Television Loki (Tv series)

Really the issue I have with this episode is that no force on earth is going to make me waste time on another Ant-Man film. So time spent setting that up is time wasted.

I get that this reveal is interesting for the people who are still excited to watch Ant-Man 3, Spider-Man 3, Dr Strange 2, etc etc until the death of the universe finally ends this money-generating machine. And I know the nature of Marvel content is to constantly set the next thing up. But it's a shame when doing so involves compromising the stories they're actually telling for the sake of building other stories.

This was a particularly bad example of it. Having the final reveal of what has been a fun and interesting series in its own right be "Oh look, it turned out to be a character that has nothing to do with the other characters, isn't representative of anything the story up to now has been about and won't actually do anything interesting here but acts as a set-up for a character taken from comics most people haven't read who also won't do anything interesting here but might do something interesting in later films you may or may not watch. Now let's spend the rest of the episode focused on him." is deeply unsatisfying and only works as a set-up for other stuff.

It felt like the story that was being told up to now got sidelined in its own finale, as our main characters quite literally stopped, sat down and had the set-up for the next few years of Marvel films explained to them by a hammy, scenery-and-apple chewing bad guy straight from Dr Who school of excitable antagonists.
Really enjoyed that finale. No massive fight scenes and was better for it. Just an impending sense of dread as the characters talked.
Really the issue I have with this episode is that no force on earth is going to make me waste time on another Ant-Man film. So time spent setting that up is time wasted.

I get that this reveal is interesting for the people who are still excited to watch Ant-Man 3, Spider-Man 3, Dr Strange 2, etc etc until the death of the universe finally ends this money-generating machine. And I know the nature of Marvel content is to constantly set the next thing up. But it's a shame when doing so involves compromising the stories they're actually telling for the sake of building other stories.

This was a particularly bad example of it. Having the final reveal of what has been a fun and interesting series in its own right be "Oh look, it turned out to be a character that has nothing to do with the other characters, isn't representative of anything the story up to now has been about and won't actually do anything interesting here but acts as a set-up for a character taken from comics most people haven't read who also won't do anything interesting here but might do something interesting in later films you may or may not watch. Now let's spend the rest of the episode focused on him." is deeply unsatisfying and only works as a set-up for other stuff.

It felt like the story that was being told up to now got sidelined in its own finale, as our main characters quite literally stopped, sat down and had the set-up for the next few years of Marvel films explained to them by a hammy, scenery-and-apple chewing bad guy straight from Dr Who school of excitable antagonists.
Felt like that, great critique. I would add that Loki's character in the 1st season being reduced to a tool, always catching up to what's going, while pretty much carrying Sylvie's plan to murder final boss... and when he's finally trying to stop her, she punches him in the balls and he flies back to TVA. The End.

I guess Loki trying to be righteous character lacking severely.
Felt like that, great critique. I would add that Loki's character in the 1st season being reduced to a tool, always catching up to what's going, while pretty much carrying Sylvie's plan to murder final boss... and when he's finally trying to stop her, she punches him in the balls and he flies back to TVA. The End.

I guess Loki trying to be righteous character lacking severely.
Seems like the writers have been successful in misleading you really well.
I get that Loki is bit on a redemption way since Ragnarok, but I just prefer when he's more of a weasel.

The problem is if Loki did stay as the same character and never evolve, the show would get very one dimensional and repetitive. I do get you though, it's hard when you don't like the change, I never liked prof hulk. Wish he'd just stay smashy haha
The problem is if Loki did stay as the same character and never evolve, the show would get very one dimensional and repetitive. I do get you though, it's hard when you don't like the change, I never liked prof hulk. Wish he'd just stay smashy haha
At least it was funny... nah, come to think of it, prof Hulk was kinda pathetic. I did like the 1st season of Loki btw, but it deserves some criticism.

The ending episode looked almost like a Devs rip off, with villain knowing the outcome and wanting the particular version of reality to play out.
Sounds like Dr. Strange
Yup and It's all connected, this time I had bigger expectations, perhaps I shouldn't and just watch it like any other Marvel's quick production and forget about it.

2nd season is definitely on my watch list.
Personally I was fine with his character changing, I just didn't think they paid it off well.

