Let's talk about Smalling's magnificent hair

Looks like a crack addict.

Awful cut that doesn’t suit him one bit.
I laughed out loud the first time he popped up on my screen. The sheer audacity of that
Great hair. It suits him very much.
Reminds me of side show bob from the Simpsons if he were black.

someone take a blow torch to that Medusa.
According to this thread Chris Smalling’s hair is the new Marmite. And to be fair, it does actually look like someone poured a jar of Marmite on his head
Looks much better than the middle aged dad look from before.
World isn't yet ready for that Chris. But i'm pretty sure that it will be trendy soon...
I think it's fantastic. Good thread. Bad replies. You know nothing.
Sick of his hair and him flirting with other clubs!!11 No respect
He looks 5 yrs younger. Should ask Pogba about adding a bit color shades there.
So that's Tevin Campbell and Kris Kross I've had to google now. Keep 'em coming, lads!