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2021-22 Performances

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4.2 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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I like Marcus and I think his school lunch campaign was fantastic. He does't deserve a new bumper contract though. Even if he impresses for 6 months he still shouldn't get one. Massive wages should only be paid to consistant performers who play well 90% of the time. I think it is best that Utd offload players like Marcus who just don't offer good value due to their patchy form. If they can't offload him then let him leave on a free. Utd's policy of extending contracts to keep assets on the books results in failure on the pitch.
Top redism. If you notice someone isn’t making a effort you’re abusing him. If you notice it a lot theyI’ll spend time scrolling through your profile and call you ‘obsessed’. If you’re lucky they might even set up an alert so every time you post two of them show up to take issue with you and agree with each other

Said it before, as someone who admits not getting to many games, the attitude of match day vs online fans is stark. Match day fans are much more willing to give you an honest assessment of a player vs the debate online where it’s someone’s propaganda that would make Putin blush, like they’re on commission.

We’ve gone from Ferguson deciding Beckham needed to go after not tracking back in a match against Arsenal to a player not giving a shit in the derby and leaking ‘Liverpool’s been on the phone’ days after we get kicked out of the CL but calling it out for what it is is beyond the pale
Agreed 100%. Did these top reds shout abuse when Fergie kicked that boots to Beck's face ? And this is Beckham who usually worked very hard on the pitch. Imagine Fergie seeing Rashford string of performances where he just strut the pitch and sulk ? He would have thrown the bench on his face. And Rashford still has a long way to reach Beckham's level of play. Beckham had won everything he could on the club level at that point of his career. Rashford has won jack shit
You do realize that 90% of transfer rumours in the media are bullshit made up by journalists to generate clicks and that not every rumour is a plant by some players PR team?
Then the best way to get some of the fans back onside is to use that PR team he has to full effect and post how laughable the Liverpool quote is and as a Manchester lad he would never ever think about going there. Or a simple. Liverpool? :lol: would suffice
Then the best way to get some of the fans back onside is to use that PR team he has to full effect and post how laughable the Liverpool quote is and as a Manchester lad he would never ever think about going there. Or a simple. Liverpool? :lol: would suffice

Yeah that would be a great idea because that definitely wouldn't result in tabloid journos running nonsense stories linking him to every club in Europe every week hoping Rashford publicly denies allowing them to then run a second story about his denial. Generating a tonne of clicks and traffic.
No. And if there is a problem with the supporters it's the exact opposite, that they're too willing to accept slaps in the face, no effort from players and the continual drops in standards.

He isn't being heckled because he's playing shit, he's being heckled because he's putting less than minimum effort on the pitch, he's showing complete disrespect to his team mates every time he gets on the pitch, let alone the fans paying money to watch him. And then on top of that the imbeciles in his PR team put out farcical stories about interest from other clubs, to try and bully United into offering him a new contract on improved terms that he hasn't earned the right to even think about.
Yeah 'top reds' want to blame other fans when it's them that have been at the forefront of enabling our slide into mediocrity. People aren't blaming Rashford for failing to match his 2020 figures but for failing to match his 2016-19 effort levels because we know that if he applied himself things would happen, e.g that Ronaldo chance where he broke through the right and Rashford just stopped running where if he had followed up play he would have had an easy tap in. A young Rashford would have steamed through on goal.
So much for having "one of our own" playing for the club.

I wasn't a big fan of Wayne Rooney after his 2010 contract nonsense but guy always put in the effort.

Rashford strolls around while City are killing us on the pitch and then has his PR team leaking stories trying to defend his piss poor performances.

Just shows you it's the individual mindset, not whether a player is an Academy product or was born in the city.
Top reds fans like you who accept perennial underperformance are one of the reasons why standards have fallen so much at this club.

When did I say I accept under performance? What I said is that our players don't need to be called every name in the book by our own supporters
Wouldn't agree with that, we really stand by our players and managers compared to many other top teams. Especially at OT where it matters.