For example there are two scenes in the finale where Loki is offered the chance to rule, once by the talking clock and again by the big bad. Those should be crucial moments in his season-long character arc, as Loki has to decide if he wants the power on offer or if he's really changed. But in one case it is breezed past with no real hesitation on Loki's part and in the other case the issue that arises isn't an internal character-based one ("have I changed?") but rather an external plot-based one ("will killing this guy unleash multi-dimensional warfare as he says?"). At that point we know Loki has changed because he tells us so but it doesn't feel particularly connected to what's happening in the plot.
When Jonathan Majors appeared I was a bit underwhelmed. A bit goofy and just time jumping out of the way of attacks seemed a pretty poor "Big bad" compared to Thanos. So its good to know he's just a variant and that the proper Kang is still to be revealed.
My thoughts exactly. That particular take on that character was annoying as hell.
I think the thing about Kang is there can literally be an infinite variants of him now. So basically each time he appears he could be a different character. The multiverse genie is a difficult one to manage and it seems to me they've opened pandora's box here. It's incredibly ambitious, actually way more ambitious than my cynical brain could ever imagine Disney going on a TV show. I just hope for Marvel's sake Feige can manage it well and it doesn't blow up in his face. I think the new What if? series is gonna only exacerbate that. The comics have a tendency to just go wild with these concepts and then end up becoming very unaccessible until some major event has to unite everything again.

PS: This is sort of what ended up happening to the CW Arrowverse and it became incredibly stupid and a parody of itself.
I think the thing about Kang is there can literally be an infinite variants of him now. So basically each time he appears he could be a different character. The multiverse genie is a difficult one to manage and it seems to me they've opened pandora's box here. It's incredibly ambitious, actually way more ambitious than my cynical brain could ever imagine Disney going on a TV show. I just hope for Marvel's sake Feige can manage it well and it doesn't blow up in his face. I think the new What if? series is gonna only exacerbate that. The comics have a tendency to just go wild with these concepts and then end up becoming very unaccessible until some major event has to unite everything again.

PS: This is sort of what ended up happening to the CW Arrowverse and it became incredibly stupid and a parody of itself.

Not just the upcoming multiverse fallout, but I’m really excited about where they go with the Secret Invasion series & the new movies introducing characters we’ve not yet seen in MCU. It’s going to be tricky keeping up with them all, but I trust Feige/Marvel to deliver something that’s enjoyable for both casual fans & comic book readers, without losing the quality we’ve come to expect from MCU.
I think the thing about Kang is there can literally be an infinite variants of him now. So basically each time he appears he could be a different character. The multiverse genie is a difficult one to manage and it seems to me they've opened pandora's box here. It's incredibly ambitious, actually way more ambitious than my cynical brain could ever imagine Disney going on a TV show. I just hope for Marvel's sake Feige can manage it well and it doesn't blow up in his face. I think the new What if? series is gonna only exacerbate that. The comics have a tendency to just go wild with these concepts and then end up becoming very unaccessible until some major event has to unite everything again.

PS: This is sort of what ended up happening to the CW Arrowverse and it became incredibly stupid and a parody of itself.
Nah, don't think Marvel wants to go full Star Trek Discovery about science and will keep it fairly reasonable... I really do hope.

I remember the actual X-Men comic book in late 90s went that route, when you had to read essay of dialogues on absolute techno garbage before even going through couple of pages. Stopped reading this shite and turned to Judge Dredd - still to this day my all time favourite.
Loved the ending myself, thought giggling mad Kang was great, definitely looking forward to seeing that same vibe turned up to 10 in the future. But I haven't watched Dr. Who so I wasn't annoyed by having seen a story like this before.

Of course things could always be better, but this stuff is fluff, I don't have high expectations.
When Jonathan Majors appeared I was a bit underwhelmed. A bit goofy and just time jumping out of the way of attacks seemed a pretty poor "Big bad" compared to Thanos. So its good to know he's just a variant and that the proper Kang is still to be revealed.

Did you even watch it? :lol:

The whole point of it is that he wasn't the big bad. The version that comes after he dies is the big bad. The version who now has a giant statue of himself in the old TVA. I have no doubt the version of him we see as Kang will be very different. The manic guy we just saw wasn't the big bad that we're expecting.
Did you even watch it? :lol:

The whole point of it is that he wasn't the big bad. The version that comes after he dies is the big bad. The version who now has a giant statue of himself in the old TVA. I have no doubt the version of him we see as Kang will be very different. The manic guy we just saw wasn't the big bad that we're expecting.
Did you even read my post?
Really the issue I have with this episode is that no force on earth is going to make me waste time on another Ant-Man film. So time spent setting that up is time wasted.

