reason, wonder what kind of bubble that populace was living in. So called world reputed outlets like NY times assisted US Govt in the lie behind Iraq war too.
If you are pointing to global coverage of the same, then yes there has been some but it has virtually led to no reaction. Once the blockage is lifted there will be significant coverage given to opposing voices in good Indian media outlets albeit with some restraint over anti-India messages. Yes, we have a number of Fox news equivalent in India that get most of the coverage but there are plenty of independent groups about too.

Plus it's not like Pakistan has a vibrant media environment. Again, just a bunch of losers who need to deflect attention from their sorry situation. I pity them, they deserve better as Jinnah had the right idea behind a secular state at least.
Yeah but nobody outside Pakistan and maybe some other concerned Muslims believe Modi = Hitler, nobody that matters anyway. So this will just get a roll-eyes response from most of the world. Best to just stick with the facts as they’re playing out, there’s surely enough there to work with and a case to be made to the world concerning Kashmir that everyone can relate to without dragging up this stuff.

Agree hundred percent with this.
:lol: yeah it is Pakistan who has imposed a curfew on kashmir and is shooting all the protesters.

That went well last time. Two trees vs one fighter jet.
Do you have no shame? Trolling and wumming really gets tiring after a while but you still keep on doing it

Clean up your own house, come back to Pakistan first, visit Azad Kashmir and work on the ground if you are so invested in Kashmir instead of sitting in a western country and taking this oh-so-holy stance and potshots at India

I'd say more but for the respect the poster thingy.
This is Savarkar talking about Hitler’s Nazism, Mussolini and solution to Muslim problem in India.


Unfortunately many Indians at the time supported hitler at the time because it was seen as the best way to oust the British. Subhash Chandra Bose was a big supporter too
Mind posting the pro Taliban quotes? Imran Khan for years was saying that the solution to the Afghan crisis was to negotiate with them and what's happening now? Everyone has realized that was the right approach.

I love how you are more hurt by the fact that IK is showing the world exactly what India is doing in Kashmir rather than the human dight violations being committed.

Pretty sure he once called taliban’s fight in Afghanistan as jihad and a fight for freedom. Did that not happen? If I recall correctly Afghanistan were pretty pissed off.

Not really. Everyone knows Pakistan’s double standards in this. First make your own country safe enough to at least host a cricket tour. Then lecture other countries about their safety
I don't know why you are going through so much trouble to state the obvious. These were the folks that killed Gandhi, the father of India, yet you are trying to paint them as some majority. The RSS are less dangerous than your glorious Taliban who managed to support a group to take down skyscrapers in New York City. If RSS actually were stupid enough to try something there would be a much more effective backlash and accountability.
Don’t worry about me I’ll continue posting stuffs, and if that upsets some fascist regime sympathisers here they’re free not to enter this thread.
Can a sensible person answer me this question

Modi had enough on his plate trying to sort out baby rape, creation of public toilets, acceptance of sanitary products and immense ignorance by the masses

So why would he add more to his plate by invading kashmir? Was this a move purely to spite pakistan? I don't really see the gain?

I mean, this is a country that created a movie called pad-man just for sanitary products to be accepted.
Can a sensible person answer me this question

Modi had enough on his plate trying to sort out baby rape, creation of public toilets, acceptance of sanitary products and immense ignorance by the masses

So why would he add more to his plate by invading kashmir? Was this a move purely to spite pakistan? I don't really see the gain?

I mean, this is a country that created a movie called pad-man just for sanitary products to be accepted.


Given the to and fro going in this thread, it's quite an achievement that you've posted the dumbest thing in this thread. Stick to WUMS in generals, if you WUM in CE, I'm going to warn you. Take it as a last warning.
Do you have no shame? Trolling and wumming really gets tiring after a while but you still keep on doing it

Clean up your own house, come back to Pakistan first, visit Azad Kashmir and work on the ground if you are so invested in Kashmir instead of sitting in a western country and taking this oh-so-holy stance and potshots at India

I'd say more but for the respect the poster thingy.

:lol: This is a classic.
Unfortunately many Indians at the time supported hitler at the time because it was seen as the best way to oust the British. Subhash Chandra Bose was a big supporter too

Pretty sure he once called taliban’s fight in Afghanistan as jihad and a fight for freedom. Did that not happen? If I recall correctly Afghanistan were pretty pissed off.

Not really. Everyone knows Pakistan’s double standards in this. First make your own country safe enough to at least host a cricket tour. Then lecture other countries about their safety

:lol: I love how some of you are more butt hurt about the coverage this is receiving then the actual issue. Its the same under that corbyn tweet, "sort brexit out, etc". Its amazing how nationality and extremism can brain wash people so much that they would rather ignore kashmiris dying and focus more on stuff like cricket tours.
Can a sensible person answer me this question

Modi had enough on his plate trying to sort out baby rape, creation of public toilets, acceptance of sanitary products and immense ignorance by the masses

So why would he add more to his plate by invading kashmir? Was this a move purely to spite pakistan? I don't really see the gain?

I mean, this is a country that created a movie called pad-man just for sanitary products to be accepted.

It was one of his election promises, it was a move to appease bakhts and it is working. Same way trump is focusing on the wall/anti-immigration over actually solving gun control.

Anyone going against the narrative is accused of being anti-nationalistic. Its basically hate and politics dressed up as patriotism.
It was one of his election promises, it was a move to appease bakhts and it is working. Same way trump is focusing on the wall/anti-immigration over actually solving gun control.

Anyone going against the narrative is accused of being anti-nationalistic. Its basically hate and politics dressed up as patriotism.

