Kyle Walker signs for City

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He can do what he wants , we don't care but doing in a lockdown and then posting a stay home video at Instagram, is madness

If I would be an Owner of a club, I would erase his contract at the club
:nono: escort services don't come with NDAs, lads. You have to pay for those.

Course not. It's just a massive dick move on her part. Props to her for being a sex worker and for all those who do it, power to you but exposing people for using your services is shitty, so is taking a photo of them without their consent.
Well Silva's a bit of a twat.There's no reason for him to give the report any kind of validity by doing that publicly.

Then again, it might put other people off from doing something like this.
I know, I was just about to go and blow several grand on a session with a couple of hookers until I read this.
Look at the state of her. She certain fits the profile of call girl. University certainly downmarket these days.
Course not. It's just a massive dick move on her part. Props to her for being a sex worker and for all those who do it, power to you but exposing people for using your services is shitty, so is taking a photo of them without their consent.

Was it actually without his consent?
Even one right in front of him, with him counting wads of cash out?

Did she have a spy cam? Or was he actually dumb enough to let her take pics!
Look at the state of her. She certain fits the profile of call girl. University certainly downmarket these days.

Reading the report it's hard not to laugh and add another line in when she says "he was after someone classy...."

but...instead got her
A lot of misogo vibes in this thread. Personally I think he was dumb for doing what he did but that pales in comparison to the stupidity of The S*n for still running kiss and tells in the year of our Lord 2020 and the general public for still lapping this kind of shite up.
I’m not being funny, but I can’t imagine a scenario whereby I willingly would get my dick out in front of my mates and potentially cross swords with them. Imagine getting your mates jizz on thanks
Nowt wrong with crossing swords with the homies tbh unless you have a complex about homosocial behaviour which you clearly do.
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Was it actually without his consent?
Even one right in front of him, with him counting wads of cash out?

Did she have a spy cam? Or was he actually dumb enough to let her take pics!

It won't be unusual for escorts to use their phones when with clients to update their pimps or whoever to make sure they're safe and there was definitely no consent in selling the photos to a paper. I doubt that he was very happy with her taking any kind of photos of him, maybe he was. Point is, it's still terrible shite of her to have sold the pictures and pretend like he's the big bad man when she's done the exact same as him.

The way i see it is Walker is a bellend for not respecting social distancing and then preaching everyone else to do so. He isn't a bellend for hiring escorts, nothing wrong with that if there is a fair exchange between both parties.

With her, nothing wrong with her being an escort and liasing with clients who are poor/rich/whoever she likes. There is an issue with selling stories like this to the paper and calling him out for social distancing when she had the choice to say "no thanks".

I see Steves point about women/men/trans/any feeling like they need to do sex work because it pays well and others don't and that's maybe why she did it, but I don't think it's a good excuse for it. There are plenty of sex workers that do it because they want to/there are plenty that might do it for purely the money but don't sell stories to the papers.
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It won't be unusual for escorts to use their phones when with clients to update their pimps or whoever to make sure they're safe and there was definitely no consent in selling the photos to a paper. I doubt that he was very happy with her taking any kind of photos of him, maybe he was. Point is, it's still terrible shite of her to have sold the pictures and pretend like he's the big bad man when she's done the exact same as her.

The way i see it is Walker is a bellend for not respecting social distancing and then preaching everyone else to do so. He isn't a bellend for hiring escorts, nothing wrong with that if there is a fair exchange between both parties.

With her, nothing wrong with her being an escort and liasing with clients who are poor/rich/whoever she likes. There is an issue with selling stories like this to the paper and calling him out for social distancing when she had the choice to say "no thanks".

I see Steves point about women/men/trans/any feeling like they need to do sex work because it pays well and others don't and that's maybe why she did it, but I don't think it's a good excuse for it. There are plenty of sex workers that do it because they want to/there are plenty that might do it for purely the money but don't sell stories to the papers.
Talking way too much sense here.
I know, I was just about to go and blow several grand on a session with a couple of hookers until I read this.
Was it actually without his consent?
Even one right in front of him, with him counting wads of cash out?

Did she have a spy cam? Or was he actually dumb enough to let her take pics!
Phone on silent> pretense of use > easy snaps.

Part of the reason these hookers are paid what they are is those who are serious about the profession offer the utmost discretion, which is how they build both reputation and a solid client base. It's not an NDA, but an unwritten rule, otherwise, you'd have hundreds of hookers running amok exposing the rich and famous for the solid 5 figures a story like this runs for. That, or their pimp(s) will make an example of them.

She made a decision, and ran with it... essentially cashing out, if she gets out clean, which is far from assured as she's broken about the most sacred of rules in her chosen trade (of so-called high class hooker).
Walker hosted sex party with two hookers before urging fans to ‘stay home’
He must've been urging them before City's Etihad games too.
It won't be unusual for escorts to use their phones when with clients to update their pimps or whoever to make sure they're safe and there was definitely no consent in selling the photos to a paper. I doubt that he was very happy with her taking any kind of photos of him, maybe he was. Point is, it's still terrible shite of her to have sold the pictures and pretend like he's the big bad man when she's done the exact same as her.