I get that this reveal is interesting for the people who are still excited to watch Ant-Man 3, Spider-Man 3, Dr Strange 2, etc etc until the death of the universe finally ends this money-generating machine. And I know the nature of Marvel content is to constantly set the next thing up. But it's a shame when doing so involves compromising the stories they're actually telling for the sake of building other stories.

This was a particularly bad example of it. Having the final reveal of what has been a fun and interesting series in its own right be "Oh look, it turned out to be a character that has nothing to do with the other characters, isn't representative of anything the story up to now has been about and won't actually do anything interesting here but acts as a set-up for a character taken from comics most people haven't read who also won't do anything interesting here but might do something interesting in later films you may or may not watch. Now let's spend the rest of the episode focused on him." is deeply unsatisfying and only works as a set-up for other stuff.

It felt like the story that was being told up to now got sidelined in its own finale, as our main characters quite literally stopped, sat down and had the set-up for the next few years of Marvel films explained to them by a hammy, scenery-and-apple chewing bad guy straight from Dr Who school of excitable antagonists.

I have absolutely no idea how this ending has anything to do with Ant Man. And I’ve fecking watched Ant Man!

I quite liked this show. Tom Hiddlestone is fantastic and it looked great. The ending was weird though. Do we really have to wait two years to find out what happened next?
Why is everyone talking about someone called Kang? Who the feck is Kang?
The guy at the end. He’s playing a comic book character named Kang. They didn’t name him yet, but anyone who’s familiar with the comics knows that’s who it is. It’s like Thanos at the end of avengers, they didn’t name him but we knew who it was.
I have absolutely no idea how this ending has anything to do with Ant Man. And I’ve fecking watched Ant Man!

I quite liked this show. Tom Hiddlestone is fantastic and it looked great. The ending was weird though. Do we really have to wait two years to find out what happened next?
Kang is supposed to be the big bad in the next Ant-man movie. We don’t know how yet, but from the name I’d imagine there’s be some time travel shenanigans involved.

Also the next Dr. Strange movie that’s already been filmed is expected to have Loki and deal with the consequences if this finale, so probably less than 2 years.
The guy at the end. He’s playing a comic book character named Kang. They didn’t name him yet, but anyone who’s familiar with the comics knows that’s who it is. It’s like Thanos at the end of avengers, they didn’t name him but we knew who it was.
Kang is supposed to be the big bad in the next Ant-man movie. We don’t know how yet, but from the name I’d imagine there’s be some time travel shenanigans involved.

Also the next Dr. Strange movie that’s already been filmed is expected to have Loki and deal with the consequences if this finale, so probably less than 2 years.

Ah. Ok. Thanks. Gets on my tits when shows like this don’t make sense as a standalone piece of work. So lazy to expect viewers to read/watch other stuff to make sense of it.

To be fair, this did make sense. Sort of. Just weird to see the main antagonist apparently have a name that was never mentioned in the show. Why didn’t he just introduce himself by his name?!
Ah. Ok. Thanks. Gets on my tits when shows like this don’t make sense as a standalone piece of work. So lazy to expect viewers to read/watch other stuff to make sense of it.

To be fair, this did make sense. Sort of. Just weird to see the main antagonist apparently have a name that was never mentioned in the show. Why didn’t he just introduce himself by his name?!
I think the show did work as a standalone, but it also laid the groundwork for future possibilities. I think they purposefully didn’t name him because this character wasn’t really Kang it was a variant of him and when Kang does show up he’s going to be a much different character.
Also Feige said he wants the movies to stand without having watched the shows, so if he was named here it would be confusing when he shows up in Ant-man and half the audience already knows his name.
Here’s another question.

After spending an eternity trying to keep all his evil variants at bay, why did yer man suddenly give up and commit suicide by cop? What was his motivation for deliberately allowing a life’s work go up in flames? Why did he seem pleased about it? That made no sense to me.
Here’s another question.

After spending an eternity trying to keep all his evil variants at bay, why did yer man suddenly give up and commit suicide by cop? What was his motivation for deliberately allowing a life’s work go up in flames? Why did he seem pleased about it? That made no sense to me.

Yah I’m not sure about that one. He claimed he was just old and tired, and he didn’t seem to care either way what they chose. He claimed he was looking for someone else to take over (the lokis).

My interpretation was that he thought his TVA had gotten too corrupted anyways. So the lokis take his place and change how it’s run for the better or they kill him and another Kang takes his place.

