Laurence Fox feat. Elvis

Not sure if serious but no I disagree, it's actually the opposite.

The only reason Fox or numerous other similar people have any airtime/support/platform is a direct result and symptom of the attack* on free speech. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction etc. So they build themselves a niche, alt platform built almost entirely on the premise that what they are saying is prohibited by the mainstream.

I'm definitely that way inclined myself, and certainly suspicious of those who intend to dictate what is and isn't allowed, so I found myself listening to what Fox had to say purely because he was being maligned for his comments. Fortunately I realised he's an idiot with nothing meaningful to contribute but others won't realise that.

*attack is too strong a wrong word but its 7am and I can't think the word I'm looking for, but I'm sure people get the drift of what I'm saying
Yet the likes of Fox and in the not so distant past, Farage, and their ilk have been constantly rolled out by the BBC on the likes of Question time. Not maligned, actively encouraged to grow.
How was Fox's free speech ever attacked in the first place? He has always been allowed to say the things he's said, as is anyone else.

This whole thing started because he was allowed to freely express what he likes on public forums like twitter and podcasts that were freely accessible to anyone who was interested, just like anyone else. He was then given the platform to broadcast his political beliefs on mainstream TV shows like Good Morning Britain and Question Time. He also had those political opinions reported across all the countries' biggest selling newspapers both at the time and ever since, which resulted in him receiving funding for a prospective political party through which he could try to act on his political beliefs. Most people literally didn't know who Lawrence Fox was until he was given the privilege of having his views broadcast to the entire country and beyond.

The supposed "attack on free speech" is largely a fantasy invented by people who don't understand what free speech means. Some of whom are then lucky enough to make a living complaining about their lack of free speech across multiple media outlets, whining about how a mainstream that voted in a PM who largely shares their political POV are ignoring their political POV.
Absolutely. Much more coherent than my post trying to communicate the same point.
Somewhat related:

Not what I got


Glass of Milk
A “glass of milk” is used to describe a hot white chick that is bad. While all girls can be a snack, a “glass of milk” narrows it down a bit. You can add other words like “thick” or “tall” to decribe the girl even further.
Guy 1: “oh shit did you see that tall glass of milk over there?”
Guy 2: “yea man she so fine”"

Anyway it might be right, I just think it's a bit of stretch.
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Not what I got


Glass of Milk
A “glass of milk” is used to describe a hot white chick that is bad. While all girls can be a snack, a “glass of milk” narrows it down a bit. You can add other words like “thick” or “tall” to decribe the girl even further.
Guy 1: “oh shit did you see that tall glass of milk over there?”
Guy 2: “yea man she so fine”"

Anyway it might be right, I just think it's a bit of stretch.

You think it’s a stretch that it’s white supremacist code being used by a man who doesn’t think white privilege exists and is skeptical (at best) of the existence of racism, but it’s not a stretch that a lanky white man would be using it describe himself as a ‘hot white chick’?
You think it’s a stretch that it’s white supremacist code being used by a man who doesn’t think white privilege exists and is skeptical (at best) of the existence of racism, but it’s not a stretch that a lanky white man would be using it describe himself as a ‘hot white chick’?
Not what I got


Glass of Milk
A “glass of milk” is used to describe a hot white chick that is bad. While all girls can be a snack, a “glass of milk” narrows it down a bit. You can add other words like “thick” or “tall” to decribe the girl even further.
Guy 1: “oh shit did you see that tall glass of milk over there?”
Guy 2: “yea man she so fine”"

Anyway it might be right, I just think it's a bit of stretch.

The result in that tweet is literally what everyone gets. Type “glass of milk emoji meaning” into google and you’ll see.
You think it’s a stretch that it’s white supremacist code being used by a man who doesn’t think white privilege exists and is skeptical (at best) of the existence of racism, but it’s not a stretch that a lanky white man would be using it describe himself as a ‘hot white chick’?
The result in that tweet is literally what everyone gets. Type “glass of milk emoji meaning” into google and you’ll see.

I did type it in. The richard spencer reference was on the bottom of results.
You think it’s a stretch that it’s white supremacist code being used by a man who doesn’t think white privilege exists and is skeptical (at best) of the existence of racism, but it’s not a stretch that a lanky white man would be using it describe himself as a ‘hot white chick’?

Maybe he secretly wants to be a hot white chick? Anyway I think Laurence is a twat, but I doubt he's secretly signalling that he's a hardcore white supremacist with a milk emoji. Im open to be wrong though.
Not what I got


Glass of Milk
A “glass of milk” is used to describe a hot white chick that is bad. While all girls can be a snack, a “glass of milk” narrows it down a bit. You can add other words like “thick” or “tall” to decribe the girl even further.
Guy 1: “oh shit did you see that tall glass of milk over there?”
Guy 2: “yea man she so fine”"

Anyway it might be right, I just think it's a bit of stretch.
It's been a widely recognised symbol of white nationalism and racism for quite a few years. This is from 2017. Gammon Fox is just very late to the party
For someone like white nationalist Richard Spencer, using a seemingly innocuous icon like a glass of milk works to represent a certain viewpoint until everyone starts to know what it means.

Spencer had put a glass of milk in his Twitter handle earlier this year as an ironic symbol of white supremacy. Through some very racist logic, milk came to mean all things white nationalist based on an article about Europeans being mostly lactose tolerant and able to handle drinking milk.

