Leicester - the title is still theirs to lose.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
It's not "idiotic" to suggest that things have changed - that there will be no return to the cosy era when mostly the same 4 clubs finished in the top 4 every season. I've given my reasons why. If you disagree then explain why instead of filling your posts with childish personal abuse.

I've also noticed that some posters seem to resent the fact that wealthy clubs have slid down the pecking order, as if it affronts their sense of the "natural order" ... perhaps because it challenges the comfortable notion that the best teams are always filled with players that cost lots of money and are paid high wages. Again, if you disagree then explain why instead of coming back with more personal abuse.

And by the way, I feel sorry for any poster who engages with hate. It makes me wonder what's going on in their lives.
A pecking order is established over more than one season. When Spurs and Leicester repeat their success people will be more concerned.


"nothing wrong with some friendly incest, bro"
Jul 22, 2014
I honestly don't know what i feel about Robert Huth winning the league...
And a couple players who weren't "good enough" for us.

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
On the contrary, I almost try to talk about football and almost never throw around personal abuse. The main reason why some don't like what I say is because I've robustly challenged the notion that Spurs are not going places and maintained that - post-Berbatov - no Spurs player will ever again be sold to United or any other Prem rival. Instead such folk mostly want to hear sycophantic praise for "big-name" players and hear talk about the contest/rivalry between "big clubs". They get upset with any suggestion that the apple-cart is being over-turned.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been told that Spurs have no chance of top 4, that Spurs will never challenge for the title, that Spurs will get destroyed in the CL etc etc. But guess what, it looks like this will be the 3rd time in the last 7 seasons that we've finished in the top 4, we are challenging for the title, and when we played in the CL we reached the QFs.

And very often the denial of Spurs as a force to be reckoned with has centred on money - e.g. United will offer so much money that Levy will sell whoever you want, or the likes of Chelski or City will spend big and always be in the top 4, or United will sign "Galacitico" X or Galactico Y" and always be at the top.

In reality, for some "big clubs" winter is coming ... but some people only want to hear about endless summer.
Mostly nonsense, mostly. Why would united fans have a problem with the likes of Leicester/Spurs winning the title ahead of the established teams city/Liverpool/Chelsea/arsenal, four clubs who are universally loathed by united fans .
You're creating a siege/defensive mentality as if this is a west ham forum. Nobody on here is against Tottenham, in fact the only thing people on here seem to dislike about Tottenham is you.

People pointing out the obvious that the elite will return to the top table is nothing to do with being precious or whatever delusional reasons you think, it's based purely on fact. I made a comment about a few teams being in transition and you laughed it off. Money talks and it's that simple. United, city and Chelsea have managers who are all gone in the summer. City and united are clearly at the worse state they've been in for a while and Chelsea have put on the worse defence of a title in living memory.

If you want to live in a bubble and act as if this will now become the norm, fine do it, just don't expect others to agree.
I mean honestly , you're talking up Spurs finishing in the top 4 three times in 7 seasons as if that's some kind of achievement and now makes spurs a force to be reckoned with.
Win some fecking trophies before you start spouting the "spurs are taking over" bollocks.


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
I actually like Glaston Spur. I think it's a matter of perception. Many of the posters here are so blinded by their own bias' that they can't see the forest through all the shite they spew. It's a United forum, it's to be expected and Glaston isn't much different in regards to his bias, it's just that he's coming at it from a different angle since his bias stems from a different team. Spurs have been the outsiders, his arguments are based around how can Spurs become an insider.

In general I agree with Glastons argument, but I disagree with his conclusion. Spurs have a long way to go to cement a position as a top 4 club. A few seasons is a great start, but the real test is going to be how they cope as time runs on. They can't make mistakes. They don't have the pockets for it. Every deal has to be not only shrewd, but the players have to be the right players. One or two bad marquee signings and Spurs are in enormous trouble.

United, Chelsea and City can keep throwing money at the problem until the problem goes away. City and Chelsea are both perhaps more vulnerable because their ability to do that exists as long as their owners are willing to spend money. Spurs cannot do that. If this is a war of attrition, Spurs almost certainly cannot win against those three in the long term so long as those three can spend money. That's the issue I think Glastonspur glosses over in his argument. Money may not buy instant success, but enough money over enough time will win out eventually.