Also there was something about him not having control anymore and not knowing what was gonna happen after a point. I’m not sure why that happened or if he allowed it to happen.
Here’s another question.

After spending an eternity trying to keep all his evil variants at bay, why did yer man suddenly give up and commit suicide by cop? What was his motivation for deliberately allowing a life’s work go up in flames? Why did he seem pleased about it? That made no sense to me.

He suggested he was tired of it all & was genuinely intrigued by the choice they would make as he didn’t know the outcome. I think he’s planned something else, he sent some documents to Ravonna before death & she’s gone off somewhere which I’m guessing is to do with helping this Kang reestablish control.
Ah. Ok. Thanks. Gets on my tits when shows like this don’t make sense as a standalone piece of work. So lazy to expect viewers to read/watch other stuff to make sense of it.

To be fair, this did make sense. Sort of. Just weird to see the main antagonist apparently have a name that was never mentioned in the show. Why didn’t he just introduce himself by his name?!
Yeah I totally get the frustration and the confusion of him not saying flat out hey I am "Immortus" which he seemed to be (Variant of Kang). He did specifically mention a couple of the other known variants "the Conqueror" etc. which is the most recognizable one you typically associate with Kang from the comics and who probably is in Ant Man Quantumania.

In this case they kind of kept it a little vague for Loki the show itself. I give it a little break because a lot of shows have cliffhangers that leave things for the next season. It is hard to judge this as a 6 episode series alone knowing they are clearly going to continue some of these threads next season. If they do a good job in season 2 maybe the series as a whole will feel more complete on its own. But, I imagine it will be difficult since its clearly the jump off for multiverse stuff now, Dr.Strange and Spiderman, probably the basis for getting in X-men and Fantastic 4 also
Really enjoyed that and it was done so well. They did a nice reveal, without naming the person, but made you think it was him.
But then obviously with the whole variant deal, showed this guy was a version of who everybody suspected.
And in a way it was done, so that I reckon if you just stick with the movies, you can be fine by not watching this (as the actual bad guy wasnt introduced here but a version of him thats different (basically a good guy) and a statue to hint at him)

I didnt know there was a s2 coming until the ending so that was a nice surprise.

Ah. Ok. Thanks. Gets on my tits when shows like this don’t make sense as a standalone piece of work. So lazy to expect viewers to read/watch other stuff to make sense of it.

To be fair, this did make sense. Sort of. Just weird to see the main antagonist apparently have a name that was never mentioned in the show. Why didn’t he just introduce himself by his name?!

TBF as mentioned before, its like when Thanos was introduced at the end of Avengers in a post credit, and if im right his name wasnt mentioned until the Guardians movie?
Or its like how Scarlett Witch wasnt actually called that, until her own TV show (it was Wanda up until that point even though everybody everywhere outside the MCU referenced her to that)

I think watching s2 of this will clear it up rather than having to read other stuff.

I think the show did work as a standalone, but it also laid the groundwork for future possibilities. I think they purposefully didn’t name him because this character wasn’t really Kang it was a variant of him and when Kang does show up he’s going to be a much different character.
Also Feige said he wants the movies to stand without having watched the shows, so if he was named here it would be confusing when he shows up in Ant-man and half the audience already knows his name.

I agree with this and I think it works.
Yeah I totally get the frustration and the confusion of him not saying flat out hey I am "Immortus" which he seemed to be (Variant of Kang). He did specifically mention a couple of the other known variants "the Conqueror" etc. which is the most recognizable one you typically associate with Kang from the comics and who probably is in Ant Man Quantumania.

In this case they kind of kept it a little vague for Loki the show itself. I give it a little break because a lot of shows have cliffhangers that leave things for the next season. It is hard to judge this as a 6 episode series alone knowing they are clearly going to continue some of these threads next season. If they do a good job in season 2 maybe the series as a whole will feel more complete on its own. But, I imagine it will be difficult since its clearly the jump off for multiverse stuff now, Dr.Strange and Spiderman, probably the basis for getting in X-men and Fantastic 4 also
Multiverse and the crossing over from one universe to another has to be the way they introduce Xmen and F4 right? Cos it would be weird seeing adult version of them, with their powers and wondering what they were doing during the whole Thanos stuff.
To be fair, this did make sense. Sort of. Just weird to see the main antagonist apparently have a name that was never mentioned in the show. Why didn’t he just introduce himself by his name?!

