Manchester City - "Emptihad"

Just read through some of the Chelsea fans posters arguing with the City fans posters. It’s like the pot calling the kettle!

If either club tried to sell for their supposed ‘valuation’, they would be laughed out of the auction mart!

I can imagine it going something like this:

Auctioneer ‘So let’s start the bidding at 1 billion’....silence ‘Anyone?’
Tumbleweed rolls through the auction house.
Auctioneer ‘Okay, let's try a little lower. 100 million. Anyone? Hello?’
Guy at back raises his hand.
Auctioneer ‘Ah, the fat guy at the back, wearing a Newcastle shirt’...
Just read through some of the Chelsea fans posters arguing with the City fans posters. It’s like the pot calling the kettle!

If either club tried to sell for their supposed ‘valuation’, they would be laughed out of the auction mart!

I can imagine it going something like this:

Auctioneer ‘So let’s start the bidding at 1 billion’....silence ‘Anyone?’
Tumbleweed rolls through the auction house.
Auctioneer ‘Okay, let's try a little lower. 100 million. Anyone? Hello?’
Guy at back raises his hand.
Auctioneer ‘Ah, the fat guy at the back, wearing a Newcastle shirt’...

More like:

"Our club's not as plastic as your club!"

"No, our club's not as plastic as your club!"

"No, our club's not as plastic as your club!"

"No, our club's not as plastic as your club!"

"Well, our owners got eleventy billion pounds!"

"Well, our owners got eleventy trillionty pounds!"

This has to be one of the most tedious threads on the Cafe at the moment.

I'd rather read the Jose in/out/shake it all about thread.

Note: I don't read either thread, for the avoidance of doubt.
Facts don't lie. Soriano is the financial director of the City group and he has been responsible for most of the financial growth. Global partners that he has been responsible for bringing on board include Nike, Nexen Tire, Nissan, Esitalat & Aabar, amongst many others, totalling about 100++ sponsorship partners, many of which are from the Middle East. Facts are facts buddy.
Funny thing is, the majority of sponsorships are from companies with direct links to the sheikh that owns you. Just another way for him to subsidise your under supported club to be fair.
Just read through some of the Chelsea fans posters arguing with the City fans posters. It’s like the pot calling the kettle!

If either club tried to sell for their supposed ‘valuation’, they would be laughed out of the auction mart!

I can imagine it going something like this:

Auctioneer ‘So let’s start the bidding at 1 billion’....silence ‘Anyone?’
Tumbleweed rolls through the auction house.
Auctioneer ‘Okay, let's try a little lower. 100 million. Anyone? Hello?’
Guy at back raises his hand.
Auctioneer ‘Ah, the fat guy at the back, wearing a Newcastle shirt’...

City's success is similar to Chelsea's due to sugar daddy factor but that wasn't what the argument was about, if you actually paid attention.

Abramovich wouldn't have a problem finding a buyer willing to pay top price if he decides to sell the club because the brand is well known across the globe and is backed by the success on the pitch. And, most importantly, the business model is workling and the sponsors are legit. Being located in London isn't too bad, either.

City numbers would drop massively simply because their value is significantly propped up by Abu Dhabi based 'sponsors' and the City Football Group, sole existence of which is to make the club look like a profitable business, which it clearly isn't. If the sheik leaves (I don't think he will), the whole network supporting the club will have to leave with him and I don't think that's realistic, so the whole argument of how much that club's really worth is purely academic.
When did journalists become illiterate buffoons? Standards have really dropped. The written word is slowly dying.
The relative low stadium attendence obviously don't hurt MCFC as the club has risen to very high revenue and sportive succes under its current owners regardless of that matter. Compared to football in the past stadium attendance is argably becomeing a relative smaller part of the revenue with television money and merchandising getting larger shares. In terms of fans i persume they have a relativly big international fanbase that however finds few opportunity to visit the stadium just as United has. The nature of the fanbase in relation to revenue deffinatly seems to change for the top clubs of the world as they are more and more watched by people all across the globe.
The relative low stadium attendence obviously don't hurt MCFC as the club has risen to very high revenue and sportive succes under its current owners regardless of that matter. Compared to football in the past stadium attendance is argably becomeing a relative smaller part of the revenue with television money and merchandising getting larger shares. In terms of fans i persume they have a relativly big international fanbase that however finds few opportunity to visit the stadium just as United has. The nature of the fanbase in relation to revenue deffinatly seems to change for the top clubs of the world as they are more and more watched by people all across the globe.