I'm not saying Spurs can't do it and can't make this a permanent shift in the PL dynamic, but anyone, even the most ardent Spurs fan who would deny that it's going to be an enormously difficult thing to do, is delusional.

The resources at the disposal of United Chelsea and City compared to Spurs is like the difference between the USA and Germany in WW2. The USA could afford to crap the bed for years and still win via math. Germany couldn't.

Mr Smith

Full Member
Oct 4, 2015
My question is that assuming Leicester do win the league - which of their players do we think they will lose in the summer?

Vardy, Mahrez, Kante and Schmeichel could all attract some fairly big suitors, and even though they have had a truly unbelievable season this year, it would be difficult to justify staying put if a regular CL/EL team comes calling.
They'll be in the Champions League next year, and a lot of the clubs that will be trying to sign them won't be (Chelsea, us, possibly City). For me players like Vardy and Marhez should stick around at least another year, see how long they can keep the adventure going. Leicester's Champions League campaign next year will get a lot of attention, and if I were a player I'd want to be part of it, rather than move to a multi-millionare giant that I might get a few games for.

Mr Smith

Full Member
Oct 4, 2015
On the contrary, I almost try to talk about football and almost never throw around personal abuse. The main reason why some don't like what I say is because I've robustly challenged the notion that Spurs are not going places and maintained that - post-Berbatov - no Spurs player will ever again be sold to United or any other Prem rival. Instead such folk mostly want to hear sycophantic praise for "big-name" players and hear talk about the contest/rivalry between "big clubs". They get upset with any suggestion that the apple-cart is being over-turned.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been told that Spurs have no chance of top 4, that Spurs will never challenge for the title, that Spurs will get destroyed in the CL etc etc. But guess what, it looks like this will be the 3rd time in the last 7 seasons that we've finished in the top 4, we are challenging for the title, and when we played in the CL we reached the QFs.

And very often the denial of Spurs as a force to be reckoned with has centred on money - e.g. United will offer so much money that Levy will sell whoever you want, or the likes of Chelski or City will spend big and always be in the top 4, or United will sign "Galacitico" X or Galactico Y" and always be at the top.

In reality, for some "big clubs" winter is coming ... but some people only want to hear about endless summer.
To be fair, a lot of this was because in the year or so before Poch came along, Spurs had bungled a series of key decisions. They were frivolous with the Bale money, they committed to AVB... and then didn't, and they had a lot of players in the squad with poor character. In the meantime, Arsenal were finally spending some money, City were getting stronger than ever, and Mourinho had returned. So it was actually implausible to suggest that Spurs would get back into the top 4 at the time, no one could have predicted the way the table has been flipped this season.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
It's not "idiotic" to suggest that things have changed - that there will be no return to the cosy era when mostly the same 4 clubs finished in the top 4 every season. I've given my reasons why. If you disagree then explain why instead of filling your posts with childish personal abuse.

I've also noticed that some posters seem to resent the fact that wealthy clubs have slid down the pecking order, as if it affronts their sense of the "natural order" ... perhaps because it challenges the comfortable notion that the best teams are always filled with players that cost lots of money and are paid high wages. Again, if you disagree then explain why instead of coming back with more personal abuse.

And by the way, I feel sorry for any poster who engages with hate. It makes me wonder what's going on in their lives.
I think we all wonder that about you Glaston tbf.

What are the motivations involved in spending your life being antagonistic on a Man United forum (and others by all accounts), and damaging the reputation of your club amongst people who under normal circumstances have a fairly favourable or ambivalent attitude to your club? Truly I don't know. Doesn't it wear you down? Do you have concerned people around you? "Oh look, daddy's on that Man United website again, bashing his keyboard and muttering things about apple carts and winter coming. 7th night this week."