Most do, yes. But I'm not talking about "most". I'm talking about the ones who don't. The vocal minority who are in his face calling him every name in the book
Ugh...I know I sound 'old man shouting at clouds' but I really, really struggle to like Lingard. He strikes me as a gigantic bellend.
Yeah I feel the same tbh. For right or wrong, I just find him impossible to like.

A recent Rooney interview where he mentions how after a bad loss he goes into training the next day and sees Pogba and Lingard dancing in the dressing room only cements that sentiment. Sick of these Instagram footballers tbh.
What is this ? The word disingenuous doesn’t even come close to describe it. “He is trying too hard” like in the city game where city players go past him and he stands there like a statue and doesn’t bother at all or do you need countless examples from every game he plays in ? If you want to defend the guy, defend him but atleast don’t make up stuff and blatantly lie.

I mean "try too hard" in that he's trying too hard not to screw up. Not that he's running 20km while everyone else is doing 10km
Yeah I feel the same tbh. For right or wrong, I just find him impossible to like.

A recent Rooney interview where he mentions how after a bad loss he goes into training the next day and sees Pogba and Lingard dancing in the dressing room only cements that sentiment. Sick of these Instagram footballers tbh.
Hadn't heard this but does not surprise me. Agree entirely re the insta footballer - putting in bang average performances or not playing but still plastering yourself all over insta stinks of a lack of self awareness for me.
Top reds fans like you who accept perennial underperformance are one of the reasons why standards have fallen so much at this club.
Yeah 'top reds' want to blame other fans when it's them that have been at the forefront of enabling our slide into mediocrity. People aren't blaming Rashford for failing to match his 2020 figures but for failing to match his 2016-19 effort levels because we know that if he applied himself things would happen, e.g that Ronaldo chance where he broke through the right and Rashford just stopped running where if he had followed up play he would have had an easy tap in. A young Rashford would have steamed through on goal.
Bore off with the childish 'top red' nonsense. Maybe some people just don't agree with your views on things, just get over it and don't drag the forums down with your playground insults.

Agreed 100%. Did these top reds shout abuse when Fergie kicked that boots to Beck's face ? And this is Beckham who usually worked very hard on the pitch. Imagine Fergie seeing Rashford string of performances where he just strut the pitch and sulk ? He would have thrown the bench on his face. And Rashford still has a long way to reach Beckham's level of play. Beckham had won everything he could on the club level at that point of his career. Rashford has won jack shit

So you're getting angry about how you think some fans would react in a made up scenario now? Whatever fills the day for you I guess but maybe keep it in your head rather than spout it on here in future.
Bore off with the childish 'top red' nonsense. Maybe some people just don't agree with your views on things, just get over it and don't drag the forums down with your playground insults.

If those rashford fans don’t agree with the critics’ view on things, they should get over it as well and stop resorting to their usual insults.

It goes both ways. I hope u give the same advice to those rashford defenders who give snide remarks to the critics.
Most do, yes. But I'm not talking about "most". I'm talking about the ones who don't. The vocal minority who are in his face calling him every name in the book

Who was “in his face calling him every name under the book”? There’s no evidence of that, certainly not in the video from last week.
I don't think I've ever seen a player fall off the wagon so badly. What is going on with him? I don't believe he's just in a patch of poor form.
Dele Alli? He's still only 25. Spurs' CL final season was 3 years ago. Bet no-one saw his sudden decline coming back then.

Rashford was never as good as his stats suggested. They were in spite of poor performances. He's never been a world class talent.

He's achieved nothing, but he's been given the status of a superstar. His development since has been minimal. Reality was always going to catch up eventually, but his added attitude problem has just compounded everything.
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Ours just may be a little more vocal. Just have a look around here. This place is toxic

I quite often browse City and Liverpool forums for some entertainment and I promise you they are no better even though they are enjoying great success at the moment. Before their recent success I would say that the Liverpool forum was even worse.
Seriously? Give your head a shake

”After that performance?” - think it’s you who needs to give your head a shake: ”toxic” this and that. How is that even close to abuse?
”After that performance?” - think it’s you who needs to give your head a shake: ”toxic” this and that. How is that even close to abuse?