Yep their marketing department really should be commended for attracting all those sponsorships from companies in Abu Dhabi.
The relative low stadium attendence obviously don't hurt MCFC as the club has risen to very high revenue and sportive succes under its current owners regardless of that matter. Compared to football in the past stadium attendance is argably becomeing a relative smaller part of the revenue with television money and merchandising getting larger shares. In terms of fans i persume they have a relativly big international fanbase that however finds few opportunity to visit the stadium just as United has. The nature of the fanbase in relation to revenue deffinatly seems to change for the top clubs of the world as they are more and more watched by people all across the globe.

Stadium attendances are a direct link to revenues. In a way your point stands. City could play all home games behind closed doors & still record huge revenues. This though is due to Mansour & his cronies putting money directly & indirectly into the club. In the real world though this wouldn't happen.

The way Utd increased their revenues is the only legitimate & logical way it can be done. We built a title winning team & started winning & retaining the league. On the back of this we gained bigger sponsors & increased stadium capacity. At this time we needed a 90 - 100k capacity stadium to meet demand. There were various construction issues making this untenable. We then started making an impact in Europe which culminated in our world famous treble. This will have hugely impacted our global fan base.

City are growing year on year without doing any of these things. They have failed to retain the league despite being the highest spenders of the last decade. They have made little impact in Europe. Their global fan base will have grown due to the popularity of the PL. They still have a smaller fan base than the other top 6 clubs & also some of the clubs outside the top 6. There is no waiting list for season tickets. Tickets for most games are available on general sale. The council gave planning permission for stadium expansion many years ago which is fairly cheap & straightforward to do. Mansour is still to sign off on it.

When you do the sums you can see the numbers don't add up.
This though is due to Mansour & his cronies putting money directly & indirectly into the club. In the real world though this wouldn't happen.

The way Utd increased their revenues is the only legitimate & logical way it can be done.


When you do the sums you can see the numbers don't add up.

Afcourse United knows best. Well United at the very least has the highest income and the largest fanbase in the PL.

But, ive checked for a breakdown of revenue to compare it with other teams. ill take the article below as my source, feel free to provide a better source if you feel it nessecary.

Match income:
United: 112m
City: 52m
Liverpool: 74m
Chelsea: 66m
Tottenham: 45m

United: 194m
City: 204m
Arsenal: 154m
Chelsea: 162m
Tottenham: 150m

commercial income:
United: 276m
City: 218m
Arsenal: 136m
Chelsea: 140m
Tottenham: 73m

financial cost:
United: 25m
City: 2m
Arsenal: 7m
chelsea: none

net debt:
United 213m
City: 48m
Arsenal: Unknowm, more than 200m
Chelsea: more than 1billion but only to Abramovich so relative

Conclusion: Very notable City has one of the lowest revenue's at the gate however has the highest revenue from tv money to the point that it mitigates the difference with all other teams in gate revenue other than United. If you count match income + tv money then City comes at second place after United but well before the rest. I think this is very notable because i don't expect that Mansours injections are to be counted among these 2 sources of income. I presume you would list the injections of Mansour under commercial income and sure enough City has high commercial income compared to all other teams safe from United.

So tell me, how much exactly is Mansour dropping into city in ways that "would not happen in the real world"? I presume that you can give me a number and where it fits in te breakdown of revenue since you seemed rather convinced of youre point. I must say though that when it's to be listed under Commerial income that i wouldn't expect it to have such a large inpact since a large part of that source is likely comming from merchandising and some normal sponsering. But hey feel free to prove me wrong.

City's income seems very healthy tough and while i know they get "gratious sponsering contracts" i feel that the amount of growth that city has been able to achieve (much due to large financial injections in the past by Mansour) has brought the club to the point where it can easily sustain itself at present. Note that even match income while relative low is not so much lower than that of other top 5 teams safe from United and it's also higher than that of Tottenham, i presume that this number is still going to rise somewhat if the sportve succes continue's. But all this is still to be compared to wages too, city's wage budget is has risen quite a bit though granted it seems well under control still.
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Afcourse United knows best. Well United at the very least has the highest income and the largest fanbase in the PL.

commercial income:
United: 276m
City: 218m
Arsenal: 136m
Chelsea: 140m
Tottenham: 73m

So tell me, how much exactly is Mansour dropping into city in ways that "would not happen in the real world"? ...