Some of the stuff you're coming out with you know to be garbage. No right-thinking Spurs fan could believe that United fans don't want Leicester to win the league. I feel confident saying that for virtually all of us it would be the best PL season in memory outside of United winning it. I'll certainly toast it personally. To think we'd want City/Chelsea/Arsenal to win it is just mind-boggling and total wilful manipulation of reality. And for the vast majority, Spurs would be the favoured choice over any of those three.

I actually don't think you're wrong that the 'lesser' sides in the league are improving dramatically - it's clearly true. However, the elephant in the room here for you is that Spurs are at just as much threat of being side-lined by these guys as us. 3 or 4 years ago, Spurs only really needed one of the 'big 4' to have a shocker and you could find yourself in the CL (or picking up a league cup). You are part of that establishment, albeit the one most typically on the fringes. Now, not only will you have to continue to contend with those same established clubs, but also the threat of the West Hams, Leicesters, Southamptons, Mosiri-owned Everton etc.

If we should be worried about this (I'm personally not, I relish it and am loving the variation in the league at the moment), then Spurs should be equally if not more so. In a strange way the 'status quo' you like to talk about wasn't working too badly for you, because you were practically part of it, much as you'd be loathe to admit it. You are far from immune from the shifting dynamics of the league.
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May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
I think we all wonder that about you Glaston tbf.

What are the motivations involved in spending your life being antagonistic on a Man United forum (and others by all accounts), and damaging the reputation of your club amongst people who under normal circumstances have a fairly favourable or ambivalent attitude to your club? Truly I don't know. Doesn't it wear you down? Do you have concerned people around you? "Oh look, daddy's on that Man United website again, bashing his keyboard and muttering things about apple carts and winter coming. 7th night this week."

Some of the stuff you're coming out with you know to be garbage. No right-thinking Spurs fan could believe that United fans don't want Leicester to win the league. I feel confident saying that for virtually all of us it would be the best PL season in memory outside of United winning it. I'll certainly toast it personally. To think we'd want City/Chelsea/Arsenal to win it is just mind-boggling and total wilful manipulation of reality. And for the vast majority, Spurs would be the favoured choice over any of those three.

I actually don't think you're wrong that the 'lesser' sides in the league are improving dramatically - it's clearly true. However, the elephant in the room here for you is that Spurs are at just as much threat of being side-lined by these guys as us. 3 or 4 years ago, Spurs only really needed one of the 'big 4' to have a shocker and you could find yourself in the CL (or picking up a league cup). You are part of that establishment, albeit the one most typically on the fringes. Now, not only will you have to continue to contend with those same established clubs, but also the threat of the West Hams, Leicesters, Southamptons, Mosiri-owned Everton etc.

If we should be worried about this (I'm personally not, I relish it and am loving the variation in the league at the moment), then Spurs should be equally if not more so. In a strange way the 'status quo' you like to talk about wasn't working too badly for you, because you were practically part of it, much as you'd be loathe to admit it. You are far from immune from the shifting dynamics of the league.
If only I could rep.
Quality post.

Billy Blaggs

Flacco of the Blaggs tribe
Nov 6, 2000
Accidental founder of Blaggstianity.
I think we all wonder that about you Glaston tbf.

What are the motivations involved in spending your life being antagonistic on a Man United forum (and others by all accounts), and damaging the reputation of your club amongst people who under normal circumstances have a fairly favourable or ambivalent attitude to your club? Truly I don't know. Doesn't it wear you down? Do you have concerned people around you? "Oh look, daddy's on that Man United website again, bashing his keyboard and muttering things about apple carts and winter coming. 7th night this week."

Some of the stuff you're coming out with you know to be garbage. No right-thinking Spurs fan could believe that United fans don't want Leicester to win the league. I feel confident saying that for virtually all of us it would be the best PL season in memory outside of United winning it. I'll certainly toast it personally. To think we'd want City/Chelsea/Arsenal to win it is just mind-boggling and total wilful manipulation of reality. And for the vast majority, Spurs would be the favoured choice over any of those three.