Agree with you. Some people can't see anything if it's right up their nose. Or they are part of the cult.
Shake it again
Could you explain how you think the fans in the video abused Rashford and are toxic? Even the bellend comments where justified when someone calls you out and gives you the finger and even then the bellend comments weren't thrown at Rashford but between themselves. Those fans did absolutely nothing wrong other than wait with their kids to see their so called idols. More fool them.
Pretty much. Under Ole it was his slot regardless of form/fitness. Limited footballer with low IQ
Weird how 'low IQ' shows up in the critiques of Rashford. Just want to say I have quite a nice IQ, but that rating isn't judged on how I play soccer for Manchester United.
I think the narrative needs to change on here a bit. It might amaze some people this stat but Marcus Rashford has only started 3 PL games in 2022 yet seems to be portrayed as the poster boy for our failure by many. Funny that isn't it?

Just 3 starts in the league in 3 months and we are 6th guys. His omission from the team hasn't led to improved results. If anything we are just as bad with or without him which is why I'm not giving up on him after his first really poor season at the club.

I think a top manager could get him going again. If we can get him back to getting 30 goals and assists plus combined next season then it will be a huge bonus for us.
I think the narrative needs to change on here a bit. It might amaze some people this stat but Marcus Rashford has only started 3 PL games in 2022 yet seems to be portrayed as the poster boy for our failure by many. Funny that isn't it?

Just 3 starts in the league in 3 months and we are 6th guys. His omission from the team hasn't led to improved results. If anything we are just as bad with or without him which is why I'm not giving up on him after his first really poor season at the club.

I think a top manager could get him going again. If we can get him back to getting 30 goals and assists plus combined next season then it will be a huge bonus for us.

Players are getting slated all across this forum. Rashford isn't being singled out here.
Could you explain how you think the fans in the video abused Rashford and are toxic? Even the bellend comments where justified when someone calls you out and gives you the finger and even then the bellend comments weren't thrown at Rashford but between themselves. Those fans did absolutely nothing wrong other than wait with their kids to see their so called idols. More fool them.

I'm not just talking about the fans in the video. I'm talking about the fans in general. They are toxic. This entire place of full of toxicity. Do you really think that if a player is in poor form calling him every name in the book is going to help? Again, give you head a massive shake
I have seen Robbo being called out to his face during matches and he just got on with it.
Rashford is being called out and rightly so for not making an effort. Just like Martial. He is making it worse by acting like that in public and his PR team and their stories.
I'm not just talking about the fans in the video. I'm talking about the fans in general. They are toxic. This entire place of full of toxicity. Do you really think that if a player is in poor form calling him every name in the book is going to help? Again, give you head a massive shake
Once again for the thousandth time, it's not the poor form that's the problem. It's the obvious lack of commitment that's causing all the toxicity. Any player can have poor form. It's how they deal with it that's all important. A player strolling around the pitch with no interest in putting in a shift should rightly be called out. To repeat myself. I have never seen 2 performances as despicable in a United shirt that Rashford and Lingard put in against City. If you can't see how this would cause outrage amount the fans then it's you that needs to give your head a massive wobble. All those tweets being put out by his PR team are just the icing on the cake.
I have seen Robbo being called out to his face during matches and he just got on with it.
Rashford is being called out and rightly so for not making an effort. Just like Martial. He is making it worse by acting like that in public and his PR team and their stories.

over the years, I felt Rashford’s attitude got influenced by Martial. The indifferent body language is new to Marcus, Martial had it from day one. It is so annoying to watch. No passion
Man Utd 1:1 Leicester
That wasn't his worst cameo this season.
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