City's income seems very healthy tough and while i know they get "gratious sponsering contracts" i feel that the amount of growth that city has been able to achieve (much due to large financial injections in the past by Mansour) has brought the club to the point where it can easily sustain itself at present. Note that even match income while relative low is not so much lower than that of other top 5 teams safe from United and it's also higher than that of Tottenham, i presume that this number is still going to rise somewhat if the sportve succes continue's. But all this is still to be compared to wages too, city's wage budget is has risen quite a bit though granted it seems well under control still.

That is exactly the answer. The gracious sponsoring contracts that are miraculously signed with certain entities from Abu Dabi. In the real world that is a difference of at least 100M
That is exactly the answer. The gracious sponsoring contracts that are miraculously signed with certain entities from Abu Dabi. In the real world that is a difference of at least 100M

So do you know the actual number that city gets in sponsering trough Abu Dabi? We could compare it to what a top team could expect in terms of sponsering income in the more broken down comparison of commercial income.
Imagine the sponsering United will get from the Saudis. Their commercial income will be through the roof.
So do you know the actual number that city gets in sponsering trough Abu Dabi? We could compare it to what a top team could expect in terms of sponsering income in the more broken down comparison of commercial income.

If City shows the actual breakdown of how their income is generated, then there'll be something to talk about. They won't though, for obvious reasons.
If City shows the actual breakdown of how their income is generated, then there'll be something to talk about. They won't though, for obvious reasons.

The obvious reasons being that City's accounts are audited by an independent global auditor using European accounting standards and then those accounts are examined by Uefa, both organisations being satisfied that no sponsorship was by a related party and that sponsorship levels were at a reasonable level?
The obvious reasons being that City's accounts are audited by an independent global auditor using European accounting standards and then those accounts are examined by Uefa, both organisations being satisfied that no sponsorship was by a related party and that sponsorship levels were at a reasonable level?
The level of delusion is high. The majority of City total sponsorship revenue since the takeover is from companies associated with, or owned by the same ruling family that own the club.
The level of delusion is high. The majority of City total sponsorship revenue since the takeover is from companies associated with, or owned by the same ruling family that own the club.

Then tell us how much. Surely if youre so sure you can break it down for us right? It's not like you make that comment withought even knowing how much it is afcourse, afterall how coud you be so sure of this if yu wouldn't know the numbers exactly right?
The level of delusion is high. The majority of City total sponsorship revenue since the takeover is from companies associated with, or owned by the same ruling family that own the club.

Fine. The floor is all yours. Go ahead and enlighten me on the factual inaccuracies in my post.
Anyone read this nonsense?

What a pile of steaming shite that is! I don't think I've ever tuned into a match at Old Trafford or Anfield and seen the empty seats that this guy insists both grounds have during matches! I certainly don't remember hearing either Liverpool or Utd having to advertise tickets on the radio just to shift a few more. City are a small club that won the lottery. Good luck to them but don't expect everyone else to think that you're now a big club juat because you can spend more
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What a pile of steaming shite that is! I don't think I've ever tuned into a match at Old Trafford or Anfield and seen the empty seats that this guy insists both grounds have during matches! I certainly don't remember hearing either Liverpool or Utd having to advertise tickets on the radio just to shift a few more. City are a small club that won the lottery. Good luck to them but don't expect everyone else to think that you're now a big club juat because you can spend more

'Tuned in'. I've never used this phrase before but now seems
Imagine the sponsering United will get from the Saudis. Their commercial income will be through the roof.

No one could call them out on in either. There is no proof we aren't worth a 200m a year deal considering we lead the way in sponsorships every time we renew :lol:
City's commercial revenue is as much as Arsenal's and Liverpool's combined and few lap it up saying it's actual growth :lol:

Well, that's because they have geniuses working in their marketing department, no other reason.