I actually don't think you're wrong that the 'lesser' sides in the league are improving dramatically - it's clearly true. However, the elephant in the room here for you is that Spurs are at just as much threat of being side-lined by these guys as us. 3 or 4 years ago, Spurs only really needed one of the 'big 4' to have a shocker and you could find yourself in the CL (or picking up a league cup). You are part of that establishment, albeit the one most typically on the fringes. Now, not only will you have to continue to contend with those same established clubs, but also the threat of the West Hams, Leicesters, Southamptons, Mosiri-owned Everton etc.

If we should be worried about this (I'm personally not, I relish it and am loving the variation in the league at the moment), then Spurs should be equally if not more so. In a strange way the 'status quo' you like to talk about wasn't working too badly for you, because you were practically part of it, much as you'd be loathe to admit it. You are far from immune from the shifting dynamics of the league.


likes to use pantyhose
Jan 23, 2008
The Colonies
They'll be in the Champions League next year, and a lot of the clubs that will be trying to sign them won't be (Chelsea, us, possibly City). For me players like Vardy and Marhez should stick around at least another year, see how long they can keep the adventure going. Leicester's Champions League campaign next year will get a lot of attention, and if I were a player I'd want to be part of it, rather than move to a multi-millionare giant that I might get a few games for.
It's going to be difficult to keep them when other clubs are going to offer much bigger wages


Full Member
Sep 1, 2008
Marhez will go to another club and shine.

Vardy would be well advised to screw Leicester for as much cash as he can. I don't think he'd work well elsewhere


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
No, the quality of the Premier league as a whole - which is much wider than just the "top sides" - has improved, making it more competitive and reducing the number of automatic gimme wins. This is because all of the clubs now have access to more money from TV rights and some of them have appointed good managers. The "top sides" haven't been able to handle this and have been found out.

The proof of the pudding is that all of last season's top 4 are doing worse this time around. Your explanation relies on some mysterious "co-incidence" as to why they've all declined together at the same time.
There are many factors that have affected the PL this season, and I've said for some time that the influx of money will have a great equalising affect and competitiveness will increase. However that said this season has been quite exceptional in that the clubs spending the most money have not been able to construct title challenging teams and Chelsea's (and Hazard's) shocking demise.
We can also add in the increase in injuries for certainly United and Liverpool and probably Arsenal too (though their squad seems to be perma-injured). City have had their fair share but Spurs have really got away laughing this season with, for the main, their key players remaining fit and firing, for a smallish squad this has been critical in their rise.
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The Purist

New Member
Jan 23, 2014
United haven't been back at top for the last 3 seasons: the odds on that suddenly changing just because the Mourinho circus is coming to town are not great. You'll likely toss away some more hundreds of millions, junk half of your current squad and exile most of your young prospects ... all to no great effect except turmoil, bitchy comments about other teams/managers/match officials and the media spotlight being firmly where Mourinho likes it: on himself.

Chelski have big problems if their own - some ageing players and several players who'll want out this summer. I doubt they'll fix that in one summer.

City and Arsenal I'll grant you ... but then they're in the current top 4 anyhow.
The paragraph on Mourinho is the first thing I've ever read from you that I agree with.

You have been quite bullish in this thread. I'm curious, do you genuinely believe you are going to finish anywhere other than the usual (behind The Arsenal)?


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
There are other teams in the league besides those three - and most of these other teams have improved since then, making them more difficult to beat. So it's swings and roundabouts.

It's laughable how the league table never lies ... except when most of "top clubs" aren't doing so well.
That saying is pure fallacy, a myth promoted by fans and managers alike. Of course the league table lies because it doesn't account for a squad depleted by injuries or ridiculous luck at crucial times in a season/a key match (and bollocks does it even out, it is clearly not swings and roundabouts - a season is far too short to account for random chance). This doesn't mean that the most deserving team doesn't win or finish 6th or whatever, though it does mean there is a degree of randomness that can affect any team.

