Let’s sign Gareth Bale

His off field antics is as comical as when he is playing.
That’s rubbish, who cares what he does on social media? We’re you calling him a clown when he won us the FA Cup final?
Bale would instantly become one of the top 3-5 players in the Premier League, mabye even the very best. A left footed right winger is exactly what we need in our attack as well. If he wants to leave Real and they are willing to sell, we should go all in for him.
It would be great to sign Bale, but I think we are going to sign William
Would rather have Milinkovic-Savic. We need to plan for the long-term to catch City.
Great game today but people are forgetting that he can't stay fit over a season. His injury record is extremely bad and it likely won't get any better. I've been a fan of his game for a long time and rate him highly, but the risk is very high with signing Bale.
Thing is they don't play him. Listening to his post match interview, he seriously wants out.

I reckon we'd be looking at about 80m - yes, it's a lot, but we've got it and we must be one of the few teams that could handle his wages.

I also think he'd suit José's football, which is a big deal given how most big name players are more suited to the press/possession footy of the day.

I'm all in, lets get him signed.

Only an oil sheik afflicted with desert dementia and sand blindness in both eyes would pay that kind of money. He's a 29 year old winger, seriously reliant on pace, with a terrible injury record, who'll demand astronomical wages. Half of 80m would be a big risk.
No. I admit Bale is a quality player. But he's had a torrid time with injuries too. I think the risk is too big considering what Bale would cost to sign and pay.

I hate his man-bun too. Awful.
No ones forgetting the fitness issues, it's impossible to forget. But sometimes, you have to just say feck it when a player as good as him may be on the market.
Real wont sell him after this. Not without fleecing the buyer anyway.

Actually even if we slapped a stupid bid on I don't see Perez biting unless he has Neymar wrapped up.
Didn't need that to convince me but glad it helped anyone with doubts .

Real Madrids greatest ever British player. Great way to sign off for them too
Great player but the biggest issue with him is that if he was starting every Real game instead of coming off the bench for most he'd be injured more.

He's a massive risk. One that could pay off handsomely if he can stay fit. Depends whether you'd gamble £80m of our limited budget on him.
Great player but the biggest issue with him is that if he was starting every Real game instead of coming off the bench for most he'd be injured more.

He's a massive risk. One that could pay off handsomely if he can stay fit. Depends whether you'd gamble £80m of our limited budget on him.

What limited budget?
The fee and the wages will be .... both chilling and sobering reading. He's good, yes, but I don't know, lads. I just don't know if this is a great idea.
What limited budget?

We've spent £150m gross in the past two summer windows, with player sales it's been around £130m net. Usually that's one £80m player and 2-3 other players. So that looks like our upper limit to spending considering we wanted Perisic but didn't pay up more for him.

City in comparison spent £280m gross last summer and £200m net.
Zidane either has to give him assurances that he will play more often, or he will go elsewhere.

He's been in really good form of late. Whether that's enough to put him in Zidane's plans for next season or not, I don't know, but he's a top class player, who, as he said, needs to be playing week in week out.
I think at the end of the day Real will give him some assurances and he will stay.
Bale is a fantastic player but:
  1. He's rejected us three or more times before. I doubt he'll even want to come here.
  2. He'll cost well over £100M and his wages will be even higher than Sanchez's.
  3. There's always that nagging feeling that his next injury is just around the corner.
If we could guarantee over 40 games a season from him with his quality not dipping until he gets to Ronaldo's age I'd be all for it.

I think Real will give him the assurances he wants and he'll stay. He won't get those wages anywhere else.
I’m now completely in favour of signing him, much like I was with Demba Ba :)
Yea...lets not. Injury prone player joining United, what could go wrong. The fee, the wages etc. On top of all that, people think that he would change our fortune, yea for first 5 games maybe and then same old same old. Love how people saw him tonight and thinking just copy paste him in our team and thats it, all our problems solved.
An outstanding player to be sure, but far too injury prone. No point getting him just to sit in the stands with the team blazer on, listing to commentary from Robbie savage about how great he’ll be once he gets fit again. There also the fact he’s rejected us more than once. Why would that change now?
The player has always had this ability. Sure he's injury prone but our team has needed more match-winning quality players. We basically have Sanchez and Pogba who can find a way to win games out of nowhere and they've both been struggling. I was always neutral towards signing him but he plays on the right and that's the biggest hole in our offensive football.

I don't get the crying about injury prone or wages sometimes. Why do you care what his wages are? It's clear wages are almost irrelevant to most top clubs now and we've shown a decent ability to get rid of players on those obscene numbers since Jose took over. Injury concerns are real but if it works out he's a player who wins games.
Good idea..back when he was at Spurs. He's living the dream at Real, even if he's not an automatic starter. Ship has long since sailed.
I mean he's great, until he gets broken again. That has always been his only problem.
I mean he's great, until he gets broken again. That has always been his only problem.

Interesting he said in his interview after the game that he was injured for six games at the start of the season but has been fit for every other game since, just not picked. I’m sure he was injured more though so what’s he on about?
No thanks. It’s just a part of the annual Real circus act where they all demand improved contracts
Only on 2 conditions.
1. Sign Jan Oblak from Atletico Madrid.
2. Straight swap for De Gea.
Great player but the biggest issue with him is that if he was starting every Real game instead of coming off the bench for most he'd be injured more.

He's a massive risk. One that could pay off handsomely if he can stay fit. Depends whether you'd gamble £80m of our limited budget on him.

From what he said in the post match interview sounded like he hasnt had much in the range of injuries this season. We have a decent back up in Lingard too and the likes of Gomes and Chong waitign in the wings (pardon the pun). Also he is younger than Willian and no older than Perisic we were linked with last year and far better than either.

I think the biggest issue is we are already paying Sanchez crazy wages and Bales could be even higher. The injuries could be a concern of course and in an ideal world we would be signing a hugely exciting young winger but other names like Willian and Douglas Costa I would take Bale over any day....he isnt actually much older than Costa even.

Think injuries more of a concern if we sign for example Toby from Spurs as well having a couple of new signings who have had fitness issues.

As for the budget, think it really depends on outgoings, if Martial is leaving for example you would (forgetting the wage difference) think there would only be a £20ish difference in fees.

As stated alrady I would rather sign exciting young players we turn into stars, but first I am dubious of that happening with Mourinho anyway and adding Bale and Toby should you would think significantly strengthen us in two major areas that really need strengthening.
Problem is Real would probably demand De Gea in return