Is't it. It's all well and good, at least use your head and see what's going on. There was some guy who was praising their management isn't it, how well they have promoted their brand and increased the revenue :lol:

This is the club that showed around 25 million saying they sold some asset to one of their companies.
City's commercial revenue is as much as Arsenal's and Liverpool's combined and few lap it up saying it's actual growth :lol:

City's 8 biggest commercial partners :
a. Etisalat - City's official telecommunication partner
b. Etisalad - City's official salad partner
c. Etisco - City's official groceries and general merchandise partner
d. Etinchips - City's official eatable chips
e. Eticopter - City's official helicopter partner
d. Etibald - City's official hair growth shampoo
e. Etibirthday - City's official birthday cakes
f. Etinewyear - City's official new year's party supplies and decoration
If you guys can't actually produce any numbers then it's all words in the wind. Those who make the claims have the burden of the proof, i see a lot of people making their claims in a overly confident appearing way but when asked for the relevant numbers all they do is try to call upon some misguided "sense of reason" that would need to be tottaly skewed to their prejudice for them to accept it.

Surely you guys can do better than this weaksauce? Trying to intimidate us with silly attempts at humor and hubris aint going to do anything for what regards proving a point. The more so because City fans are very confident and happy with the financial and sportive performance of their club besides seeing a rosy future ahead. But perhaps we should consider that it's more a method of United fans to cope with their faill from the top and city's rise and then leave this thread for United fans that want to pull a screen before their eyes.
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Just read through some of the Chelsea fans posters arguing with the City fans posters. It’s like the pot calling the kettle!

If either club tried to sell for their supposed ‘valuation’, they would be laughed out of the auction mart!

I can imagine it going something like this:

Auctioneer ‘So let’s start the bidding at 1 billion’....silence ‘Anyone?’
Tumbleweed rolls through the auction house.
Auctioneer ‘Okay, let's try a little lower. 100 million. Anyone? Hello?’
Guy at back raises his hand.
Auctioneer ‘Ah, the fat guy at the back, wearing a Newcastle shirt’...
But Chelsea will go for a billion. I don't think you understand the concept of value.
If you guys can't actually produce any numbers then it's all words in the wind. Those who make the claims have the burden of the proof, i see a lot of people making their claims in a overly confident appearing way but when asked for the relevant numbers all they do is try to call upon some misguided "sense of reason" that would need to be tottaly skewed to their prejudice for them to accept it.

Surely you guys can do better than this weaksauce? Trying to intimidate us with silly attempts at humor and hubris aint going to do anything for what regards proving a point. The more so because City fans are very confident and happy with the financial and sportive performance of their club besides seeing a rosy future ahead. But perhaps we should consider that it's more a method of United fans to cope with their faill from the top and city's rise and then leave this thread for United fans that want to pull a screen before their eyes.
Said the guy who took it seriously :lol:
Said the guy who took it seriously :lol:

lol oh very very serious, my life depends on it! /s :rolleyes: :D

But you can't have youre cake and eat it. Either this is all just banter and recognised as such, or this is an attempt at making a serious point and then backtracking to mockery could be seen as weak too. You probably know just aswell that many would use the argument "it was just for laughs" as an escape route out of a discussion they started and are failing to win. And furthermore you don't speak for the whole United community, other posters have tried to support the topic's argument far more broadly and we must presume that atleast those people were taking it serious. :p

But perhaps we should just settle with the jeste of youre reply given that no reply's have come to further support the argument. AKA this thread is meaningless drivel only produced by United fans for the sake of having some object of fun rather than to be confronted by their own problems. Perhaps we should grant you that in these desperate times out of a feeling of symphaty and pitty. You know, show that city fans are better for granting you these scarce moments of joy.
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If you guys can't actually produce any numbers then it's all words in the wind. Those who make the claims have the burden of the proof, i see a lot of people making their claims in a overly confident appearing way but when asked for the relevant numbers all they do is try to call upon some misguided "sense of reason" that would need to be tottaly skewed to their prejudice for them to accept it.

Surely you guys can do better than this weaksauce? Trying to intimidate us with silly attempts at humor and hubris aint going to do anything for what regards proving a point. The more so because City fans are very confident and happy with the financial and sportive performance of their club besides seeing a rosy future ahead. But perhaps we should consider that it's more a method of United fans to cope with their faill from the top and city's rise and then leave this thread for United fans that want to pull a screen before their eyes.

Why do you have Belgium in the supports section rather than City. Is it a ruse on your part to be able to be a WUM with impunity on here. It's not very clever as you have disclosed you are a City supporter on another thread. I will indulge you though this time.