The Purist

New Member
Jan 23, 2014
Fergies prematch press conference against the spuds once went 'Lads...its Tottenham', we battared them 3-0. In the end thats all they deserve. They might win the title this season due to mediocrity from the big boys, it won't last
They won't, don't worry. I know United fans probably never really had to care or read about Spurs (because they are highly irrelevant) but every year for a decade they have piped up about how they are now better than Arsenal and will finish above us yada yada yada and every year the same thing happens - they finish behind The Arsenal. In the next 7-8 games, the natural order will be restored and once again they will finish behind us.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
They won't, don't worry. I know United fans probably never really had to care or read about Spurs (because they are highly irrelevant) but every year for a decade they have piped up about how they are now better than Arsenal and will finish above us yada yada yada and every year the same thing happens - they finish behind The Arsenal. In the next 7-8 games, the natural order will be restored and once again they will finish behind us.
Arsenal fans appear to be very sure of this. Everything I read from Arsenal fans on Spurs this season comes across as extremely bullish. I do wonder if it is genuine confidence, or defensiveness. I'm not really seeing much from Spurs that suggests they're going to fall apart. Maybe if Liecester keep doing the business both Arsenal and Spurs will eventually give up and fall away, but while it's tight they seem to be doing their business fairly easily.

Hopefully that changes against us, mind you :D


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
Very true, I just think that despite their respective teams' performance this season, Stoke and Saints are still both reputable enough to stand a better chance of hanging on to their best players. I think the Leicester players may have a bit more of an incentive to "cash in" on a fantastic season rather than thinking that they can replicate or improve on it.
However unless that move is to a CL bound team then I could see them staying an extra season to enjoy the CL from there .. it depends on whether they can resist the lure of the financial gain they would surely accrue from a move to one of the traditional top 4 / 5. Vardy (at 29 yrs old) is not going anywhere near a 'big club', there is simply not enough time left in his legs to amortise the fee invested.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2009
With regard to winning the title :
Since I started this thread a while back, and Leicester have done nothing to mitigate my belief - in fact to the contrary, I still hold the opinion they will see it home. Spurs however I can see finishing 3rd, Arsenal's run in is far simpler because for me Spurs' fixture list looks a nightmare of potential point-losing matches. They are, effectively, 6 points behind Spurs but with that game in hand so likely 3 points and with the comparative run-ins that gives Arsenal a big edge IMO.

4/5 teams to battle it out for 4th but with City having the edge due to the quality of their squad.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
I think we all wonder that about you Glaston tbf.

What are the motivations involved in spending your life being antagonistic on a Man United forum (and others by all accounts), and damaging the reputation of your club amongst people who under normal circumstances have a fairly favourable or ambivalent attitude to your club? Truly I don't know. Doesn't it wear you down? Do you have concerned people around you? "Oh look, daddy's on that Man United website again, bashing his keyboard and muttering things about apple carts and winter coming. 7th night this week."

Some of the stuff you're coming out with you know to be garbage. No right-thinking Spurs fan could believe that United fans don't want Leicester to win the league. I feel confident saying that for virtually all of us it would be the best PL season in memory outside of United winning it. I'll certainly toast it personally. To think we'd want City/Chelsea/Arsenal to win it is just mind-boggling and total wilful manipulation of reality. And for the vast majority, Spurs would be the favoured choice over any of those three.

I actually don't think you're wrong that the 'lesser' sides in the league are improving dramatically - it's clearly true. However, the elephant in the room here for you is that Spurs are at just as much threat of being side-lined by these guys as us. 3 or 4 years ago, Spurs only really needed one of the 'big 4' to have a shocker and you could find yourself in the CL (or picking up a league cup). You are part of that establishment, albeit the one most typically on the fringes. Now, not only will you have to continue to contend with those same established clubs, but also the threat of the West Hams, Leicesters, Southamptons, Mosiri-owned Everton etc.

If we should be worried about this (I'm personally not, I relish it and am loving the variation in the league at the moment), then Spurs should be equally if not more so. In a strange way the 'status quo' you like to talk about wasn't working too badly for you, because you were practically part of it, much as you'd be loathe to admit it. You are far from immune from the shifting dynamics of the league.
Well said, he spends so much time here with no real purpose. Nobody here likes him, few people respect his opinion, he's constantly being laughed at for his ridiculous posts, he's so bullish that you can already see his face turning all red while he furiously types his posts yet he decides to dedicate several hours a month to posting on Man Utd forum. It's weird, isn't it?