The way i see it is Walker is a bellend for not respecting social distancing and then preaching everyone else to do so. He isn't a bellend for hiring escorts, nothing wrong with that if there is a fair exchange between both parties.

With her, nothing wrong with her being an escort and liasing with clients who are poor/rich/whoever she likes. There is an issue with selling stories like this to the paper and calling him out for social distancing when she had the choice to say "no thanks".

I see Steves point about women/men/trans/any feeling like they need to do sex work because it pays well and others don't and that's maybe why she did it, but I don't think it's a good excuse for it. There are plenty of sex workers that do it because they want to/there are plenty that might do it for purely the money but don't sell stories to the papers.

I forget that redcafe is like some moral vacuum :lol:
He’s a hypocrite but she’s scummy as feck firstly for taking money for sex and then publicly outing the person to the press just for more money. When she broke the same distancing rules herself.

Hookers nowadays want to be celebrities, whatya gon do.
There should be nothing scummy about two consenting adults exchanging money for sexual favours, it's only when its illegal and forced to go underground and falls into the hands of criminals that the scummy aspect rears its head.
It’s another apology that means nothing. Why even be sorry? You know you’re a scumbag doing scumbag things. You’ll still be a scumbag doing scumbag things tomorrow.
You need to be special idiot to use call girls who could be infected with virus in this period. It's not just the wrong message to the fans, he is literally risking his life and life of others around him.
There should be nothing scummy about two consenting adults exchanging money for sexual favours, it's only when its illegal and forced to go underground and falls into the hands of criminals that the scummy aspect rears its head.
Well that’s debatable. But what I was eluding to was the her agreeing to go out and meet in lockdown herself, agreeing to sex for money and then running to the papers to sell her story. Absolute scumbag.
Wasn't there a rumour in the mid 2000s that some footballers shoved a phone up their arse?
The rumour was that it was Ashley Cole. I remember Arsenal fans being keen to share it for obvious reasons

Not too surprising from Kyle Walker - been caught taking hippy crack in the past, cheated on his girlfriend by getting a model pregnant
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You need to be special idiot to use call girls who could be infected with virus in this period. It's not just the wrong message to the fans, he is literally risking his life and life of others around him.
Assuming he's single, he's in the same boat as tens of thousands of guys out there who are down on their options to get laid - her being a call girl doesn't alter the risk for Covid-19 and you can bet tens of thousands are hooking up (badum tisch!) and getting their ends away, despite the lockdown, just discretely, as in, you'd never know unless a blabbermouth is selling stories to the national press.

It's not morally right, of course, but people don't just stop getting off, and Walker's no different. If he wasn't using a call girl, he'd have the same pursuit, without, what was assumed, complete discretion.
Assuming he's single, he's in the same boat as tens of thousands of guys out there who are down on their options to get laid - her being a call girl doesn't alter the risk for Covid-19 and you can bet tens of thousands are hooking up (badum tisch!) and getting their ends away, despite the lockdown, just discretely, as in, you'd never know unless a blabbermouth is selling stories to the national press.

It's not morally right, of course, but people don't just stop getting off, and Walker's no different. If he wasn't using a call girl, he'd have the same pursuit, without, what was assumed, complete discretion.

Fair enough. So there are tens of thousands idiots around same as him. I guess he isn't that special idiot anymore, he is just an idiot.
Bernardo Silva has deleted him from his group chat. :lol:

This guys a total idiot. You’d think after his racist jokes earlier in the season he’d learn.
A story about some morons run by a moronic newspaper.
Fair enough. So there are tens of thousands idiots around same as him. I guess he isn't that special idiot anymore, he is just an idiot.
You have seen all the footage of people, around the world, flouting the distancing rules, right?

Do you think, allied to horniness, it doesn't ramp up even more notches after dark?

I don't think there being hundreds of thousands of idiots out there is any new news or revelation. It's just that you're not going to have their business broadcast across the national news unless they're crashing cars and running away from the scene or getting secretely snapped by hookers and sold stories on.

Not condoning his actions in any way - just pointing out you would be none-the-wiser if the discreet hooker was actually discreet.
This thread has everything a bored self-isolator needs. Tabloid drama, a City player humiliated, decent jokes (some of them even deliberate), and a nice diverse spectrum of political stances on a highly complex, ethically contentious socio-cultural concern - sex work - playing out in a wildly unsuitable forum.

*MJ popcorn gif*
If you're a famous person paying for a hooker, the least you can do is offer more on the condition that she leaves her phone at home.

Or do what NBA players do at their parties, everyone needs to leave their phones in a locked box until they are there.
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