It's a nod to the comic nerds like me. Apart from it being leaked, all the time shenannigans, the colour of his clothes and also that he referred to himself as "the conqueror" (he's "Kang the conqueror" in the comics) aren't so much Easter eggs as they straight up tell us it's Kang.

A TV viewer doesn't need to know he is called Kang, if anything it would be confusing. He'll get a proper introduction in the next Ant Man film.

It's like Thanos getting introduced at the end of Avengers, did they even say his name? I can't remember.
Multiverse and the crossing over from one universe to another has to be the way they introduce Xmen and F4 right? Cos it would be weird seeing adult version of them, with their powers and wondering what they were doing during the whole Thanos stuff.
Wtf were the Eternals doing when Thanos was happily eradicating half the universe!
It's like Thanos getting introduced at the end of Avengers, did they even say his name? I can't remember.
No he just said 'I'll do it myself'. I was like Pogue during then. I don't have much clue about Marvel comics. Know a lot more about DC but still not close to the usual nerds. So I was like who the feck is that scrotum chin dude.

Similarly I've only heard about Kang in the breakdown videos.
Kang has probably the most confusing history/future of any Marvel character. I wouldn't go down that Youtube rabbit hole!

Whenever time travel is involved, all sense goes out the window.
Yeah I'm not too fussed about it being scientifically logical or anything. Didn't care much about that in end game either. So far it's been alright so we'll just go with the flow.

Good to know Sir Hiddleston is in Dr Strange. He's easily the best actor in the franchise along with Cumberbatch. So hopefully that'll be good.
Yeah I'm not too fussed about it being scientifically logical or anything. Didn't care much about that in end game either. So far it's been alright so we'll just go with the flow.

Good to know Sir Hiddleston is in Dr Strange. He's easily the best actor in the franchise along with Cumberbatch. So hopefully that'll be good.

Is he? That could be fun, but it feels like they are really cramming characters into the upcoming films aside from debut movies.
Multiverse and the crossing over from one universe to another has to be the way they introduce Xmen and F4 right? Cos it would be weird seeing adult version of them, with their powers and wondering what they were doing during the whole Thanos stuff.

F4 I think they’ll reboot completely & do an origin story, but it would also work if they introduce them via the multiverse. X-Men/mutants I’m expecting to be linked to the multiverse events, I don’t think they can explain them being around this whole time & not interacting with the others in MCU. I cannot wait for Spider-Man!

Regarding the multiverse story… I think they’ll have the multiverse for Phase 4 & at the end of Phase 4 they’ll return to a “Sacred Timeline” with Kang the Conqueror defeated & TVA reestablished. I don’t think they’ll continue with an open multiverse/endless variants beyond Phase 4.
Wtf were the Eternals doing when Thanos was happily eradicating half the universe!
Im pretty sure they will explain in their movie.
They must right?

F4 I think they’ll reboot completely & do an origin story, but it would also work if they introduce them via the multiverse. X-Men/mutants I’m expecting to be linked to the multiverse events, I don’t think they can explain them being around this whole time & not interacting with the others in MCU. I cannot wait for Spider-Man!

Regarding the multiverse story… I think they’ll have the multiverse for Phase 4 & at the end of Phase 4 they’ll return to a “Sacred Timeline” with Kang the Conqueror defeated & TVA reestablished. I don’t think they’ll continue with an open multiverse/endless variants beyond Phase 4.

Youre right, a reboot could work for F4 as it just requires them to go into space and some shit to happen as adults.
F4 I think they’ll reboot completely & do an origin story, but it would also work if they introduce them via the multiverse. X-Men/mutants I’m expecting to be linked to the multiverse events, I don’t think they can explain them being around this whole time & not interacting with the others in MCU. I cannot wait for Spider-Man!

Regarding the multiverse story… I think they’ll have the multiverse for Phase 4 & at the end of Phase 4 they’ll return to a “Sacred Timeline” with Kang the Conqueror defeated & TVA reestablished. I don’t think they’ll continue with an open multiverse/endless variants beyond Phase 4.
F4 should be easy I don't even need an origin story again move the whole family and Doom over here and show a little 5 minute montage getting their powers and move on in their movie. X-men will be more complicated. You either move a few over here from multiverse stuff or somehow mutations need to start happening here worldwide currently. But, you need a lot of adults already for the various teams and I wouldn't use any Foxmen stuff do complete reboots.