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
On the contrary i enjoy opposition banter and appreciate that they find this place homey enough to post here.

It's natural for oppo fans to be abit bullish. They're virgin among the wolves anyway. Specifically for British teams oppo, balu and co can be bit more lenient due to we're not in direct competition with their clubs.


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
I think we all wonder that about you Glaston tbf.

What are the motivations involved in spending your life being antagonistic on a Man United forum (and others by all accounts), and damaging the reputation of your club amongst people who under normal circumstances have a fairly favourable or ambivalent attitude to your club? Truly I don't know. Doesn't it wear you down? Do you have concerned people around you? "Oh look, daddy's on that Man United website again, bashing his keyboard and muttering things about apple carts and winter coming. 7th night this week."

Some of the stuff you're coming out with you know to be garbage. No right-thinking Spurs fan could believe that United fans don't want Leicester to win the league. I feel confident saying that for virtually all of us it would be the best PL season in memory outside of United winning it. I'll certainly toast it personally. To think we'd want City/Chelsea/Arsenal to win it is just mind-boggling and total wilful manipulation of reality. And for the vast majority, Spurs would be the favoured choice over any of those three.

I actually don't think you're wrong that the 'lesser' sides in the league are improving dramatically - it's clearly true. However, the elephant in the room here for you is that Spurs are at just as much threat of being side-lined by these guys as us. 3 or 4 years ago, Spurs only really needed one of the 'big 4' to have a shocker and you could find yourself in the CL (or picking up a league cup). You are part of that establishment, albeit the one most typically on the fringes. Now, not only will you have to continue to contend with those same established clubs, but also the threat of the West Hams, Leicesters, Southamptons, Mosiri-owned Everton etc.

If we should be worried about this (I'm personally not, I relish it and am loving the variation in the league at the moment), then Spurs should be equally if not more so. In a strange way the 'status quo' you like to talk about wasn't working too badly for you, because you were practically part of it, much as you'd be loathe to admit it. You are far from immune from the shifting dynamics of the league.
Excellent post.


Full Member
Apr 14, 2013
With regard to winning the title :
Since I started this thread a while back, and Leicester have done nothing to mitigate my belief - in fact to the contrary, I still hold the opinion they will see it home. Spurs however I can see finishing 3rd, Arsenal's run in is far simpler because for me Spurs' fixture list looks a nightmare of potential point-losing matches. They are, effectively, 6 points behind Spurs but with that game in hand so likely 3 points and with the comparative run-ins that gives Arsenal a big edge IMO.

4/5 teams to battle it out for 4th but with City having the edge due to the quality of their squad.
You're delusional if you think Liverpool have a shot at top four. I'd say United only have a slim chance and they're one point off!

Between City, West Ham and United. That's it.


Full Member
Apr 14, 2013
They won't, don't worry. I know United fans probably never really had to care or read about Spurs (because they are highly irrelevant) but every year for a decade they have piped up about how they are now better than Arsenal and will finish above us yada yada yada and every year the same thing happens - they finish behind The Arsenal. In the next 7-8 games, the natural order will be restored and once again they will finish behind us.
Christ, Arsenal fans are so cocky it's unbearable. As others have said, the signs aren't exactly there that Tottenham will capitulate. This team under Poch are a different kettle of fish to previous Spurs sides, whereas Arsenal are still perennial bottlers under Wenger. I'd say the title is slightly in favour of Spurs than Arsenal and using years gone by really is a moot point.

Also, 'The Arsenal'. feck me, that's some next level cringe right there.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
What does this even mean? What makes Spurs impervious to this 'winter'?
To be fair to Spurs, they have a very young squad all of whom are improving. They have a very good manager who seems to be identifying the right players in the transfer market. If they keep hold of Poch then they'll only get better. There are several big clubs that have all kinds of issues and we're one of them.

As for Leicester, warning signs are starting to show that they're getting a bit nervous as reality hits home. They've been a bit lucky in the last 2 fixtures and I can see them dropping points soon and getting very twitchy.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
To be fair to Spurs, they have a very young squad all of whom are improving. They have a very good manager who seems to be identifying the right players in the transfer market. If they keep hold of Poch then they'll only get better. There are several big clubs that have all kinds of issues and we're one of them.