It was in their 2014 and 2019 manifesto, but it has been there in 1999 manifesto too, nobody thought they'd go with it. As I said I think it's a good move but they've gone about it in the most horrible manner. Personally I'd have just house arrested the Muftis, Abdullahs and seperatists, whole of Kashmir shouldn't have been put on standstill, maybe they'd have taken the decision better(don't know). But if you keep a whole state in silence for a week, then the anxiety and protest will obviously grow.
:lol: I love how some of you are more butt hurt about the coverage this is receiving then the actual issue. Its the same under that corbyn tweet, "sort brexit out, etc". Its amazing how nationality and extremism can brain wash people so much that they would rather ignore kashmiris dying and focus more on stuff like cricket tours.

Not really butt hurt. I mean I’ve said before the methods are definitely not the right one. But article 370 removal is something that’s definitely required. Everyone in the country whether they hate Modi or not agree to that. Of course people like you think that they have some ulterior agenda against Muslims because they are not Muslims but hey, can’t blame you if you’re in a country where questioning religion can get you a death penalty
The crisis over Kashmir, triggered by the Indian government’s decision to impose direct rule from Delhi, has universal relevance. It says much about the times we live in and how we are ruled. Here is a semi-autonomous state, part of a federal union protected by a constitution, which has seen its democratic freedoms abruptly abolished by executive decree. This was a very Indian coup, but one with a global context.

Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, and the ruling nationalist BJP stand accused of acting without proper legal authority by unilaterally revoking article 370 of the constitution, which guarantees Kashmir’s special status. Delhi’s arbitrary bifurcation of the state into two union territories (Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh) is also legally contentious. Opponents say Modi has opted for “raw power” over legitimacy.

Modi also ignored UN resolutions on the internationally recognised dispute with Pakistan over sovereign control of the Kashmir region and, notably, the 1972 Simla agreement, which stipulates that its final status must be settled by peaceful means. That point was made last week by the UN secretary-general while appealing for “maximum restraint”. To cap it all, Modi failed to consult Kashmir’s political leaders, whether pro-independence or pro-India, or the Kashmiri people. Quite the opposite, in fact. Political leaders were placed under house arrest. The population was placed under curfew. Means of association and communication were cut. And massive army deployments have been used to enforce Delhi’s diktat.

By subverting the constitution, ignoring India’s Simla obligation to ensure that the “principles and purposes” of the UN charter govern relations with Pakistan, and removing Kashmiris’ right to self-governance, Modi has placed himself squarely in the wrong. To argue, as he does, that Kashmir is solely an internal matter is to ignore the realities of 70-plus years of strife.

If this sounds familiar, it should. This is the dog-eats-dog world created by Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and copycat ultra-nationalist “strongman” leaders. It is a lawless world where the rules no longer apply, where pacts and treaties are bypassed or torn up, where nations blindly pursue perceived self-interest and where minorities, however defined, are mocked, ignored and exploited.

In this harsh, ugly world, Modi the hardline Hindu nationalist and his Muslim-baiting BJP colleagues are a good fit. It may be the case, as Modi argued last week, that Kashmir has suffered from decades of violence and a lack of jobs and investment. It is certainly true India’s record of human rights abuses in Kashmir is a shaming one.

But by imperiously imposing his will, Modi only raises new obstacles to progress. This is not the way forward. It will not improve the lives of most Kashmiris. It will not ease the security burden on the Indian state. More likely, it will lead to political resistance across the board, escalating confrontation and the exploitation of tensions by violent extremists on both sides. Modi claims a “new era” has begun. Kashmiris see only a new calamity.

It was in their 2014 and 2019 manifesto, but it has been there in 1999 manifesto too, nobody thought they'd go with it. As I said I think it's a good move but they've gone about it in the most horrible manner. Personally I'd have just house arrested the Muftis, Abdullahs and seperatists, whole of Kashmir shouldn't have been put on standstill, maybe they'd have taken the decision better(don't know). But if you keep a whole state in silence for a week, then the anxiety and protest will obviously grow.

What I don't understand KM is why they could not have given kashmiri people a choice if they want this or not? Does India's political system allow for a referendum like Brexit? If the economic development promises are true, surely it would have been better to sell it to the people.

I still find it weird that the media blackout has still not been lifted, wonder how eid will be.

Not really butt hurt. I mean I’ve said before the methods are definitely not the right one. But article 370 removal is something that’s definitely required. Everyone in the country whether they hate Modi or not agree to that. Of course bigots like you think that they have some ulterior agenda against Muslims because they are not Muslims but hey, can’t blame you if you’re in a country where questioning religion can get you a death penalty

Three statements, all false. Good going.
What I don't understand KM is why they could not have given kashmiri people a choice if they want this or not? Does India's political system allow for a referendum like Brexit? If the economic development promises are true, surely it would have been better to sell it to the people.

I still find it weird that the media blackout has still not been lifted, wonder how eid will be.

Because no country will ever opt for a referendum particularly after the calamity like Brexit? Not trying to score cheap points, but do you think Pakistani will ever ask Balochistanis for a referendum? It'll never happen particularly in our region where Kashmir is so important for India for security reasons. It sounds good in theory but there's not a single India/Pakistani leader who'll ever opt for this referendum.
:lol: I love how some of you are more butt hurt about the coverage this is receiving then the actual issue. Its the same under that corbyn tweet, "sort brexit out, etc". Its amazing how nationality and extremism can brain wash people so much that they would rather ignore kashmiris dying and focus more on stuff like cricket tours.

Mate you are like the Pakistani Tucker Carlson yet you go around complaining that others are brainwashed. It's hard to have a discussion with folks who don't understand their own history, let alone the history of others, or, even worse, choose to ignore certain historical facts and realities to advance an agenda.