Many City fans on various threads have been asked to give a full breakdown of the clubs commercial/sponsorship income & they have failed to do so. On the information we have, a large chunk of this income is coming from Abu Dhabi. The money you have been receiving from legitimate sponsors is declared & is relatively small change. This tells us that the undisclosed amounts coming from Abu Dhabi sponsors must be huge.

We have to look away from the figures though & think logically. What City have done is impossible. It's like going to watch a magic show & seeing the woman being sawed in half. When most astute people are looking for the dodgy levers on the box or if the saw has a wonky blade, a minority are wondering why there isn't blood & entrails all over the floor. There will always be gullible people. Many City fans are now falling into this category.

The CFG venture by City is a ruse to hide the true financials of MCFC. Losses are being dumped onto other clubs in the group. Wages are being paid from holding companies.

It seems you know very little about what is going on at your club. It maybe an idea to know your facts before you come onto a Utd forum with hubris & pity. To come on a rival forum shouting the odds when you don't know what you are talking about is very ill-advised.
If you guys can't actually produce any numbers then it's all words in the wind. Those who make the claims have the burden of the proof, i see a lot of people making their claims in a overly confident appearing way but when asked for the relevant numbers all they do is try to call upon some misguided "sense of reason" that would need to be tottaly skewed to their prejudice for them to accept it.

Surely you guys can do better than this weaksauce? Trying to intimidate us with silly attempts at humor and hubris aint going to do anything for what regards proving a point. The more so because City fans are very confident and happy with the financial and sportive performance of their club besides seeing a rosy future ahead. But perhaps we should consider that it's more a method of United fans to cope with their faill from the top and city's rise and then leave this thread for United fans that want to pull a screen before their eyes.

It's like kids who can't understand whats in front of their eyes, they bury heads in the sand, stick their fingers in their ears and shout really loudly. Like McGregor shouting bout how fake Khabib was, eventually reality smacked him bang in the face.

I've learned to ignore it now (took the best part of 3 years), you'll have a better time here if you do too buddy. They'll never produce figures or facts or anything other than their opinion which they think is more legit, than Uefa and the Premier Leagues book keepers, more legit than financial experts all over the globe, because they can't accept reailty, some of them even have more posts about City than United... one in particular 95%.

Just ignore threads like these and talk with the more reasonable 99.9% of the forum. It'll save you about 3000 posts.

That said I've made some good acquaintances through arguments on here so maybe keep it up.
Today I pissed several city fans off on RedCafe, oh boy I enjoy this view a lot. :lol:

See the thread title and oh, why don't you explain to us mere mortals, who don't care about City about your revenue? Surely it's not my fecking obligation to dig information about your club? If I was wrong, then go on, enlighten me. No need to be so dramatic.

You talk about facts but where are YOUR facts?
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Why do you have Belgium in the supports section rather than City. Is it a ruse on your part to be able to be a WUM with impunity on here. It's not very clever as you have disclosed you are a City supporter on another thread. I will indulge you though this time.

A number of reasons, it's for one more relevant considering united has some Belgium players. From another perspective i have never made it a secret that i support city and i disclosed it multiple times from when i started posting here. And for the rest i guess i simply was to lazy to edit it.

Many City fans on various threads have been asked to give a full breakdown of the clubs commercial/sponsorship income & they have failed to do so. On the information we have, a large chunk of this income is coming from Abu Dhabi. The money you have been receiving from legitimate sponsors is declared & is relatively small change. This tells us that the undisclosed amounts coming from Abu Dhabi sponsors must be huge.

Again, provide the numbers pls. It's not up to us to provide them since the argument is made by United supporters that the money is mostly from "unrealistic sponsorship". I presume that if you make this argument that you know what the numbers are, otherwise you would be arguing from ignorance.

We have to look away from the figures though & think logically.

Well the "sense of reason" that United fans subscribe too is clearly not the same as the one city supporters subscribe too. Most of all though there is no convincing argument to make if one needs to make the other subscribe to his sense of "reason". Our sense of reason argues that you guys are simply wrong.

The CFG venture by City is a ruse to hide the true financials of MCFC. Losses are being dumped onto other clubs in the group. Wages are being paid from holding companies.