As for Leicester, warning signs are starting to show that they're getting a bit nervous as reality hits home. They've been a bit lucky in the last 2 fixtures and I can see them dropping points soon and getting very twitchy.
That's all predicated on ifs. And if all the top clubs are in danger of being caught then so are Spurs.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
That's all predicated on ifs. And if all the top clubs are in danger of being caught then so are Spurs.
Not really, Spurs are a club on the up anyone who doesn't see that are simply blinkered. Poch is a big reason for that rise so it's only natural to conclude that if they keep hold of him they will continue to improve. That's one if, Levy doesn't even sell his best players to PL clubs anymore so it's not like the wealthier clubs can raid them either.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
Not really, Spurs are a club on the up anyone who doesn't see that are simply blinkered. Poch is a big reason for that rise so it's only natural to conclude that if they keep hold of him they will continue to improve. That's one if, Levy doesn't even sell his best players to PL clubs anymore so it's not like the wealthier clubs can raid them either.
They are but that doesn't mean it can't change. Nobody continues on an upward trajectory forever. There is always a risk for clubs to lose their players to wealthier or more attractive clubs. If Real Madrid wanted Eriksen for example then Spurs would struggle to keep him.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
....People pointing out the obvious that the elite will return to the top table is nothing to do with being precious or whatever delusional reasons you think, it's based purely on fact. I made a comment about a few teams being in transition and you laughed it off. Money talks and it's that simple. United, city and Chelsea have managers who are all gone in the summer. City and united are clearly at the worse state they've been in for a while and Chelsea have put on the worse defence of a title in living memory.

If you want to live in a bubble and act as if this will now become the norm, fine do it, just don't expect others to agree.
I mean honestly , you're talking up Spurs finishing in the top 4 three times in 7 seasons as if that's some kind of achievement and now makes spurs a force to be reckoned with.
Win some fecking trophies before you start spouting the "spurs are taking over" bollocks.
It's based on opinion - your opinion in this instance - not fact. It will only become fact if and when it actually happens.

You say it's "nothing to do with being precious", but then then go on to effectively contradict this with defensive references to "the elite" and through saying "money talks and it's that simple". But it's precisely not that simple, as this season has shown.

You also say that finishing in the top 4 three times in 7 seasons does not make spurs a force to be reckoned with, when clearly it does at least in terms of the competition for top 4 and thus CL places.

As for the rest, I have not said "Spurs are taking over" ... that's just the usual misreprentation that's typical of those posters who take umbrage, as I've previously described, at the notion that the "elite clubs" are not now quite so elite as their supporters like to think.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
I think we all wonder that about you Glaston tbf.

What are the motivations involved in spending your life being antagonistic on a Man United forum (and others by all accounts), and damaging the reputation of your club amongst people who under normal circumstances have a fairly favourable or ambivalent attitude to your club? Truly I don't know. Doesn't it wear you down? Do you have concerned people around you? "Oh look, daddy's on that Man United website again, bashing his keyboard and muttering things about apple carts and winter coming. 7th night this week."

Some of the stuff you're coming out with you know to be garbage. No right-thinking Spurs fan could believe that United fans don't want Leicester to win the league. I feel confident saying that for virtually all of us it would be the best PL season in memory outside of United winning it. I'll certainly toast it personally. To think we'd want City/Chelsea/Arsenal to win it is just mind-boggling and total wilful manipulation of reality. And for the vast majority, Spurs would be the favoured choice over any of those three.

I actually don't think you're wrong that the 'lesser' sides in the league are improving dramatically - it's clearly true. However, the elephant in the room here for you is that Spurs are at just as much threat of being side-lined by these guys as us. 3 or 4 years ago, Spurs only really needed one of the 'big 4' to have a shocker and you could find yourself in the CL (or picking up a league cup). You are part of that establishment, albeit the one most typically on the fringes. Now, not only will you have to continue to contend with those same established clubs, but also the threat of the West Hams, Leicesters, Southamptons, Mosiri-owned Everton etc.