Spencer wrote to us through Twitter, explaining what the milk symbol meant to him. "The story, as I understand it, is as follows...," he wrote. "Some hysterical leftist literally argues that drinking milk is 'racist' because Europeans (& Central Asians) are lactose tolerant." It appears Spencer is citing a Mother Jones article that looked into the U.S. dietary guidelines for milk and suggested they may be discriminatory since not everyone, like African-Americans, needs to drink as much milk as recommended.

Spencer continued, "Then some Alt-Right kids go publicly guzzle milk on Shia leBoeuf's (sic) live stream HWNDU. Milk becomes 'a thing." He concluded, "Like Pepe, milk is now a symbol of white identity, both ironical and serious."
It's been a widely recognised symbol of white nationalism and racism for quite a few years. This is from 2017

Widely recognized? How many here on the CAF have ever thought about this other than today? If you want votes associating yourself with Richard Spencer is probably the worst way to go ahead.
Wow look at him doing what he is legally allowed to do.

What's really weird about it is that the government had literally supressed him from doing pub bants a couple of days ago so it's not even true.
Widely recognized? How many here on the CAF have ever thought about this other than today? If you want votes associating yourself with Richard Spencer is probably the worst way to go ahead.
Widely recognised and understood in right wing circles, rather like Pepe. Fox has not put this on his twitter handle by mistake.
Widely recognised and understood in right wing circles, rather like Pepe. Fox has not put this on his twitter handle by mistake.

Pepe? Being right wing doesn't automatically make you far right/alt right and understand secret twitter symbols like milk. Some people these days don't think there is much difference between wanting to pay less in taxes and having less goverment interference and being a Nazi.
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Pepe? Being right wing doesn't automatically make you far right/alt right and understand secret twitter symbols like milk.
I've no idea why you're doubting this. The glass of milk emoji has been known as a white supremacist symbol on social media for quite a while, so when an alt-right tit like Fox puts it on his Twitter handle, he knows exactly ho h is identifying himself. And Pepe is not just a symbol of the right the GOP's elephant, the Tory's tree or even the cross of St George are symbols used by the right, Pepe is associated with the far right and white supremacy. That's why it is listed as a hate symbol in quite a few countries and by the anti-defamation league and why the creator of Pepe decided to kill him off saying

"It’s completely insane that Pepe has been labeled a symbol of hate, and that racists and anti-Semites are using a once peaceful frog-dude from my comic book as an icon of hate. It’s a nightmare, and the only thing I can do is see this as an opportunity to speak out against hate."
Pepe? Being right wing doesn't automatically make you far right/alt right and understand secret twitter symbols like milk. Some people these days don't think there is much difference between wanting to pay less in taxes and having less goverment interference and being a Nazi.

Laurence Fox is essentially Alt-right, though.
You think it’s a stretch that it’s white supremacist code being used by a man who doesn’t think white privilege exists and is skeptical (at best) of the existence of racism, but it’s not a stretch that a lanky white man would be using it describe himself as a ‘hot white chick’?
You think it’s a stretch that it’s white supremacist code being used by a man who doesn’t think white privilege exists and is skeptical (at best) of the existence of racism, but it’s not a stretch that a lanky white man would be using it describe himself as a ‘hot white chick’?

Yet the likes of Fox and in the not so distant past, Farage, and their ilk have been constantly rolled out by the BBC on the likes of Question time. Not maligned, actively encouraged to grow.

I suppose my viewpoint is that the noise/aftermath of Fox's QT appearance has led to this current situation. He should have been ignored and he'd have remained an irrelevance. He was portrayed as a pantomime villain and he's run with that and is making a career/profile out of being anti-woke. The woke and anti-woke (or whatever other terms you wish to use, just the first that came to mind) feed off each other. Both flourish because of the other. Censorship and deplatforming doesn't work. It's like 4D whack a mole. The little bastard will just pop up somewhere else, with increasing vigour. Being 'the guy people attempted to deplatform' makes him a subject of interest, and gives him a platform to talk about how he was deplatformed. The legitimacy of his claim to have been deplatformed/his free speech impaired isn't really my point and I don't think really matters.

Anyway, he's milking it for now (I presume he has some backers who see him as a useful vehicle due to his moment in the spotlight). He will fade away into irrelevance eventually, but the best way to achieve that is to ignore him.
I suppose my viewpoint is that the noise/aftermath of Fox's QT appearance has led to this current situation. He should have been ignored and he'd have remained an irrelevance. He was portrayed as a pantomime villain and he's run with that and is making a career/profile out of being anti-woke. The woke and anti-woke (or whatever other terms you wish to use, just the first that came to mind) feed off each other. Both flourish because of the other. Censorship and deplatforming doesn't work. It's like 4D whack a mole. The little bastard will just pop up somewhere else, with increasing vigour. Being 'the guy people attempted to deplatform' makes him a subject of interest, and gives him a platform to talk about how he was deplatformed. The legitimacy of his claim to have been deplatformed/his free speech impaired isn't really my point and I don't think really matters.

Anyway, he's milking it for now (I presume he has some backers who see him as a useful vehicle due to his moment in the spotlight). He will fade away into irrelevance eventually, but the best way to achieve that is to ignore him.

I see what you did there.