This is impossible to prove or even unsolid to argue. We would again need to subscribe to "sense of reason", and when it regards that i could argue that city's affiliates are siimply still in a unprofitable growth phase comared to a MCFC team that already has grown trough the years. You argue that City is dumping losses on other clubs but you have no guarantee whatsoever that this assumption would be true. None.

It seems you know very little about what is going on at your club. It maybe an idea to know your facts before you come onto a Utd forum with hubris & pity. To come on a rival forum shouting the odds when you don't know what you are talking about is very ill-advised.

Lol don't make me laugh about "knowing the facts". i do agree though that it's never wise to enter the lions den as to poke it especially when it's likking it's wounds and gennerally i try to be very concious about that but otoh this is a thread about MCFC and thats kinda something else for when it comes to respecting the private space of a rival team. Nevertheless i don't think i have disrespected this community beyond the type of banter that United fans would want to direct to city fans here. I respect United and even prefer it to do well as a Muncian team but i won't hold back from some reasonable banter if the space for it is provided. :p
In a way it's the United community that should be held responsable here for taunting city fans with this thread after which they are deserving of a reply.

I've learned to ignore it now (took the best part of 3 years), you'll have a better time here if you do too buddy. They'll never produce figures or facts or anything other than their opinion which they think is more legit, than Uefa and the Premier Leagues book keepers, more legit than financial experts all over the globe, because they can't accept reailty, some of them even have more posts about City than United... one in particular 95%.

Just ignore threads like these and talk with the more reasonable 99.9% of the forum. It'll save you about 3000 posts.

That said I've made some good acquaintances through arguments on here so maybe keep it up.

There is certaintly a point where it wouldn't be worth my time. Otoh it's a typical "united-city ravalry thread" and i think that most posters here will be able to keep the banter within the reasonable withought making it a troll match. Personally i like the crowd around here too even if this community will admit that it has some unhinched types among them theirselves. I just hope noone takes my own comments too harsh or that they would dislike me simply for giving some support to my team.
Why do you have Belgium in the supports section rather than City. Is it a ruse on your part to be able to be a WUM with impunity on here. It's not very clever as you have disclosed you are a City supporter on another thread. I will indulge you though this time.

Many City fans on various threads have been asked to give a full breakdown of the clubs commercial/sponsorship income & they have failed to do so. On the information we have, a large chunk of this income is coming from Abu Dhabi. The money you have been receiving from legitimate sponsors is declared & is relatively small change. This tells us that the undisclosed amounts coming from Abu Dhabi sponsors must be huge.

We have to look away from the figures though & think logically. What City have done is impossible. It's like going to watch a magic show & seeing the woman being sawed in half. When most astute people are looking for the dodgy levers on the box or if the saw has a wonky blade, a minority are wondering why there isn't blood & entrails all over the floor. There will always be gullible people. Many City fans are now falling into this category.

The CFG venture by City is a ruse to hide the true financials of MCFC. Losses are being dumped onto other clubs in the group. Wages are being paid from holding companies.

It seems you know very little about what is going on at your club. It maybe an idea to know your facts before you come onto a Utd forum with hubris & pity. To come on a rival forum shouting the odds when you don't know what you are talking about is very ill-advised.
Great post.

If you guys can't actually produce any numbers then it's all words in the wind. Those who make the claims have the burden of the proof, i see a lot of people making their claims in a overly confident appearing way but when asked for the relevant numbers all they do is try to call upon some misguided "sense of reason" that would need to be tottaly skewed to their prejudice for them to accept it.
The same thing applies to you.

But perhaps we should just settle with the jeste of youre reply given that no reply's have come to further support the argument. AKA this thread is meaningless drivel only produced by United fans for the sake of having some object of fun rather than to be confronted by their own problems. Perhaps we should grant you that in these desperate times out of a feeling of symphaty and pitty. You know, show that city fans are better for granting you these scarce moments of joy.
Oh yeah, my bad! I didn't notice someone made a thread about Emptihad. Surely He wanted to be confronted by his own problems? Again, if you know better then shed some light. Stop writing wall of texts, give me numbers and figures so I'll believe it's not all about Etisalat or any other Abu Dhabi based sponsorship. The thing is, you wrote these wall of texts to disprove nothing. But yeah one can always say "United are shit right now, We should pity them" even though it's not even related to this thread or to what I posted.