If we should be worried about this (I'm personally not, I relish it and am loving the variation in the league at the moment), then Spurs should be equally if not more so. In a strange way the 'status quo' you like to talk about wasn't working too badly for you, because you were practically part of it, much as you'd be loathe to admit it. You are far from immune from the shifting dynamics of the league.
The typical warped translation of, as I've said before, of my robustly disputing the notion that Spurs are not going places.

Followed by something I've not said: I've not said that that United fans in general don't want Leicester to win the league. What I've said that some posters on here don't like one of their most precious football theories - namely "money equals success" - being challenged or broken.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
There are many factors that have affected the PL this season, and I've said for some time that the influx of money will have a great equalising affect and competitiveness will increase. However that said this season has been quite exceptional in that the clubs spending the most money have not been able to construct title challenging teams and Chelsea's (and Hazard's) shocking demise.
We can also add in the increase in injuries for certainly United and Liverpool and probably Arsenal too (though their squad seems to be perma-injured). City have had their fair share but Spurs have really got away laughing this season with, for the main, their key players remaining fit and firing, for a smallish squad this has been critical in their rise.
Well, more exceptional perhaps. But it can be seen as part of a developing trend in the Prem in which the exceptions occur with increasing frequency to this "money equals success" narrative. Take, for instance, Spurs finishing above Liverpool for every season bar one for a long while now, despite Liverpool paying significantly higher wages and having a significantly larger income. Or take United dropping out of the top four 2 seasons ago and struggling to get into the top 4 now. Then there's Chelski plight right now (the 2nd time in the last few years they've dropped out of the top 4) ... and more.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Well said, he spends so much time here with no real purpose. Nobody here likes him, few people respect his opinion, he's constantly being laughed at for his ridiculous posts, he's so bullish that you can already see his face turning all red while he furiously types his posts yet he decides to dedicate several hours a month to posting on Man Utd forum. It's weird, isn't it?
What's weird is your constant need to repeat - is this the 6th time in last 24 hours? - that you don't like me. Yes, we get it, you don't like me .... now be good chap, toddle off and start a personal vendetta with some other unfortunate.


Mar 8, 2012
Poland, Kraków
What's weird is your constant need to repeat - is this the 6th time in last 24 hours? - that you don't like me. Yes, we get it, you don't like me .... now be good chap, toddle off and start a personal vendetta with some other unfortunate.
It's not half as weird as your constant need of spouting shit.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
fecking hell, I don't even think Leicester could find their way through the walls of text in the thread.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
What's weird is your constant need to repeat - is this the 6th time in last 24 hours? - that you don't like me. Yes, we get it, you don't like me .... now be good chap, toddle off and start a personal vendetta with some other unfortunate.
Trouble is there's nobody else here that I dislike, so I cannot move on to another person. It's just you and your mad Tottenham mind.

How does it feel to know that you've managed to turn so many people against your favourite club? You're doing the reverse job of our German colleagues on here as reading Balu, Sphaero and the rest you almost want to cheer for the German clubs. Likewise Porto with Arruda and Sporting with Sly. Hell even Liverpool fans on here are usually good posters and might make you hate Liverpool less. Your one man army has however managed to turn half of the forum against a team that everyone normally liked. :lol: Thinking about it this is quite some achievement.


New Member
Feb 17, 2014
Squirming around on a dusty barber shop floor
Leicester could not have timed it better, if they do the unthinkable the football world is their oyster, tv rights would put them above most clubs worldwide, great fan base and cl football means no club can hold them to ransom.

Brilliant for football and just what this country needed to break up the old cabal, credit where credit is due.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Trouble is there's nobody else here that I dislike .....
I tell you what. Why don't you start your very own "I dislike GlastonSpur" thread? Then you can endlessly and repetitively post your dislike in there and stop boring the shit out of the rest of us.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
I tell you what. Why don't you start your very own "I dislike GlastonSpur" thread? Then you can endlessly and repetitively post your dislike in there and stop boring the shit out of the rest of us.
Why would I start a separate thread just to say you are annoying, what's the point? I really don't like that suggestion.